As a fellow PS2 player:I would highly recommend you try out the second continent.
Your complaints are exactly the same issues the long time vets put up; and SoE listened. Esmir consolidates the action a lot more. If you find yourself still a little aimless: press the F11 key to auto-join a squad
Dota is better
over 12 years ago
remember when league of legends was in steam?
over 12 years ago
PA should be blurry.
also TA can't move.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199366]@Devilsfuge[/url]: Dota/Dota2's meta varies from time to time(by version. 6.75/.76...etc.)
over 12 years ago
there are too many assassins in the game anyway, she should excommunicate (hope it is the right word ^^)
over 12 years ago
Needs more Nyx Assassin Nyxing.
over 12 years ago
And what the fuck does that mean?
Unlike most videogames, Dota 2 humor is more often than not fucking impenetrable if you happen to not play Dota 2. I never understood any of these strips. I love the strips on videogames I never played, but these just don't work for me.
over 12 years ago
I'm afraid I'm in the "Doesn't play DotA2 and thus doesn't get the joke" camp. I am thankful the joke has been explained in the comments, but I'm afraid when you explain a joke it looses its magic.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199366]@Devilsfuge[/url]: That is one opinion. Mine is the opposite that Dota heroes have a more rich background story and character and the graphics are better, because the models, particles and effects are more visible on the map. LoL uses more vivid colours and the background is distracting.
over 12 years ago
I consider both LoL and DotA equal. LoL looks better and you care more about the characters.DotA doesn't have a meta yet and has some interesting mechanics lol doesn't have
over 12 years ago
LoL is better for beginner players
over 12 years ago
Lol is better
Sherlock Pie
over 12 years ago
inb4 LoL is better
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199202]@Chase[/url]: This is based on scientific data, gathered from the IPs of people visiting this site cross-referenced with their Steam account data to see whether or not they have GW2 installed.
That or you're just bullshitting. My money's on the first one though!
over 12 years ago
as has been said before, click instant action on map
anyway, I've been playing Infiltrator, full solo, and it has been very fun
yes it is true that solo you can't really affect the world much, but if you follow the flow of territorial movements you can still have great fun and nonstop action
The Esquire
over 12 years ago
Thanks for adding the silhouettes into the chairs. It makes it a lot easier to understand :)
over 12 years ago
In planetside 2 you can either instant join a random group which usually has at least 1 person that knows what they're doing, or use the map to drop instantly to any of the pointy looking explosiony things that they use to symbolize conflict.
over 12 years ago
Suddenly, Pyro Team.
over 12 years ago
Planetside 2: Click 'M', click in a '!' in the map and use "kick action" button. ???. Profit.
My two pence
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199181]@Hourglass[/url][url=#user_comment_199224] @Zaranthan[/url]: Then I'll drop in and thank for a new DOTA2 comic, as I have little to none interest in the TF2 comics. Some made with the characters are fun, but if it's about the mechanics or the gameplay, I don't care. :)
over 12 years ago
Guys, there's nothing wrong with mentioning that you do or don't like a specific strip. Jo likes to hear what we want, because that helps him bring in more readers. NerfNow is too big for him to just doodle up whatever he wants and let the chips fall where they may.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199181]@Hourglass[/url]: Whaaaaaaaah pander to meeee.
Fuck off or act like a proper human being instead of a fucking baby.
over 12 years ago
then go.
no one is scared of your threat
over 12 years ago
A Dota 2 comic again? Man, at this rate I'm going to stop visiting Nerfnow daily. This is becoming annoying.
over 12 years ago
The player count is both the best and worst thing about Planetside games: it's awesome to be a part of something truly big, whether a big or small part, but if there's no one on the server, it feels very empty very quickly.
It's just a beta so far, so here's hoping people find it.
Did you see that gem on the table?
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
The joke is that Templar Assassin, Nyx Assassin and Stealth Assassin all have invisibility while Phantom Assassin doesn't.
over 12 years ago
had basically the same experience with Planetside 2...
over 12 years ago
I liked it better when they were 100% invisible, not white outline.
over 12 years ago
Love the DotA 2 comics. Keep 'em coming!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_198971]@Lockgar[/url]: Counterable by one item. And since invis heroes rely too much on their.. well.. invis, they die pretty fast when seen.
Well Phantom Assassin parital invisibility in Dota 1. As well as mini-map invisibility
over 12 years ago
Other heroes with access to invisibility:
Sand King
Phantom Lancer
Naix sorta have the ambush aspect too with Infest.
Also, Riki :3
over 12 years ago
I'll admit, I'm moderately surprised we have not seen Engie play World of Tanks, myself.
over 12 years ago
All the assassins in the game has invisibility but except or phantom assassin which has none.
over 12 years ago
I have no idea what is going on in this comic.
over 12 years ago
I only have partial context on these comics. I was not really able to get into DOTA2 much.
Make some GW2 comics, most of us would 'get' those.
over 12 years ago
Still not really getting why Dota 2 is a thing.
over 12 years ago
More Dota2 comics thnx
over 12 years ago
:D Adorable Nyx Assassin is adorable.
over 12 years ago
Drive a tank. Infantry is a mugs game in Planetside 2 unless you really know what your doing.
Want to learn the game? Drive a tank, or a fighter. Something like that.
over 12 years ago
Join squad, join outfit. You will found MUCH more fun, then playing solo.
Oh, and mic is necessary.
But if you well know game, solo is too fun.
Ps sorry for my english.
over 12 years ago
You'll be literally teleported to the area where the fight is. Don't forget to aim your drop-pod at those pesky tanks.
over 12 years ago
Jo, Planetside is a great game, but yes, you DO need to play with a group to enjoy it. Just press INSERT to be put into a squad.
If you're feeling like you are too far from the action, press M to bring your map and select a drop zone from the lower left menu (Hotspots filled with people figthing)
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Planetside 2 is significantly more fun with a group, even if it's just a random squad that is created spontaneously. Sadly, the game runs like molasses and doesn't have anything to show for it. Textures look like they can straight out of Turok 64.
over 12 years ago
A team of stealth characters? Damn that would be annoying.
over 12 years ago
PA's idea of assassination isn't that subtle after all
over 12 years ago
Because Bounty Hunter and Sith Assassin are different classes?
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