What people are saying about "Need More Snipers"
Need More Snipers
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over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Nothing wrong with the Quick-Fix.
over 12 years ago
I'll have you know I'm an MLG Medic that uses the Quick-Fix.
over 12 years ago
ur both losers
over 12 years ago
So Strawman Anon wins? Great!
over 12 years ago
And now you keep repeating that straw man pretending to be me. That's like, a whole new level of straw man.

Guess we're done here since that seems to be all you're capable of saying now.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_201746]@bodmans[/url]: Yes.
over 12 years ago
guys, can i join in on this /v/-tier circle jerk?
over 12 years ago
I'm a cutey patootey who thinks TF2 is Esports.
over 12 years ago
It's cute how you keep repeating that straw man.
over 12 years ago
ITT: Mentally Challenged commenter Stauffy pretends TF2 is Esports.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200548]@Anon[/url]: Oh, did I offend you? Sorry. I suppose I should use more politically correct terms for the mentally challenged?
over 12 years ago
BTW, I do believe the Crusader's Crossbow also does a shit-ton of damage to Merasmus.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200802]@Cap[/url]: None of them have Huntsmen so...
over 12 years ago
Little known fact: Snipers are the best way to kill Merasmus
over 12 years ago
ITT: People treating an unbalanced F2P shooter as Esports.
over 12 years ago
Except the shotgun is great for Heavy if you can fucking aim.
>le may may arrows
Absolutely disgusting.
Meme Arrow
over 12 years ago
>people treating TF2 like its e-sports

over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200363]@Stauffy[/url]: "mouth breathers" Please, never again taint this place with your presence.
over 12 years ago
@Mike Raven: DO YOU EVEN LIFT?
Mike Raven
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200352]@Medic[/url] Hmmm... Do you?
over 12 years ago
Quick FIx aint bad the problem is people are using it for a purpose not intended for it to be used.
over 12 years ago
Came to comments section expecting mouth breathers calling the quick fix good.

Was not disappoint.
over 12 years ago
Quick-Fix is great on KOTH maps. It's also decent on defense.

Do you people even PLAY Medic?
over 12 years ago
@A Gray Phantom: Maybe you should go outside more often?
Mike Raven
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200312]@Chaos[/url] Same here. :3
over 12 years ago
I win games with Quick Fixes.

Jus' sayin'.
A Gray Phantom
over 12 years ago
I've sometimes broken down and literally yelled at some morons that insist on using sticky jump nades.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199737]@RoderickBR[/url]: Ah. Like I said, I'm out of the loop for what's been added, especially for anything non-Engy. :-/
Kami Kage
over 12 years ago
@Just a medic: Well I only use it for defense so I guess this is why I never see it as a bad 'weapon'
over 12 years ago
Lemme tell ya' a little story. Once upon a time,I joined a server and everyone was sucking hard. I tried to bring important game information to their attention,but they said it was "Just a game". So I took my Consciencious Objector and I stood in front of my base and protested my team sucking.
over 12 years ago
And I was having fun trolling my team. I was also doing the most to stop the enemy team since they stopped to look at my dumb ass. They kicked me for not helping them win. So yeah,that whole "it's only a game" thing is just bullshit.
over 12 years ago
Merasmus appears, suddenly Huntsman Snipers are more useful than the rest of their team.
Mr. Al
over 12 years ago
@Dagda Mor

I hear you pal. and the FB shotty has helped me alot in MVM when out of ammo or the need to chase robotz come up. UNUPGRADED :p
over 12 years ago
how about combat medics? those rock!
Dagda Mor
over 12 years ago
Quick Fix is actually pretty underrated. I really like using it.
over 12 years ago
A quick fix medic is not bad as long as he's not the only Medic. The quick fixer's job is to keep everyone else alive while the other medic(s) pocket their target.
over 12 years ago
I personally like the QF in a lot of situations. I'll go stock if I need to break a nest, but the QF is just a lot of fun on most non-Attack/Defend maps.

For me, anyway.

Plus, you can cap while ubering, which I find to be extremely useful.

over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199593]@lemon[/url] Actully more snipers are better to kill the wizard. Huntsman dose up to 1080 damage per shot
over 12 years ago
Good and terrible snipers. I HATE them both
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
Teams with high sniper counts.. i remember them games... most players who play sniper suck so hard, only once did i have a team full of competent snipers (7 actually) and holy shit were the accusations of hacks being hurrled out
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199871]@Insanecat[/url]: im sorry i miss read i thought they were new weapons but appear not so ignore my previous ramblings
over 12 years ago
One of the major banes of gaming is that we enjoy the game so we continue playing to the point we have at least a near full understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of weapons, classes, and etc. We achieve this by trial and error so when anything new is introduced its a unknown so reviled
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199794]@Bob[/url]: What makes you think it isn't a rape tentacle? Because he "says" it isn't? In the case of anthropomorphic tentacle creatures, they are guilty unless proven innocent, in which case they're still guilty off-screen. ^_~
over 12 years ago
Here is an easy solution:
Don't play on pubs if you are going to bitch about people not playing like you think they should play.
over 12 years ago
@Joey Archamon: One of his characters is a tentacle, that |doesn't| rape anyone. He is a walking contradiction.
Joey Archamon
over 12 years ago
Ah Jo....you criticize about people taking the game too seriously, and not letting people just have fun, and then completely contradict yourself.
over 12 years ago
Why do you hate fun? You can have fun even if you lose, unless you're autistic or some crap.
over 12 years ago
But what of Sticky-Jumping Cabers?
over 12 years ago
Depending on the map type, Quick-Fix isn't that bad. If they don't have a SG nest, the fast healing is nice. Plus on the 5cp maps (granary), you'll have charge before everyone else.
But yeah, jumper solly and shotgun heavy are pointless.
over 12 years ago
Gunslinger Engineer + shotgun > all. Bait with sentry, strafe and shoot.
over 12 years ago
Jumper Soldiers and Shotty Heavies can be surprisingly effective, though. And Heavy can always just switch back to his minigun anytime. [url=#user_comment_199729] @Vulpis[/url]: He means soldiers using the "Rocket Jumper" weapon. You sufer no self or fall damage, but deals no damage either, having to rely on shotty/melee.
over 12 years ago
I'm decidedly out of the loop, I guess--how is a Rocket Jumper Soldier 'exotic' or anything...hasn't that been in the game from the beginning? For that matter, wasn't rocket-jumping what the Gunboats (well, Vintage Gunboats, now) were put into the game for?
over 12 years ago
Protest Spy/Sniper Weenies in-game with a spray: http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/8337/spysniperweeniehate2.jpg
A Hipster, I guess
over 12 years ago
Rocket Jumper Soldier? OK! Quick-Fix Medic? OK! Shotgun Heavy? Aweseome!

Four Snipers? Nope, nope, nope nope.
over 12 years ago
Sigh. People are nothing but bigots who can't accept the new weapons.
Deal with it people. No one cares about how you feel about the new weapons. They open up new strategies and abilities.
They are the future.
Medic Guy
over 12 years ago
Quick Fix is nice if you already have a medic on your team with another medigun type. You fill up their health and the other medic tops them out. Also, in a hectic teamfight, you can keep multiple people alive very long. I wish quick-fix worked with demoman charge as well as soldier jump, though.
over 12 years ago
Rocket Jumper Soldier, Quick-Fix Medic and Shotgun Heavy?

Surely you mean Trolldier, Quick-Fix Medic and Fat Scout.
over 12 years ago
every world of warcraft experience I ever had
over 12 years ago
I dont quite get whats wrong with rocket jump soldier. It is amazing battlement control and in the right hands (such as me) they can solo a sentry and perhaps make it to intel room.
over 12 years ago
Complain about Black Box? Pair it up with good support skill and you really can't beat it.
over 12 years ago
It's Halloween.

That Shotgun Heavy should obviously be Saxton Hale punching guy with mask, steak and fists.
over 12 years ago
I will cry on Halloween maps, because my usual server has a cap of 2 snipers on one team... No way to kill Merasmus. Damnit!
over 12 years ago
People often say "just have fun and don't worry about what anyone else thinks." Problem with this is that it annoys the piss out of everyone else. Rarely anyone likes that one guy in gym that keeps losing the ball to the other team because he wanted to show off his craaaaazy moves.
over 12 years ago
Hey, don't underestimate the heavies shotgun. It's really good in the right hands.

Or at least it used to be. I haven't played tf2 in a long long time, so it could' e changed.
over 12 years ago
I appreciate people having a bit of fun, but... a whole team full of rocketjumpers? That ruins the point of rocketjumping! The whole point is that it's unexpected!
Still, in the right mode, a lone rocket jumper can be fun and rather helpful.

A bunch of snipers though... yea, no.
over 12 years ago
My god... It's a tf2 comic! Jo be praised!
over 12 years ago
They're not snipers, they're ALL spies, all disguised as sniper, and about to backstab those 3.
over 12 years ago
I know i'm the crazy person out here but QF medics are great when dealing with a coordinated team. One uber-medic and a QF can steam roll most anybody.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_199515]@Bob[/url]: However the problem is getting the server to cooperate. It took the one I was on at least an hour because people were killing each other, picking whatever class they want, and dealing with everyone not dying too much so they can kill him.
Fatherless Son
over 12 years ago
So..you're saying there are OTHER teammates possibilities out there? I saw this comic and almost felt like i was actually playing...
over 12 years ago
When Merasmus arrives, the only way to kill him is with a team full of snipers.

For some reason any damage the sniper does with his primary gets tripled, resulting in 1000 damage headshots
over 12 years ago
... but quick-fix is my favorite (non-defensive) medigun. And shotgun heavies are hilarious to watch.

Also, Hunman, I have no idea why anyone would complain about the black box.
[FJ] Hunman
over 12 years ago
A lot of people are complaining because I use the black box and because that's my favorite rocket launcher

Any oppinions?
over 12 years ago
The line of snipers made me laugh out loud. Glad to see a TF2 comic, don't usually get the Dota ones.
over 12 years ago
The problem with Quick-Fix guy is that he's on Blue. Quick-Fix is great when you're on Defense, as long as you don't need an uber to push it's very useful.
over 12 years ago
The quick-fix sucks.
I suck at rocket jumping.
I don't get the point of being a shotgun heavy.
Midnight Drifter
over 12 years ago
I love it when the other team is full of snipers. I'm a competent spy so a ton of enemy snipers is like a candy store grand opening for me! :)
Just a medic
over 12 years ago
@Just a medic: In short, use it a a secondary medic who keeps your team at 100%, have another medic working on overheal and pushes.
Just a medic
over 12 years ago
@Kami Kage:
It doesn't give you the pushing power the other mediguns give.
However, it's better at chokepoints.
So, if there is another medic having a stock medigun while your quick-fix medic keeps two Jane's and a Demo at 100% who fire at stuff, stock can charge up, as no antipush will happen.
over 12 years ago
run from buttsecks!
Scoots go Ka-Bom!
over 12 years ago
Needs far more Demomen. A team full of Demomen always wins. Stickies united, gibs parted, pipes, GIBE!
Kami Kage
over 12 years ago
Would someone tell me why quick-fix is so bad? I am not asking in the sense that i am ignorant to the lack of invuln or kritz, but in the sense that I believe I am good with it.
over 12 years ago
The problem with quick fix medics is they're not using it as an "exotic weapon". They really think it's a good item...
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Even worse is when everyone goes Demoman.
over 12 years ago
The four snipers on the team are a nice touch and, sadly, far too common.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Dat engy-tan face!
over 12 years ago
But what it comes down to: you can't blame people for having fun.
To speak with LoLterms: when people trollpick, join in. Only a fun match can follow.
Dat Uber
over 12 years ago
@ Blowjay

I know the feeling about useless spies on your team.
over 12 years ago
Yeah, I can relate. People seem to just not care so much about trying anymore. That, or people are trying to play Tf2 like CoD too much.

But I can't really get mad at Jumpers or shotgun Heavies, because I kinda like both of them. Useless spies, now THAT is what I get mad at.
over 12 years ago