What people are saying about "Cash Cow"
Cash Cow
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Uncel Dolan
about 12 years ago
gooby pls
over 12 years ago
Honestly thought that was Winnie the Pooh at first.
over 12 years ago
Tika Tika?
Radical Inquisitor
over 12 years ago
As long as future Star Wars films turn out fine like Marvel's The Avengers.

To be safe, Lucas must "become one with The Force" (to put it lightly) before going to the drawing board.

About TOR: some KotOR 1/2 fans believe TOR didn't do justice to the story/characters. And did not want an MMO.
over 12 years ago
At all those people bitching about TOR.

What the fuck is wrong with that game Story wise. Just because you don't like the PVP and maybe PVE doesn't mean the story of the game is bad. So how has Bioware fucked that up? It still beats the Lorelolling that Blizzard does.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_204534]@Zacsi[/url]: Marvel is actually owned by Disney, therefore, by extension Disney did make it. The fact is that, provided they get the right people in charge, Disney can probably take the same hands off approach that they have with Marvel.
over 12 years ago
Actually, having watched Once Upon A Time and the recent Marvel Movies, I'm cautiously optimistic about Disney having Star Wars.
over 12 years ago
@ TheBaron

I'll admit that as far as comics are concerned, I typically collect Vertigo titles and lesser known (but old school awesome) titles such as The Spirit, so I don't know how Marvel's flagship characters are doing. I stopped after the Civil War arc.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203864]@Awesomknight[/url]: There's a difference between absurd humor and just being absurd. Either way, it is only funny the first time, and the fact that this has reached meme status is just a sign of peer pressure making people laugh at something they stopped enjoying 3 years ago.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_204106]@Querzis[/url]: Uhhh dude. The Avengers was only distributed by Disney they didn't actually make it. Thats all on Marvel and the people they hired. And Pirates of the "Caribeans" is far from a great series more like a cash cow milked to death.
over 12 years ago
Oh god, Disney got the Star Wars license? Now we're going to see all sorts of crossovers and kiddification now!
Y'now, like it happened with Marvel.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_204106]@Querzis[/url]: Totally agree with you, pal. There is just so much negativity about anything about Star Wars, people forget all the good movies produced by Disney. I also have high hopes for this move. The future looks quite promising for our inner-nerds.
Abe Lincoln's Mullet
over 12 years ago
I use the term "They where Okay" very loosely.
Abe Lincoln's Mullet
over 12 years ago
As long as they get a decent director such as brad bird i'll be happy. But at this point i'll take any mediocre director as long as it means no michael bay or west anderson. I guess the first TF and deathrace where okay, but why take the risk of another afterlife/TF:ROTF lvl disaster?
over 12 years ago
Seriously? Disney produced The Avengers, the Pirates of the Caribeans series and the best animated movies of all time. I'm happy they're gonna do a sequel! Theres absolutely no way they can screw it up more then Lucas did.
over 12 years ago
Worring Disney will ruin Star Wars is like worrying a 2nd Iceberg will go down and Crash Titanic again.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203999]@Bob[/url]: No, he said he would donate the money. I'm skeptical until I see the check.
over 12 years ago
George Lucas' Sith look in this comic is pretty ironic, since he donated the four billion dollars to education.
over 12 years ago
@ Platypus:
And both of them deserved every hate they got from the fans.
Thats what you get when you promise something and then turn around and do the exact opposite just because it makes you more money.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203983]@2033[/url]: Weird they already showed it here in eastern-europe with translated audio and everything. (which im not a big fan of seeing the voice actor list for the original) Where do you live? It's your loss if you don't go. Fun shouldn't be withold for childish notions like that.
over 12 years ago
I already heard Disney is gonna make the entire expanded universe non-canon.
 Platypus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203484]@ZeDingo[/url]: Lucas has taken a hard shellacking from the fan base over Episode 1 for more then a decade now, not mention his attempts to revise the first three movies. By all account he was getting tired of dealing with it. Bioware fell into same trap with Mass Effect 3.
over 12 years ago
zacsi, I plan to, but have no relatives in the target audience age range. I'm not sitting alone in a child flick even if it references history from space invaders over command & conquer and star craft to unreal tournament.

Other than that, it's launch is still 4 weeks away.
over 12 years ago
Also speaking of Disney:

Wreck it Ralph was a pretty cool movie you guys should go see it.
 Platypus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203553]@Aze[/url]: Totally with ya there Aze. However without Lucas butting in chances are good they'll be more courteous to how Star Wars has expanded then the prequels were. Just as long as they keep Leland Chee well paid and happy.
over 12 years ago
There will always ever be 3 star wars movies.
The franchise pretty much died after that.

Nothing more needs to be said.
Pinkie Spy
over 12 years ago
I'd like to take a moment to fanboy rage about how the Tartakovsky Clone Wars series was better than the terrible CGI one.
over 12 years ago
If Disney can let Marvel do superhero movies without a lot of hand-holding, they can let Lucasfilm do it with Star Wars.

It's just that the Mickey Mouse Jedi figures can be sold somewhere other than Star Tours now.
over 12 years ago
Come now, I am actually glad that I will see some new star wars. Of all firms, I'd trust Disney to do a space fantasy right.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203842]@DeadHerald[/url]: Sounds like someone doesn't understand absurd humor, and is angered that people recognize more comedy than he does.
over 12 years ago
Salacious Crumb acualy is Dolan!?
over 12 years ago
*looking at photo notes*
Is clarabella even portrayed in india?
over 12 years ago
Speaking of ducks... I'd like to take this opportunity to say that Dolan comics are comprised wholly of stinking mallard shit and dead orphans. If you think that they're funny you are a bad person and should feel the painful shame of the kind of irreparable dishonor that usually ends in seppuku. =D
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203756]@Vulpis[/url]: Dude, if there is one thing that Lucas has thoroughly trashed and murdered beyond any small hope of redemption it ever had, it's Howard the Duck.
over 12 years ago
Yeah, it won't be that bad, there's even a slight chance is better.

I mean, people back in the day freaked out the EXACT same way when Warner bought DC Comics and Disney bought Marvel Comics. It's been quite some time since both happened, can you honestly say that something THAT bad happened?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203553]@Aze[/url] Same here. They might be as good as Stackpole if they are really good and even the prequels beat Kevin J. Anderson, but there is no way they are going to beat the likes of Zahn, Allston or Denning. They should hire those 3 to write their script.
over 12 years ago
To be fair, it's difficult to imagine how Disney could possibly defile franchise any more than Bioware has already done with The Old Republic.
over 12 years ago
...I just realized the real reason they did it! They want to do a Howard/Donald Duck crossover!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203498]@TheBaron[/url]: Well, one might argue that that's not actually related to being bought by Disney--it's just Marvel itself going downhill. Though it does amuse me that Disney completely owns Yoda now--considering they already have Henson Associates.
over 12 years ago
Very clever, Jo. You've really outdone yourself this time.
over 12 years ago
Well, this picture is going to give me nightmares.
Luke Skywalker
over 12 years ago
Father pls
over 12 years ago
I bought star wars?
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
*looks at pic*
*falls to floor laughing @%&-off*
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
Hatters gonna Hate
Anyone remember Marvel Films?
over 12 years ago
Considering that Disney always had ties to Lucasfilm, it isn't a bad sale. I just had wished Lucasfilm had done more with StarWars and Indiana Jones.
A Gray Phantom
over 12 years ago
Well, Marvel got bought out by Disney, and that's turned out okay so far.
over 12 years ago
i can not tell if the hut is mickey or pooh bear....
over 12 years ago
Japba pls.
over 12 years ago
I'm not scared that Disney bought it and that there will be an Ep VII after all. I am scared though that Ep VII will destroy all the Expanded Universe canon created during the last 30 years - I really love that canon and I can't imagine anyone at Disney writing a better sequel than Timothy Zahn did
over 12 years ago
Maybe the fans will get lucky and Disney will retcon out the retcon Lucas did to the original trilogy and retcon/remake Episode 1 into something good.

Will not be holding my breath though.
over 12 years ago
Disney is making episode 7...
I predict it shall be better than 1-3 but worse then 4-6
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203478]@Mac[/url]: If you think Marvel is still delivering, you must not have been reading X titles for a long time. The movies are nice, but the quality of the comic writing is right up there with DC's New 52 (don't get me started) and they continue to treat their writers and artists like toilet paper.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_203478]@Mac[/url] As long as it's better than The New Jedi Order then I will be...not entirely unhappy.
over 12 years ago
I think it'd be cool if the next set of movies took place in the Old Republic times (Using animation like in the SWTOR cinematic trailer)
over 12 years ago
And Lucas is donating most of that 4 billion to charity, so this wasn't about money.
over 12 years ago
Not to mention that when Marvel was bought, there was a similar fan scare over the quality of Marvel titles.

A few years later, Marvel still delivered. I think Star Wara will be in good hands.

...so long as they don't fuck up Episode VII.
over 12 years ago
A lot of people are forgetting that Disney also owns things like Marvel and Miramax (you know.. Pulp Fiction).

And they just paid 4 BILLION dollars for something, so they are epically huge. They'll just assign the best people they have for star wars to star wars..
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Does this mean we can start playing in the Star Wars sandbox now?
over 12 years ago
this picture wins so much XDDD
over 12 years ago
Loocis pls
over 12 years ago
When Disney got their hands on Marvel, they gave us Avengers Assemble. So I have hope.
over 12 years ago
This... would be awesome!!
T Chicken
over 12 years ago
So does golden cow is a reference to what Moses saw when he came back with two tablets.
over 12 years ago
Dolan pls
over 12 years ago
Can't be worse than Menace
over 12 years ago
obi pls