What people are saying about "Nice Plot"
Nice Plot
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about 12 years ago
first off max halo reach is before halo ce so . . . its a preeuql not halo 4, odst was not supposed to be a real game just a dlc pack and a mini campaign which is why its so short, besides what can you get from mc and cortana floating toward a planet (onxy in some peoples minds . . . look it up) he
about 12 years ago
I see you are confused Jo, Halo 4 is not part of the Halo franchise.
It is a different game with some similarities, a much inferior game.
The halo franchise ended a while ago.
about 12 years ago
plot you say. [url=#user_comment_208769] @Anonysis[/url] : no it wasnt made by MLP but it went into major and popular internet use because of MLP.
about 12 years ago
I watch the cutscenes

For the plot.
about 12 years ago
Case in point: Go to TV tropes, and look up Trope Codifiers, Trope NAMERS, Trope Makers, ect. There may, or may not, be differences between who did it first, who did it best, and who was *most* known for doing it.
about 12 years ago
"Decades" old?
You may be confusing "watch it for the plot" with "READ it for the ARTICLES". And certianly, I haven't heard about boobs being described as "articles" anytime, ever, in the decades that Playboy has been around. It prolly is, since it's a matter of when it has become POPULAR.
about 12 years ago
Halo 4 was actually really good, in terms to the plot (The actual one, not Cortana's ass.)

Only once before have I ever actually felt anything during a Halo story and that was when they killed Johnson. But in Halo 4, I was horrified, depressed, mystified, and angry too. 343 did a good job.
about 12 years ago
Dat Plot!

haha I'm so original.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208269]@DracMonster[/url] I know. Halo's biggest flaw is the gameplay. How can you run around in a super strong suit with only 2 weapons? I could realistically strap 6 small and 2 large weapons to myself and still hold a 9th. With the super strength,I wouldn't even be slowed down by the weight.
about 12 years ago
In reference to the artist's note, that's exactly what I did. The Halo universe got me hooked with the novels when I was a kid years ago. Kinda pissed it's not coming to PC.
about 12 years ago
Because of this comic I found this - videogamebuttshots. blogspot.com/
about 12 years ago
I'm a bit baffled that people are assuming that MLP coined the term, when they used the term because it <i>already</i> existed in the context it was used in. <i>Hence why it was used</i>.

Liking MLP is fine, but this is like thinking Twilight created vampires and werewolves.
Mythical Man Month
about 12 years ago
@Lupal Fillyus: Yes, I suppose I did. I apologize.
@Just Passing By: I stand corrected. It's true, one does learn something new every day.
Are you serious?
about 12 years ago
I simply cannot believe that people automatically assume its a pony reference rather than a reference to the phrase "I watch it for the plot" which is DECADES old.

Seriously just... *facepalm*
about 12 years ago
lol saw this just after doing the same thing.
about 12 years ago
Is Jo a brony, or does he just like the term...?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208683]@Arghghal[/url]: Acting*
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208669]@Anon[/url]: I'd say it's more likely based after the older joke about watching porn for the plot.
about 12 years ago
Plot is a brony term, right? I mean, we already saw the pony comics, but still, branching the term into other things? Unless I'm mistaken in its origins, that is.
about 12 years ago
@Just Passing By...
this man speaks the truth, learn your internets people.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208589]@2033[/url]: Again, by definition, whenever he features Cortana, he features nudity. It's just that Cortana is a holographic projection of an AI's personality, so she has no sexual organs. That's what I was trying to say, anyway.
Just Passing By...
about 12 years ago
People do recall that "I'm watching it for the plot" Is older than bronies and MLP FIM, right?

It was used for animes with a lot of fanservice, usually to mock those who DID say that phrase seriously about such animes, and yeah then it got used in video games, movies and cartoons (MLP included).
Lupal Fillyus
about 12 years ago
@Mythical Man Month: Gee, it's almost as if you provoked it -_-

Related to the specific subculture though: OHMAHGEWRD the android version of the official MLP game by GameLoft is out! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/11/android-mlp-game-releases.html
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208337]@awesomknight[/url] yeah, but jo doesnt do nudity on nerfnow.
about 12 years ago
No, Plot is A, Backstory is....unknown.
Who? Me?
about 12 years ago
Silly Bronies, Plot is T, backstory is A.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208290]@Adahn[/url]: Mass Effect is so different from Halo. That comparison is ridiculous. Halo is a fps with very good gameplay and a huge amount of options for multiplayer. Mass Effect is a crappy third person shooter with rpg elements and dialogue choices.
An Onymous
about 12 years ago
It's all for the plot. The sweet, firm, well-rounded plot.
about 12 years ago
Phew, and here I was thinking Jo was gonna do a fanservice(or somewhat related) MLP comic.
Mythical Man Month
about 12 years ago
Oh, there it is. The silence was good while it lasted.
about 12 years ago
Explanation: Bronies use "plot" to refer to a character's, usually a pony's, hindquarters, or, to use the vernacular, ass.
Mythical Man Month
about 12 years ago
And not a single reference to the subculture from which this use of the word "plot" comes. Interesting. Well, I suppose it's early yet.
Shadow Scryer
about 12 years ago
Once again, *Rimshot*

Personally liked Cortana best in Halo 3, but didn't like the game. Personal favourite is Reach, hope it gets released on PC... wonder what 4's like?
about 12 years ago
It's called the Splitfish FragFX SHARK.
It's basically a mouse and a wii nunchuck.
As I mentioned before, it takes quite a while to get used to.
about 12 years ago
There actually is a third party mouse accessory for the 360 that you can look into.
It takes quite a while getting used to however.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208290]@Adahn[/url] huh that's a very shawol comparison of a tps rpg and a fps,tbh i can't really comapare both,but halo 4's campaigns story with that felt alot like mass effect 3 to some point.gameplay/the whole tps & fps actually take on effect so you can't really say what's better but both have good gameplay
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208282]@2033[/url]: ... She doesn't wear clothes in the first place. Technically, she's always completely naked.
about 12 years ago
Obligatory "DAT PLOT" comment.
about 12 years ago
That's not PLOT, that's BACKSTORY.
about 12 years ago
there is an option to use keyboard/mouse with an xbox 360. you just need an emulator to plug in between the 2 and the 360. stuff like this xim3 http://xim3.com/shop should fit the bill. It's not perfect but ti's better ofr players like myself. No i don't have one (haven't been able to afford one)
about 12 years ago
Both Mass Effect and Halo series involve nebulous threats to all sentient life in the galaxy, both involve a certain degree of space magic, and both are linear shooters.

But Halo came out first (points for originality), has less clipping issues and doesn't have Starbrat. So Halo is better.
about 12 years ago
(CHIEF, I NEED YOU > *cortana half naked on a bed*

DO IT, JO. You know you want to.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_208266]@Merlynn[/url]: Actually 4 is supposed to have pretty good writing.
about 12 years ago
OBJECTION! This should've been titled DAT PLOT!
about 12 years ago
There's a plot in Halo? I thought it was just random crazy. No,wait,I'm thinking of Mass Effect. Halo was just boring.
about 12 years ago
Halo... Now with more plot...
about 12 years ago
Who cares if it comes to PC? There are so many games more deserving of money and attention.
about 12 years ago
Dat plot sure looks nice.
about 12 years ago
Spoiler alert! The game is the same as it was, three installations ago.
about 12 years ago
There are no plans for it to come to pc: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/11/07/shocker-no-plans-for-pc-version-of-halo-4/
about 12 years ago
Plot. It's what you watch it for.