Jo did you seriously say something in fabour of on launch DLC aka taking a slice of the game and selling it standalone with a ridiculous price?
Fuck that.
Stuff like this would be nice as post release extra chapters in the middle of the game, give new incentive for players that haven't bought yet
over 12 years ago
jo never make mass effect comic ever again i never play it no one get stop not funny. -This is the logic from the morons flaming him for making Dota comics, applied to something he does normally. You will all feel stupid now if you are the ones flaming about it.
over 12 years ago
Jo, maybe you'd like my fancomics. More sensible (and happier!) endings for the ME storyline (and incidentally, more pages of comic than were ever published in the canon side-stories LOL)
They already said Shepard's story is over. So they can really do whatever with Mass Effect now. Prequel, sequel in the far future. Even a storyline of a character during the time Commander Shepard was around saving the universe several times and never getting a promotion.
over 12 years ago
So....I wonder how they intend to pull off Mass Effect 4 without ending up like Invisible War.
over 12 years ago
My renegade femshep survived, wasn't a bad ending for me. :p
Copy Pasta
over 12 years ago
'I'm sorry, I didn't get the joke because I haven't played this game, please do more accessible jokes in the future'
over 12 years ago
Hopefully, they'll eventually release the entire game of ME 3 and it might be good. But we'll all have ended up spending $800 for it by the time they're done releasing it a bit at a time...
@ Platypus
over 12 years ago
While the 4th E Dragonborn, as if I am not mistaken they were supposed to be mammilian with repitile traits, as well the Nyreen thing don't bother me I will admit that I was hoping that Turian sexual dimorphism would be something undetectable to humans.
over 12 years ago
I stopped halfway through ME3 so maybe I'll pick it up again!
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
maybe i should go and try mass effect now
over 12 years ago
Reference image on the D&D dragonborn for those not in the know.
Reptile Boobs!
over 12 years ago
Just looked at the developer demo over at IGN... Nyreen... avian (non-mammal) boobs? It's 4e D&D Dragonborn all over again. This ain't like live action where 'female' aliens played human women can't really work around the "boobs." So do Turians now birth live young and breast feed on dextro=milk?
over 12 years ago
After 10 years of fan general rage George Lucas sold Star Wars. Perhaps in 10 years Biowear/EA will sell Mass Effect and someone else can take over. Maybe 3rd times the charm and the next big Sci-Fi franchise won't tell the fan base to suck it up when they make a major gaff.
Silk Fox
over 12 years ago
Meh, good for the people who still care about Mass Effect I guess?
over 12 years ago
I may get some backlash but i understood the ending when it first shipped. The extended dlc ending just confirmed everything for me. I thought it was a beautiful and sad finish for one of the most influential personalities of yeah everything I do after this ending just makes it hurt more.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
What I think would be neat is if they made tons of DLC that allowed for tons of alternate endings, and then fans could have true pick of which ending they find the most preferable.
over 12 years ago
Good title.
over 12 years ago
@Maid-Chan's photo note:
No, not alpha. That's the joke. The game ends (omega), and then there's DLC which... also ends (and is also omega).
over 12 years ago
That being said, as someone who liked the ending I fully agree with this comic. I got all the ME 1 and 2 DLC but 3's ending was just so, well, definitive that I don't think I can go back and do DLC on a playthrough I've already finished.
over 12 years ago
First let me say that I actually like the ME3 ending, and in fact prefer the unextended version although certain things were fixed in the redo. It did have some issues but I think fan reaction was largely overblown and largely due to unrepresentative advertizing. Cont.
ME3 sucks, the franchise is dead. Let it rest in peace.
Thakn you Bioware, thank you EA.
over 12 years ago
A more apt comparison would be selling milk from an already butchered cash-cow. Either the milk is way past its best before date, or it's not cow milk at all. In both cases it would be unwise to drink it.
But I suppose some people will always swallow whatever EA/Bioware feeds them.
over 12 years ago
You chose the control ending, poor reapers I can't imagine what you will do to them...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207826]@Meow[/url]: You clearly mad bro.
lol u so mad
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207826]@Meow[/url]: You so mad.
over 12 years ago
Wow, whining about ME3 endings, how original
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207745]@Clueless[/url]: Sure thing! First 3 panels shows the ending of Mass Effect 3, something that, even with the Extended Cut released later, a lot of people (inc. me) were unhappy about. 4th panel shows the upcoming Omega DLC, which, to Jo's eyes, is like trying to heal the wound with salt, lemon and acid XP
over 12 years ago
This comic lacks some Nyreen in it, you MUST add her later XP!
Also Jo, you'll get some thugs in your house to kill you for ever drawing the Queen of Omega as chibi. Not-so-smart thinking there XP!
Other than that, awesome comic!
over 12 years ago
I'm just waiting till ME3 goes on sale with all the DLC attached, it's hard to avoid spoilers, but so far, so good.
Feel free to post them, I'm not coming back to read the comments.
over 12 years ago
Never played Mass Effect. Care to explain?
over 12 years ago
On the other hand, I enjoyed the Leviathen DLC, fleshed out the lore of that species that went and accidentally created the Starchild and reapers, so I'll give this one a shot too.
over 12 years ago
BakaGrappler, you will be delighted to learn that Mac and Casey created multiple endings all of which shaped the universe completely differently ... of course it's a choice between shit sandwiches.
I personally don't see the need to scorch the earth though ... Baldur's Gate didn't need to.
over 12 years ago
So far there is no media set after Mass Effect 3. As someone who's finished the game, it's hard to see how there will ever be any new material after the game, considering how different the universe is depending on which of the endings you have.
Great Biotic Wind
over 12 years ago
Leviathan was one of the best DLCs in the series. Hopefully Omega is going to be the best.
btw. Liara re-located after LotSB.
over 12 years ago
Given all the shit I heard about ME3, I'd rather just see Kung-Fu Jesus/MyNameIsKaz/medibot or Chip Cheezum/Ironicus Let's Play it to hell.
over 12 years ago
inb4somebody makes comment about engie-tans clothes/body
over 12 years ago
You know, I played ME1 and 2 very diligently. I loved the games despite being forced to use HALO shields. But I NEVER played ME3. The instant I heard, "And there will be novels, adventures, etc. about the Mass Effect characters after the ME3 game ends!" And I _knew_ how the game would turn out...
over 12 years ago
And because I knew how the game would end, I knew it was a forced resolution in order for Mass Effect to have an ending, ONE ENDING basically, so the Intellectual Property would still be usable for games in the future, instead of giving the series a proper ending. A final/tailored, ending per player
over 12 years ago
That doesn't even make any sense :|
over 12 years ago
Hmm, new dlc huh. Nope, still not going to give EA the satisfaction
Khan FurSainty
over 12 years ago
It's funny, because just like some commenters, the DLC was too slow. :V