[url=#user_comment_215914]@DeadHerald[/url]: You're coming across as the bigger idiot, particularly because of your blind ignorance of other cultures and complete blindness to how much you're sounding VERY much like the guy you're bashing. Except worse, because at least he didn't mock a culture he knows jack shit about. Unlike you
over 12 years ago
Adorable zerglings~
over 12 years ago
I wish that too.
But then again, remember that this is only temporary and tomorrow, with the new comic, no more comment will be posted here and everyone will just go to the next one ^^.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216066]@lol[/url] & deadherald:
why dont you ask Jo, to create a discussions section on this website, where you can call eachother sh*t whenever you want.
i dont say you dont have valid arguments, but im tempted to go to DH's side
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215118]@Nintendan[/url] It's actually a strange chitlin cover that goes over her "tulips." Maybe it's an openable part that functions as a chastity cover when closed?
(I have no idea how to link URLs in this format, sorry.)
over 12 years ago
And now you're a tough guy!
Remember, you're part of this too!
Also, "quips and photo note jokes" ? What happened to defending your "opinions"?
over 12 years ago
@ Wolfzoon
"I want ____. What is it?"
Is a common gag in entertainment media.
I properly executed said gag.
Which served as the lead in to the 'plot' focused explanation, and subsequent nonsense, common in sitcoms.
I don't watch TV anymore, so I make real people entertain me.
over 12 years ago
Btw, good call on the link between zerging and Black Friday shopping frenzies, Jo; as a Southern Hemispherian, I find the whole phenomenon both fascinating and frightening.
over 12 years ago
NerfNow fans: come for the comic, stay for the arguments.
over 12 years ago
The zergs are cute.
You should make them regular characters here and there.
Just drop a few zergling girls in the background you know, to lighten up the mood.
over 12 years ago
@Discorded Brony: TBQH, I'd love to just kick the shit out of this punk. That would shut a lot of people up. Then I could go back to making my little quips and photo note jokes without someone making a needless issue of it.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215761]@DeadHerald[/url]: A lot of posts are going towards you 'Not caring' aren't they? That should speak for something...
Discorded Brony
over 12 years ago
Remember kids,violance solves everything.Exchange adresses,decide where to meet and fucking try to kill each other.The winner is the one who was right and the loser is immature and well dead.Problem solved.Or here is a silly idea,just don't give a fuck that much and try to respect each other's ideas
over 12 years ago
@Seagulls, From Nemo: nonono you need a flamethrower for the seagulls cooks them for the sharks to eat 'em heh
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215597]@Jeff[/url]: Not to nitpick, but isn't 12 far to young to be called a woman?
over 12 years ago
Oh, and please tell me how joking about the french surrendering is "your opinion" and not a stupid joke!
over 12 years ago
Yup, you don't care.
That's why you post so much rebuttal, because you don't care, yup.
You should go back to spamming "ponies must die" that was more effective :3.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215738]@lol[/url]: ...with your opinions. I don't really care if you don't agree with what I say, same goes for anyone else. But calling me immature because you don't agree with me is a baseless insult and far more demonstrative of immaturity than anything I've said.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215758]@DeadHerald[/url]: Since I'm not a stupid person, I'm going to assume you're using the third definition and am suggesting that my opinions are less than expected maturity. And since my opinions are my own and well founded in my own philosophy, I assume you are labeling them because they do not line up...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215738]@lol[/url]: You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
Immature adj.
1. Lacking complete growth or development.
2. Having potentional to attain a divinative form or state.
3. Exhibiting less than expected maturity.
over 12 years ago
Well, your opinions ARE immature.
You may not be one, but you ACT like one because what I said was basically the attitude of the casual 4channer, or maybe youtube commenter if you prefer.
over 12 years ago
I like your recent strips :-)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215597]@Jeff[/url]: He thinks I'm immature because he doesn't like my opinions, so he responds with far more immature ad hominem insults.
Do you see the hypocrisy now?
over 12 years ago
Black friday. The only time in year when Target runs out of halo 4 in one Hour
over 12 years ago
I'm not seeing hypocrisy
It would be hypocritical if lol was actually a 12 year old muslim woman on 4chan who likes wearing burqas.
As of now he just think you're immature.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215554]@lol[/url]: Disagrees with me? Doesn't like what I like? Must be a kid from 4chan!
over 12 years ago
Mentionned burqa? Let's bash all muslims!
French in a comic? Lol surrender monkey joke!
Pony cameo? Cancer, kill it with fire, RAAAGE, spamspamspam.
Called on it?"Pff,chowder heads".
Of course I know little about you, Captain Obvious, but you still looks like a pretentious idiot.
over 12 years ago
Also, shopping lady is MAD jelly... That's some sweet minerals at discount.
Nice to finally see some Starcraft again. Been a while :)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215181]@wow[/url]: What, I can't reply to comments anymore without getting backlash? SO SORRY I FORCED YOU TO READ MY COMMENTS :(
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215205]@lol[/url]: Wow... That comment just shows how little you know about me. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't get at least one pointless, base insult a day from chowder heads like yourself.
I consider it the price of independent thought.
over 12 years ago
Starcraft and fanservice combined?
Today is a good day.
over 12 years ago
The day after Thanksgiving wasn't actually a major shopping day until advertisers started telling people it was. Now people get into physical fights over the sales offered. So good job, ad guys, I guess.
over 12 years ago
YAY! Zerglings are back!
over 12 years ago
Fuck yearh, my call for Starcraft comics has been answered! :3
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Meh, I went to a military exchange on Black Friday. It was only crowded, hardly chaotic. Though if you would expect anyone to act orderly on that day, it would be a bunch of military types. The in-uniform guards help too.
over 12 years ago
Starcraft comics <3
over 12 years ago
Now that's the way to end the week! Thanks for the fanservice, Jo ol' buddy, we really appreciate it!
over 12 years ago
@>:O: In this day and age, "what is <noun>?" is an unacceptable question to ask when you have a computer in front of you.
Black friday is the offical "let's point and laugh at how stupid americans can be if you give them an incentive" day.
Also Xcom on sale for 33%.
lol u so mad
over 12 years ago
@mine hurr durr: U mad?
over 12 years ago
It's dead herald, he's a kid with the 4chan mentality, what did you expect?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215180]@Davtwan[/url]: It would be funny if we were making this shit up...
over 12 years ago
Congrats, nerfnow community. You managed to make a black friday joke about hating an entire culture.
over 12 years ago
Also, yay! The Zergs are back. :o
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_215126]@DeadHerald[/url]: So in other words, they have almost no willpower to resist a lady's tits. By making up this botched line of excuses, they can say the sexual advances are not their fault.
Do they really wonder why no one likes them? This isn't a culture clash; it's pure ignorance.
over 12 years ago
More Zerg Girls!
over 12 years ago
...and Muslims still wonder why no one likes them.
over 12 years ago
@>:O: A burqa is a covering women have to wear in Muslim countries because, according to the wonderful religion of Islam which rules all with it's pious hand, women are sub-human creatures that have the same market value as cattle and must never show their satanic visage to the great sons of Allah.
over 12 years ago
Holy Shit, Little Orphan Annie put on a pounds, or a few metric fucktons.
over 12 years ago
I suppose that's one way to train zerglings.
over 12 years ago
I want a burqa! What is it?
SF Legend
over 12 years ago
The mines will never stop. Even if Jo starts drawing everyone wearing a burqa.
over 12 years ago
I kept hoping one of the customers would give me a valid reason to over-enthusiastically defend my person with a box cutter.
Seagulls, From Nemo
over 12 years ago
Mine. mine. Mine? Mine. Mine. Mine? Mine. Mine!
over 12 years ago
mine hurr durr
over 12 years ago
Seriously, shut the fuck up.
We don't need this shit on every single comic on the site.