What people are saying about "A Song Of Divine Rapiers"
A Song Of Divine Rapiers
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about 12 years ago
Game of Thrones reference, I'm so wet right now! :P
Lich + rapier
about 12 years ago
Pro= good damage vs noobs only/ cons= making you most Wanted guy in a game, he lost that 6200 gold ,mostly your friend hoping rapier dropped to him self A.K.A
No Lich
over 12 years ago
If the Lich has a Rapier, the team DESERVES to lose
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217517]@Scow2[/url]: Uhm, I hate to be a dick when you were actually knowledgable, but LoL does have killing sprees.
over 12 years ago
>buying rapier before all enemy barracks are down
>buying rapier on a support
How did Lich get so fed?
over 12 years ago
That is the cuteest riki I've ever seen.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216641]@ysath[/url] LoL actually has those mechanics (No courier, bounty for killing sprees) as a conscious decision to reduce the Unstable Equilibrium that made DotA games toxic to play, and keeps the game fierce even in late-game. Also - the bounty encourages feeding the guy with it, making him even stronger.
over 12 years ago
Bah, this happened to me once. I was playing Drow, owning everyone like a Drow does and decided to buy a Divine Rapier. I got greedy, overextended and got killed by Riki.
People who don´t play DOTA will never know how OP Riki gets if he steals your Rapier.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216796]@damndick[/url]: How did you guest I think you played Lol :). I totally do not like DODA 2 style heroes they mostly look like warcraft III creeps which I used to kill not play with. When I first time played DOTA 2 I couldn't even tel a difference between minions and heroes.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217101]@halifix[/url] every coop/multiplayer game is better when you play with friends. That's the reason why I like singleplayer games. I don't need to wait for friends to go online.
over 12 years ago
But DotA2 seems like it's also a huge time commitment to learn how to play. Not to mention MOBAs as a whole are annoying to play without friends. So I'm playing neither atm.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217069]@Individuo[/url]: Actually they are the same. The Dota one just a little bit more mature.
over 12 years ago
I used to play LoL quite a bit. What I hated was how with the constant buffs/nerfs, champions continuously changed their relative strength. So I couldn't just buy champs I liked to be competitive in ranked.
over 12 years ago
If you cannot deny then you will end up harassing your opponents. Less micro and more action. Isn't that the reason why MOBAs exist?
over 12 years ago
ps: I play LoL, simply because (i believe) there is a LOT less "side-parameters" to take care of and a lot more focus on "attacking the opponent".

Example: there is denying in LoL believe it or not. It is called "harassing the opponent and forcing him back".
over 12 years ago
And 2 fans of such obviously different paradigms arguing with each other is similar to 2 different drivers of big gas-guzzling Ford 4x4s / multimillion gas-guzzling Ferrari / etc... road-raging it out on the highway.

It can't end well.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216988]@Red[/url]: Lets put it this way: people keep reinventing cars. Super cars, offroad rovers, durable pickups, party vans, big honkin' trucks...
over 12 years ago
@Cap'n Obv: The only thing you really have to play must be the access to the livestram of tournaments, I think.
over 12 years ago
I dont know why they keep comparion LoL and Dota 2.
Same Genere, Diferent gameplay styles, and that is awesome. They cater to diferent kind of people (i play LoL, but i think Dota2 comunity is damn better than the trolls we get in Lol)
over 12 years ago
comparing these two MoBa's is like comparing nickelback songs. they are both the same at their very core but ended up with different lyrics. And after listening to one you feel ticked off and have to go take a shower to get the shame off.

well... Dota2 does have destructible jungle i guess.
LoL Player
over 12 years ago
Wow, that's seriously an item in the game? Guess now I have legit reason to not switch over.
Cap'n Obv
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217002]@CHT[/url]: anything that has any bearing on the game(as in, non-cosmetic) is free.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217001]@ClinkzEastwood[/url]: Not everything in dota 2 is free.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216984]@David[/url]: No. Everythings in-game in Dota 2 are accessable for free. You buy this sword by your "gold" which can be earned inside the game.
over 12 years ago
I honestly don't care if League of Legends, or anyone else for that matter, was first with an idea, as long as they make something good out of it.

Would you guys rather have the game designers reinventing the wheel all the time?
over 12 years ago
Do you buy this sword with real money?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216943]@Derpy[/url]: SUBARACHI
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I wonder if the title should instead have been "A Storm of Rapiers"
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Most Physically powerful weapon, can be easily stolen and used by anyone else. Seems legit.
over 12 years ago
this is why dota 2 sucks
Blue Oyster Cult
over 12 years ago
Don't fear the rapier.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
what an adorable Riki. How can you blame him?
over 12 years ago
Glad you explain these references to us of the non-DOTA persuasion.
over 12 years ago
I guess it's a longer lasting version of having some guy with jungle buffs gank your only to die to your opponent.

over 12 years ago
@Pinkie Spy: Except instead of the killstreak bonus the Soulstealer and Oracle (rematerialized I guess) drop onto the ground for anyone to pick up :p.

My understanding is that this is a worse thing to have happen, but I understand people preferring different risk-reward balancing.
Pinkie Spy
over 12 years ago
For you LoL players, imagine if your assassin bought a Soulstealer and oracles, then derped into the enemy team who collects the killstreak bonus.

Dem throws
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216877]@Ellietrap[/url]: It's just this one purchasable item that you drop if killed, meaning the enemy can take it from your character's corpse for free. It's a means of balancing its high power with a high risk, and being incautious while holding it is effectively throwing a match.
over 12 years ago
Jo already explained it, but all right: that weird looking sword is arguably the most powerful weapon in the game and is extremely expensive, however it is the only item that someone can "steal" by killing you. That blue Lich guy bought it, but then he got killed by surprise by Riki, and he took it.
over 12 years ago
I don't understand anything to do with this comic. Can someone explain it to me in a way someone who doesn't play MOBAs can understand?

posted earlier but no one replied :(
over 12 years ago
Huh. I was unaware that a setting like that existed in DotA 2, that should help me out next time I'm playing it. Thanks.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216863]@OtherPlayers[/url]: If it's an issue for you, there's a setting in DotA 2 to turn off autoattacking. It helps with that kind of thing.
over 12 years ago
Which is why I like the way that HoN handled denying the best. It still exists, so there is that extra level to the laning phase, but it went and made the "hold" command stop your hero from auto-attacking. So you still deny, but there is no need to mash stop or move and make it less fun.
over 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall:
Denying mainly exists to add more depth to the lane phase. It makes laning a lot more active a deal, where you're not only going for the enemy creeps, but also deterring the enemy from getting theirs. Bit more interesting than " Stand back, lasthit, and throw an occasional skillshot"
over 12 years ago
And now for something completely different. FINAL COMBAT
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Rubick - Why thank you! Micro is king. Micro will ALWAYS be king.

Honestly, there are cool things about DOTA/LOL and I want to love the genre, but the player base is Satanic in their level of rage/aggression and I think denial is a ridiculous silly artificial tedious mechanic.
Rubick Aghanim
over 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall
Then you took a Meepo to the list
over 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall: seems people are forgetting the reason why they play games... and yeah... I started playing dota/aos coz playing melee maps is hard..><
not to mention that almost every unit in WC3 has skills..><
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Remember, kids, when analyzing the fiery balls of rage and bullying and ignorance in any LOL/DotA discussion, just recall that the DotA fanbase STARTED mostly as that group of Warcraft III players who found that controlling more than one unit at a time hurt their heads. ;)
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Jo, you left out the part where whoever lost the rapier gets screamed at and told to kill him/herself by an angry bunch of hatemongers.

Actually, that's every LOL/DoTA game ever, in every situation.
over 12 years ago
@laughing my ass off:
Hey, as long as someone is taking something positive away from all this bullshit, I feel like my time isn't wasted.
laughing my ass off
over 12 years ago
I'd like to thank all the raging people from both sides of the LoL vs DotA2 argument. Like always, your raging at each other is on equal footing as far as entertainment goes with the comic itself. You have successfully doubled my entertainment from visiting nerf NOW!! for today.
over 12 years ago
I once got the Rapier while playing Riki.
It was absolute CHAOS.
over 12 years ago
Oh what a cool comic, I wonder what the comment section-
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216767]@img[/url]: So you're telling me you prefer the blatantly uninspired mix of " Big titted leatherclad slutty woman ", " Wispy teenager with a dark past " and " War-hungry brick in a truck's worth of metal plating " stylings of 90% of the LoL champions? Alright.
over 12 years ago
Most of what I've seen of LoL and DOTA are the fandoms arguing.
So I chose neither, plenty of fun games to play elsewhere. I think I chose wisely. :)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216777]@bodmans[/url] WoW vs GW2 explodes too.
over 12 years ago
Yeah, I've been on both sides of that :D.
over 12 years ago
its amazing how fast every LoL<DOTA and LoL>DOTA suggestion explodes

over 12 years ago
I choose LoL because because I didn't like how loks any of DOTA 2 heroes. They looked to ugly for me while LoL heroes looked acceptable
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216753]@fakkenfagget[/url]: ... maybe? When one of your favorite argument is "LoL is full of asshole kids" acting like one doesn't really help your argument, no? And if I were to troll, I'd do it on websites I hate, not on Jo's comic, because I like him.
over 12 years ago
Also, the submit button is " Troll NOW!! ", what exactly do you expect me to do in these comments, have reasonable discussions about games I like with sensible people?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216750]@Max[/url]: You got me there, I am in fact a dick. Also, let's face it, it's human nature to be negative to people who like something that's a competitor of what you like. Same reason you have groups of football ( or soccer if you're a jerk ) hooligans getting into fistfights over who likes what team.
over 12 years ago
Also, while League does have game maker picks and counter picks, those counters usually aren't as hard as Dota's, the game isn't completely over if you got counter picked, it's just much harder.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216747]@@Max[/url]: It only matters when you reach high level gameplay, by that time, at level 30, you have at least 10 champs and two rune pages. Yes, it's not perfect just like the balance in the game, I just don't think it's worth fussing over, and that there are worse systems out there.
over 12 years ago
He's not arguing that having a lot of League's champs isn't good, but the point he's making is that early on while learning League,it doesn't matter if you own 3 champs or 100 since picking and counter picking isn't the end all of a match like it can be in Dota since neither does everyone else.
get a load of these guys
over 12 years ago
I love the people who comment about not getting the comic, while Jo literally described everything you need to know in his comment.
" hurr durr fuck change topic of jokes i dont get it. no i dont want to read the two-sentence explanation it's too hard, i demand you pander to my needs "
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216746]@fakkenfagget[/url]: Then why bother telling them it is so much better then? You are basically just saying that to troll, to annoy them, and then you say that your game is better, instead of just having fun? Sounds like you are, well, a fakken fagget.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216733]@Max[/url]: Because every LoL baby ever that heard a pro-dota argument immediately thought " Oh man, this guy says the game I'm playing sucks and the one he's telling me to play is much better? Better drop LoL and get in on that. " And most certainly never cry and defend their objectively worse game.
over 12 years ago
Bullshit you don't need all of them. Picking and counter picking is a large part of the game and you know it. Either you admit that they design perfectly superior champions in their roster that negate all others of their role, or that restricting champion picks restricts gameplay. Either is not good
over 12 years ago
@LoL Better?:
Except you can increase it yourself with IP which most people who can control themselves do.
You don't need ALL of them, you try the free one you get each week, then buy (with IP) the one you prefer playing with.
If you have all the champs, chances are you'll suck with most.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216699]@ViolenceJack[/url]: There's a very good way to play online games.... - disable chat completely by removing chat window. There are too many annoying people. However, when you can't read what they're writing, games become better.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216688]@Niggerdicks[/url]: Wow, I hope you realize you have issues. Also, in 2 years and a half of playing lol, do you know how much money I gave them? NONE. Meanwhile, Black Ops 2 has the most profitable game release ever, and you know they'll make you pay for those DLC maps.
over 12 years ago
I say DPS, but it's +damage on all your attacks, which occur every second or so.

Basically, if you drop your divine, there goes all your money from the entire match to the other team.
over 12 years ago
If you buy the 3 most expensive and highest pure DPS (base) items in DOTA, you can craft them to get the Divine Rapier. It is dropped on death, but gives the most DPS from one item in the game (I believe). Most items do not drop on death. So you can steal the opponent's rapiers and x2 your power
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216571]@AckAckAck[/url] Stuff Solitaire. FreeCell's where it's at. At least then you have all the information and aren't so much at the whimsy of the cards. Just hard cold logical plays.
over 12 years ago
I don't understand anything to do with this comic. Can someone explain it to me in a way someone who doesn't play MOBAs can understand?
over 12 years ago
i don't get ur references sometimes. go back to making comics that don't suck
over 12 years ago
I love the Crystal Maiden reference <3
LoL Better?
over 12 years ago
Have you even played the game you're rating? What shit is having a limited hero pool that you have to pay money to increase. That's like Valve telling us we can only play engi and medic this week, and just pay $10 to unlock scout, $15 for demo and a low low $50 for everybody's fav sniper.
over 12 years ago
Oh, and i would like to add this to the discussion the following article http://kotaku.com/5826946/look-single+player-people-are-just-better , and i could not agree more with this article... At least i don't stress anymore while playing a computer game... After its supposed to be relaxing...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216688]@Niggerdicks[/url] i do hope your own game have someone writing ALL the text in the game for you, my brain hurts after reading your wall of shit text. and 2/10 i replied.
over 12 years ago
And this, gentlemen, is why i stopped playing online games altogether... ALL gaming communities SUCK... Been playing single player games for over 2 years now and never regretted my decision. People online just suck because they can get away with it...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216681]@dickbutt[/url] No. I'm doing something more productive. I'm actively fighting the problems in the industry by making my own game. Not in this genre obviously, but it helps to understand game design no matter the genre. Doesn't mean I won't hate the fuck out of you for being ignorant.
over 12 years ago
why I don't see any HON fanboys joining the fry???
damn I love all this which game is better "inteligent talk"
too bad there aren't any AOS fanboys accusing everyone for taking ideas from their game..
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216660]@Niggerdicks[/url] - So, we'll be trolling shits at LoL, carrying with Trundle and generally having fun, while you cry yourself to sleep with ragetears every night. Suits me.
over 12 years ago

Also it's *Mek(ansm), you pleb.
over 12 years ago
We should stop complaining and instead focus on some hot Nerf NOW! fanservice requests~

Everyone can go back to playing his or her game (whatever game that might be...) when they have made a request! :D

Dota junkie
over 12 years ago
Why does lich have a rapier?
Go get wards and Mech......
over 12 years ago
You already wrote here six times so you got enough space to write something about why do LoL as bad as you describe it. Right now your words are nothing more than manifestation of your blind rage.
over 12 years ago
Stops me from being able to explain things. This format simply isn't good for intelligent debate. But get mad at me, I don't give a fuck. I'll be thousand fold mad at you for being part of something that actively ruins and encourages degradation of a hobby I am very passionate about.
over 12 years ago
Those unwilling to learn cannot be taught. And with the comment section being too limiting, it'd be like the blind leading the deaf.
But please, direct yourself to riot's aggressive and straight up malicious and deceptive ad campaigns. Look at how they BOT stream channels. Even now the char limit
over 12 years ago
So it's not you who cannot explain but we who cannot see obvious things that you cannot explain. Perfect move.
over 12 years ago
Because you aren't just "enjoying" yourself, you are supporting the worst of the worst in gaming habits. Yes, they're even worse than EA. Maybe not as bad as capcom. Also, yet again, my name is an idiot ward. If you think less of my posts because of an 11 letter title, you are close minded.
over 12 years ago
That being said, even that's forgivable, if riot weren't such gigantic fuck up cunts. There's proof all around you, but the limitations of the comment section disallow me from explaining it much. YOU can choose to live in ignorance, and I, and many others, will hate you for it.
over 12 years ago
Let me make this perfectly clear. A) Nowhere in my original post did I say anything about Dota or dota2. B) I personally dislike the genre, but can see it's appeal. HOWEVER that doesn't make league any less poorly designed, study it, and learn for yourself.
over 12 years ago
There's also the dumb fact that there's no courrier in the game. You win mid by killing the opponent? Well, you'll have to port back to base and get your item because you can be sure that he will now have much more damage than you because he had the opportunity to buy and not you.
over 12 years ago
community aside, LoL is pure garbage from a mechanic point of view.

You can be tearing the enemy guy 20 times in a row but if he kills you ONCE, you are back on even ground because of the ridiculous huge bounty you are worth and the xp bonus when there's too much of a gap between teams.
meep meep
over 12 years ago
funny how ugly the dota 2 community is, yet i still play it.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216571]@AckAckAck[/url]: Solitaire is for squares, Daddy-O! The hip kids are all playing Bejeweled now.
over 12 years ago
Masterful pun!
over 12 years ago
And if you keep it that way, if you keep advertising it as so much better than lol, guess what'll happend once it leaves beta? THOSE KIDS WILL COME TO YOUR GAME TOO.
So stop arguing about how better your game is and enjoy your game!
... Or get friends, but it seems even harder for you guys.
over 12 years ago
Once again, Dota2 players proves they are fucking elitists.
YES, I KNOW THE LOL FANBASE IS RETARDED, I still love playing it with friend and find it more enjoyable than Dota2.
over 12 years ago
Skeleton king with aegis is the only hero who should CONSIDER buying a divine rapier.
over 12 years ago
I cycle through Minesweeper, Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, and Freecell when watching videos online. It keeps the ADD down. If Minesweeper didn't throw completely unsolvable guessing games at me at the end of every match...

Though, I've actually had Solitaire games with no possible moves. ._.
Weighing in
over 12 years ago
Dota has more brutal mechanics but that is what is more fun about it. Compare Dota and LoL's current meta and past meta and its easy to see how batshit insane mechanics allow for more varied play. Although its easy to say Dota is harder, imo, if you dumb it down, it becomes as uninteresting as LoL
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Sorry AckAckAck but Solitaire fanboys are sleeping right now. Both of them.
over 12 years ago
Imagine how guaranteed the win was gonna be if lich managed to buy a DR
over 12 years ago
Oh wow. It's amusing to see DOTA and LOL fanboys arguing. Good thing I play Solitaire here.

*waiting for Spider Solitaire fanboys to throw a hissy fit*
over 12 years ago
DOTA2 is shit. We need sum moar ponies up in here. And by 'some', I mean 'all'. All ponies, all the time. Ponies Now. Ponies 4ever.
over 12 years ago
The most hilarious games I have had are where me and my brothers have been LANing some original DOTA and all got Divine Rapiers because we have no idea what we're doing.
Wind up with one guy staring at a dropped rapier because his inventory is full of 3 rapiers and some useful items.
over 12 years ago
Despite being the 3rd most expensive item in the game (2nd is Abyssal Blade) (1st is Dagon 5) It's also the most cost effective damage item. 20.7 gold per damage
over 12 years ago
I've got a great idea: When you're losing, taunt them into buying a Divine Rapier, then gank it!
over 12 years ago
dota sucks
over 12 years ago
I've dealt with Riot customer service a couple times, and they have always been quite helpful. It wasn't Riot that got me to stop playing LoL. It was the crybaby community full of trolls, whiners and whiningtrolls.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216526]@InsertNameHere[/url] yes but Aeon of Strife was first so even your precious DotA taken ideas from other sources.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216526]@InsertNameHere[/url]: Yes, and nearly every FPS is a lazy rip-off of every other FPS since they all have guns that shoot bullets really fast, and some thingy that makes an explosion. Implementation is everything. Originality is a most often function of the user.
over 12 years ago
Some people prefer the "fun sized" method of balance.

He didn't even say like "LOL > DOTA 2 UNDER ANY AND ALL CIRCUMSTANCES".

Most DotA2 players say DotA2 is harder, when someone says "Well, I don't like harder... I want a casual experience." Don't flame them out for making that choice.
over 12 years ago
People who bitch about people who play other games need to get a life.

The first guy was correct. "I don't want to have to deal with such unforgiving mechanics in my game"

Jo even made fun of the fact that in LoL.

over 12 years ago
When i bought, this thing is like a cursed item. You need to show what this is made of. You need to put blood in this beatfull blade (Is a pun)
over 12 years ago
One time i bought a divine, with a sven... I never forget how u fell with a waliking killing machine. it was a 5vs3 match( Me and my 2 newbie friends. Sven, Gyro and an uselles lifestealer) After making a deadules and tarrasque i kind manage to overcome 3 hero at same time, But i bought the divine,
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216519]@Salganos[/url]: You must be new to League. Because there is nothing "intelligent" about their design. Unless you count their intelligent way of taking ideas from other sources and implementing them into their game. Compare the heroes and champions. Striking similarities abound.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216505]@Niggerdicks[/url]: Oh, and that NAME is everything wrong with everything. (I found the reply button!)
over 12 years ago
I do agree, however, the LoL community can be quite whiny and shitty now that it's gotten so large. Still, no one can shunt players they don't like into a ghost of a match like the good people (read:@#!%$$$#&^@#@&@%#@%^#) in the WC# DotA community loved to do with no warning or even indication.
over 12 years ago
I quite frankly disagree with your opinion of Riot Games and its employees, who I find to be very intelligent and forthcoming about their very logical rationale for designing their game.

For those who dislike their style, play their game is, of course, optional.
over 12 years ago
what about that awkward moment where u have 12k as alchemist and decide to sell ur Boots of travel and buy 2 rapiers, then proceed to run into enemy base without boots and 1v5.................

if they weren't mega'd, it'd be a loss....
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216505]@Niggerdicks[/url]: Someone explains why he prefers one game over another, and you proceed to throw a hissy fit. And he's the problem? I, for one, am with him. I like League because it's a game I already know and all my friends play it too. Quite frankly Dota seems very unforgiving. Fuck me, right?
over 12 years ago
That is the cutest little Lich I have ever seen
over 12 years ago
And by far worse game design, focused entirely on funneling players into what THEY want them to do. And let's not get into all the borderline copyright infringement they pull.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216470]@Salganos[/url] You are everything wrong with everything. Please tell me you at least don't spend money on those hacks at riot. If you don't like the genre, fine, but there is literally no reason to like League over ANY of it's competitors. It has at this point by far gotten the worst community.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_216489]@what[/url]: Dagon 5 was too expensive.
over 12 years ago
Why the fuck did lich have a rapier in the first place
over 12 years ago
More Dota comics please.
over 12 years ago
Wow.. a GoT reference in a D2 comic... Sweet.
over 12 years ago
This kind of thing is why I'll stick to League of Legends. DotA has such a strong love for such brutal mechanisms that I don't want to mess with its sequel.

Though, the community experience of trying to learn the original plays a large part in that. Some of those people need to burn.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Just Another DotA comics :(