not truly an animal farm reference, though that is its source (more or less). Its a general saying these days (in context) thanks to animal farm.
Gabe M.O. Niplice.
over 12 years ago
Animal farm reference?
Brain is experiencing an aneurysm
over 12 years ago
Bdiz from the latest Dreamhack tournament become a fucking hero as the #5. Good play is good play, regardless the position.
Brain still hurts
over 12 years ago
Veno being agi means he scales slightly alright with farm, but then again, very few agi heroes scale poorly with farm. Supports set up kills by ganking (have skill set to help gank) and are item independant. Dota2 pubs are higher quality now (if you play even just a little) and thus, he is support
My brain hurts from reading the comments
over 12 years ago
Veno is a hard support, he is completely item independent and has zero scaling in terms of skills for the late game. Best level 1 slow in the game, hands down. Buff placer to set up kills. Wards to defend pushes, team fight ulti. Not a hard carry. Only in pubs in dota1 is he played like that.
over 12 years ago
@.: Ooo! Ooo! I know this one! it because none of us have a life?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_218179]@Globus[/url]: Hardsupport skills don't necessarily scale bad, it is more the ability to do their job well with little to no items and also low exp. If we look at veno: can stay away from danger with ward vision, later only needs to get out his 2 spells to have done his job; best lvl 1 slow.
over 12 years ago
In a way ya don't gotta worry bout this on non-DotA moabs. Most of them don't have too much of a need for a person to force one person as the 'do everything', unlike DotA (though direct clones like LoL can have shades of this)
over 12 years ago
I think drawing lol is much better suited to nerfnow's style (much more sexism, busty babes, and generally, not even a little seriousness), but you (Jo, haha) must know it better.
That drow in leotard and sexy blue skin... sexy sexy lady.
Also, them boots on veno's spikes
over 12 years ago
This is why I like SMNC, the Support is one of the nastiest classes if you can aim his shotty well. That thing smacks you so hard your children will be born without faces. It's even more fun if you grapple a Commando because then it's a punch to the face, a knee to the gut and a facefull of buckshot
over 12 years ago
Actually, Soraka is "the" Ward Bitch, please.
over 12 years ago
More importantly, why are we even discussing game history and strategy?...
over 12 years ago
If there had to be a more "popular" player in Na'Vi, it wouldn't be Dendi (unless you only count the people found on joinDOTA),it would be Lost. He was already considered a legend before even joining Na'Vi, and people still consider him to be one of the most versatile and reliable players.
over 12 years ago
I disagree. AA was already pretty popular back in the VP days. Also, veteran players seem to get a hard on everytime they hear about Chuan, 820, DDC, Xiao8, Faith, xy- etc. etc. Not to mention more and more people are beginning to see the influence a support player can have on the game.
over 12 years ago
Keep up the good work Jo =)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_218091]@Jordan[/url]: LoL supports, played correctly, won't need to farm much. Support role in LoL can be a game changer if used correctly as they tend to focus on buffs or debuffs rather than just warding. Also GP/5 items can supplement their income rather than waiting for tower gold.
over 12 years ago
when i play dota2 i supp(when i play with my friend) hes worse than me at supp and im worse than him at carry so... why should i play a role some1 else is better, when i can simply play a role which is important and i am able to play well?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_218121]@Irvv[/url]: finally someone who agree's with me
over 12 years ago
..the map, thus making it harder to ambush the carry. All in all, the support's game, while vital and just as filled with challenge, is less fulfilling, there is less sense of achievement (Valve's customs notwithstanding).
I know, brevity is wit. Sorry for the wall of text.
over 12 years ago
by slowing the enemy, giving armor to the carry, and the like. The hard support does this best, it's hir only job. However, such abilities usually scale worse (or not at all), so they are last in the farm chain, only getting a few money, spending most on wards, items that grant vision of a part of..
over 12 years ago
A carry is the character that scales the best in the team with items (damage-wise). Therefore, it's in the team's best interest that s/he gets the most money possible.
However, the enemy team knows who the "carry" is, so s/he needs teammates who drag her ass out of harm's way, by (continue in next)
over 12 years ago
Lupus, Carry and feed pretty much mean what they sound like. A carry deals so much damage they are like the basketball player that makes all the shots, they "carry" their team. Feeding means dying a lot to the enemy, which "feeds" them gold making it easier for them to win.
Single Lupus
over 12 years ago
One of these days I need to look up League of Legends/Defense of the Ancients mechanics I can actually understand what the hell these terms like "carry" "feed" and whatnot mean so that I can understand these comics.
over 12 years ago
I played carry veno before :P started out as support but got first blood and a few quick kills. Ended up with scepter euls manta and etc at the end and was 35 11 21 lol
Anon E Mouse (Explanative)
over 12 years ago
@u wot m8: Because all LoL players have to mention DotA.
Oh, and confirmation bias. That's there too.
Defense of the Ancient's (Hatred)
over 12 years ago
@u wot m8: stupid LoL. I'ts not like I like you or anything >.>
over 12 years ago
That's the weirdest rendition of a Hydralisk I've seen for a while.
u wot m8
over 12 years ago
@DotA2>LoL: Why is it that all dota2 players have to mention league?
tsun-tsun or something?
over 12 years ago
While I don't play DotA, it's good to see that the humor carries over almost identically. It was framed well enough that the punchline was obvious, despite not knowing the stats or roles of the characters by visuals alone.
The joke would be identical if they used League characters.
Rubick Aghanim
over 12 years ago
I play venom as a nuker. Inv -> Ult -> Gale -> Run and Laugh.
over 12 years ago
I don't even play TF2 but i still enjoy the TF comics and i play tons of dota so i love the dota 2 comics,do what you please jo your comics are awsome no matter what you did
over 12 years ago
As an avid Veno player, i don't take that shit. Venomancer is the end-all, be-all ganking support. So if the lane i'm in isn't actively trying to get first blood/kills, im going to start last hitting to make up for the money we're not making by being aggressive.
over 12 years ago
LoL babbies getting mad because their shitty game is dying and artists prefer the better one. LOL
over 12 years ago
Hahahahahah, I love it.
That is all.
I main supports bitches
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_218091]@Jordan[/url]: you sir make me sad. As an avid support player in LoL your attitude that supports should take any of the farm in the lane makes me want to cry. You shouldn't try to take any of it unless the carry can't get it else your carry will fall behind in farm compared to the opposing carry.
over 12 years ago
It drives me nuts how hard this attitude is maintained in LoL. It's really not nearly as much of a thing as in DotA because LoL is set up to give supports good scaling from items. It breaks my heart when I see someone giving a support a hard time for trying to get 1/5-1/3 of a lane's farm.
over 12 years ago
These comics suck dick. Stop making them.
over 12 years ago
Because Force Staff>Venomous Gale
over 12 years ago
Animal Farm reference. Nice one Joe.
over 12 years ago
Veno only carries against bad players, like Viper
over 12 years ago
Venomancer has been played as 1-2 position a few times (4-5 that I can remember) in DotA2, mostly by top European teams. And it was the only way he was played in HoN.
Vengeful Spirit has also been played as 1 by quite a few Slav teams, including Darer, Na'vi and M5.
over 12 years ago
Second part:
At least, in European Dota. Notice how everyone knows Dendi, most know Puppey, Xboct and LightofHeaven are mostly known by competitive scene fans, and ARS-ART is by far the most unknown.
In Chinese DotA they give more credit to the carry players, just look at Burning or ZSMJ.
over 12 years ago
Oh wow... Veno is like the hardest support ever, i played dota1 and i never remember him being considered a carry. At worst noobs played him like one because he was an agility hero and noobs sometimes thought agi = carry. anytime venomancer carries a game other heroes would do it better.
over 12 years ago
By the way, on competitive DotA, one of the least-farming players (4-5 position) is usually the captain, so he isn't that much of an unsung hero. And the #1 farming position isn't as appreciated as the solo mid players (2). In fame, it's probably like this:
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Well, it's DOTA 2. But at least it's something other MOBA players can relate to.
over 12 years ago
Also, support is the one that gets blamed for losing a game. It doesnt matter if your team picked 4 hard carries or have worse K/D than support. And if you are winning then its carries who've brought the victory.
p.s. Bitch mode saves the day.
over 12 years ago
i can see Jo is trying to balance his comics into either derpa(yes, you read that right) or teamwork failure 2. of which i like the latter most.
but it doesnt matter because there will always be people whining
Dont give in Jo. do whatever you want. ill follow you untill the end
Phantom Renegade
over 12 years ago
I can find the humour in this, and i like it, though i still wish there were a few less DOTA comics.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217946]@Vidzor[/url]: You have AIDS, sorry.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217980]@CynthiaCrescent[/url]: You should hide away from Sentry. He is hunting you.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_218016]@Turkashi[/url]: We need more Siv HD.
over 12 years ago
as my favorite LoL player said (on youttube)
Hello community... I AM SUPPORT!
and yes, I'm still prout I'm the support in LoL.
It's indeed a hard time, not to get ganked, low funds, hard pressure on your ward,... but at the end, you're the one the can say: "holy sh#t I've freaking done wel"
over 12 years ago
I love the animal farm reference in the sub text. ouo
over 12 years ago
Hard Support is the thankless job in MOBAs. You don't get any money and you're entire purpose is to ward the map and cast a few buffs. You are never credit to team, and you are an easy kill. Any victory is because the carry was awesome, and loss was because you fed.
I hate MOBAs.
over 12 years ago
Sooo... pretty much like a turtling engineer in TF2?
over 12 years ago
Agree that Veno can be played as any position on the team and a Venomancer with decent farm is really scary. But not even close as scary as the hard carries. He's one hell of a support though.
over 12 years ago
So many people talking about Venomancer carry...
Venomancer can be played in all 5 farming priorities. Just like Sven, Vengeful spirit, Mirana...
But all of them have 2 positions that are a lot more usual in competitive. What you do in pubs is irrelevant to them, specially the worse you are.
over 12 years ago
I totally made that system.
over 12 years ago
Also TF2 Comics Please.
over 12 years ago
Seriously though, DotA and LoL are the plague of the gaming~
over 12 years ago
First of all, veno's a support because he isn't farm or item dependent, and not to mention he only needs one level in gale. Second of all, to those people suggested that veno is a carry in DotA 1... wut. EHome popularized him, and they only used him as a support.
over 12 years ago
Nautilus is the hypest Champ... Oh wait wrong game.
Seriously though... DOTA > DOTA2. Dota2 feels like a forced product, and some heroes got messed up too much. I can't stand it.
over 12 years ago
Dota 2, hate the graphics on Dota 2...kinda wish you could edit those.
over 12 years ago
I'm not trolling at all man, havent you even played the first Dota? Venomancer was a hard carry. And seriously, I hate the graphics on Dota, everything look so grey and bland.
LAN-only DotA
over 12 years ago
It's a lot more fun playing DotA without a "hard support."
over 12 years ago
Fuck DOTA. Get LoL. Bitches luuuurve dem sum loling.
over 12 years ago
Long time reader first time commenter - gotta say your other commenters, if examples of MOBA and FPS games are pretty much epeen warriors.
Love the work, enjoying DOTA2 atm with some WoW :)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217949]@Querzis[/url]: Bad troll, would not read again, 0/5. Try harder next time.
over 12 years ago
I have played some Dota 2 now. Can't say it was very good, but at least I get these jokes now.
over 12 years ago
I mean, I played the first Dota and, while I still prefer LoL (mostly cause denying is retarded) I at least get why some people prefered Dota. But whats the point of playing Dota 2 instead of the first one??? Hell, even the graphics look shittier then Warcraft 3 graphics!
over 12 years ago
...Venomancer is a hard support in Dota 2? What the bloody hell? How can you change a character so much that he go from hard carry to hard support?
over 12 years ago
Now with more Animal Farm references!
over 12 years ago
I'm playing Venomancer as a carry, so fuck dat comic. And he is not HARD support. Instead of him, there should be Crystal Maiden or Disruptor or other shit like that.
over 12 years ago
True, a decent carry will use the extra farm the right way; but I always think the support should have decent farm too, if not he will be dying when needed the most.
over 12 years ago
"There's never any TF2 comics anymore"
And lo! There were TF2 comics!
"I have no idea what's going on in DOTA comics"
And lo! Giant wall of text!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217929]@dotasux[/url]: This post hurts me deep down inside. And i've played Dota since 2005.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217929]@dotasux[/url]: go back to lol kiddo
over 12 years ago
I don't play DOTA since in my eyes it and LoL are almost the exact same thing. I do understand this comic
Supports 5eva!
over 12 years ago
Support play is infinitely better than playing through a whole game right-clicking.
over 12 years ago
How the FUCK is venomancer supposed to be hard support? Did they change him since dota 1 or are people just that retarded?
Then again, these are the same people that play dota 2 so I guess they are retarded.
inb4 "hurr go back to league XD"
over 12 years ago
Just dropping by to say supports are the most important players in the team
O, and that all shit players "main" carries.
over 12 years ago
I've hate seeing this kind of fuckin mentality. Some carries get it in their head that they just need to farm and avoid contributing to team battles at all costs. The result is often a terribly lopsided game where the only option is to die, or let them push towers undefended.
Benny Tops
over 12 years ago
@Dr. Dingus: Eh, if that is how you feel, then that is how you feel. Plenty of people around here that actually like Jo's work, regardless of the setting. Enjoy yourself out in the rest of the Internet.
over 12 years ago
Animal farm quote? I approve.
Dr. Dingus
over 12 years ago
Well, I'm done with this place. Too many goddamn DOTA comics not enough everything else.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217914]@hmmmm[/url]: I actually tried, but end up changing to DOTA at the last moment.
over 12 years ago
Take Chaos Knight. Be more equal.
over 12 years ago
So, you really tried to make a LoL comic again? ^_^
over 12 years ago
Way too many DOTA comics lately.
over 12 years ago
Equal, and yet not equal indeed. Granted, a support can make or break an earlygame kill sometimes, so they are definitely a best friend to yer carry.