What people are saying about "Silence Is Golden (And Purple)"
Silence Is Golden (And Purple)
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 12 years ago
Purple and gold, purple and gold
Everyone wishes for purple and gold
How do you measure its worth?
Just by the pleasure it gives here on earth.

Purple and gold, purple and gold
Mean so much more when I see
purple and gold decorations
On every Christmas tree.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_222660]@Dumb[/url]: or IS he? *dramatic background music here*
over 12 years ago
Oh wow. Before reading the section below the comic I thought he was a minion
Guy with a brain
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_222288]@dotasux[/url]: Valve can't use the Spell Breaker design because Blizzard Brewmaster was a panda on his release at Dota 2, but he was changed because China has a law against panda violence
over 12 years ago
@Same shit: Same race, same map, same game mode, same objective. Don't compare this game with real games like nethack or linley's crawl.
Same shit
over 12 years ago
same map same hero's same gamemode u just kill the ice guy and the bonzai over again and again,again,and again again,again and again and again leg legend re same Hun re same dont compare this shits whit real games like starcraf 2 and warcraft 3
over 12 years ago
I like (COD) better
over 12 years ago
I need to buy (NERF) But i rather buy (CALL OF DUTY) And if u want to be my friend on (CALL OF DUTY) Just put (SomeRatsMeow) And u need (XBOX LIVE) To do it.

over 12 years ago
@Look up: Callipygian while you're at it...:
Firstly, you mean onomatopeia;
More importantly, unless your doors sound like "MAD!!" when they get slammed open, you need to look up what that word means.
over 12 years ago
@Gabe Newel is fatter than the moon:
The music videos are a statistic guess,
The ponies are guessed from the pink and your ignorance,
But what do you base the porn guess on?
over 12 years ago
New Coke all over again, Valve is infamous for raising to the greatest heights and lowest lows a company can achieve.
last panel
over 12 years ago
Read the last bubble without the emphasis on a certain word and it becomes a little kinky.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_222009]@RRD[/url]: Royal Regal purple is the best fuckin' color.
over 12 years ago
why dont they just use the design from warcraft3's dota for silencer?

why the FUCK is pandaren brewmaster not a panda?

Does blizz own rights to pandas?

DotA2 is fucking retarded, play dota 1 instead.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_222120]@bunivasal[/url]: How could everyone have forgotten when the comic JUST MENTIONED THAT HE WAS RED? It's barely noon, and I already had my fair share of stupid. I need a drink.
 Platypus
over 12 years ago
Valve doesn't take months to implement changes.

I remember back in WC3:FT DotA that hero's were colored primarily by their unit color patches, so you could have a green or blue Silencer. I had Pink Lycanthrope before Bright Purple Silencer was cool. :P
over 12 years ago
To me, it looks like he is looking at a Windows theme (that green fields wallpaper) with an instalation window in it. He's watching a demonstration of how to install something.
over 12 years ago
Wow. I mean, it's pretty terrible that everyone's forgotten the True Way: that once, the Silencer was red, not purple.
over 12 years ago
Hardly the first time they did a change after a change. Phantom Assassin's bright armors, Enchantress's eyes...
Gabe Newel is fatter than the moon
over 12 years ago
I see that valve is looking at something on youtube, looks like music videos, my little pony, and porn from what I can from a distance.

But there's something very importantly missing from this.

Anon E Mouse
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221822]@anon[/url]: You raise a good point. If Valve was a great company, they would never, ever, never make a mistake ever. Good analysis.
Look up: Callipygian while you're at it...
over 12 years ago
I like how "MAD!!" is an onomonopia in this.
over 12 years ago
Purple? P-purple?! How...why... NOOOOO! How could they do this?! I mean...PURPLE?! Is that even a real color?! Translation for sarcastically impaired fans: It's called a reskin. Most of the time, especially in DOTA2's competitor, LoL, this is customization. Congrats on embarrassing yourselves.
Tom Genius
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221892]@FlyingShoppingCart[/url]:*Dark Magician*
You know...
over 12 years ago
After taking a quick look at the comic and leaving I could've sworn that VALVe guy was watching ponies, not because I thought so but because it was rather obvious. Then I went back here, and realized he wasn't. That's definitly a step forward Jo, keep it up!
over 12 years ago
this is why dota 2 sucks
over 12 years ago
@Not a spy: How DOESN'T one fuck himself?

I like to take myself out to a nice dinner first, bit of wine...
over 12 years ago
@Not a spy: with portal guns, of course!
over 12 years ago
I think he looks alot more like the Dark Wizard from Yu-Gi-Oh!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221805]@Wiatrak[/url] YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL,YOU BRAH? Dota 2> LoL
over 12 years ago
"Because he's fucking dragonite."
over 12 years ago
@Not a spy:
Don't think too hard about it.
Just, don't
Not a spy
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221826]@Corsair[/url]: How does one fuck himself?
over 12 years ago
The last sentance in this comic can be read two ways. One is significantly more disturbing than the other.
over 12 years ago
Well that comic gave me a decent laugh.
over 12 years ago
If they were really that great they wouldn't have tried the retarded shade in the first place.
over 12 years ago
Also Jo only made 33 DOTA comics ffs
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221805]@Wiatrak[/url]: It's not like Jo made a bunch of comics not related to any game or something...
over 12 years ago
For being Silencer, he sure talks a lot.
over 12 years ago
Oh,and thats a very important thing to draw a comic about...no,its not. Just change the name of comic to "Dotacomicnow" so i can stop checking it in hope of seeing something generally related to gaming.
over 12 years ago
on the 2nd panel, silencer actually looks like tentacle jo with eyes and mage clothing.
Beep Boop
over 12 years ago
He looks like a purple caster minion.
over 12 years ago
All hail Valve. New world order.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221737]@TheChrisD[/url]: Holy shit, you're right! Now I just need Gate Guardian and Exodia and my dream roster will be complete. I will now yell "DARK MAGIC ATTACK" with every spell, regardless of its true name or origin.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221690]@Kissamies[/url]: Dammit! No love for Solitaire?
over 12 years ago
He kinda looks like the Dark Magician now. Incoming lawsuit?
over 12 years ago
for a sec i was like,WTF is a magika(the comic would be late) wizard is in the comics ,also idk if i don't like the comic arcs for a game i don't play or for some reason don't like(ain't that many),i don't complain and try to get the joke
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221690]@Kissamies[/url]: i wouldnt disagree with that but DOTA comics aint that bad
over 12 years ago
His argument is invalid
over 12 years ago
Fun Fact: The Valve Head guy doesn't actually work for Valve and didn't even know what company the picture he was taking was for at first.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221636]@Anon[/url] E Mouse (Sarcastic): If only more companies would do such a "dastardly" thing.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221681]@OMG[/url] Bah! Humbug! What we need is an AirBuccaneers comic or maybe Guns of Icarus Online.
over 12 years ago
So many Dota 2 comics. More Firefall or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
Anon E Mouse (Sarcastic)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221672]@ [/url]: You're revealed their insidious business plan: to make money selling a product that most people highly regard while continually improving it. Dastardly!
over 12 years ago
It's amazing how long it takes to get out of beta stage while making money on it. Wait... maybe they do not want to end this stage.
over 12 years ago
I'ts not a tatoo it's a new hat!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_221639]@Dota2Nerd[/url] But remember that hairless Pudge was a bug and the hair slot wasn't loading for some reason. (the hair model was there, but it didn't show)
over 12 years ago
nice valve tattoo coach
over 12 years ago
It actually isn't the first change they've reverted or modified. Remember hairless pudge? /shudder
over 12 years ago
It's pretty cool for Valve to take in user input like that and act on things that people aren't happy with, at least in cases like this.