What people are saying about "Battleframes"
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about 12 years ago
Isocryd is Credit to me :3c
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_227509]@Aurum[/url] Okay - sabi.work.mail@gmail.com :3
about 12 years ago
Feh, that's what I hate about every video game minigun, spews bullets like a firehose, but they have as much punch as a spitball...
about 12 years ago
Yeah sure. Just leave your email in the comment. If you're not fine with using your real email. Use a backup email.
Syke Stryker
about 12 years ago
They just recently nerfed the Dread, it wasn't always like that.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_227142]@Aurum[/url] Could you share one then? :3 Sadly, I dont know your email.
about 12 years ago
Heh, for some reason I feel Red Engi wanted to see Orange Engi in the skimpy ass outfit.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_227142]@Aurum[/url]: I'll take one, then
about 12 years ago
Lol @ people dropping their beta keys. I'm stuck with at least 5 Beta invites to send out.
about 12 years ago
Firefall is just like Global Agenda if you ever play it.
about 12 years ago
On a more serious note. What is this game really about anyway?
about 12 years ago
So many Firefall comics. More Belgian chocolate or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
A change of pace from DotA 2. This pleases me.
about 12 years ago
I still cant get the invite ;_;
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_226663]@Saiyan[/url]: That's because last time he drew it, it was mirrored from the actual outfit shown on the game site.
about 12 years ago
@???: I didn't think the movie was out yet. But the book is pretty good.
about 12 years ago
You need a comma between powerful and sounds.
about 12 years ago
I don't recognize any of these champions...
Benny Tops
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_226867]@Ninj77[/url]: To each their own. Myself, I would rather a game be balanced as possible, in order to play effectively regardless of my class choice. Assuming equal skill distribution of course. Another great comic Jo, though it seems the seagulls got to it again. Thanks, and see you at the Tops.
about 12 years ago
No Assault? Boy I am disappoint.
about 12 years ago
Dread has been undergoing lots of balance changes as of recently. That's mostly why it might feel lackluster at the moment.

Before, Dread could tear a hole in anything, and was ridiculous. I'm thinking that it'll be just as good again once they finally get to splitting PvP and PvE.
about 12 years ago
Is firefall something like BL2?
is it also fun to play? coz maybe I will try it.

btw, I only play mechromancer on BL2.
about 12 years ago
Oh, and btw, I rather have a small but powerful gun, than a mother-freaking bazonga that only goes sputting salvos.
about 12 years ago
@'-': That is because the punchline is explained either in-comic or in Jo's own comment section.
about 12 years ago
Jo ol'buddy thank you so much for this strip!

Not only the joke is great, and of course that touch of fanservice do really please us fans.

Thanks again buddy!
Anon E Mouse (Sarcastic)
about 12 years ago
Woah woah woah! I've never played this game before. I better complain about how this is a terrible inside joke! I demand that you only ever reference games that are mainstream. Pong, Puckman, and Mario are my limits.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_226608]@UberMann[/url]: what if I tell you, you don't understand sarcasm.
about 12 years ago
To be fair, Engie, you can have 3 frames (More if ya shill out for Red Beans for more slots), so you can have more Redgie :D
Dragon in the knee
about 12 years ago
So many Firefall comics. More Skyrim or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
about 12 years ago
So I'll read comics. Again Dota 2 or many never Firefall more!!!1!1!
about 12 years ago
Orson who?
about 12 years ago
Honestly, I lost interest the moment I heard Orson Scott Card was involved. That scumbag deserves a Garth Ennis-style beatdown. (Also, Ender's Game was awful)
about 12 years ago
@-_-: That is because the punchline isn't really about Firefall...
von Boomslang
about 12 years ago
I'm a sucker for wrist-mounted weaponry. Haven't tried Firefall yet, but eagerly looking forward to it.
about 12 years ago
where is that sign pointing?

also, I think enermax (the psu producer) is sponsoring firefall. Look at the frame-reactor advertising in transhub.

What this do?
about 12 years ago
did you know someone did a mod for the Engineers for FireFall, that gives them back that other pants leg. Luckly the folks who are making the game is working on customizations
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_226620]@AckAckAck[/url]: try tibes ascend, inwhich the jetpacks play a big role. not to mention the resistance free movement on hils
about 12 years ago
Sorry Blu Engie, you can't see Red Engie's goodies today.
about 12 years ago
Woops! Dropped my beta key.

about 12 years ago

I'll just leave this here.
about 12 years ago
Her costume is mirrored from the last time Jo drew it.
about 12 years ago
Poor engie just wanted to fap to engie :(
about 12 years ago
Engie doesn't like the Engiframe or the alternative frame Engie used.

Also Engie has 3 arms.
about 12 years ago
So many Dota 2 comics. More Firefall or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
about 12 years ago
Unexpected source of sound.
about 12 years ago
even though i haven't played firefall at least these comics make sense unlike dota ones,
about 12 years ago
When I saw Firefall for the first time I was intrigued with the promise of jetpacks. But then later on the game looks like it's getting more and more bland. Maybe they try to cater to the mass a little bit too much?
about 12 years ago
So many Firefall comics! More Pac-Man or I'll never read again!!!1!1!

Sorry, at least I already fill the quota for this silly in-joke.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_226605]@OMG[/url] What if I tell you, nobody cares?
about 12 years ago
So many Firefall comics. More Dota 2 or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago