What people are saying about "Role Model"
Role Model
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almost 12 years ago
I would have been very disappointed if I didn't see a Pac-Man joke.
Someone who found out something
almost 12 years ago
Holy shit, they are voraphiles!
almost 12 years ago
This is so fun.
Drow, the imba and loved character (when she's on your team).
almost 12 years ago
@Ya Rly

It honestly feels like they need it spelled out for them because THINKING IS HARD GUYYYZZZ I DON'T UNDERSTAAAAND. Either that or they're so used to being catered to that things need to be spelled out EXACTLY.
almost 12 years ago
@Confused tf2 fan

One has wings, the other's head is on friggin' fire, and the last one has neither. Pretty damn clear they're different from each other, and that should've clued you in that it's either a class or a build thing. It's not rocket science. I just... really? I can't even...
Cicada 3m
almost 12 years ago
@Ya Rly: Here here. ECM ownage all day e'ry day.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231062]@Nekobishi[/url]: That's because his last arc was a terrible mess of rehashed jokes.
Ya Rly
almost 12 years ago

Welcome to the wonderful world of Video Game Nerds.

Me, I'm just happy to stomp around in my big internet robots on MechWarrior: Online. DOTA 1 & 2 can suck my balls.
Confused tf2 fan
almost 12 years ago
Though now I have come to understand that in DOTA the aim is to kill multiple imps (npc's?) get gold from them and those who do this best are well "fed" and thus desirable. coolio. i think...
Confused tf2 fan
almost 12 years ago
@Seriously?: But how is one supposed to know that they are support / offence defence characters. They are all just wearing skimpy clothing in similar styles, none of which providing any real-world armour. In fact I thought the first and third person were the same and that she was just fat.
A Confused Gentleman
almost 12 years ago
Am I the only one that found the "well fed" class cute?

almost 12 years ago
Dear God look at the massive shlong Bloodseeker is sporting.
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
almost 12 years ago
Seriously? I've never played the damn game and even I mostly got the joke, though I didn't know about the 'fed' thing and assumed it was more that her appearance didn't matter because she was a better class. Looks mean crap if you're a shitty support.

People whine too damn much.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
@Confused tf2 fan: They ignored Vengeful Spirit and Queen of Pain even though they are "sexy"; when Drow walked by, she was well fed which they <3ed. It's a play on the term "fed".
almost 12 years ago
i am never played DOTA but im still get the joke.
almost 12 years ago
I believe these guys, if they like big butts they cannot lie.
almost 12 years ago
The Junk in the Trunk shall bring you luck
It Takes Two to Tango
almost 12 years ago
I get it that the character there is "fed" and thus powerful, but I don't understand how this is funny.

I don't play any of these games, these kinds of comics are nearly impenetrable to me.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_230957]@lel[/url]: lal. What do you mean biased. You don't even need to read anything at all to see that. Just look at the two maps. How do you spell propaganda?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231144]@Hash[/url]: Indubitably though, the characters mean something. Are they supports that synch well with her or something? Not a clue. Are the hearts really for that? 'Cuz I'd be swooning before and during the passing, not afterwards. Have they been charmed or something? Fuck if I know, I don't play dota.
almost 12 years ago
Confused tf2 fan - 'fed' means getting a lot of creep kills/kills (and hence, a lot of gold) - they're ignoring the bodacious babes in favor of the 'fed' carry, and the hearts are them crushing on her after she passes.
Confused tf2 fan
almost 12 years ago
I dont play any action rts or whatever it is. I get that she is well "fed" because she has lots of content and support (i think), but what about the hearts in the last panel? Why are they loving eachother, or something or nothing. I don't get that bit.

Not trollin
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231116]@Geary[/url]: Hawken seems like a mess for the moment still after a couple hours trial. Unfortunately I cant think of any polished recent mech games atm. Mechwarrior Online is pretty nice so far, but its still not retail game worthy quite yet, damn good for a freeby though.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231096]@derp[/url]: She moved after Obama won re-election.
almost 12 years ago
On a separate note, has Jo ever delved into mech games? I don't recall him ever touching the subject, and I would suggest Hawken as a good way to be introduced to the genre.
almost 12 years ago
For the people saying DotA jokes are 'inside' jokes, I've never played or watched a DotA match, and I've yet to have any of these jokes fly over my head.

It's not DotA that's the problem, its people never playing MOBAs and complaining about jokes referencing them.
almost 12 years ago
why is drow canadian?
almost 12 years ago
Jo, dearie, it's perfectly ok if it's DotA. It's not ok if it's obsession. First it's "Diablo 3 is too hard/too easy", now it's "Drow Ranger is OP", too many jokes on just a few narrow topics. Are you okay? Maybe you need something... fresher?
almost 12 years ago
@Soph Senkai: I'll sum up the balance conclusions for both games for you. LoL is balanced for beginners with an easy to understand meta.

Dota is balanced towards the pro-scene but is as such much harder.

This has been discussed a million times and everybody always agrees on this.
Soph Senkai
almost 12 years ago
Long time LoL player myself. Suffice to say, both games are good in there own right, neither can be truly superior over the other cuz they both go for different things. Sure the common goal is to destroy the enemy base, but LoL is more about teamwork, and DotA more about individual Skill use.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231062]@Nekobishi[/url]: Yeah, I remember. That's why I stopped coming here. Right now, I'm just passing through, seeing what's popping. However, from what I remember, he said that the views dropped a bit, and not by a massive amount like you're making it sound.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231038]@Cadmas[/url] Not everyone likes all types of games. I tried DotA back in WC III. Didn't like it. Tried LoL when it was new. Didn't like it. Don't plan on ever playing another long enough to get into one well enough to get many of the inside jokes.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231060]@HitBoxMaster[/url]: last time he did arks his hits tanked he said hes not doing arcs anymore
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231054]@Me[/url]: 0/10. Bitch, are you even trying?
almost 12 years ago
People who don´t get the joke:

Buy Dota and you will. Jo will only make Dota 2 comics for it's the best game ever. Don't be a cheapskate, join us today!
almost 12 years ago
With all of these outcries of abandonment by readers who don't play Dota maybe doing another comic series aimed at specifically Dota players would be a better idea? Of course, that would mean you'd have to kneel before their desires...or you could return the favour by adding ponies for buttclenching
almost 12 years ago
I understand the joke, but it's wrong with regards to how a proper lineup is.
almost 12 years ago
>Inside jokes

People need to play more games. Dotas only been around for over 10 years now. Hell, any moba would at least let you understand some of the strips.
almost 12 years ago
I'm no fan of dota either, but I think the fat women is that ranger (?) and is probably a stronk player which can easily get fed.

you're all welcome! But me, captain obvious, need to go!
almost 12 years ago
Looks like that escalated quickly.
almost 12 years ago
For people who don't play dota (or other moba games):
when you killed an other player, you gain gold, and experience. So when you get a lot of kills, you'll probably will buy many strong items to make you even stronger. This we call it fed (feeding)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231028]@HitBoxMaster[/url]: Yes
almost 12 years ago
Damn, been a long time I'd been around here. So, Joe is still keeping up with that bullshit of not doing arc comics (don't need to be TF 2 arcs, just arcs of something)?
almost 12 years ago
Keep up the good work Jo, your comics are hilarious regardless of the game you decide to make a comic on. Let those whiners leave if they don't like it, even though we all know they'll keep coming back like they're addicted to crack.
almost 12 years ago
I second the "less inside" jokes.. DOTA strips like these seem more like homework then humor to the non-DOTA players..
almost 12 years ago
Jo, Please, if you're going to keep doing dota strips, try some light-hearted arcs that don't rely on inside knowledge, rather than one-shots that a good portion of older readers likely won't get without having an explanation. Explanations ruin jokes.
almost 12 years ago
Its ironic since both Jugg and Bloodseeker are carries as well. (Well BS is more of a ganker)

And carries have trouble teaming up together.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_230963]@uhsbgudba[/url] Actually I think that first one is vengeful spirit actually, not death prophet. Death prophet is green and has a red dress nowadays.
almost 12 years ago
Even though I am incredibly disturbed by this grotesque portrayal of my favorite hero, I must say that the joke was quite clever and well-received.

And frankly, there are several people mistaking aesthetic beauty for sex appeal.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_230959]@Vee[/url]: Death Prophet, Spectre and Broodmother I think DOTA is better in that aspect
almost 12 years ago
I have to admit, I laughed.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_230950]@ha[/url]: What the hell are you talking about? DOTA is not better in that aspect at all.
almost 12 years ago

Even if you play LoL or HoN or something similiar, this is a very interesting article
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_230950]@ha[/url] What the fuck kind of drugs are you on?
nerfnow more like dotanow
almost 12 years ago
yay another dota2 comic

figures a BR would turn his web series into one about this overrated shit.
The Nerd
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_230950]@ha[/url]: And I thought DotA looked (not played, though I think HoN is a little better when in comes to pro play) like kiddy game compared to HoN...
almost 12 years ago
Here too, DOTA is much more mature than LoL. Every female in LoL has either a sexy or a cute body. Meanwhile, male heroes have all kinds of bodies, slim, average, muscular, ridiculously muscular, ugly, fat, robotic-fat, cyborg-average ect.
Kinda sad.
almost 12 years ago
On topic: Fed Drow is fed.
almost 12 years ago
Been following Jo's comics for 2 years now, i think. Give or take. Anyhoo, give the man a break, he's addicted to dota. Oddly enough, it just so happens that lately i've been playing way too of that myself so i can relate. It's just that when you get in that cycle it's all you think about.
almost 12 years ago
The joke here is that Drow is incredibly fed (literally and metaphorically) from killing (eating) enemies. "He's so fat" means "He's so fed".
almost 12 years ago
No more dota. For the love of all thats holy
Noobs in chat
almost 12 years ago
I dont understand dota........
almost 12 years ago
I enjoy a good DOTA joke, even though I don't play it, and I get most of the ones you make... For instance, I laughed my butt off from the Game of Throws.

But I don't get it. ...And it seems that most of the comics recently have been DOTA based. No other good new games out right now I guess.
almost 12 years ago
Although i have to say drow is paper thin in terms of hp.
almost 12 years ago
I got it! Drow is WELL FED, therefore strong and can kick everyone's ass.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_230911]@ClinkzEastwood[/url]: The Drow is WAAAAAAAY fed. The others aren't. At least that's how I see it.
almost 12 years ago
That Drow is so fed, easy game.
almost 12 years ago
Although i'm a Dota player, i don't understand.
almost 12 years ago