What people are saying about "Investments"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 12 years ago
it said that what gondar do with his extra gold from his unique skill is that he's producing items that counter his own unique skill. so enemies actually buy items to counter gondar from gondar's industry, so gondar got more money.there's no such thing as gondar's industry in game, it's economy joke
about 12 years ago
as for the comic above, it have reference to gondar class's unique skill that gain him more golds each kills, another his unique skills that makes him invisible, and reference to items that counter his invisibility.
about 12 years ago
dota have over 130+ items in-game, some are consumables, basic items, upgrade, etc.
each class have 6 inventory for items and usually different role means different items. items can be built more than one.

oh, and dota 2 have hats too, lot of hats.
about 12 years ago
in dota, you have 100+ unique class (heroes), just imagine it like tf2 class's uniqueness but you have 100 of it, all difference. each class have at least 4 unique skill
dota have more role than 3 roles of tf2, and each class can work as more than one role.
about 12 years ago
why it's hard to understand dota's comic is simply because dota is not as easy to understand as TF2. (dunno about SC, i don't play it).

In TF2 you have 9 class, some weapon, and many hats.The gameplay of any class is not that different.
main objective of the modes are easy to understand.
about 12 years ago
@Reader#327: the ingame community is well known for bashing each other, saying other player noobs and whatever. tryharding and raging whatsoever.
Just mute that kind of player, they're usually have a bad game before, or in that game so they try to find someone else to blame.
about 12 years ago
Come now, Sir Dupre, there is no need to be rude.
Sir Dupre
about 12 years ago
@Feeding Silencer: You are a retarded cunt if you think that wr is a hard suppport.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231860]@Deleth[/url]: That's a very selfish way of thinking. Dota is currently only game I'm playing so I enjoy this website more and more but I didn't hate it before either.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231860]@Deleth[/url]: That's a very selfish way of thinking. Dota is currently only game I'm playing so I enjoy this website more and more but I didn't hate it before either.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231976]@Yaruosu[/url]: The problem is that a lot of the jokes, only a select crowd will understand, and many people will not without it being explained. Thus rendering the jokes worthless to them.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231860]@Deleth[/url]: its all about games Jo play HIMSELF. What is your problem about it? =_=
about 12 years ago
I've been around here for a fairly long time and this shift to Dota is completly killing my enjoyment for this webcomic.
It's a game I don't play and the jokes are those that require inside knowledge of said game. Really no point in coming here if this keeps up.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231833]@S3000[/url] read teh previous three comments dude. DotA comics do not cause frustration but comics that require inside game knowledge do.
about 12 years ago
and a note to anyone saying that Jo will lose his old fans if he stops doing DOTA 2: If you go into the archives you will see that many of the earlier comics he made are tf2.
The Easy Reader
about 12 years ago
Yes it's Jo's comic and he's free to write about/draw what he wants but there's a reason that every DotA comic has 20+ people asking what the joke is or what is going on. In-Jokes are only funny for people who are in, a decent portion of his viewers are not in.
The Easy Reader
about 12 years ago
I don't think it's the game that's the problem though, i've never played TF2 or Starcraft either, but the jokes. While the TF2 and Starcraft jokes are pretty easy to pick up and get even if you aren't familiar with the games the DotA ones are basically in-jokes that nobody bar DotA fans get.
The Easy Reader
about 12 years ago
My problem with the DotA comics isn't that I dislike DotA or anything like that. It's that i've never played the game and have no idea what the joke is supposed to be 90% of the time.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231619]@Geary[/url]: It's rude, but it's absolutely 100% the truth. Dota 2 has one of the worst online communities I've ever seen.
about 12 years ago
Hey look, there were DOTA haters back then too!
about 12 years ago

I think you guys should had predicted he would fall in love with Dota 2
about 12 years ago
LOL And you can see that I still have the occasional typo and missing word.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231654]@Ymirsson[/url]: I already comics for money. Why would I do it for free?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231654]@Ymirsson[/url]: You win the award for weakest argument on the comment page. And that's saying something.
about 12 years ago
I figure that it's a lot easier to make up jokes about the game that you're currently playing, because it's at the front of your mind. While there have been a lot of DOTA comics lately, I don't think I'd care to read a TF2 comic written by a guy not currently interested in TF2.
about 12 years ago
If you want better jokes, write your own freaking comic strip, i dare you.

What? You won't?
Turret Buddy
about 12 years ago
Make moar tf2.

Dat Guy
about 12 years ago
@BonSa: I think it's more that he invests his bounties into being the major provider of gems and wards, thereby making even more money off killing enemy players as they buy invisibility-detection to try and counter him.
about 12 years ago
69th comment
about 12 years ago
Bounty hunter gets more gold for his team for enemy heroes killed.

To gank a bounty hunter you need invis detection (gem, dust, etc).

By running a company that sells the items required to attempt to gank him, bounty hunter is ensuring further track kills, because more people are hunting him.
Confused tf2 fan
about 12 years ago
my bad one of the first guys explained. He cloaks, gems and dust allow others to find, he kills those with dust and gets money to sell gems and dust.... But why cant they just kill him?
about 12 years ago
@An Observation: That's rather rude and obstinate.
Confused tf2 fan
about 12 years ago
Oh god, what the hell is this? I dont know what all these weird classes are about. But as for "gems and dust" Is that kinda like in D3 where its pointless buying cheap ones or grinds them out for everyone else?
about 12 years ago
Nothing like a lengthy streak of comics about a game I don't play or care about. Would be fine if the jokes were self-contained - or funny - but this material is getting old.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231562]@Intradesting[/url]: Agreed. I've never TF2 and I couldn't care less about it, but it was Jo's jokes and the way he portrayed the characters that got me into that game. Now that's talent! On the other hand, his new strips about dota 2 I barely get them unless someone else explain them.
An Observation
about 12 years ago
I think the worse part of the Dota comics is the Dota-trolls that it has attracted. Sure, Jo can make any comics he wants, but when he alienates his old fanbase, I think it's fair that they voice their opinions. A lot of these Dota fanboys are rude and obstinate though. Just an observation.
about 12 years ago
I agree with the "A joke that needs explaining is a bad joke", it doesn't matter what the subject is. Keep doing dota2 jokes for all I care but please at least make them funny ones.
about 12 years ago
On the one hand, I don't play Dota and don't understand these Dota comics either.

On the other hand, this is a free internet comic strip that I visit after Dinosaur Comics and before Cracked.com, so maybe I'm OK with Jo doing whatever he likes.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Apart from starcraft I have played none of the games Jo makes comics about, but they are all understandable and funny because they have never required indepth game knowledge. But these dota 2 comics are just wat
about 12 years ago
here i thought the joke was BH counterwarding, etc.
dota2 is 4 nubz
about 12 years ago
I just love how he uses the new designs of the heroes instead of the old ones, that way its easy for a person like me who jumped on the bandwagon to understand his comics!

Good one jo! Hilarious! You should change this site to DOTANOW XDDDDDD
about 12 years ago
Don't get me wrong, I am sure Jo loves his fans, but Jo can make whatever he wants to do
about 12 years ago
Let Jo make Dota 2 comics

Because Jo didn't create this site to make what other people want, Jo created this site to show and share his comics to the world, not for you
about 12 years ago
Seriously, I'm not a Dota fan, nor tf2 or anything like that. But it's been too much dota already. I'm being bored with it.
about 12 years ago
Takes a loot at the comment...

MAD TF2 players everywhere, don't heff to be mad maddos, it's only comic.
So mad TF2 maddos...
about 12 years ago
There is no other webcomic that offers dota 2 jokes. KEEP IT UP! I LOVE IT
about 12 years ago
When's the comic about having Ruck's from Bastion announce your DoTA 2 game?
about 12 years ago
F dota already...
Rubick Aghanim
about 12 years ago
@>:D: The joy of troll-immunity. Kind jealous that his Divine Shield also grant invulnerability against trolls. Gotta steal that next time.
about 12 years ago
A joke that needs explanation is a bad joke.
A Gray Phantom
about 12 years ago
I feel like I don't get the jokes anymore.
about 12 years ago
I'm imagining Jo singing "It's my comic and I'll draw what I want to, draw what I want to.."
A non e-mouse
about 12 years ago
I'll check back in a month or so. Hopefully Jo's fanatical obsession with DotA 2 will have cooled off a little by then. I don't mind DotA 2 comics, but there's jusst too much of it at a time right now. See you all in a month!
about 12 years ago
So it went from TF2 comics to DOTA2 comics. :x
about 12 years ago
Bounty hunter is alsothe only hero with invisibility, who can fuck shit up for other invisible heroes using his track. And that's why i like him.
about 12 years ago
Oh this one be clever. Good job, mate.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231453]@Really[/url] I'm more critical of the humor than what game he's using the humor on. Some of these, even given knowledge of the game, are just puns, observations of the game, and fan service. Jo's a creative guy, he should do what he wants though! Beggars can't be choosers.
about 12 years ago
You need gems&dust to kill yellow guy, but yellow guy still kill you, taking yours gems&dusts to resell it.

Laugh now (or not since it's a teribad strip)
Really 2
about 12 years ago
lot of his original fanbase by doing so.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231421]@JunWasHere[/url] So if he decides to shift to a new fanbase and say 'fuck you' to his older fans who've been around longer, they should just deal with it? When a webcomic they've loved and an artist they followed no longer gives a damn about them? Sure, he'll get new readers, but he's going to lose a
about 12 years ago
@That awkward moment

Just because people don't understand jokes fro,m a game they don't play/don't like doesn't make them dumb. It just makes them not interested in the damn game.
about 12 years ago
Even with that explanation down there, I didn't get it this time.

I try not to get easily bothered by this stuff, but it's been a ridiculously long time since a comic I've really understood. Would it be too much to have an occasional change in subject between the dota comics?
about 12 years ago
after the good explain of Dota 2 noob trying to help. Still not fully understand.
He kills people, and he create a factory to get gems and dust, which means he get more profit?
Logic is confused
about 12 years ago
@Feeding Silencer actually,WR isn't a support hero,WR is a carry if u don't believe it,the reason is that she's int is cause of balancing reasons
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231421]@JunWasHere[/url]: Well, since Jo tries to make a living from this webcomic he might be interested in keeping the currently big fanbase and not replacing it with just a handfull of daylight-fearing Dota-fans...
about 12 years ago
People complaining that they don't get the jokes need to shut up.

This comic has always been for a specific target audience, more specifically - A specific type of gamer. If Jo decides to shift to a new target audience, it's his choice. Deal with it~
about 12 years ago
I don't get it...
about 12 years ago
just lost a game with dazzle... My lane partner was luna and sucked. But the biggest problem was: They didnt group and pushed together.
we did it once and pushed the first lane and got their baracks cause i carried the teamfight together with rubick. Dazzles skills too strong but we lost.
about 12 years ago
Don't listen to them Jo. Keep the dota comics coming.
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
i think its pretty clear that if someone needs actually EXPLAIN THE JOKE that your not doing it right Jo
about 12 years ago
Mundo do hostile takeover!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231349]@Anon[/url] Jo isn't the only guy who draw three panel strips about video games so it's easier to switch to someone else.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231349]@Anon[/url] I actually tired to get into Dota2, but I had a bad experiance and I don't think I can go back to it :/
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231348]@Danund81[/url] Obviously you should start playing Dota2 then. :x
about 12 years ago
I wish he'd do more comic I actually understand =(

It feels like there's a LOT of Dota 2 comics these days
about 12 years ago
Oh. Goody. More dota stuff.
Wake me when we're back to TF.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_231321]@Amar[/url]: The gems and dust isn't for him, it's for the supports that try to reveal him. Step 1: Make gems & dust Step 2: Have enemy buy gems & dust Step 3: Get $$$ from sales Step 4: Kill person with gems & dust Step 5: Get $$$ from bounty Step 6: Rinse and repeat
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
That awkward moment
about 12 years ago
Its annoying how people want the world to cater to the dumbest individual rather than cater to the smartest and expect others to better themselves
For everyone who doesn't get ecomony jokes
about 12 years ago
Title, Gondar creates both the demand and supply -.-
about 12 years ago
Wah wah wah.. i no knowledge on dota2.. unfair.. world is round.. sun rises from the east... wah wah wah
Reader #327
about 12 years ago
I feel like I now have to play LoL and Dota 2 to understand his jokes anymore :(
about 12 years ago
I don't get it is bounty hunter making the gems and dust? why would he create the instrument of his own destruction? and there is no reason for him to buy those things, just use track when they reveal themselves.
Feeding Silencer cont'd
about 12 years ago
The worst part of this was that the WR in question had been on my friends list. He promptly told me after I gave him shit (twice) for not warding that wards were useless in the later stage of the game (LOL) and then he and our only farmed carry promised to report me for feeding. We lost, of course.
Feeding Silencer cont'd
about 12 years ago
Not only did I rarely have gold to buy wards, but I wasn't even able to get boots until 13 min (barely having the money to buy individual pieces of my headdress). Meanwhile, WR has phases, null, is halfway to an orchid. Funny, the WR blamed Weaver for my deaths the entire time until I told him off.
Feeding Silencer
about 12 years ago
Regarding Jo's note - I just had a game like this recently, Silencer (me) and Weaver in the hard lane vs Clockwerk and PL. Weaver gives FB, and our lane proceeds to get owned. I end the game 0-12, and somehow I'm the bad guy for complaining that our WR (the only other support) never once warded. -_-
about 12 years ago
what happened to his finger?
Oh Bother
about 12 years ago
It's like some XTREME 90's GRIMDARK Winnie the Pooh. Or maybe a Mad Max Winnie the Pooh, can't make up my mind.
about 12 years ago
@Dota 2 noob trying to help. Part 3!: That was really kind of you pal. Thanks for the help!

It's good to see Jo is quite on a kick for Dota 2, though I would really prefer if he could bring back our lil' lusty argonian maid for a change.

Too much Dota 2 lately and not enough fan-service ;D
about 12 years ago
Dota 2 noob trying to help. Part 3!
about 12 years ago
ts that would help kill him and still manages to survive anyways, because he is Bounty Hunter.
Dota 2 noob trying to help. Part 2!
about 12 years ago
hero that uses invisbilty. The green monster she's leaning on is Tidehunter, a tanky hero.

Last panel: Gem of True Sight gives players the ability to see invisible enemies.
Dust of Appearance does the same, but you have to use it on an area.
The point is that Bounty Hunter invests in the produc
Dota 2 noob trying to help.
about 12 years ago
Okay, I see this happening every time Jo posts a Dota 2 comic, so I'll try and give an explanation.

The hero in red with yellow skin is Bounty Hunter, real name Gondar, who uses invisibility to sneak up on enemy players and kill them.

The other hero talking to him is Templar Assassin, another
about 12 years ago
Now with more jokes I cant understand
about 12 years ago