@Pick Up Artist
I never understood why "Fuck you" is considered a curse word, it's like saying "Have fun". Well thank you :)
Pick Up Artist
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_236353]@bodmans[/url]: I FCed your mom
How's that for abbreviating the SPERM ON HER FACE
about 12 years ago
@Pick Up Artist: now with EVEN MORE made up abbreviations?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_236318]@juup[/url]: you sir, just discovered the meaning of life
about 12 years ago
@Pick Up Artist: or trolls countertrolling trolls so they think they trolled someone but they are being the trolled ones trolling trolls who troll trolls whle being trolled.
Pick Up Artist
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_236152]@MrP[/url]: This guy, this guy gets it. But he doesn't care I think he gets it, so fuck him, he doesn't care if I say "fuck him".
Pick Up Artist
about 12 years ago
Or, you all are just being trolled and reacting to it.
Seriously. I could just be a regular dude in vacation, who enjoys using weird names in nerfnow comment and see how people react.
PUAs still get laid more than us, though. C/D? Opinions on them?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_236242]@honest[/url]: He should represent himself like a girl with skimpy clothes?
about 12 years ago
Hey Foxy, could you give us some information about where you are streaming?
I am happy
about 12 years ago
At least no meepony.
about 12 years ago
gotta be straight with you: i don't believe representing yourself as a tentacle is a positive thing...
about 12 years ago
Why do you feed the troll?
I mean, does it even matter if he says the truth or not?
If he says the truth = I don't care.
If he lies = I don't care.
See what this means? I don't care.
Why do you care enough to argue?
yea no
about 12 years ago
@Pick Up Artist: way to much detail to be believable
you are right with 100% though. 100% LIE
what have been seen
about 12 years ago
Why Jo use his purple penis to handle glasses ?
about 12 years ago
And them Jo makes a crude engie mask and make one gameplay using it and a high pitched voice.
Maximum trolling!
about 12 years ago
@Pick Up Artist Anyone who needs to list an entire schedule or plan on how they pick up women are DESPERATELY trying to look cool on the internet.
That and your name screams " Please believe me I am a chick magnet when in fact I just sit here lonely and desperate. "
about 12 years ago
Do you look good enough so I can jizz on you? That is the eternal question!
about 12 years ago
I think engie's hair looks better in this comic..
I didn't remember the comic where I saw a good drawn engie.. I think engie was wearing a swimsuit with a green/river background or something in that comic
about 12 years ago
did engie's hair get shorter(1st pannel)???
I think it looks kinda weird.....
about 12 years ago
"How well I play" only matters to a tiny niche audience. In fact, it seems to be a detriment because it's less "relatable"; most successful "demonstrated play" programs are by people who are not particularly skilled (YouTube examples include Yogscast, Game Grumps, and most of A Bad Feeling).
about 12 years ago
now with more made-up abbreviations!
Pick Up Artist
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235969]@Davtwan[/url]: Or I could lying about being a PuA, just being someone who doesn't give a shit.
Pick Up Artist
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235969]@Davtwan[/url]: Dude, every weekend I roll out with my wingman. We hit the club, locate a set. Then we move in, we DHV. Then, we throw a neg or two and keep building rapport until our target has reached buying temperature, then we KC, NC, bring 'em home, and FC.
Works every single time, 100%.
about 12 years ago
@Pick Up Artist: God forbid people have fantasies, right?
Also, this is the Internet. People can lie here. No matter how much you imply, no one is going to believe you're not a virgin here.
Pick Up Artist
about 12 years ago
So much virgin in these comments
There's like 3,5 billion girls on the planet. Stop drooling like tards.
L2 FC.
about 12 years ago
or if you mean the first one, she's excited and pondering. she feels what the face shows.
about 12 years ago
whats all this about face design?
not all expressions are sheer beauty. She's making a nasty face cause she isnt appreciate of Jo tentacles remarks
about 12 years ago
Why do people call Jo "Joe"
Look at the bottom of the site people
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
When I first read the comic I read it as "streaking". I was disappointed that wasn't actually the case.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235857]@Mrp[/url]: I have seen Caxx other stuff and I think she is good. I just don't imagine her voice on Engie.
Jo could just announce his plans here and ask people to send some voice samples.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235838]@Tkun[/url] - sorry, I was @Trololol, I forgot I have to re-put my name every post...
Caxx is great IMHO, there are other stuff she voiced.
I never said Joe has to do everything by himself, too.
I just think it would be neat :)
about 12 years ago
@@Trololol: Anyway for animation would be better if someone that already know how to animate do it than expect Jo to to learn it by himself. On the other hand, learn to animate might be a good skill for an artist like him...
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235753]@MrP[/url]: I don't know how many voices Caxx can make. If she can make a different voice for Engie then it would be OK. I just think the voice she does for Zone-tan doesn't fit Engie but there are other people on the internet with good voices too.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235782]@trolololol[/url]: Actually it is possible. But it is too much a hassle just for that.
For voice the best option would be to get some girl to do it but it is possible to use software to modify your voice into a girl's voice.
about 12 years ago
Yes that would be tough... Most viewers view it after it was recorded anyway - so make it a recorded session video?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235753]@MrP[/url]: animating a live stream? it might work for after the fact videos but nobody can animate a live stream.
about 12 years ago
So, is that a real question? Do you really think about streaming Joe? It might be neat, get animators to animate a few facial expressions for Engie, get Caxx (http://caxx.newgrounds.com/) to voice her. I can see it working, being the first virtual character streamer. That would be neat.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235713]@Foxy[/url]: You are missing one of the great advantages of being a girl who streams.
about 12 years ago
As a girl who streams games I play on the internet *even post them up on youtube* it's HARD to get people to come and watch me play games! People who say "Oh, you're not a real girl" can go find a bridge to end their lives now. I'm saying don't do if it you expect instant fame.
A Gray Phantom
about 12 years ago
She's a girl playing videogames on the internet. Of course she'll get folowers!
about 12 years ago
I don't know why people are complaining, new face looks good
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235604]@Vagabond[/url]: Yeah, it's pretty common that the best artists, like Jo, try to improve their style. Sometimes they hit the nail right on its head!...other times they just smash their thumbs...or tentacle in this particular case.
"Streaming semi-nude Engie-tan playing"....Mmmmmm O_O!!!
about 12 years ago
YEAAAAAH just what the internet needs. more streaming and let's plays
about 12 years ago
The new face design... It's... Creepy. It falls into an odd corner of the uncanny valley, the same place where the Mask salesman from Majora's mask sells his masks...
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235423]@Nerfnow[/url]: well, you can do LP-vids,of random casual servers, or as an intro to different mods like vsh, szf, gungame, smash bros, etc
i would be interested on how you play those
about 12 years ago
While I don't find it horrifying, it does seem out of place. Not sure if I care for the new face design.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Yes. Yes you are.
about 12 years ago
Am I the only one who finds the nose to be horrifying?
about 12 years ago
I'd watch either...Id watch her live cam MORE...but I'd watch either.
@Red Snoipah: I hate the classic internet crusaders as well...Is that ironic?
the perv
about 12 years ago
More streamed hot lesbian action please.
about 12 years ago
@Youtube Gamer
Was expecting troll. Not disappointed.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235224]@Aki[/url]: actually yt's main format is mp4, but it supports most video containers and also servers different types of formats to make the videos accessible on different devices
about 12 years ago
I would watch engie stream.
Youtube Gamer
about 12 years ago
Guys if you are interested in seeing gameplay videos I have a youtube channel with tons of it
Go in and give me your like and don't forget to subscribe and favorite!
about 12 years ago
Well now you have no option but to try.
If only to hear your voice and brazilian accent!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235423]@Nerfnow[/url]: I think they'd be more interested in how hilarious watching you play can be sometimes :3
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235423]@nerfnow[/url] you must not go on you-tube/twitch that often, most of the popular people there are mediocre at games as long as you can think of things to talk about while you are playing the game then you will be fine.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235206]@Max[/url]: Maybe Jo could do both? Stream cosplayed as Engie? MANGIE? MY EYES!!! IT BURNS!!!
Well, some people have done animated versions of some webcomics and Jo could get a girl to make the voice or he could use softwares to modify his voice like this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO26RQkfID8
about 12 years ago
@Red Snoipah: Sad, true, sad but truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
about 12 years ago
I did not expect people to be that interested in streaming. I don't think I would be a good caster between bad engrish and not-so-high skill.
about 12 years ago
but what we want:
a lot of dota 2 explanation! XD
a lot of TF2 hat
a lot of mario, but not mario party that take over 50h
a lot of my little pony cartoon
a lot of fan service!
especialy the last one!!
about 12 years ago
I say yes to any kind of streaming.
about 12 years ago
I would watch her Stream gameplay. Especially if she reveals her actual name instead of Engie.
about 12 years ago
@CnEY?!: If you're looking for free streaming software, use OBS or the free XSplit over FFSplit. FFSplit just isn't good.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235225]@Chessrook44[/url]: I used VirtualDub. A bit dated, but damned if it doesn't do the job.
Blu soldier
about 12 years ago
depends on what you play maggot
about 12 years ago
I'd go to that stream. I dont know about you.
Red Snoipah
about 12 years ago
Lots of people would watch engie stream for the sole reason that shes a woman.
Fucking internet white knights, make me sick.
about 12 years ago
Ya I suggest face can for that
about 12 years ago
Yes,yes,please stream,Engi,yes please,yessss
also with a facecam
and maybe the facecam shows stuff below the face too
and maybe no shirt
yes,we'd love that
about 12 years ago
Topless Gaming = Guaranteed Viewership Mrs. Redhead Engi... just saying
about 12 years ago
Last panel: Not sure if Jo or Clark Kent disguised as tentacle...
about 12 years ago
Yo Jo, just a note to help you out with your English... Most often people say 'In that case...' rather than 'In this case'. Just a thing.
All according to plan...
about 12 years ago
I actually would follow that just to see the intense rage.
Check that; I'd PAY to see that rage!
Anticipation = OVER 9,000!!
about 12 years ago
To those looking for apps for streaming/recording, there's also ffsplit which is free and supports both streaming to twitch/etc. and recording (encoded to mp4), though it can be a little temperamental at times.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235224]@Aki[/url]: Aye, that sounds like it could work. That just leaves video editing so I can, say, eliminate dull periods, or periods where nothing is happening in the vid, or when I had to pause and use the bathroom or something. Still, I'll look into XSplit.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235222]@Chessrook44[/url]: XSplit does both streaming and local recordings. Local recordings in XSplit are .flv format and already compressed, eliminating a lot of work that Fraps recordings would require. Also, youtube uses .flv, so even faster uploads.
about 12 years ago
Streaming is a touchy subject, you could be good at it could not be. Only way to find out is to try.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235212]@3l1t3str33m3r[/url] and[url=#user_comment_235211] @Exavidos[/url] Xfire I knew of as a messenger, but not a videocap. XSplit I've never heard of, and Twitch is a streaming program, not a vid cap/editing program. Was looking for the latter so I could put it on YouTube, where I don't have to wait for people to show up or such.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235207]@Chessrook44[/url]: *ahem*
i mean, in my opinion... ._.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235207]@Chessrook44[/url]: not free, but to mi opinion fraps is probably the best out there
about 12 years ago
Try using XSplit//Twitch!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_235207]@Chessrook44[/url]: You could tryout xfire, but havent used it in a really long time.
about 12 years ago
Actually, pardon the slight hijacking, but I've been considering doing a LP myself. Anyone know any decent video capture/editing programs that are free, don't have watermarks in the corner, and aren't filled with spyware/viruses or from sites that are filled with spyware/viruses?
about 12 years ago
*Joe asking us if we want a stream in a poll*
*Tons of non-dedicated fans come and say yes with cam and voice expecting a sexy girl ala engie*
*Suddenly Brazilian guy*
Would be funny IMO.
And everybody can try LPs. As long as they stay natural and don't get stale with memes (LOOKING AT YOU PDP!)
about 12 years ago
So does this mean Jo is going to stream something?
about 12 years ago
Is there going to be a stream?
about 12 years ago
Perhaps Engie would fare much better in the easier, more profitable market of YouTube Let's Plays; where the quality of an LPer is judged by the quality of the video thumbnails and amount of Happy Wheels and Slender playthroughs.
about 12 years ago
Engie's face looks a little different in the first panel.. probably just me.
Interested where this is going.. a couple jabs at TF2 gameplay and/or fanbase? Why the hell not?
about 12 years ago
Suddenly, tareme eyes.
He doesn't draw them that often.
about 12 years ago
First, streaming is going to be tough with brazil internet ;D
Second, its not about how you play, look at pflax and Reeves, they suck, its the humour.