What people are saying about "A Love Foretold"
A Love Foretold
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about 12 years ago
The first time I played DotA was back in a coemtupr science class in high school. For our course selection I had chosen Comp-Sci because I was interested in learning some programming to prepare for university. From upper year students, rumors were going around saying the class was pretty easy.They w
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237644]@mindfaQ[/url] so it's really easier to start because you have less room for mistakes. Next thing is "room to the top" but no one can proof elitism of his favorite game since there is no pro LoL player who is also pro in DotA.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237644]@mindfaQ[/url] not really. Specially for noobs there are recomended champions and good IP bonus for finishing advanced tutorial first time. Right after tutorial noob will have enough IP to buy one of them. So he knows basics for three champs from tutorial and able to buy one of them.
about 12 years ago
@ : not true, when a new player plays vs other new players in both games it will be evenly demanding. Problem is just that seasoned players fuck it up and because Dota 2 has more room to the top, sometimes new players are in a worse spot than in LoL.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237311]@NONE[/url] it may seem insane but if it works then it works. And it works. Right now between releases of support champs I earn from 20k IP to 40k IP while the most expensive champions cost 6300. So it's more about collecting rather than playing since they aren't my favorite choice.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237311]@NONE[/url] on the other hand both communities are unforgiving to those who cannot play well so less champions means more focus on those you have. It's better to be good with three champions than be bad with hundred.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237252]@mindfaQ[/url] With deny and gold lost on death mechanics it's easier to prevent enemy from getting gold so it will be harder to do if we remove those features. It wasn't complexity I was talking about. It's simply about one game requires less motoric skills to start playing than other.
about 12 years ago
Aww, he even removed his magnet tusks for her! Cold hearted Krob...

about 12 years ago
Diretide, Greevling, LoDImba, tagteam, should I go on?
Your last sentence suggests you are trolling, but I have time to kill. And now, last but not least..

Both sides, please stfu with the ongoing flame wars. Just play what you enjoy, and appreciate what you have.
just a question...
about 12 years ago
just a question...
about 12 years ago
...was Krobelus always this cute? Back in the day of wc3 dota, she would've been a happy old hag with a mtch like Magna...
about 12 years ago
Take for example the article on LoL's micro "pushing players to their limits." That's the joke of the SC, WC3 and DotA community. If you are going to argue that LoL is superior, pick stronger points.
c.) Fun variations they are. Just like how DotA has theirs, e.g: LoD, imba, WTF, 1v1, 6v6,
about 12 years ago
Before telling Dota elitsts starting unecessary flame wars to fuck off, I have to adress Trotim's points. [url=#user_comment_237193] @Trotim[/url] , a.) Though DotA was by no means the first of its kind, it is not a MOBA. b.) LoL's mechanics are infamous for being extreme limiting in the fact that it's too simplistic.
Your Name 3
about 12 years ago
hon is for retards. enjoy faggots
Your Name 2
about 12 years ago
Lol is such a game for kid, gl&hf.
Your Name:
about 12 years ago
only tryhards play dota
Sir Dupre
about 12 years ago
@Whhhhy?: Because the dumbass that makes these comics know nothing about Dota.
about 12 years ago
How about we stfu and go play some sexy INGRESS. Like, OUTSIDE.
about 12 years ago
@ : With buying heroes i wouldnt say its easier because you actually dont have the way to learn them till you buy them. That is the biggest issue i have with LoL. The game should allow access to all content if it is competetive.
about 12 years ago
The two main things that make Dota 2 better than LoL imo are a lack of a strict meta as plenty of heroes fit multiple roles and your team comp doesn't have to fit a strict mold; and the lack of rune/spell bullshit so you can just randomly pick a hero or try out a new one without fussing over guides.
about 12 years ago
I played LoL for a long time because I thought Dota 2 was for tryhard faggots and denying sounded dumb as hell to me. Then I actually tried it and I like Dota 2 so much more I'll probably never go back. Denying is kind of dumb but it's not really a big deal.
about 12 years ago
I don't think that learning LoL and Dota 2 on a basic(!) level is all that different. A new player will understand in both games equally fast how to buy items, level up and move his hero. In both games the new player will have a hard time to estimate the strength of enemies (biggest con for new pl.)
about 12 years ago
@ : Complexity makes the game easier or harder to master. Now we can agree upon the fact that mastering DotA is harder than mastering LoL, because it has more depth to it. Same for Go vs Chess - while Go has simpler rules, the bigger board (more valid choices) makes up for it.
about 12 years ago
Why is Death Prophet purple and not red?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237197]@NONE[/url] good games are also easy to learn and hard to master. So if LoL is easier to learn then it's actually good thing.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237197]@NONE[/url] in competitive games there is no such thing as "easy" or "hard". If it's easier to do something then it's harder to counter it. Compare Go to Chess if you want. Go rules are simpler but it's your opponent who make the game hard.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237193]@Trotim[/url]: I didnt say that LoL is worse but i wont argue about DOTA being first you may have right.
about 12 years ago
c) The one thing LoL does have over Dota 2 nobody can deny is map variety - both Twisted Treeline (3v3) and Dominion (KOTH-style) are fun variations that still support the MOBA format. Let's be honest, the Dota map got old years ago.
about 12 years ago
b) Just because Dota came before LoL doesn't mean LoL is somehow automatically worse. In fact because the Dota heroes were designed around WC3 engine limitations, LoL heroes have more fun and intricate mechanics & gimmicks in general. Yet that doesn't mean Dota isn't more refined for hardcore people
about 12 years ago
a) Dota isn't the first MOBA, plenty WC3 and even SC:BW maps did the same thing before the Dota map came out. Not saying it's bad, just not the first by any means
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237090]@anon[/url]: Anti Mage is a jerk
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237181]@NONE[/url]:LoL is just easier and thats what really differs these games. I prefer harder gameplay from DOTA and i dislike features like buying heroes and summoner spells and others like that and as long as you understang im fine with that.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237178]@NONE[/url]: Also(lots of people dont know) DOTA is the precursor of all the MOBA games and others just differ with mechanics. So saying that DOTA sucks and is utter garbage while playing LoL is a bit ignorant dont you think?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237176]@NONE[/url]: I dont really care play LoL if you like it more im fine with that but im sick of both sides insulting other. Thats simply lack of tolerance and understanding.
about 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall: Deny mechanism allows higher skill cap because if you master last hitting you can also master denying. That also makes games more entertaining.
LoL players are also rabid about their version ;p
about 12 years ago
I love it when she speaks French, although she has one French line only I think. But she still calls me dear (Dawwwwwwwwwww)
about 12 years ago
One more time, Jo succeeded again: He took an ol' fugly Death Prophet and turned her into a cute/charming chick! Good job, buddy!

And at least, she knows Magnus is quite "happy" to see her. ;D
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237108]@misleading[/url] but she is a younger version.
about 12 years ago
Oh for f sake. LoL again?
Less dota
about 12 years ago
@Moar tf2:

Actually just moar anything else.
Moar tf2
about 12 years ago
Less Dota plis.
about 12 years ago
That Magnus is a bit picasso-esque.
about 12 years ago
This strip is misleading I just goggled how really look Death Prophet and she is ugly.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
I just started League of Legends. Not having to worry about the jacked artificial mechanism of denial is so freeing. I don't get what makes DOTA players so rabid about their variant :)
about 12 years ago
Holy thought the Last Picture was Drow with her arm up in the air >_>
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237088]@Confused[/url]: Because Dragon Age 2 is a bad game.
about 12 years ago
Why not a dragon age comic, or a baldur's gate
about 12 years ago
Well, the break from DotA2 for a while was nice, so I can't complain about having DotA2 again for a while. And hey! this one I actually understood without having played it!
about 12 years ago
I like how all the voice lines flirting with girls come from either hideous freaks like Magnus and Slark or Ezalor the horny old man. None of the strapping young men pay the ladies any attention.
about 12 years ago
Finally. It's the first DOTA2 joke I was able to understand without explanation.
about 12 years ago
Now talk about the new pokemon generation.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_236987]@BH[/url]: If her schtick is say "all will die" as her prophecy of the future, then I'm going to have to call her out as a fraud of a prophet. Prehaps she should be Prophet Obvious instead?
about 12 years ago
Where did her collar go in panels 2 and 3?
about 12 years ago
Death Prophet is the girl with teal hair. She tells the future (all will die) so she didn't anticipate a suitor. Oh Magnus, he's got a rhino's head on a centuar's body. He ain't the fairest in the land.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_236970]@SwagStyler69[/url]: 1/10, I replied.
Comment Noob
about 12 years ago
how dafuq do i coment here
about 12 years ago
oh look another dota comic. well what to expect from low skill players like dota 2 community. in b4 lol your a fag dota 2 is high skill, deny system durr
about 12 years ago
Oh god, the sexual innuendos i thought on the last panel.
Sir Dupre
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_236897]@x[/url]: Why would samefag in a br comic? maybe he is just baiting. Oh and btw NICE MAYMAY ARROWS you stupid fucking cunt.
about 12 years ago
That's not his nose. ^_~
about 12 years ago
Oh come now, I'm sure he's pretty on the inside.
about 12 years ago
@Weaboo. Do you mean Saya no Uta? You deserve it because you are weaboo.
about 12 years ago
The point of joke is the response Magnus has when allied Death Prophet is nearby in first part of comic.
about 12 years ago
I didn't know that magnus would be..... cute in dota2...
*image of magnus in dota comes up
so confused
about 12 years ago
Death prophet make me jizz in my pants.
about 12 years ago
It's only about the character's appearance.
about 12 years ago
I just finished Song of Saya.

My sanity is shattered.

There is nothing left to do with my life.

What have I just watched? WHY DID I INFLICT MYSELF SUCH PAIN?????
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
The Easy Reader
about 12 years ago
That nose in panel three is the 2nd most phallic thing i've seen in a NerfNow comic.

Also this is what I meant when I said the problem with the DotA comics was the jokes not the game. Even if you haven't played DotA you should be able to pick up on jokes like this.
about 12 years ago
I know we'll never get long story arcs with no dialog ever again, but there's other games besides MOBA.
acidic tiger party
about 12 years ago
It's as if Poppy was trying to hit on Karthus.
about 12 years ago
@Sir Dupre: Does anyone else smell samefag?

>Posts something under the guise of a LoL player
>Laughs at that LoL player and calls him a retard.

Yeah I'm smelling samefag
about 12 years ago
>I dont understand the joke
>Its about a scary rhino thing hitting on a zombie girl
>She clearly is terrified of him

Come on LoLBabbys, you can understand it
about 12 years ago
Don't let complaints bother you. We're here to enjoy (for free) whatever creativity of yours happens to manifest itself as a comic. We have no right to pick and choose. I like all the comics.
about 12 years ago
Sir Dupre
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_236887]@Archangel[/url]: He cant get a simple joke, you only eed to read the text to get it. So yeah, he is retarded.
about 12 years ago
@Sir Dupre: Just because they like another game, that doesn't mean they're retarded. This is valid to both communities,btw
Sir Dupre
about 12 years ago
@LoL Player: Well you are a LoL player, so l guess you are retarded.
TF2 Player
about 12 years ago
Not enough ponies with hats
LoL Player
about 12 years ago
I don't get it.