What people are saying about "T-Sentry"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Die Markierten Kommentator
about 12 years ago
Where are all the lines?!!!

Where are all the lines?!!!
Combat Mini-Sentry Gun
about 12 years ago
New style doesn't seems that good on Panel 1, but looks nice on Panel 2. And where did Engie's hat went in Panel 3?
about 12 years ago
She wouldn't be thinking that if they had fixed that damned red-tape recorder like they promised.
about 12 years ago
I really love this new style! But as roope said, new speech bubbles would be required yes.
about 12 years ago
with the new style you have to do something for the speechbubbles as well
about 12 years ago
keep this style! It's really nice
Random Art Critic
about 12 years ago
Me gusta! keep it up!
about 12 years ago
Much likingness of the new artz! <3
Fan Of Yours
about 12 years ago
YOU NEED TO POST MORE NON COMIC ART TOO! Your deviantart page is so neglected!
about 12 years ago
For arcs and artworks it could work well, for normal comics i'd say no, but i also wouldn't complain if every comic be this way from now on.
a nerf fan
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239001]@Grahav[/url]: Alternating them could work, yeah. I think Jo should alternate them a few times so people can compare them.
about 12 years ago
I don't mind the new style. It could be fun if you alternate them.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238591]@Bob[/url]: I know about that. I wanted to see her naked in *this* art style. Then I can pass a proper fa- ... judgement.
about 12 years ago
It's ok, give it a try.
about 12 years ago
Wait, is cyborg-Engie's form a nod to Dresden Codak?
about 12 years ago
Seems vague & less defined. A little Blurry even? Old style seems better.
about 12 years ago
I like it. It's nice for a change.

But maybe keep it for special occupations, to keep it special.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238541]@Zamzoph[/url] Thanks. I knew this looked somewhat familiar. I kept thinking it was The Non Adventures of Wonderella, but it was kinda off. The new Nerf Now is still fairly unique though.
about 12 years ago
I wouldn't use it constantly, but for effect it could certainly be useful. It looks fine, but as it stands, is a little disorienting.
about 12 years ago
The only recommendation I could make would be to up the contrast a bit. Some details are a bit harder to see this way.
about 12 years ago
Jo's trying to go all Mac Hall on us now?
fellow digital artist
about 12 years ago
I'd recommend the line-less look you're going for here more for the non-comic work. Line-less can look amazing with more intricate and larger works, less so with comic panels.
about 12 years ago
This is the sort of thing you'd normally do in an alternative styled story arc. Just go with whatever best portrays the story you want. If you're lazy, just go with whatever is easiest so you can do less work and put out the same number of strips.
Typical Gaylord
about 12 years ago
-Your fanbase
about 12 years ago
You should put the same image in the old art style. Would make it more clear.
I am happy
about 12 years ago
New style is fine too.
a nerf fan
about 12 years ago
I like the old style better, but only because I'm so used to it.

Let's be honest, this new style is okayish and we're just fueled on nostalgia and a natural aversion to change.
about 12 years ago
I think I prefer the old style... I guess its harder to see all the details on the new one.

I dunno, I feel i have a better "grip" of the hole image using the old style(I guess its what other people said, something about the colors, so you have a harder time differencing one thing from the other.
about 12 years ago
The Non-Adventures of Wonderella is also worth a look to see how Justin Pierce handles this same kind of art direction.
about 12 years ago
Rather than yes or no for using this style wouldnt it be better if you went with whatever you feel like at the time?
about 12 years ago
Engie-tan better rethink who she buys her hard hats from.
about 12 years ago
Walk-by Observer
about 12 years ago
Nice touch on the style, but, as it was mentioned, lack of black outlines can lead to the mixing of colors. I recommend:

a) to use 'tactical outlines' in places where they are TOTTALLY needed;
b) to either add a bit more contrast to the colors or to add some 'shadow outlines' on the background.
about 12 years ago
I say BLACK OUTLINES FTW! I know of several other places that removed black outlines (for example Minecraft) with varying degrees of success - however, imo black outlines look much better because the areas of colour don't mix together too much, which is always positive for a cartoon/comic. OLD STYLE
about 12 years ago
I prefer this still to the old one. Makes it shinier and more modern.

I wouldn't mind you alternating.
about 12 years ago
I prefer the old one.
about 12 years ago
I love the new Style! I think it makes it look awesome, way more emphasis on color! I think people are scared of change lol I think you should keep drawing in the new style :D
about 12 years ago
New art style is good, but the old style fit better since it was a comic.

I'd say use this art style for one sheet art sketches/drawings and use the old style for comics.

I can picture really nice character drawings using this style.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238274]@OmegaZxA[/url]: Yeah, Engie-tan in the new style suddenly dropped off quite few sizes in her bust. Small bobbies or flat-chested? If you don't believe me, just click on the T-shirt icon and see the difference by yourself!
about 12 years ago
New style looks fine, but I think it would look better with lines. the coloring itself is great, but without lines it seems a bit faded
about 12 years ago
Honestly, while the new style is okay...I think the old style definitely suited the cartoony characters more than the lineless style does. Maybe if you were doing a more serious strip with an entirely different cast it might work, but here, not really.
about 12 years ago
New style looks really nice and sleek, but I feel the lack of line-art loses a large chunk of the comic's "cartooniness" factor.

Looks good, I prefer the old style but frankly you should be making the comic based on what you like, not what we like.
about 12 years ago
My 2 cents...

I like it a lot that Jo experiments with new art styles, but I think that, for a short, 3 to 4 panel comic, it needs the line art. Otherwise, shapes blend into each other and the picture is not very clear. To keep this style, I suggest more shading, to make shapes more distinct.
about 12 years ago
I'm liking the new style. Both are good.
about 12 years ago
Technically, I prefer the old style, but if this new style is significantly easier on ya, your comic's more about the content than the visuals anyway, and this style is more unique.
If there's no difference, go back to the old one, this one feels too 'glossy', if that makes sense.
about 12 years ago
I like this new style a lot, but I like the old style too, so don't give that up!
about 12 years ago
Jo be praised. No DOTA.
about 12 years ago
Both of them are clean, but I thnik that the old style still better.
about 12 years ago
New style ? How about no
about 12 years ago
personally, I find the old style a lot cleaner, and it gives the comic better depth. everything feels crushed together in this style.
about 12 years ago
I love this art style, maybe you could keep using both, one for arcs the other for single comics, or something.
about 12 years ago
I don't often comment, but I always read and enjoy.
New style is great, looks a lot cleaner and more visually pleasing. Remind me of Disney.
It was such a different style that I thought it was a guest strip.
about 12 years ago
I like this new style BUT you should use it only for one panel artistics, like you did in the link, not entire comics
about 12 years ago
I'm not saying the new one is better, but its pretty good. I would suggest a few more tests before any decisions are made.
about 12 years ago
i prefer the old one
about 12 years ago
Tiberian Sun:Firestorm Kane!Engie is hilarious!

Also, art style could go in either way. I like both.
about 12 years ago
Prefer the older style but this is good as well :P
about 12 years ago
I like this style.
about 12 years ago
No preference. However, to make this style "work" you might need more details (shadows/halftones). "Dresden codak" (comic) uses similar style - you should check it out and compare.
about 12 years ago
I don't like the way her boobs turned out.
A random guy
about 12 years ago
I prefer the older style quite frankly.
about 12 years ago
I like the new style, but I prefer the old style
about 12 years ago
It's a nice style, but if you are not comfertable in drawing like this, then don't force yourself.
about 12 years ago
Cool new style jo!
about 12 years ago
this new style. i approve of it
about 12 years ago
Honestly, the new style looks quite impressive, indeed, and of course, we can see the overall improvement.

But we have to admit, reading can be a little hard on the eyes, particularly small details become blurred and that really takes away the quality of the strip.
about 12 years ago
Liking the new style.
about 12 years ago
The fanservice looked better on the old format in my opinion, but the general art style is pretty nice.
about 12 years ago
Hey Jo, tell us what you think about the "hat retirement"!

...well played Valve, well played...
about 12 years ago
Alternate as you see fit.
about 12 years ago
stick with it and keep improving, I've always loved watching artist's styles changing and getting better over time.
Internets Criticism
about 12 years ago
The new art style looks pretty good, but the Engies in the second panel looks a bit stiff. I think that the action poses need to look a bit more exaggerated if you're going to use this style.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238223]@azith28[/url]: Same here.
about 12 years ago
I prefer the cartoony older style.
about 12 years ago
I was expecting the bonus image to be both versions making out.
because fanservice.
about 12 years ago
Should I expect Samurai Jack to cameo now?

Personally, I love the outlineless style.
about 12 years ago
I still like the old style but I can get used to this. The extra detail may help in the long run.
about 12 years ago
Reminds me of megaman battle network in-game artworks for the earlier games.
It's cute, but think I like having outlines. Maybe could be solved with some simple shadows where outlines would be.
about 12 years ago
I like it. I see the opinions are mixed..so maybe you can switch styles from time to time or mix them up somehow. Anyway, great work :)
Love the new style
about 12 years ago
I like the style, keep it up :p

That is all...
about 12 years ago
"The hard hat. It does nothing!"
about 12 years ago
Dat bonus image lacks shadows. But I like the new style. Keep it.
about 12 years ago
i like the new style looks fresher.
about 12 years ago
remember internet does not like change, it angers people, but i like the new style. also needs more then just one type of sentry the default is getting old we need a new one.
about 12 years ago
Old style plz! :)
about 12 years ago
I don't understand the joke, but I really dig the new art style. Very nice.
about 12 years ago
Bruce the Hoon
about 12 years ago
I like the old style waaaaaay more than this one.
about 12 years ago
New style is interesting. I think it'd be worth seeing a few comics with it before deciding whether to stick or go back.
about 12 years ago
I like both so go with either :3
about 12 years ago
I like this style more :)
about 12 years ago
Preferring to old art style, and I feel that your comics with DOTA 2 is becoming much better!
about 12 years ago
I like it! Looks like another por... I mean another artists I like
Vector image
about 12 years ago
I don't like that vector style ;p

MORE tf2 plox
about 12 years ago
The old one was better. This one barely feels unfinished.
about 12 years ago
i personally like both styles, but because this one needs some work, for now ill prefer the former

Jo, y u no respond to my commision request
about 12 years ago
This style looks some fan-made content you see on other comics. I like the old one better. Comics without any kind of outline just look messed up, totally not my thing...
about 12 years ago
I agree with most people, I like them both, but I kinda prefer the old style. Maybe it's because that's what I started with so I'm biased, but eh. Go with whatever one you like more. We'll still read! =D
about 12 years ago
I like your outlines, but go what for the style you enjoy most.
about 12 years ago
I prefer the old style.
about 12 years ago
Okay, I thought I knew the game... which DOTA hero is this one with the hard hat?

Also, outlines are OP. Keep them. :)
a fellow artist
about 12 years ago
i dunno, the characters don't pop out as much because they kinda blend in with the background. but at the same time it adds this really nice atmosphir.

in my opinion i like your outlined works better. but hey, whatever floats your boat man :D
about 12 years ago
Whichever takes less time is the style you should do! I'm here for the jokes, artstyle is just a bonus. They both look good though.
about 12 years ago
This style is awesome. MOAAAR!
about 12 years ago
Ehhh, I dunno about the new style
The Anon
about 12 years ago
The hard hat, it does nothing!

Looks nice but personaly I prefer the old style.
about 12 years ago
"What about keeping lines, but color them?"
This, it looks to flat imo.
about 12 years ago
I don't like this style much,it looks...odd.
about 12 years ago
More importantly we need more fanservice!
about 12 years ago
I think you should go back and forth. variety is the spice of... how did that end again?
Pantilesius Burgalas
about 12 years ago
I like the new style, really refreshing. BUT I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!
about 12 years ago
What about keeping lines, but color them?
about 12 years ago
We need some ponies in this style to be sure.
about 12 years ago
Nice. Even though it's a jarring shift from the style used in the comic previous to this, it's a nice art style nonetheless. It's very pastel-like. Keep chasing the style until you perfect it!
about 12 years ago
art style is interesting to say the least, kinda reminds me of the art style they used in samurai jack well with the shading and detailing that is, hehe time loop paradox
about 12 years ago
I personally like the old style more.

Also don't listen to this bastards - keep on making Dota Comics, they make my day. :)
about 12 years ago

see people, this is what you sound like on dota comics.

as for the new artwork, it lost a bit of soul and personality to it. i suggest going back to the old style
about 12 years ago
I favor the old style.
about 12 years ago
Just stop making dota2 comics and we'll all be happy.
random guy from the internet
about 12 years ago
I like the old stile better... but give it a little tweak and this one might be good too
about 12 years ago
It looks so different than the old style. But in a refreshing way.
about 12 years ago
I like it and I don't at the same time. I like the lack of outlining within a character, such as between shirt and arm. But I dislike the lack of outline around the character.
about 12 years ago
This looks pretty cool, but it feels like it's lost some personality or something in the transition. However, if you are still considering doing another webcomic project with arcs instead of gag strips, perhaps this would work well for that.
Ikubi Akius
about 12 years ago
Go to the bonus image page.
Notice that the image in the URL for the bonus page is called "ForFox2.png"
Delete the "2" in "ForFox2.png"
With the URL now changed to end in "ForFox.png", hit Enter.
Bam. ANOTHER bonus image.
about 12 years ago
Looks like the style Wonderella uses.
von Boomslang
about 12 years ago
Looks interesting. Could grow to like it.
about 12 years ago
Wooow, I want that bonus image as a t-shirt. It's beautiful.
about 12 years ago
Without the black bordering lines, the comic looks sort of flat. (I can't think of a better way to describe it.)
about 12 years ago
Boobs need upgrading but very nice
The Echo of Souls
about 12 years ago
The art style's nice but the lack of proper black lines is a bit annoying.
about 12 years ago
THIS IS AXE-TACULAR not as much as me but....
about 12 years ago
I shiggydig it.
about 12 years ago
The new art style is really good. I like it, but not as much as I like the old stuff. Having the new art style pop in every once in a while would be really cool. ..... Maybe make it so the new art style is dedicated towards when its a dream / something not TF2 related / specific character / etc
i dont know...
about 12 years ago
i like the art style but your other style seemed more unique. my eyes have a harder time focusing on this and everything is slightly anime-ish
about 12 years ago
I'd have to agree with Atlas on this one, give us an ark while you tweak it a bit and try and find what you like.
about 12 years ago
Defense network sentries. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to cover it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the Red Team. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination.
about 12 years ago
I think this style is pretty good, but has definite weak points. The big ones I'm seeing are lack of depth and the skin/clothing border looking weird (Engie's clothes appear to have completely replaced her torso).
about 12 years ago
Is it good? It's great. Is it Better? That's debatable. Personally, I think I'd prefer this style over your previous works. However this is one sample. Perhaps after another strip or two people will get a better idea whether or not New is better than the Old.
about 12 years ago
kdebones, you just used to see outline. After a couple of years lookin at the sweet Engie with outline everyone would want it back.
about 12 years ago
It looks AWESOME.
about 12 years ago
I like it, but it should still have a black outline around the body. It looks.... weird/alien without the outline, and not in a natural way. Still, the coloring/shading is much nicer.
about 12 years ago
I personally like the old style more, but I wouldn't mind a few in the new style. Maybe even an arc in this style?
about 12 years ago
I like it. It's great.
I'm not sure I like it *better* though...
about 12 years ago
I like the new style.
about 12 years ago
As Barney said "New is always better"
about 12 years ago
Maybe try this style with outlines? I still not on board with this new one.
about 12 years ago
more old style or i'll never read again
about 12 years ago
I personally prefer the old style more.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237945]@rqm[/url]: Engie considered making a fourth level to her sentry. Then an Engie came from the future bearing marks of organic replacement indicating injuries and possible war. Presumably, the level four sentry was too smart and sparked the inevitable machine uprising. She prevented this.
about 12 years ago
New style is great. Outlines are so 1990 anyway.
about 12 years ago
I like it, though the lack of outlines makes it look weird.
about 12 years ago
Wow! Quite a lot of comments in so few hours!!!

Great Terminator joke, Jo! But I agree with the rest of my fellows readers: I prefer your old style.

This one doesn't exactly suit your strips.
about 12 years ago
I'll be honest, It's not doing it for me. I tneeds more contrast in my opinion.
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
about 12 years ago
It's an interesting style. I'd say stick with your usual and use this one occasionally.
about 12 years ago
I,,, don't get it.
about 12 years ago
I vote old as I am also getting old.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237930]@Chief[/url]: Go to the nearest rule 34 site, look up Jo Pereira, and enjoy
about 12 years ago
I like the new style, but I will admit that the thick outlines of the old style has a certain charm.
about 12 years ago
Mix and match the styles and see how it turns out. Perhaps foreground has outlines only?
about 12 years ago
I never thought the old style was not good, but seeing the new one, I can definitely get behind that :)

Whichever it ends up being, I will continue to enjoy the comics!
about 12 years ago
Old style superior. New style inferior!
about 12 years ago
I like it, it is rare to see art that doesn't have an outline. It is a nice change of pace, perhaps you can switch between styles though as there are those that will bitch at anything that is even remotely new.
about 12 years ago
old style is bestest style
about 12 years ago
Hmm. It's not bad but... something about it feels off. Kind of like looking through an out of focus camera lens. Feels a bit blurred and bogged down. Will be looking forward to see how you tweak it as you experiment.
about 12 years ago
Let me see how engie-tan looks naked, then I'll let you know if the new art style works.
about 12 years ago
I personally enjoy this style.
about 12 years ago
No, just no
about 12 years ago
Plis don't keep this.
about 12 years ago
Dat graphics!
Looks kinda strange and unfitting.
about 12 years ago
New style looks too flat. Old style is superior
about 12 years ago
new style is by far better, but some comics (like most of your dota 2 comics) would've looked pretty weird on this style. Take for example the Ganked Drow comic. That comic with this style would've looked very odd. In fact, any Dota 2 comic would look odd in this style...
about 12 years ago
Nah, the lack of definition makes the comic a bit hard on the eyes.
old style is best style
about 12 years ago
old style is best style
The Truth
about 12 years ago
I like the new style better, without outlines it looks cleaner.
(Honestly these drawings are better without outlines)
about 12 years ago
The bonus picture looked good but for the comic itself the new style didn't really fit
about 12 years ago
I prefer your previous style because I am a fan of outlines. Without the black inking or even variable-color outlines on the color cels the image seems to lose clarity. You use a lot of pseudo-pastel colors in your style, but those low-chroma colors all seem to blend together without a hard outline.
about 12 years ago
I like the softer colors, but something about the face is a little too anime-esque.
Opinionated person
about 12 years ago
Gotta say, I personally dislike it. It looks extremely anime in the first panel specifically, as well as being very similiar to tons of other (bad) webcomics out there. Your other art style was a bit more unique and level looking.
about 12 years ago
Really like the new style. Fun way to go for your art.
about 12 years ago
Personally, I like this style. But I'm okay with either art style .
about 12 years ago
Hmm....the new style is ok, but I personally prefer the old style, as this one seems a little blurry in my opinion.
about 12 years ago
I have nothing against that new style, however I honestly I prefer the old one.
about 12 years ago
Quite like the new art style.
A Gray Phantom
about 12 years ago
I liked the joke. No matter the art style I'll always come back. I like the TF2 stuff.

Bonus image is pretty cute. Let me guess: level 4 teleporter?
about 12 years ago
@I am the JUICE: If Dresden Codak was in three panels and was about fanservice, yes. Although, to Jo's defense, there IS a robot and time travel in this one.
about 12 years ago
Experimenting is good, and I like what I see. The lack of outlines reminds me of the style Ian McConville eventually started using for his color comics.
about 12 years ago
I like what I saw. I say add more darker tones in some parts so it doesn't look too flat.

This art reminds me of Three Panel Soul comic. Maybe you can learn from them too.
about 12 years ago
i prefer the old style, but i'd be perfectly fine with the new one as long as there isn't any more boring fucking dota 2.
about 12 years ago
Bonus image's pretty cute.
about 12 years ago
I like it, I could see it getting much better as you work on it more
I am the JUICE
about 12 years ago
The new art style is nice. It reminds me of Dresden Codak, which is also lineless and has no trouble making its visual clear.

I second the suggestion that a different background color, or even just a texture, might make engie stand out more.
about 12 years ago
I quit like it
Neo Kojiro
about 12 years ago
You're free to try different styles to your heart's content, but i prefer the usual stuff.
about 12 years ago
i love the new style :3 but needs a bit of work
about 12 years ago
hmm....Can't I have both styles?
about 12 years ago
I like the new style, if it's easier to draw, keep it.
about 12 years ago
I like the black outlines, but the smoother line-free look is nice too. =)
Trolling Nerd
about 12 years ago
Like it! ^^ Please continue posting a bit to decide more.
about 12 years ago
like future engi, but i like more the old style
about 12 years ago
this one looks good Jo.. but still needs more tweaking.. or maybe some getting used to (for us)
and I agree with Ferret.. if this one does more effort then I think it's better to revert back. more comic is what we need.. hahahaa
well...maybe you can use this style in commissions.
about 12 years ago
Kinda prefer your old style. This new style seems... blurry.
about 12 years ago
Looks good, though there's not enough contrast between things. It's something I've always thought about "lineless" art, objects and people don't stand out as much, and everything sorta blends in. It has a nice stylized look to it, but it just doesn't... "pop".
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_237837]@Ferret[/url]: Some of the stuff takes more effort, some take less. I will need to tweak it a bit before it reaches the point I want.
about 12 years ago
but not strictly required for a comic like yours; the jokes will work just as well in the other style, as long as what's going on is clear. On the other hand, it's also possible for the old style to get boring for you to draw, in which case switching it up is a good idea.
about 12 years ago
Needs some more definition to me. It looks great, but the linelessness takes away from most of it. E.G. The sentry gun's turret looks kind of like a square ass instead of a box.
about 12 years ago
Definitely consider what you think is a sustainable style, though. Does this one take more effort? Then you might want to consider whether you can continue doing it in the long run. If it might be more effort than you're willing to put in regularly, possibly switch back. Art upgrades are nice,
about 12 years ago
Its got a nice watercolor look to it, but it feels too artsy for every day use. Go back to the original style and just do styles like this once a week, like on Sundays, ya know?
about 12 years ago
I'd recommend either choosing your backgrounds a bit more carefully, or adding a black outline to this style, if you want to keep it; the contrast with the turret and Engie's outfit isn't great.
about 12 years ago
I like new style
Maybe you won't be shit anymore
about 12 years ago
This comic reminds me of http://www.plasticbrickautomaton.com/?id=31
about 12 years ago
Contours are cool.

Although new style is not bad at all, just somehow lacking, I think seeing moar will help with forming a proper opnion.
about 12 years ago
Interesting... Seems to have some more depth to it - but also seems a bit too... Simplistic.
about 12 years ago
Isn't that why she was wearing a hard hat. Robo-engie must be really strong.

The art is.. okayish, I guess. But I like outlines.
about 12 years ago
I like the old style more too
about 12 years ago
I don't see anything wrong with this style. The coloring is interesting. Not like that other one a few days back...
about 12 years ago
well I like it, she still have boobs ^^
about 12 years ago
I like the colors. We'll need some more fanservicey shots to see if this will work. :)
about 12 years ago
new art style not erotic enough
about 12 years ago
I like the old style more
about 12 years ago
Machines Revolution! Skynet! Matrix! Machine Wars