What people are saying about "Pure Maiden"
Pure Maiden
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 11 years ago
This doesn't look like TF2...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_241437]@mindfaQ[/url] Valve allows everyone to play it and Valve takes money for it. So there is no difference except in label. But labels do not change content.
over 11 years ago
@ : sure it is. It is also not hard to understand the word "early access" and "unfinished". Not that anyone not familiar with the game really buys it, with the amount of free keys out there.
over 11 years ago
The amount of "carries" she's "supported" was neck and with the amount of hot meals she's had until she skipped lunch. Love Bontage's note.
over 11 years ago
This is one of my favorite comics youve ever done.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240518]@mindfaQ[/url] it's not an excuse since we are talking about its current state. If it has flaws then it has flaws. If anyone can pay to play DotA 2 then anyone may complain.
over 11 years ago
When a game hits Beta,it should have most things done and a tutorial level isn't hard to make. The one in LoL is just a straight line. And all these problems aren't technical,they're design level problems. As in shit you should've thought of BEFORE you started coding. And at least Guinsoo learned.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238776]@Zero[/url]: When did we pay for it? I got a free invite, and two to go with that in the beginning, now I have 3 extras... Compared to a game like LoL where you have to either play shit loads or pay to use all the characters. Love the comic.
over 11 years ago
@ : I think it is pretty stupid to complain about incompleteness in a work-in-progress project. Like complaining about a missing artwork for the label of a music cd that is going to be published in 3 months time, when you get a prelisten copy. You can ofc complain, but noone can take you serious.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240342]@mindfaQ[/url] future improvements doesn't cancel current flaws.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239993]@Merlynn[/url] huehuehue, yes, the mouse has two buttons. Dota2 is a lot like Windows, I guess you are using a Mac? *duck and cover*
over 11 years ago
@ : the fact of its future existence when the game's core features are all done.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240271]@mindfaQ[/url] and what's the difference between unexisting tutorial and unavailable tutorial if both of them do not provide help?
over 11 years ago
DotA and LoL have each their own qualities and problems as well, but they are both good games. The joke here has NOTHING to do with the game itself, it could be used with almost any other game (FT2, Tekken, Smash Bros, even Tetris I believe).

Long story short: SHUT THE FUCK UP, FANBOYS! =]
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239993]@Merlynn[/url]: There are tutorials, just not finished and available ingame. Just like in LoL in the early stages. Also there are a lot of info sites, but I guess you prefer to not use them and instead complain about the lack of them. Good job.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239993]@Merlynn[/url] oh irony. You are talking about "flaws" that were there since release of DotA Allstars. And the author of that game (but not the original DotA) is Guinsoo. Same Guinsoo who designs your precious LoL.
over 11 years ago
oh cm, so naive. Sister Lina is a naughty one :)
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239910]@Reutan[/url]: Alls I'm sayin' is,if you're gonna do things differently,you NEED a tutorial or an info site or something. And that secret shop nonsense and the out of mana after ONE SPELL thing? That's just bullshit. It's a total noob trap for the lulz.
over 11 years ago
Hey Jo!
you have to make a fun "Engie and the Crew teaches Dota and LoL" , and then you can keep doing jokes about them with less guilt and flames, and more people understanding them!
because while I get the second meaning of the joke, I lack the first...
over 11 years ago
Wait, wouldn't the sword to size ratio be inverse?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239524]@Merlynn[/url]: As someone who plays both... you sure you're not just trying not to learn? How many times have you or someone else bitched about misbuying an item? Right click buy and sellback timer. Felt like some LoL champ was powerful because they "just spam q/w/e"? Smaller mana pools. I can go on.
over 11 years ago
I like the look that deleting certain black lines gives to the comic!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239824]@Steve[/url]: the white is the eyeball, the colored dot is the pupil and the black thingy are the upper eyelashes. Mby your monitor is to bright for you to differentiate between skin color and white?
over 11 years ago
I get that its a sex joke and that cm doesn't get it because she's a Maiden. but the stuff with the eyes. is that to mean that they're all sexed up? why does cm have that stuff in the last strip then? or is it just that they're girls? women? female? or human? for that matter. I don't read any manga.
over 11 years ago
as in the first two /obviousness
over 11 years ago
They aint talking about LoL people XD
over 11 years ago
Theres a huge problem with LoL.

Dat acronym
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239469]@NONE[/url]: I play LoL and think the same thing. Wish those people who would nearly take up arms to defend something as trivial as a video game would just shut up and play it. I don't care one is easier than the other or something, I don't give a shit, it is a game I play when I am bored...
over 11 years ago
Bitches don't know about staying power.
over 11 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: That is vague enough to make sense somehow. In all honesty, I started to play a little bit of Dota 2, and I finally get a few of the jokes (although I'm a noob, so yeah).
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Meh. Lol=Dota. All the same crap.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239529]@lol[/url]: perfect tl;dr ^^
over 11 years ago
Where is Viper comic :(
Liro Raeriyo
over 11 years ago
Finally, a joke that isn't focused on inner knowledge!

Its still not funny however for very different reasons
I don't know
over 11 years ago
Still, CM is my favorite :3
over 11 years ago
I always imagined WR with Jugs, CM with sven and lina with whoever
fluffy neko-san
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239529]@lol[/url]: Or more like, "I don't know how to play this game and it isn't making an effort to help me learn, so I'll go back to one that does"
over 11 years ago
You forgot to add that just when you think Skeleton King has been brought down, he gets right back up again.
over 11 years ago
Ok, that was one of the best of your jokes, Jo, but update already, need more good strips.
over 11 years ago
I would like to see my Favourite Outworld Destroyer featured in one of your comics <3
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239524]@Merlynn[/url]: "I have no idea how to play this game and I fed against bots." "LoL>Dota 2"
over 11 years ago
So in summation,no. This game is poorly designed and there's really no excuse these days. With everyone and their brother doing these things,there's plenty of design info out there and you should never have it set up this bad. So I won't be bothering with this again unless I hear of a major overhaul
over 11 years ago
Mana runs out on a single spell cast. Health is a joke everything is confused and the bots immediately mobbed up right from the start. And they take gold from you when you get killed? How is that fair? I'm already getting my ass kicked,now I have less ability to recover and upgrade too?
over 11 years ago
Finally found out you have to right click to buy shit. Right click. Really. WHO FUCKING DOES THAT!?! AND WHY!?! It's shit like that that slows down the learning curve and you're wasting time. No tutorials so you can learn this shit in a controlled environment. Just throw you right in and fuck you.
over 11 years ago
Welp,I played DOTA 2 finally. It sucks. I mean,they basically have no idea about gaming conventions. The UI is confusing and hard to use. They really should look at LoL for streamlining their UI. I pick that up and I get it right off the bat. I play DOTA 2,and I can't even get the shop to work.
over 11 years ago
I feel alienated from all the analytical DOTA jokes.
over 11 years ago
And to all the actual 'HURR DOTA 2' haters. Just go watch like Totalbiscuits playing. He's a scrub, has no real idea what the game's mechanics are like in depth, yet you get the basic understanding of the game and some of it's heroes. Also, ARTIST FREEDOM BIATCHEZ
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239403]@Hater[/url]: Oddly enough correct. I've always been a bit of a timid gamer, but ever since I've started playing League I've become more prone to rage and ragequit aswell, in more games than one. But I think it has to do with the pressure and in the meantime reliance of your team. You can't trust ANYONE
over 11 years ago
Oh Nerf Now, you better yourself every day.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239405]@Mech__Warrior[/url]: HE HAS NO PENIS. HE IS A SKELETON.
over 11 years ago
Which one of them is Pikachu?
over 11 years ago
The whatever I dont know her name wearing green, Quagmire face.
"Giggity, giggity"
over 11 years ago
Why am I not in this strip Jo? I'd be great for it :(
over 11 years ago
Sven is left handed but why is Jugger drawn as left handed?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239403]@Hater[/url]: I dare to disagree. The "cultist" thing happens due to people mentality not the game. I play DOTA 2 and i find all whining that the other game sux etc idiotic and ignorant. Same with guns - its not the fault of gun that people kill - the mind is responisble for that.
over 11 years ago
I think Jugg sword isn't too small...
over 11 years ago
Seriously, replace Juggernaut with Spy, Sven with Soldier/Demo and Skeleton King with Scout, and Windrunner/Lina/Crystal Maiden with Jo's gender-swaps.

I guarantee they would've ripped it up about how it was the funniest joke they ever saw (but more importantly, not DOTA2 related!!!!!!).
over 11 years ago
I refuse to believe that anybody here didn't actually get the joke.

They saw DOTA2, the LoL/TF2 fanboy in them burned with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns, and they jumped into the comments to bitch they didn't "understand" it.
THAT guy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239421]@Ixiaz[/url]: At least there's hope for the future generations...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239420]@Ok[/url]: On the internet all women are men, all men ar kids and all kids are undercover FBI agents.
over 11 years ago
I figured it was innuendo after the first frame. Are 50-60% of those who comment 12 year old virgins? I thought no one on the internet was pure anymore...
over 11 years ago
Starting to think some people here are REALLY young, REALLY stupid, or both.
The number of times people talk about how they don't get jokes because they haven't played the game, when the joke is something that doesn't require you to know the game in the slightest...
It's innuendo. Sex joke.
Lex Luthor
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239406]@Clueless[/url]: You don't need to play MOBA to understand that joke.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238711]@Ummm[/url]: Never played TF2; never played DOTA. The difference is that the TF2 comics were enjoyable enough that I actually went out of my way to learn more and more about it. the dota stuff? Not at all.
over 11 years ago
I don't play MOBA games, what is the joke?
over 11 years ago
Oh, there's a friendzone joke in there. Poor Skeleton King.
over 11 years ago
You are everywhere boasting about your favourite game like you were the one who created it. I have never seen as awful and as blind people in the whole inetrnet as the MOBA fans.
over 11 years ago
After some very nice and easily understandable DOTA comics I finally realised what is my problem with all MOBA games but with DOTA in particular. This problem is you, and you and you and everyone of you, DOTA, LOL etc fans. When normal guy touches the MOBA game he changes into some crazy cultist.
over 11 years ago
Wait, Jo is lefthanded?
over 11 years ago
@Im stupid: Well, the chicks are actually having a "girl's talk" but Crystal Maiden is too innocent to realize it.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239035]@Hazama[/url]: And yet the eternal requiem of stupidity plays on...
over 11 years ago
Got this mental image of Riki listening to them and then looking down sadly at his dagger.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238703]@Serathis[/url]: Umm... no. At first, his comic was equally-obscure in-jokes about Team Fortress 2, Starcraft Arc, and L4D. If you don't get the jokes, play the games. His sense of humor shouldn't be forced to pander to your ignorance. Besides, this joke is VERY understandable.
over 11 years ago
Well, adventurers are indeed known for their impressive swords
Im stupid
over 11 years ago
I've played dota and dota 2 for years and didn't get this one. I thought they were actually talking about supporting : (

Also one of the reasons I support nerfnow is because he chose Dota over LOL <3
non dota player
over 11 years ago
Lol comics instead of dota please.
over 11 years ago
Somehow that panel below totally looked as if the girls had their eyes closed and a liquid was coming from them - green or red depending on the girl.
over 11 years ago
To those who don't get it..

Lina and Lyralei are talking about men. But Rylai thought they are talking about supporting, and being a Maiden, she doesn't get what they mean
over 11 years ago
Dota jokes need to be a little accessible... more play LOL than Dota.
over 11 years ago
Every whore who presumes she is a quenn, is, actually, a double-whore.
It works same with semi-carries.

So windrunner and Lina are quad-whores. Syphilis upon them.
over 11 years ago
How could so many people not understand the joke...or maybe I know Dota too well XD
over 11 years ago
CM and Skeleton King now being shipped as the Pure Love unsullied by fleshy desire.
over 11 years ago
So many comics...

More philosophical dissertations or I'm never reading again!!!1!!eleven!!

... LOLed at the "Umad?" comment...
over 11 years ago
so Zelda...
over 11 years ago
How could people actually not get this. the joke is meant to be understood without any internal Dota2 knowledge.

They are talking about sex.
Skeleton king doesn't have any flesh. Thus "eeeeeww"
Crystal Maiden don't understand. Maiden.
over 11 years ago
@this again...: Skins are just like hats. Nothing to compare here. Hats are paying Valvs bills and Skins paay Riots bills (that sounds gross without kontext).
over 11 years ago
Im really fucking tired of the Dota 2 jokes that only half of Joe's fans get
this again...
over 11 years ago
That's how Valve get all the cash in DotA2, sparkling gear. LoL doesnt have that so they have to rely on giving players the chance to buy any champion with cash if they dont want to gather IP. That plus the skins is pretty much what is paying those guys' bills.
this again...
over 11 years ago
The only things you can get in LoL paying that you cant if you dont pay are champ skins, IP/xp boosts and summoner name changes, everything else can be farmed with time and patience. And the DotA2 economy revolves around Strange and Unusual gear, just like in TF2.
over 11 years ago
In the lore Crystal is actually Sven Lover. She's not THAT innocent after all, she constantly bangs our motherf*king Rogue knight!
over 11 years ago
People are complaining about not getting the joke again? But it's not even an in-depth game mechanic joke, just an innuendo. Something's wrong with your sence of humour, guys.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239028]@AckAckAck[/url]: Both fanbases are a steaming sack of shit, and this causes them to hate each-other just and much as they hate change, new players and real people... Seriously, dudes, two shitty games can exist in one shitty genre, stop trying to crusade over the other like internet templar and play.
over 11 years ago
In this comment section: Disregard obvious sex joke, argue about DOTA2 and LOL (again).

Are fanboys eunuch? because they seems to talk less about the joy of sex when fanboyism rear its ugly head.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239004]@Sharpevil[/url]: and this is the problem for me (and apparently lots of other people). Paying in LoL does give you an advantage. On a game supposed to be competitive, this is a problem.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239004]@Sharpevil[/url]: I guess we agree that having more champions and/or runes and/or rune pages then your opponents gives you an advantage (it may not be a big one, but an advantage nonetheless). Now I guess we agree that paying gives you access to more champions, rune pages and runes (by saving ip)
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239003]@Sjcodan[/url]: Couldn't agree more, pal! Improved coloring with neat character definition...keep up the good work, Jo!
over 11 years ago
I had to read it 3 times to get it...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238986]@Tortue[/url]: You have got to be 10 to not get it after reading the comments, this is not a case of don't play the game don't get the joke.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238981]@mindfaQ[/url]: It doesn't seem so ridiculous. If street fighter was free to play and had 100+ fighters, I don't see a problem with only making ten free at a time, and letting you earn ones permanently as you play.
over 11 years ago
thou hast found the perfect art style, my fine tentacle beast.
over 11 years ago
Could it be possible to get some comics that arent about DOTA or League? The past couple of months have just been one confusing joke after another.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238914]@Merlynn[/url]: you notice how ridiculous this concept sounds? ^^ Having to pay for champions / unlock them. It's like playing Street Fighter but at start you can only play 3 randomly rotated characters.
over 11 years ago
...I'm in the same boat as Rylai.

I honestly thought they were talking about laning and the joke was that it sounded like innuendo.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238927]@dirtdog[/url]: No. DOTA2 will be the same as TF2. centered around hats and hats.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Oh Nerf Now, you better yourself every day.
over 11 years ago
I have to say LoL is free, but Dota 2 is "Freer" than LoL. It is easier to get skins, and stuff. LoL you must grind to get your favorite champ.

Also i think Valve wont milk dota 2 for cash. They are selling the keys + a lot of items worth the price. Also there are 1369516351980 avaliable keys.
Dota 2 Plannet
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238927]@dirtdog[/url]: They want to get all heroes released before they take it out of beta. There's still a large number of heroes that have yet to be converted over.
over 11 years ago
Damn, the new art is awesome, love it.
Art Critic
over 11 years ago
Ho ho~
Look at that new art.
over 11 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
over 11 years ago
I think you nailed the new art style.
over 11 years ago
*lanes as Crystal Maiden with Zeus...*
over 11 years ago
On topic: Great comic. I love it when you play around with characters in dota.
over 11 years ago
LoL is free? Yeah right. How long does it take to unlock all champions just by playing? That's right.
Great marketing trick though.
I'm guessing same goes with Valve. Dota 2 is ready for a while now, but i'm guessing they want to leech as much cash as they can before they go live.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238920]@Lucky[/url]: this is team fortress, not dota^^ at least thats what it sais when you look it up on the archive :P
over 11 years ago
Did Jo mix the art styles a bit?

The girls look much different, as if he just put more time in drawing them.

(I don't play dota)
over 11 years ago
I'm with blue girl, I don't get all this Dota crap.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238902]@WinterCold[/url]: And the most you can buy are XP/IP boosts and skins. None of which effect the actual game play. So no,LoL isn't "pay to win". It's "pay to dress up".
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238902]@WinterCold[/url]: As for champions,you play maybe 4 games against bots and get enough IP to buy Garen and you now have one of the most powerful champions in the game. And you get free champs to use for a while to try 'em out so you can decide which ones you want from experience.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238902]@WinterCold[/url]: Actually,you can't do that. The closest you can get is to buy XP boosts that let you level faster and the matchmaking system is set up so someone really low can't get matched with someone really high level and it's only 30 levels anyway. You can power through that pretty easy w/o boosts
over 11 years ago
But he's the best boner
over 11 years ago
Crystal maiden is so innocent
Oblivious reader
over 11 years ago
Ill be honest it took me a good 5 minutes to get the joke and had to read the comments to understand. Man... Was quite obscure but thank you.
over 11 years ago
When I started to read this strip I thougth: "A lot of sexual double speak, but it must be only some Fan-Service. Lets see what is the real joke."

Some after a while i realized it is all about sex.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238881]@Solace[/url]: The idea of "pay-to-win" has nothing to do with the matchmaking system. It refers to the fact that players must pay real currency, or play hundreds of games, attaining enough virtual currency to purchase heroes and runes that are simply better then another player thus "buying" an advantage.
over 11 years ago
@A Gray Phantom: You got that right, pal! Honestly, I'm amazed at how Jo keeps getting better and better at his jokes.

Sure, graphic fan-service is always good, but the "written" one is just... amazing!

Jo, you're such a naughty tentacle!!!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238878]@Lama051[/url] You apparently haven't played much LoL. The matchmaking system groups players based on player level; a level 10 player will wind up playing with, mostly, people in that range. It's not perfect, but claiming that LoL is "pay to win" is simply wrong.
A Gray Phantom
over 11 years ago
Oh! These are sexual innuendos, right? I just got off of work, and my coworkers spent almost half an hour explaining innuendos to me. The first panel the two word bubbles are talking about penis size.

I'm starting to get the hang of this! :D
over 11 years ago
Love this one, she is Maiden after all :D
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238862]@Darkon[/url]: It is pay to win, since unless you are level 30 and got almost all runes available in store then you cannot match other players so those who put more money into leveling up faster and who buy 10 rune pages for real money can spend more IP on runes, thus they got unfair advantage.
over 11 years ago
And dota 2 was meant to be an almost 1:1 copy of wc3 dota. so everything was supposed to look the same with better graphics coz wc3 graphics is old.

and after that comes the improvements that icefrog couldn't do because of engine limitations.
over 11 years ago
@Your Mother: I don't think ie means what you think it means.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238776]@Zero[/url]: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nryn/inventory/#570 and not a single cent has been spent. Valve gives you a free game, AND will reward you just for having fun. You can also give them money, but be patient and you'll get the things you want.
over 11 years ago
@Matusalem Jr: You can't buy runes for real money, rune pages yes, but not runes. But you can still buy pages with IP you get for just playing. LoL is not a pay2win game.
over 11 years ago
these dota comics keep getting worse, they were ok at first because you could kind of get the joke even if you didn't give a shit about dota, but i have no clue what this shit is about.
Your Mother
over 11 years ago
Windrunner/Lina are rating the 3 'carries' as a sex joke.
CM thinks they're talking about the hero's actualy ingame capacity to far.

ie CM is out of the loop because shes the hardest support.
over 11 years ago
Oh Nerf Now, you better yourself every day.
over 11 years ago
I don't get it either... No, not the sex innuendos, the rest. Gotta get that DOTA key already.
over 11 years ago
I have 12 + 15 + 8 invites over my three steam accounts. And like every 5 days they give more. DotA2 is as free as it gets. I have no idea why it isn't open yet, I guess it's a marketing thing (or maybe it not being playable in China has to do with it)
Please change it back
over 11 years ago
This looks childish and bad.
hur dur lol
over 11 years ago
Well fuck, failed with quoting.. My previous post was aimed at[url=#user_comment_238776] @Zero[/url]
hur dur lol
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238778]@Thatguy[/url]: I don't think that at least 5% of the player base has bought their way into the Dota2. Most, like me, were either invited by VALVe or received FREE invites from their friends or random people on the internet. Even now I have 4 free Dota2 invites that are awaiting their new owners.
over 11 years ago
i get the joke. and i understand crystal maidens point of view. she doesent understand because she partners with the one person who obviously is more interested in questing and adventure than in girls
over 11 years ago
Is his sword called Boner?
over 11 years ago
CM being too gay for this.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238711]@Ummm[/url]: TF2 jokes didn't often rely on in-game knowledge. So people who didn't play TF2 could get it. A lot of the past DotA 2 comics do rely on ingame knowledge. The past couple have been cool though, can understand them at least partially without knowing in depth game mechanics and abilities.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238809]@Ellietrap[/url] Yes.
over 11 years ago
Is this a sex joke?
over 11 years ago
Hey this is a change of pace. A DotA comic whose joke I can actually follow. Well I probably lost some stuff in the process but at least it's better than not getting anything.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238776]@Zero[/url] The purchaseables in DotA 2 are 100% cosmetics. LoL in the other hand have a little bit Pay2Win (runes, rune pages etc.). And you can get a DotA 2 beta key in like 5 minutes, because everybody has a shitton of it. Just ask in forums/steamgroups. BTW anybody wants a key? I have 11 ATM.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238776]@Zero[/url] It's "the same thing" now, but with more options, going from spectator mode to new UI, as well as customizable characters, holiday events (special game modes for halloween and christmas) and that's before release, no reason they can't keep adding stuff.
over 11 years ago
And that is fair. But as far as I have seen. Everything else is the same. Abilities, heroes. Don't you want something new? More? It's a terrible precedent to set. Look at the EA Sports games.
over 11 years ago
I don't get it either, what's the problem with a true boner?
over 11 years ago
Then as it stands it is not free. It doesn't matter that is it is in beta. You are paying to play it. If it is ever "you can just join in" Then it will be free to play. But as it stands. It isn't.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238762]@Zero[/url]: As for why anybody would pay, it's not just "the same game." It's the same objectives and characters but the UI and engine have been improved to an extent that would make it worth full price. We're paying for the convenience of not having to deal with Warcraft 3's limitations.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238762]@Zero[/url]: "Dota 2 is a Free to Play game, that is not yet fully released...The Early Access Holiday Pack is your opportunity to get in the game now...in addition to the following in-game items!" I think you're the only person that doesn't know it's still in development.
over 11 years ago
@My two pence I don't see how it is being a troll to ask for a minimum of originality... and DOTA2 has really a crappy player base if they would all be confused and angry because they dared change the models to their own original ones.
over 11 years ago
And Artars, DOTA 2 Is 30 dollars on Steam. So no. It is not free. LoL as I understand it. Is a Free to Play. You do not have to spend money if you don't want to. You can unlock all your heroes by simply playing the game. But you can speed things along by purchasing these so called Riot Points.
over 11 years ago
Yes Baron, I am paying for the convenience of not having to go to a well and draw up my own water. You are paying for something you already have. With new graphics granted. But still.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238753]@Zero[/url]: Dota 2 is free if you don't know. Like completely all gameplay relevant contents. On contrary to LoL.
over 11 years ago
Needs that comparison image. Wind runner has the smallest bust of any female character.

Her points forever invalidated!
over 11 years ago
Welcome to Lina's show: "Hot or not?"
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238753]@Zero[/url]: Have you ever bought bottled water?
over 11 years ago
This DotA comic was really fun, this from a non-dota player that doesn't get 70% of the dota jokes x3
I guess my mind is in the gutter...
(keep up the good work :P)
over 11 years ago
So. You are all paying for and playing a direct copy of a free map?
over 11 years ago
Now that's an improvement, indeed! Love the new coloring along the definition black lining, great job, Jo!

Oooh, and the hidden "innuendo" in the joke is just too good!!! ;)
over 11 years ago
My two pence
over 11 years ago
, would've raged if DotA2 was made with completely new heroes. The game wouldn't have even gotten through alpha!
My two pence
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238729]@Jer[/url]: You sure took the "Troll NOW!!" button as a direct order. Of course they are rip-offs, as DotA was played with WC3 units given new names and abilities, and DotA2 is a makeover onto a new engine and into a new era... Imagine how all the now-satisfied players, accustomed to Dota's heroes,
over 11 years ago
nope, andrew, those were the bots, now then,

wait, drow ranger just soloed all of them
over 11 years ago
But she's lucky because he has the hardest boner.

over 11 years ago
I never played DOTA but I was a huge WC3 fan back in the day and yeah, it really bother me that I can recognize the heroes as the rip-offs from WC3 units they are. It makes the whole game cheap for me.
Andrew Hall
over 11 years ago
...and then Ryze, Miss Fortune, Cho'gath, Tristana, and Twisted Fate came down and WHUPPED ALL THE DOTA CHAMPIONS SO HARD they fell back into the WC3 engine. :D
over 11 years ago
Sizik, you just won this comment section.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238703]@Serathis[/url]: One has to be quite retard to not get this one I thinks.. Dur
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238703]@Serathis[/url]: Yes it's right now. Fun fact, more people play Dota/Dota 2 than TF2. So statistically right now is that time.
over 11 years ago
I'm with CM on this one
over 11 years ago
Remember the time when Jo made comics that was understood by most gamers?
over 11 years ago
Actually, Rylai actually banged Sven
over 11 years ago
"Keep up the good job, sister" says Lina as though she ever gets played as anything but support.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_238669]@Software2[/url]: It's a very basic "people talk about sex (using double-entendres) and the virgin/maiden thinks that they talk about something else". You can use it on any game, but it works better in the ones where many characters share same attribute that can be used as the base of the joke (swords).
over 11 years ago
I like playing Crystal Maiden... What's wrong with me?
over 11 years ago
Damn powerpuff girls, they grow up so fast...
over 11 years ago
Okay, I have no idea what the hell they're talking about. Can you imagine if Jo made jokes like this for TF2?
over 11 years ago
Seriously, I had to read 2 times to understand the "joke" XD *feel like Crystal Maiden*
over 11 years ago
I really like the personalities that you've given to these 3 female characters. GJ.
random guy from the internet
over 11 years ago
you forgot tiny... starts small but gets bigger and is rock hard all the time
over 11 years ago
I barely get it. Maybe if bottom speech bubbles were coloured too...
over 11 years ago
But he is one big boner...
over 11 years ago
SK is manliest hero despite not having testicles.
over 11 years ago
I managed to misspell my own username. I really need to learn how to proofread one of these days...
over 11 years ago
inb4 "Nerfnow.com: Now with more sexual double-speak."
over 11 years ago
What's wrong with CM's forehead
over 11 years ago
Stay innocent blue girl. ;)