What people are saying about "The Best Choice"
The Best Choice
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about 12 years ago
This HAS to be made into a DLC for all consoles.
A Bush
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242357]@Globus[/url]: I see what you did there!
about 12 years ago
@A Bush: What are his abilities? What's his ulti? Does he benefit from the RING of Aquila?
A Bush
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242102]@Globus[/url]: He's a hero named Sonic the Hedgehog.
about 12 years ago
I thought the most popular was Sniper. You always see at least 3 of them in your team.
about 12 years ago
Pyro drives a car because of the youtube video where a guy plays pyro with a steering wheel controller.
about 12 years ago
I thought the most popular was Medic. Everyone is always asking for one.

Anyway, which DOTA2 hero is that blue... hedgehog...thingy there? I don't know the game as well as I should.
about 12 years ago
By this same token, why was the Sniper left out? He's the one who actually has a *vehicle*!
about 12 years ago
Voice actors are minor problem. Gameplay is most important and I think that it wouldn't be the issue in SASRT.
that guy
about 12 years ago
I always thought Scout, Soldier, and Heavy were the 3 most popular
about 12 years ago
The voice actors are the original voice actors
Heavy in the sonic game is voiced by his actual va.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_241882]@MutantCarrot[/url]: Football Manager and Total War: Shogun were published by Sega you realize.
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_241813]@Loxen[/url]: but theirs the spy.. and the spy and the pyro have the same actor... that doesnt work... does it?
about 12 years ago
We all remember Heavy being the "face" of Team Fortress 2. Nothing can change that.
about 12 years ago
Voice acting is pretty much a non-issue, I never found the original VA very good, they try way too hard, so I guess I never got as attached. You're knee-jerk dislike is just like when someone is used to subs and they watch a dubbed version for the first time.
about 12 years ago
It's called "Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed"

PC exclusive includes Football manager, Total War: Shogun, and TF2 characters
about 12 years ago
@cereal guy: Which meme? The one in which all people or objects are identified as spies, or the picture of the spy with a dozen cigarettes stuffed in his mouth?
about 12 years ago
Well... That and it's a car race, not a foot race.
Because if it was, Scout would only eat the dust of Shadow, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, and probably several other SEGA characters.
about 12 years ago
Hey guys, don't forget about Football Manager and Shogun Total War cameos as well!
Seriously, what were they thinking.....
about 12 years ago
Well duh Spy/Heavy/Pyro are the favorites. Scouts ingame personality is of the annoying, hyperactive, self-deluded little s**t of a brat that you'd like to see get beat up.
cereal guy
about 12 years ago
Spy is the most popular outside of tf2 thanks to that overused meme....
about 12 years ago
Did someone mention the potential for puns behind a couple of the choices? I don't know what the reason for the Heavy was, but there's the Pyrocar, and then there's the Spy-plane.
about 12 years ago
Why is everyone acting like this is news? This was confirmed MONTHS ago, complete with video footage.
about 12 years ago
Driving? Bah, the reason is Heavy has some experience in guest appearing in games(Poker Night at the Inventory anyone?).
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_241813]@Loxen[/url]: I agree. Heavy has the same voice actor but the pitch is different. It was the same case with Pokernight where the trailer had a bad voice, but the game itself has the right voice. Spy seems to be the same, but Pyro definitely is wrong. Let's hope they'll fix this in the final game.
about 12 years ago
Pyro, Heavy and Spy are all on there separate class:
Pyro is Offence
Heavy is Defence
Spy is Support
about 12 years ago
On the latest trailer (for the PC) I heard the original voice actors in each characters, only pyro is changed.
about 12 years ago
Oh, and LittleBigPlanet, too.

If we want to go beyond video games, then there's Banpresto's Super Robot Wars. They've included 70 different robot anime franchises over about 30 games. Don't know who owns what, but it's surely every studio that's done a major robot anime, ever.
about 12 years ago

Well... Yes. Ryu. *Easily*. Do I really need to elaborate? Let's assume I do. Project X Zone, and Marvel vs Capcom brings it to equal numbers. (Namco x Capcom might make that 4 companies, if Bandai and Namco didn't fuse.) Tatsunoko vs Capcom takes that even further.
about 12 years ago
Ya know, between appearing in Brawl, his showing up in Wreck-It-Ralph, and now the inclusion of TF2 in his own racing game.. Sonic's kind of managing to transcend a lot of barriers, isn't he? I mean, has there been any other character that's crossed with outside companies (i.e. NON-SEGA) as much?
about 12 years ago
When you think about it, the Sniper's the only one confirmed to know how to drive prior to this, heheh.
about 12 years ago
Pyro voice acting can't be that bad, can that? I mean how can you get "MmmMmmMmmMmmMHH" wrong?
about 12 years ago
This reminds me of a vid with some guy using a steering wheel to play TF2 as a Heavy.

about 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure they DID get the people to voice them. At least for the Heavy.
about 12 years ago
Not only is the voice acting completely off, they also use lines from the actual game. It just sounds really lame to me, like Sonic's voice.
about 12 years ago
They dropped the ball there
about 12 years ago
Scout's popularity has always been a second-tier affair simply because in a rock-paper-scissors setup as TF2 the glass cannon is always going to be the odd man out.
Luiz Paulo Santos Cruz
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_241707]@DK[/url]: I don´t want to sound like a nasty guy in the interwebz. But take a look below, Jo talking about the Sega kart with boa and plane racing, and in the PC version some mercs from TF2 gonna be there.
about 12 years ago
Wait, what? Sonic-TF2 crossover? Did I miss a link or something?
about 12 years ago
so im not the only one who cringes at their voice acting.
about 12 years ago
Not Jo
about 12 years ago
Also not first