[url=#user_comment_243661]@Notere[/url]: the fact that defenders of Armstrong keep saying that doesn't make it true. Not everyone in the Tour de France was doping. There were plenty of riders who weren't, but they never stood a chance of winning because the top places were always taken up by Lance and his cheating buddies.
about 12 years ago
Now look at how many of the losers were doping as well. Technically, he was competing on an even playing field.
about 12 years ago
You don't need text in the last panel
about 12 years ago
Engie, he may have won but he's going get lawsuits up his ass from all those years of defaming people and suing them, it may not feeling like he's winning when his old teammates and sponsors are done with him
about 12 years ago
but controled these risks would decrease, and it would help a lot in medicine research (money, free tests in real conditions...)
about 12 years ago
Honestly i think we should stop banning doping on sport : the goal is not a fair compétition (and has never been) but to offer a show. Even if we wanted a fair one it wouldn't be : some people are naturally advantaged. The main reason for the ban are the health risks. If the drugs were allowed but
about 12 years ago
Best part is that for most of those wins, the guys who came in second,third, and fourth have also been busted for doping. Give the medal to the guy who came in fifth.. Gaaay.
about 12 years ago
I just wonder how many of the people defending Lance are doing so because he's AMERICAN.
Again, this isn't the first time it happened, and isn't the last, but I guess because he's an American Hero supporting cancer, that makes it right...
about 12 years ago
Alternatively,, we could have standard issue equipment for everyone and make sports about athletic ability rather than an engineering competition.
As for doping, it makes more sense to make *not taking* drugs with dangerous side effects the norm, although legalisation would reduce the risk.
about 12 years ago
Just legalize doping in sports
Imagine the steroid-pumped athletes!
about 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall: For all your reasoning, it can be diluted to a simple concept: Lance is cheaty uber-winner, you are sore angsty loser with inadequate brain capacity to cheat. So you are angsty and sore.
And loser.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
All of you who are defending Lance - I want you to look up Andreas Munzer.
Do it. Quit defending cheating because it helps a select few people become successful - my God, cheating helps cheats win better and prevents honest people from winning, who knew? - and look up the real dark side.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
" let's get him because he's big news! "
Let's get him because he lied to kids. Do you know how many high school athletes end up in the hospital every year or how many adults end up dead via steroid abuse trying to mimic the stunts of an Armstrong or a Schwarzenegger?
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
"I'd suggest sometimes instead of topic/news, just make a hot sexy engie "art" or hot sexy tentacle Jo in swimsuit."
Yes, the world definitely needs more ignorance and fanservice and less education. Because we don't have enough of those things already. :D
about 12 years ago
Btw Jo, didn't knew Nerfnow is also a newspaper? O_o
But then again, I can understand, it's not eas to find a good topic everyday.
I'd suggest sometimes instead of topic/news, just make a hot sexy engie "art" or hot sexy tentacle Jo in swimsuit.
about 12 years ago
As good cheater is a winner, not only in sport, but in everything. When you get spotted, then you're a cheater. that's the reality.
Just like you're cheating in school, when you're not spotted by teacher, you get 20/20 (or A+ in the USA), but when teacher see you...badahbum!!
about 12 years ago
Not sure when Lance used drugs. Doping isnt a drug, he took out his own blood, filtered out the red blood cells, stored them then reinjected the red blood cells back into his blood stream. It's no worse then acclimating at the Himalayan mountains to increase red blood cell count.
about 12 years ago
...not really sure why a corporate mercenary is really holding the moral high ground about doping when she has an Uber-heart device in her chest. (Think there's a scar?)
And if those health-kits don't contain copious amounts of morphine I'll be amazed.
I guess Overheals are doping too...
about 12 years ago
Well, crap!
Feces transplant it is.
about 12 years ago
I think you mean feces transplant, and yes, it replenishes your gut flora, a necessary set of bacteria for digestion.
Weird place to say that though.
Unless you like random facts, in which case: Bread becomes stale because humidity crystallizes the starch. Keep water out, not in.
about 12 years ago
So have you guys heard that feces transfusion can cure a disease that kill 15k people/year?
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Of course now the sponsors can go after him, as hes slowly getting sued left right and center for all the ill granted money.
Iron Lung
about 12 years ago
Here's the prob: ~10k hours of practice/experience makes you>98% of the field.
After that, you need a gift. An edge. What made Gretsky better? Or Jordan? Nobody who goes pro is weaksauce, but an unfair intangible (DNA/Faith?) is the diff between 6 Chmp. Rings and 0.
Doping = field.
about 12 years ago
Eh. They didn't catch him doping at the time, and they didn't award the titles to anyone else because they didn't know who -wasn't- doping at the time (Jan Ullrich, Mr Second Place, certainly was).
You can't go back and undo history. He won those titles, really; you can't change it now.
about 12 years ago
But if that's what must be done to have a fair race, then so be it. And the fact that it was 7 years ago doesn't absolve him. Hell, as some said, he already cashed in on his fame, so he probably doesn't care, and so should you.
about 12 years ago
Actually Armstrong has been under suspicion since 2005. And back then he was mocking the organisation for it.
Some of these comment disgusts me. Yes, a lot of them are doping, hell some title needs to be deserved to the 8th or 9th player because all those before cheated.
about 12 years ago
I would be really surprised if he was the only competitor who was doping. He was just the guy who won, and thus, the only one who matters to the public.
Prof. Luigi
about 12 years ago
@Guy who knows: And you basis for your claim is...?
Guy who knows
about 12 years ago
You guys are being really retarded.
I can guarantee that -every single cyclist- out there that gets into the Tour de France uses steroids and shit. Every. Single. One. Armstrong simply doped to stay on even terms. He's the only one getting bullshit because he won 7 years straight.
about 12 years ago
Hey, look, a famous cyclist used drugs! Fuck the fact that he created a famous anti-cancer charity, and especially fuck going after everyone else who doped, let's get him because he's big news!
No, seriously, that's why they're singling him out: because of name recognition. Fucking disgusting.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242823]@ryvrdrgn14[/url]: That's why they were hounding Armstrong. They wanted to prevent a similar blowout like the MLB had but Armstrong was going to expose it. Now that he's labelled as a cheater, his credibility is shot.
about 12 years ago
It's a pretty moot issue. They should have just left it alone since everyone else in probably a majority of sports were doing it that way in major competitions and then just tighten up for future events.
They are just trying to funnel their failed processes and corruption to someone to look clean
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242560]@lala[/url]: Eh, if everyone's doping, then it really should no longer be considered cheating. It's just another way of preparing for the race, like getting a better bike or learning new techniques for reducing wind drag.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
Just as a final coda on this conversation, the FBI warning is particularly ironic because it is the U.S. government that trafficks the most illegal drugs in the country. The CIA is always getting caught with planeloads full of cocaine or heroin, but they're never prosecuted.
about 12 years ago
Don't forget to mention that basically everyone in the top 50 was also cheating.
Not that it makes it ok, but it's relevant.
The Armstrong is a spy!
about 12 years ago
The Armstrong is a spy!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242217]@Ashiyama[/url]: What election fraud are you talking about? The democrats won the presidency, held the senate and picked up a few seats in the house. If the GOP is cheating, they are doing a lousy job of it.
Armstrong cheated, plain and simple. But he couldn't have cheated alone. Either he had someone helping keep his test results negative, or he had the help to keep ahead of the tests for that long(for that long there should have been improvements to the testing). Or they just bungled a lot of tests
A Gray Phantom
about 12 years ago
I don't care if everyone else is doping or not. Wrong is wrong, and just because someone else cheats it don't make it right.
Your Name:
about 12 years ago
armstrong, legweak. that's why he did doping
about 12 years ago
I like the intentional analogue to the Dota community, very cute.
about 12 years ago
and to think their gonna make a Lance Armstrong Documentary movie... Yea thats gonna turn out great.... until the end where he admits to using drugs.
about 12 years ago
In all honesty, I think they were a LITTLE harsh on Armstrong. I'm not saying what he did was right, but EVERYONE in these races all did steroids, and alot more nasty stuff. I know they are trying to set an example, but why didn't they even BAT AN EYE at the other cyclists that were doping?
about 12 years ago
it's not really cheating if everyone is doped up, it's just cheating better.
The real damage is not just from Armstorng but the whole world for "professional" road cycling in totality. They were all doping. Or at lead the 'top' riders were. That's whats come out from all this. Those road races have done in their own sport by drugging up.
about 12 years ago
He hacked, was found out and then lost everything he had won and was also banned for life.
More games should be like that.
about 12 years ago
Hey Jo. As a fellow brazilian this hits specially hard when you compare this to our government.
about 12 years ago
Damn you, William S. Sessions.
It's Not Okay to Call Me a N*gger
about 12 years ago
There are cyclists who don't use drugs? This is news to me.
about 12 years ago
I almost wish he had never been caught. Cheating or no cheating, he funded a pretty massive anti-cancer campaign that was really pretty successful... and is now most likely going to be scrapped, because fuck Armstrong amirite?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242437]@Foxy[/url]: He admitted to doping.
about 12 years ago
The vast majority of the winners you see in professional sports use drugs.
about 12 years ago
You know what's better? Tour De France return to its root. Back then they use single gear bike and they went up the Alps with that gear setting. They are much more hardcore than TDF bikers nowadays.
about 12 years ago
I actually FIRMLY believe that he didn't use any drugs. People have been HOUNDING him for drug use since his first victory. It really shows that losers can be just as sour as winners.
about 12 years ago
Fun fact: The campaign Winners don't use drugs was created and sponsored by William S. Session that later he was caught and fired because some corrupt acts.
btw, how about a comic about Golden Axe? ;-)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242313]@Crimor[/url]: There's not a single person in the top brackets in the entire association that isn't doping. The MLB steroid scandal is nothing compared to this.
about 12 years ago
He confessed mainly because he know very well what he risk with Perjury Charges against him, if he plead guilty he could avoid jail.
I like to see the Tour de France every year (I leave in the Alps) but it's clearly not as "magical" as before :/.
about 12 years ago
Winners do drugs... If you're lucky.
Most of the time you'll be caught before you can amass a large fortune.
about 12 years ago
Games, works, school, sports and even relationships... most of the times cheaters are the winners. Now this is really depressing, indeed!
Please Jo, give us an arc, whatever you choose, but please bring back your funny strips, pal!
Arcane Howitzer
about 12 years ago
Actually a lot of people are saying that he "confessed" so that people would stop harassing him about it. They were testing him constantly for years and he never came up positive, but no-one would believe that he was simply THAT GOOD.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242331]@TheBaron[/url]: Or, more insidiously, they figure that if you have too much integrity to lie, you also have too much integrity to do what they want you to...
well, eventually were not sure when he used it right?
also make a comic about PlanetSide2 not being compatible with one of the most used corparate AV-systems: Symantec Endpoint Protection
fcuk you SOE and SOEhelp
about 12 years ago
If anything, his confession just cost him at least a half million dollars (Times of London judgement was for that amount).
about 12 years ago
Actually, he's not going to profit from this; there's been several lawsuits for slander that he filed which had judgments in his favor; those will likely be reversed and the previous losers will probably be suing HIM for slander this time.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242264]@2033[/url]: Sadly, this is true. Honesty is seen as a negative trait by employers at interviews in this day and age. They feel you don't want the job badly enough if you are not willing to lie to get it.
about 12 years ago
Not a single piece of physical evidence supporting the allegations.
about 12 years ago
To be honest, there's not a single person in the top 20's in tour de france that isn't doping.
about 12 years ago
there was a pencil once, 'to cool to do drugs' given to schools. problem was, the writing was in the wrong direction regarding to the pencil, so, when you used it, shortening word by word the phrase, completely changing it's meaning :)
Bad stuff makes you more famous!
about 12 years ago
Come on bikers - sing along:
We're all stars now... in a dope show! :p
Seriously... there's always one who gets caught... some people know how to grease others don't
about 12 years ago
Hell, if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying.
about 12 years ago
This society is fully corrupted. Everyone cheats. On their significant other, the family, the co workers, games, the state & government...
Only, those who are cought aren't good at it.
about 12 years ago
It's not the doping. It's the being a two-faced, lying, hypocritical, jesus-syndromed, pity-and-glory-hogging moneygrubber of a motherfucker. Fuck you Lance Armstrong. Thank you for the charity, but fuck you for ever existing in the capacity you did.
about 12 years ago
I expect the IRS to be knocking on his door.
about 12 years ago
Except he himself admitted it on an interview with Oprah, look it up.
Righteous Fucker
about 12 years ago
This is for any Lance defenders: http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/athletes/lance-armstrong/Its-Not-About-the-Lab-Rats.html
Gimme back my TU!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_242217]@Ashiyama[/url]: Hey, that's what professional sports are for. So that ochlos won't care what is done to them. You can't buy much with bread now, so here goes circus.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
"Why aren't i freaking doping up too????"
One of the reasons Lance GOT cancer over and over again is all the fucking filth he poured into his body in the name of cheating his way to the top.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
Remember, kids, you too can achieve superhuman strength! All you have to do is pump your body full of a mixture of bull semen, synthetic testosterone, and other people's blood.
about 12 years ago
I still don't think he doped. He only gave up the fight because hey, he has better things to do than fight people every day over something they accused him of doing in the past.
about 12 years ago
My time machine worked!
about 12 years ago
So let me get this straight.
he overcame brain and testicular cancer.
he doped.
he won all those tour de france.
Why aren't i freaking doping up too????
about 12 years ago
That Armstrong was cheating is news of 2009. In fact, most of the Teams were doped. There was a big uproar a few years ago because of that. Armstrong was doped but used the Cancer Medication as excuse. He is not the first Tour winner that lost his title and not the last
about 12 years ago
Any man who can cheat for 8 years straight and not get caught is a winner in my book.
about 12 years ago
You do know he's getting sued up the wazoo, right?
about 12 years ago
Funny. Everyone is up in arms over Armstrong's "cheating" yet the media was silent on the GOP's 2012 RNC election fraud. Good grief.
about 12 years ago
I remember back then feeling patriotic pride to see an American win the tour de france, even if it was silly and unjustified of me to do so.
Now I feel an actual wash of shame, even if it's still silly and unjustified of me to do so. >_>;
Late to the party
about 12 years ago
You're late to da party
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why lance armstrong sucks
about 12 years ago
Need a dispenser here!
about 12 years ago
Not too hard to google your way to happiness.
FBI apparently had a saying of winners don't use drugs, Lance Armstrong did and won.
about 12 years ago
I feel dirty, :/
But I just love getting that first post in,
Btw, can anyone explain this comic?