What people are saying about "Beta Version"
Beta Version
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 12 years ago
Comment beta:

This is a [INSERT WORD] comic.
about 12 years ago
EA games (also Origin, Uplay client)
about 12 years ago
Where can i preorder?
about 12 years ago
Planetside 2 is an Alpha disguised in Beta
about 12 years ago
PoE IS NOT a true Beta, just because there is more content to be released doesn't mean taht it's a Beta, WoW and pretty much any other game with updates would be a Beta if that was the case.
about 12 years ago
Path of exile is a true beta, they are finishing the last act, handling the server load, and are still working on the sounds, and by the release, a large chunk of the sounds will be different, as well as layouts effects, options, and they work very hard at it. And they are doing this all for free.
about 12 years ago
Path of Exile is a true beta. There is a 4th act still to be released.
about 12 years ago
Dust514, On Good beta now with more then 700.000 playing the "Open Beta"
about 12 years ago
*crash my computer.
about 12 years ago
@:/: Fix your computer. I've had a number of shit computers over my years, and I've never had a website crash my browser.
The gray stone
about 12 years ago
You think the beta's bad? In alpha, all we had was panel 1, with no color, and no text! Not even a background! And he didn't put the detailing on the hammock either, so almost everyone thought it was another part of Jo! You beta guys are lucky you didn't have to suffer through that...
about 12 years ago
Fix your site's code already. Opening Nerf Now always threatens to crash my computer for some reason (and sometimes does). I'll have to be limiting when I check up on this site now. :(
about 12 years ago
Ragnarok Online 2. Nuff said
about 12 years ago
Remember Tales of Vesperia for the Xbox 360, and how it got ported to the PS3 and released only in Japan with huge changes to the story and content? Ugh. Bandai Namco pulled that stunt.
about 12 years ago
"I'm here for the photonotes"

So Jo made a good use of the fact.
Bug Catcher
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Beta of a Beta = Alpha
burgerlands 2
about 12 years ago
I feel that applies to planetside 2 too. Its "relased" but man, its so buggy, unoptimised and unbalanced that you might aswell call it a beta.
Nial Iwakura
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245565]@Poirtalle[/url]: Why, yes. You have a problem with purple tentacle race?
about 12 years ago
Nerfnow won't be updating anymore because it's a beta
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245722]@Turkashi[/url]: I don't think you know what you're talking about.
about 12 years ago
I haven't played open PoE beta a lot, but, closed beta was really a beta.
about 12 years ago
World of Warcraft isn't finished yet. Blizzard must port all heroes from Warcraft 3 before official release, and they still working on models, items, high level (100+) content etc.
about 12 years ago
Dota 2 isn't finished yet. Valve must port all heroes before official release, and they still working on models, items etc.
about 12 years ago
So true, but at least after a periode, they are forced to put them as "real" game. When they still fail...then conplain :)
Unlike WoW, all problem = works as indented.

then again, how long was gmail in beta :-/
about 12 years ago
That emblem on Engie's sleeve... is she the Comi-Cop?
The Internet
about 12 years ago
Happy birthday.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_244957]@Slim[/url] BLASPHEMY. ALL HAIL ARMOK, GOD OF BLOOD.
about 12 years ago
So i just read every comic from around the time you started mentioning Diablo III to this one, it took me about 5 hours, with breaks. All in all, there was at least 5 that had me laugh too loud (neighbours nearby), and i liked things enough to keep reading to the end.

about 12 years ago
Alpha is the stage where you are still developing the basic mechanics of the game. Beta is where you are fine tuning them. QED BR
about 12 years ago
Also, one thing that I noticed was that as more and more demos deviated from the actual games, they started to claim that piracy was what was hurting sales, not the indie studios starting up, or people who stopped getting games because the demo was good(I'm one of them) and waited to see the game.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245594]@Zach[/url]: I think it's because they don't really make proper demos anymore. I remember when I first played the Jedi Outcast demo, I got to have some real fun slicing up guys, and then have an actual light saber duel. Played the game and it wasn't so much a duel as it was them falling on my saber.
about 12 years ago
Beta's should be near completion, but not complete. I don't why people suddenly think beta = demo now all of a sudden.
about 12 years ago
@Johnny Nyberg:

Same thing with Mechwarrior Online. They are in Open Beta when the game is still heavily bugged and they're not even adding content to it and people are complaining and nothing's getting done and...

...yeah, it's frustrating.
The Duke of Quakem
about 12 years ago

I think you're wrong. These days is "wait for the DLC and buy it" if you want the finished game.
about 12 years ago
Too. Damn. True.
about 12 years ago
@Nial Iwakura: fellow?
Nial Iwakura
about 12 years ago
JOOOOOOOOO, WHERE'S THE BIRTHDAY COMIC STRIP, JOOOOOO. Happy Birthday, fellow purple tentacle.
Johnny Nyberg
about 12 years ago
Wait a second, Valve never claimed that DOTA 2 was in beta, they just think it isn't ready for a full launch yet, my guess is the nightmare of a floodgate it would be if they didn't had the invite system, and just launched.

(like Diablo III did it)
about 12 years ago
now go for the kill
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245378]@Geary[/url]: well I am still at act 2 so I don't know that :D but thx, that explains.
about 12 years ago
Every Beta has a programming flaw. Tyou is one of them.
about 12 years ago
Betaception? No, this is BETAMAX!
about 12 years ago
W-Wait.. is Engie-tan actually wearing the normal TF2 Engineer uniform?!

I.. I think I need a lie down. Something is very wrong here.
about 12 years ago
(Cont.) A good example of this is the Firefall beta, which while the PVP aspects of the game are down, we are still basicly in the first area of the map made, with no true ETA of when we'll see either a new area, or a addition to the game mechanics as they continue to iron out content.
about 12 years ago
I do agree that the sentiment of 'Beta' getting overused a lot in gaming, but in some regards, it's used as a warning label for things. Many people seem to join in on even the most base of projects out for testing, only to complain about X feature not being in the game yet. (Cont.)
about 12 years ago
Did you mean to say TYou or was it because all betas have a flaw
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245347]@Anon[/url]: The devs care about the sales, and they're the ones that need to create, test and release the demo. Why make it if it reduces sales?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245375]@mindfaQ[/url]: The story mode hasn't been finished yet. That's a pretty big one, IMO. ;3 I think the bigger pool is mostly so that they can get more feedback faster. That, and people like spending money on tiny frogs wearing sparkling golden crowns.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245347]@Anon[/url]: Then the only option that DOESN'T result in self-sabotage is public beta. Game developers need to eat, and people refusing to accept any option the Devs offer that doesn't result is a direct loss in profits isn't helping.
about 12 years ago
While I had to laugh, I still has its reasons.
Let's see Dota 2: server capacities/client (china) and missing tutorials hold it back from being non-beta.
PoE: not so sure there, mby not featurecomplete, dunno what they are planning + the want a bigger size test pool for some time
Dev Blog
about 12 years ago
So let me guess... the finished strip is comming out either soon™ or "when it's done"... right?
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Where can I sign up for a Nerfnow prerelease? :D
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245286]@Geary[/url]: I don't give a fuck about a game's sales, I just want to try it before I buy it.
about 12 years ago
"Tyou"? Cmon' man. These comics aren't going to spell check themselves.
Alpha Male
about 12 years ago
You are all Betas.

*goes to his threesome*
about 12 years ago
@Dota 2 nerd: So, basically, they're not going to remove the Beta label until they can put all the heroes they have in right now into the game again?
about 12 years ago
See, this is the problem with gamer mentality.

When they don't have a demo, people whine and cry about it, despite the fact that research has show that demos only HURT sales, if they have any impact at all. When they have beta, suddenly they're just trying to shield their product from criticism.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245237]@Cancer[/url]: wait it's STILL in beta? last time i checked was around 1 1/2 or 2 years.
Snake (not that one)
about 12 years ago
Oh no! Beta!
about 12 years ago
Im thinking Origin when im reading this comic.

It was Beta for almost 1½ year after launch, and in that time it was _needed_ to play like 20 new gigantic EA games.
about 12 years ago
BetaBetaBeta is Beta.
Nando Rock
about 12 years ago
European Union is beta....
Nando Rock
about 12 years ago
internet explorer is beta
about 12 years ago
TheSettlersOnline is ever worse. They have cash shop running for a year now and they're even selling box retail version. They still call it beta because it's in "development".
about 12 years ago
Would be better if Dota2 stayed in beta forever.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245174]@Dragomok[/url]: I certainly hope so, I played FireFall, I enjoyed the gameplay but got bored really quickly. I really hope the best for that game. Jo certainly has a point: too many "Betas" are being release to the general public, honestly, not a good idea indeed.
about 12 years ago
Ohmygosh, how about proofreading your own work?
about 12 years ago
"Beta. You keep using this word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
about 12 years ago
@ Bindal,

The strip is still in its beta version.
about 12 years ago
wtf last panel is not loading for me. tried different browsers
about 12 years ago
I wouldn't call it as much as a Beta and more of a "2 Panel Comic" in this case.
about 12 years ago
So, people are actually worried about it LOSING the beta tag, while in most other "betas" people only complain about it.
about 12 years ago
@Beta Post: Yup. Firefall has lots of bugs, no tutorial, core features aren't implemented fully (Chosen Warfront) or even at all (Staged Content Campaign), while core mechanics got thrown out of the window and rebuilt from top to bottom last summer, and are getting a major overhaul this year.
Beta Post
about 12 years ago
And then someone comes along and releases and ACTUAL public beta (I'm looking at you, Firefall) and everyone gets upset and grabs the torches and pickaxes because it's a testing phase and not just a preview release.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
LMAO. Jo, you lazy tentacle.
about 12 years ago
actually not cause of the characters more on the lines of the features that are missing
about 12 years ago
Dota 2 is also beta because it doesn't have all the Dota characters implemented yet.
about 12 years ago
Some people have mentioned minecraft as this comic's gateway. But, during Minecraft's Alpha/Beta phase it was admitted what it was, and it was sold at a reduced price during those times. Although in fairness I will agree that most of the core mechanics were finished long before then.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245101]@Johnson[/url]: Alzheimer's disease.
about 12 years ago
For how long was Minecraft in alpha and in beta again?
about 12 years ago
The beta looks nice. When are we going to get the finalized version?
about 12 years ago
Industry finds it comforting to throw shit at us while getting cash and doing marketing like hell as if their shit was actually worth a dime. ... And yet people buy it let themselfs getting milked dry...
about 12 years ago
It could've been funny if you hadn't explained the punchline before it was delivered =/
This is an intervention
about 12 years ago
Jo, I'm sorry but tyou've become too lazy.
about 12 years ago
You mean betacursion.
Of course
about 12 years ago
It's just that Dota is in "Closed" BETA because they are afraid that their servers will crash. Furthermore, they need to finish the tutorial.
about 12 years ago
hey Jo, have you tried SMITE? it just went into open beta
about 12 years ago
¿can anyone send me an invite to nerfnow? i've been looking for it everywhere
about 12 years ago
yo dawg, heard you like betas...
about 12 years ago
other exemple: allods online, 3 years of beta with cash shop, released and can still be considareted in beta when the bug at the start of beta are there
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
I would really hope that an out of beta Data 2 would feature things such as a tutorial explaining the clusterfuck they charitably call an "interface" and " control scheme".
about 12 years ago
I hardly ever see a game officially announce they go "commercial" but by license agreements a license starts running as soon the game goes commercial (Cash shop opens).
Means Games that HAVE a Cash Shop open shouldn't call themselves "Beta".
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_245019]@Mouse[/url]: Jo's drink isn't purple, the tentacle holding it is in panel 1. Strip is meant to crash.
about 12 years ago
Yea have to agree on this one. Releasing games as beta not only is a cheap excuse to have fanboys gather around to deflect any criticism, but it also gives the game an undefined deadline for any actual progress. Furthermore, legitimate betas are undermined by these 'finished products'
about 12 years ago
Its kind of the same system as in Dark Souls.
"this thing here is bad game design" "NO, you don't get it, its just that hardcore!!!"

but for Path of Exile.. it doesn't have much serious flaws they need to hide from with their beta-shield
Stephen Stills
about 12 years ago
I'm liking Engie's outfit in this strip, I like it better than the regular one. hopefully we'll see more of it.
about 12 years ago
BUG: Engie-tan says "TYOU" in the first pannel; shouldn't it be "YOU"?
BUG: Engie-tan seems to be covered in blue and brown artifacts, with a bit of orange in panel 1.
BUG: Jo's drink is purple in panel 1, but changes colour in panel 2.
BUG: strip crashes after 2nd panel.
Beta dude
about 12 years ago
This comment is still in beta
Dota 2 nerd
about 12 years ago
Dota 2 is only still considered beta because they have not implemented all dota 1 heroes yet and will not call it released until that happens.
Path of Exile is in beta until they get around to creating all the bought custom unique items(which they're still selling?).
Trolling Nerd
about 12 years ago
It would be an Alpha if it was 1/3 panels instead of 2/3
about 12 years ago
lol @ betaception
about 12 years ago
Inception is the act of implanting an idea into someones mind via deep levels of their subconscious.

A dream within a dream is called a dream within a dream. Not dreamception.
about 12 years ago
Psh none of you know what true beta is.... GMAIL.
about 12 years ago
I love this comic so much that I've decided to develop a new game called "Send Jo a Donation Check for $10,000 Through the Mail to Win".

So far it's gotten a decent amount of player interest, and I'm sure I'll get it out of beta one of these days.

about 12 years ago
Path of Exile is almost complete mechanic-wise, I believe, they just have now a lot of polishing to do on the game to remove the beta label. Otherwise, it's already quite fun.

Another example: Minecraft Beta. Nuff' said.
about 12 years ago
For the most part? All the Open Beta tag means on F2P multiplayer games is that they're not expecting to make money off it yet. They'll still have the cash shop and all, but the focus at that point really is to improve the quality of the game with the updates.
Your Name:
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_244979]@Alpha[/url]: or bethesda
about 12 years ago
Unless you're Sony, then you can call it released regardless of how unfinished it is.
about 12 years ago
They only call virtually complete games like that "beta" because "gamma" or "delta" could be confused for other junk.
about 12 years ago
As long as they'll fix it, I don't see the problem.
about 12 years ago
"But it hasn't been released yet!"
"But it's a Beta!"
"But they'll patch it!"
about 12 years ago
@Prophet Turret: "on time" means "soon"
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_244957]@Slim[/url] And yet, L4D2 feels more like a beta than L4D1.
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
Prophet Turret
about 12 years ago
"And we're out of beta,
We're releasing on time."
about 12 years ago
and if it's even rougher around the edges, call it an alpha like Dwarf Fortress. ^_^
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
L4D 1 was basicly a beta for L4D 2 if you think about it
about 12 years ago
path of exile isn't really finished, the actual games ending isn't in
about 12 years ago
This is so true even my feels felt feels.
about 12 years ago
First comment bitchez