[url=#user_comment_246724]@Wertsir[/url]: i got the game before it went open beta, plus it has a cash shop where i can make my characters dance. Of course i spent money on it.
about 12 years ago
eventually anal sex?
about 12 years ago
@4darko you know that you can play path of exile for free right?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246588]@ANSWERS[/url]: Nope, all wrong. Thanks for trying anyway. (passed it with 4, i have no idea how did that happen...)
Congratulations Jo, you made me buy dota 2, you made me buy FTL (which i told my friends looked horrible until you recommended it), you made me buy PoE. Now I am convinced you are working for those companies. Either way great investments on my behalf, keep up the good work love all the comics.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246421]@Kasarian[/url]: The answers are
His moms bedroom
Calvin Kleine
Wall Street
George W. Bush
Benjamin Franklin
White Spirit
about 12 years ago
Actually there is a better tool called POESKillTree for skilltree building than the official one - it also shows all the stats/bonuses that you get, which is very useful. It also lets you import your gear from your logged in char, so that you can view the combined stats.
about 12 years ago
Was supposed to study a bit for my History of American Literature test. Searched for the game and tried it out (and by that i mean i completed act 1 somewhere around 2 in the morning). The test is in 1h... I'm so screwed ^^'
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
This reminds me of every League of Legends game where I sacrifice my optimum build for an early-game advantage, especially when I'm trying to stop some future afterschool special from tower diving, lane charging, and basically being the opposing team's Thanksgiving turkey.
about 12 years ago
@Fancy Mathematics:
Doing that is usually a sign of tabletop rpg gamers, if you haven't tried then yet (witch I doubt) find a group and have a blast. Is much more fun to use a build you design when you don't have the programming limitations slowing/stopping you.
about 12 years ago
I so like Borderlands system - you can respec everything for nominal price, and also there are "class mods" that give huge bonus to many skills, making them a mini-respecs in form of item.
about 12 years ago
@Not For Me
I'm with you.
Only 38 comments?
about 12 years ago
@Fancy Mathematics:
You are not alone. Designing builds is awesome and I spent more time theoricrafting than playing this game.
Too bad there's no way to test if the build is decent before we play, and if it sucks you will waste a lot of time having to reroll.
Fancy Mathematics
about 12 years ago
Strangely, I find that I have much more fun formulating the builds theoretically than actually putting them in practice. Am I weird enough?
Cunt DraCULa
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246274]@nanje[/url]: PoE is 3h02 minute long, noob.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246302]@Elma[/url]: You Don't know that at the beginning, so you're screwed
about 12 years ago
@Not For Me: Or you use an editor to respec. The problem with Diablo 2 is that you need to spend all your points in specific skills located at the end of the trees.
[url=#user_comment_246260]@lolwat[/url]: To a rather limited extent. You only get enough respec points from quests and orbs, the former of which can only be done once and the latter of which are fairly rare.
about 12 years ago
lazy arpg devs need to make their games like then 3 hours for fuck sakes
about 12 years ago
so is the game actually long? restarting characters is fine and dandy but if the game is 3 hours long then who gives a shit how many builds there are. i don't understand why arpgs have to be so short
Not For Me
about 12 years ago
The reason I never liked Diablo 2 was because it was so strict about character builds. If you fucked up, you started over.
If PoE is more of the same, I'm not interested. I'm not a masochist like some HARDKORE GAYMURS.
about 12 years ago
@Joe McJoeman: except..you can.
about 12 years ago
Who needs a build or a plan. Real man take what they want and figure out how to advance after.
about 12 years ago
Grats on the mention from POE.
The evil demon of nath'ganoth
about 12 years ago
...in the barrens!
about 12 years ago
Just a friendly reminder, pals: today is strip number 940...which means only 2 more months to the "special" anniversary strip Jo promised us!
Stay tuned folks!
about 12 years ago
Act 1, I'm a zombie-summoning icy blast casting son of a bitch...and so is literally every other class.
At last in act 2 I can vary it up while endlessly killing the same monkeys and bandits forever.
about 12 years ago
@Joe McJoeman: So true. If you cannot do it wronog then there is no point in calling it right.
Joe McJoeman
about 12 years ago
I love that you can't respec in PoE. If you screw up its your own fault, and you will fell much more accomplished when you do it right
about 12 years ago
@...: deal with it
Patch of Exile
about 12 years ago
I would really love this game if everytime I logged in I wouldn't get the mssg. A patch will roll out in 10 minutes. I love losing all my progress into a dungeon which I haven't found the waypoint yet.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246134]@dealwithit[/url]: This is why path of exile rocks. I love trying new builds and starting over. I love theory crafting what will and won't work. It's half the fun I have with ARPG games. This is why D3 sucked. You hit max level and just waited to see what's the new build of the week and everyone runs it.
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why path of exile sucks
about 12 years ago
Now all I need to do is wait for them to add a respec, or someone to add one for them.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246114]@zero[/url]: in D3 you do not need GPS module to navigate talent tree. In fact facerolling your build is always an option.
about 12 years ago
If that's how it goes, then I'll pass. Freely changing specs is great in D3.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246074]@Anon[/url]: Isnt that the thing that D3 players complain about? That they cant do that anymore?
about 12 years ago
Think a game should be like that, and not like "follow this build, and gear, and you do best damage/healing/...)"
Tha's probably why I'm playing alreay ±6month GW2, there is no realy "best in" build/gear. I like it!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246074]@Anon[/url]: You can repec points. Certain quests will provide you with respec points and there are ORBS that can respec 1 point.
about 12 years ago
Deciding on your build and seeing if it works or really is the most fun about the game. Shame that the seeing if it works part takes a lot longer than most roguelikes that have a similair mentality :(
Also a pity that right-click attacking isn't as polished as with D2/D3. Don't like spam clicking.
about 12 years ago
I hope this game lets you reset your skills, otherwise it's going to be a huge fucking buzz-kill restarting your character.
But the difference between Legos and D2/PoE is that it doesn't take a week to find out if your lego build was any good. Also, if it isn't, you don't need to scrap the whole thing. Lego creations also tend to be able to do more than one action. It may lack endgame but at least D3 wasn't mouse2 to win
about 12 years ago
Still testing my own build for a Shadow. Half of me wishes I chose one of the prime classes, it's easier to figure out how they operate.
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