Hope that Hillbilly hat doesn't come with the beard.
Heptophonic Surround Sound
about 12 years ago
It took me days to figure out that the may have been literally, as well as figuratively butthurt.
about 12 years ago
Pro tip:
Jo has a Paheal page.
about 12 years ago
Where the Surprise Spy Buttsecks ?
about 12 years ago
@Hauptmann Frank Jaeger: Yup i dont mind any comic either if i get it or not (most i do) but there are some about games i didnt play and i dont rage.
about 12 years ago
If everyone's got such a hard-on for fanservice, why not just commission Jo to do porn for you instead of just bothering with this cocktease. I honestly dk the point when there's plenty of perfectly good porn here, there, and everywhere.
(Also I hate Dota 2 ;3)
Hauptmann Frank Jaeger
about 12 years ago
Things have gone really bad ever since the fans got fussy when the DOTA2 comics are introduced. People like you from either side of the conflict ruin the fun for dedicated readers like me. Jo, you're going to have to take action or you will be responsible for the most volatile webcomic fandom ever.
Grey Spy
about 12 years ago
... Wait, if he had chosen to go through instead of shooting it, wouldn't they have seen him as a male engineer and kicked him back out anyway?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_248137]@Mel[/url] fair enough, spy could be gay. But the male engineer would NEVER be attractive.
Surprise Buttsecks
about 12 years ago
Is ok. Spai still has surprise buttsecks.
some1 not doing his job
about 12 years ago
where was anti-spy pyro guy when we needed him ?
Creeper Dwarf
about 12 years ago
Today....i have huntdown 139 RED-Spys...never again i will let this happen, heare me Engies? Creeper Dwarf wont leet it happen, asekond time....
Delta Echo
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_247938]@Anonymous[/url]: If you don't want fanservice.../why/ are you reading this comic? Since it's, y'know, what the comic was, and is, pretty much /built on/.
[url=#user_comment_247938]@Anonymous[/url]: your not everyone
about 12 years ago
I was there.
Fun party.
A Gray Phantom
about 12 years ago
People people people... the internet is full of opinions, and let's face it: if you were really that salty over this comic or that game you wouldn't keep visiting this site.
@You Noob: So I can't critique a film unless I direct one?
Expectations mother***ker. Have you heard about them?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_248137]@Mel[/url]: uh. how about the spy being in a known relationship with a female. I guess that kinda means it's canon that he's heterosexual (or bi or pan at least)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_248137]@Mel[/url]: Welcome to the internet. Try not to let your rectum get too sore during your stay.
about 12 years ago
The punchline of this comic kind of hinges on the Spy being a heterosexual, that's kind of offensive to just assume this is the 'correct' state for the Spy don't you think?
about 12 years ago
I wonder if these engies would be as happy about being "backstabbed" as the other ones. Also,dat Bill's hat.
about 12 years ago
this is why tf2 sucks...
about 12 years ago
Yes, this is what nerfnow is about.
Fuck dota 2, we need more fanservice.
The Pope
about 12 years ago
It's quite simple, really: just go in disguised as a female Engineer. If it's a Male Hat Party, they'll want nothing to do with you. If it's a Girls' Night, they'll be all over you. Win win!
about 12 years ago
This would have never happened if the Spy had just thought to cloak through Teleporters.
about 12 years ago
We still miss you at /tg/ Joe,
hope you talk to us time to time.
The Wealthy Hobo
about 12 years ago
Oh, Jo...
about 12 years ago
Erectin´ a dickspenser!
about 12 years ago
I like how everyone has convinced themselves that the comments have gotten terrible since DotA 2 fans started showing up, when it was always this bad.
about 12 years ago
You know, I'm becoming increasingly convinced that spy is a homo
about 12 years ago
And this is why I go the extra mile to hunt down spys. Good comic Jo your TF2 one are always the best in my book.
about 12 years ago
False. Destroying one end of a teleporter downgrades the other end.
about 12 years ago
WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE COMMENTS? Why is there people unhappy about fanservice? MY GOD! Life is tearing this place apart!
about 12 years ago
Meanwhile, in the comments thread, actual butthurt is happening.
I think it's mainly because so many faggots here only joined up since the Dota comics.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_247938]@Anonymous[/url]: SOMEBODY'S butthurt about there being no DOTA comic today.
don't be evil
about 12 years ago
previous panel : gay rodeo action
actual panel : fan service
next panel : hot lesbian action ?
about 12 years ago
I very much do NOT want fanservice here. It detracts from the joke for no good reason but to allow some pathetic faggots to put a few dozen squares around it in the comments section, once again ruining the joke (if there even is one)
[url=#user_comment_247807]@Serathis[/url]: rofl.
Previous page "But where are the engie ladies?"
This page "Boo cheap fanservice!"
about 12 years ago
I guess they'll just have to make out with each other now.
about 12 years ago
No kidding, this comic has had fanservice from the first arc.
If this is fanservice, then Jo's dA page is full of porn.
about 12 years ago
wait since when was jo 'better than' fanservice
You Noob
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_247807]@Serathis[/url]: Shut up. He's doing a wonderful job. It's his comic anyways, so he can do what he darn well pleases with it.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_247794]@Kagede[/url]: Eu queria muito entrar aquele tele!! XD
Atomic F-Bomb imminent. Please take shelter in your bunkers.
about 12 years ago
Butthurt... now I get it. But Jo is going down the fanservice route. On one hand its not DOTA/LOL. On the other hand, its a very cheap way of getting views.
Jo. You are better than this.
More x or i never read again
about 12 years ago
More showdown effect or i never read again
about 12 years ago
Please Enter Your Name
about 12 years ago
Incoming nerdrage of a thousand suns because only sappers can destroy both sides of the tele.
about 12 years ago
Aerion, he's a spy. He can be invisible.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
The spy was in a male disguise anyway (he fit in among the men, after all), though it might be worth it for a brief glance.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Serious Table
about 12 years ago
I don't know what everyone was complaining about; I got a good laugh from the last one. Keep it up, Jo.
about 12 years ago
Let this be a lesson to everyone:
Just because you don't see the appeal in something, does not mean it is completely without merit.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_247745]@Ninj77[/url]: second that!
about 12 years ago
You are an amateur and a fool. You are an embarrassment to Spies everywhere!
about 12 years ago
Butthurt in the figurative or literal sense?
about 12 years ago
Goddamnit,friggin spy! Come on Jo! At least give us another shot from a different angle!!!
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