I like your DOTA comics. I can play it vicariously through them and not have to waste time on the actual game.
about 12 years ago
Y sucks, draw more X
about 12 years ago
Wait, what is this? There is a comments section?
kunka de admerul
about 12 years ago
I'd expect Tidehunter to Ravage anytime...
about 12 years ago
I can no longer tell who is truly a Fauxta player and who is a troll. These comments have managed to be worse than Youtube.
Mr. Al
about 12 years ago
I'm not sure i get the joke. is it about kunkka's cleaving passive?
about 12 years ago
look whos talking dota 2 has horrid graphics comparatively and league is the most played game in the world
about 12 years ago
For you newfags, keep in mind that the submit button is "Troll NOW."
about 12 years ago
Please do.
Delete ANY post with flamer, who knows? Maybe they'll learn their place.
about 12 years ago
I laughed so hard ^^
Epic one
Thx for making my day
about 12 years ago
Draw a comic with every game. Then no one can complain.
about 12 years ago
X game sucks, draw more Y.
about 12 years ago
Had to read the comment section to get this.
First reaction was "Why does Tidehunter hate the captain so much as to rig a cake with a balloon?".
Whilst you draw what you draw, it would still be nice to understand the comic.
about 12 years ago
I would advise those that wish for more of their preferred game to go and actually PLAY said game if they wish to experience it.
Besides, this comic is and always has been about Nerf N-Strike! Right? That's what the title says...
about 12 years ago
All games suck, draw more ponies
about 12 years ago
Yes, of course my dear...
Now be a lamb and go back to the basement and watch some Little Pony
[url=#user_comment_249411]@bill[/url]: 1/10 try harder.
You realize Jo is quite immune to the troll level right? even his submit button said "Troll NOW!!"
about 12 years ago
will you be deleting comments that call you a hack that profiteers from valve's hard-working art design team? because that's what you are. you're a piece of shit and your comics suck.
about 12 years ago
Honestly, though? I'd like to see a starcraft comic, even if just one or two. Been a while since there has been one.
about 12 years ago
You read all troll jo? Nothing is realy interesting in trolls no? :D
about 12 years ago
TF2 x Dota2? Monday Night Combat?
about 12 years ago
But Megaman X is awesome :(
about 12 years ago
Enjoying all your comics.
Never played TF2 but have been reading your stuff back when it was your main subject matter. Never really found it an issue and when there was an 'in joke' that I thought I was missing, I used to just ask a friend that played.
about 12 years ago
Come on everyone, have some consideration for the readers who don't play any of these games. As long as he keeps drawing fanservice, can't we all be happy?
about 12 years ago
Y is much better anyway.
about 12 years ago
I will respect your decision
even I dont get TF2 or other game joke/role
I really love your art style so draw whatever you like
about 12 years ago
I don't get this comic.
about 12 years ago
You should draw DOTA and TF2 making out.
about 12 years ago
Son of a b****! We have been used!
about 12 years ago
Just draw what you want...IGNORE EVERYONE ELSE. 'YA GOOF.
Dr. Robotnik
about 12 years ago
This issue would be solved if you didn't just draw DOTA or TF2.
Jo, please draw a strip on Bioshock Infinite, Far Cry 3, Deadspace 3 or any of the upcoming video games that are promising!
about 12 years ago
Yo, both games suck, draw more ponies!
about 12 years ago
Keep on trollin Jo.
about 12 years ago
X game sucks, draw more of Y you say? But, I like Pokemon Y more then X Q__Q
about 12 years ago
Regulating comments now? So much for the "Troll NOW!!" button.
about 12 years ago
I don't really care what game the strip is about, so long as there is a bit of an explanation about what actually happened for more uncommon stuff, like Scruffy's explanation of why the cake exploded. Beyond that, I just love the drawing style
about 12 years ago
You need to draw another game
seriously this flame war is ridiculous
about 12 years ago
Needs moar Pony.
about 12 years ago
why you don't try with s4 league? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wa4zxJeFKg
about 12 years ago
X is a pretty good space sim series.
about 12 years ago
Less Battletoads, more Gunstar Heroes!
who cares
about 12 years ago
Sir, I have found your style and sense of humor to be interesting, regardless of your chosen topic. So far, anyway. ;)
You've already stated your intention to continue selecting your own topics, and I have no problem with that. Just commenting to let you know I enjoy your work!
about 12 years ago
I play League of Legends, and I'm too invested in it to try DotA 2.
about 12 years ago
Y sucks. Draw more X.
That's a comment about fanservice, of course.
Neo Kojiro
about 12 years ago
Maple Story sucks, draw more Ragnarok Online.
about 12 years ago
Draw what you want dude. Its all good.
about 12 years ago
Did Jo write this comic explanation to start flame wars in comments on purpose? I'm certain he's watching them now, while eating popcorn.
about 12 years ago
"Seriously, who give a crap about what game it's about?" Plenty of X strips require knowledge about X to be funny; if you don't play X you won't get the joke.
The Wealthy Hobo
about 12 years ago
Never played DOTA and I still find this watermelon gag funny.
about 12 years ago
Just keeps going Jo, we are a lot of guys that are with you. In my case, i even disabled Adblockplus for this site ;-)
about 12 years ago
That annotation sucks, write another one.
about 12 years ago
@Clockwork Master
What? How could you think X s are better than Y s. Y rules!
Nando Rock
about 12 years ago
More Ponnies
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249237]@RNG[/url]: Totally agree. My favorite is this one
Even as someone who doesn't play DOTA at all, I find it hilarious!!!
So yeah, even non-dota players can still enjoy these strips.
Clockwork Master
about 12 years ago
you have been drawing plenty of Ys but you haven't met the Quota of Xs in your comics, Xs are much better then Ys.
about 12 years ago
Seriously, who give a crap about what game it's about ? as long as Jo is having fun drawing the panels and it's funny, I've got nothing to say.
I don't even play Dota 2 (really not my thing), and I reenjoyed some of them (needed to lurk a little about some of the characters sometime). Thx Jo !
about 12 years ago
Pokemon X SUCKS you need to draw more pokemon Y.
Please enter your name.
about 12 years ago
Ponies sucks, draw more of humanized hot female Ponies.
about 12 years ago
"We're both games from Valve. We call be friends!"
about 12 years ago
Dota 2 sucks, draw more of Dota 2
about 12 years ago
DOTA 2 sucks, draw more of TF2
about 12 years ago
@A Gray Phantom: Kunkka, the human, has a magical sword that 'cleaves' in a huge aoe, which is activated on hit, since he hit a cake with it, it 'splashed' all of tidehunter, the green guy.
about 12 years ago
@Nerfnow is Shitnow: Im dota fan and tf2 fan and i dont give a damn from which game the comic is. If it funny its good, if i dont understand because i did not play given game i dont care because Jo can draw what he likes.
about 12 years ago
Shee, I'd almost say that's comment record? XD
Sure, it takes some time to research on some DOTA2 comics (or read the one or two or 3 comments actually explaining it)
But they still are fun.
And you can't please everyone, there always will be ranting ppl or trolls. Just do your thing^^
about 12 years ago
angry Jo is angry x_x
Nerfnow is Shitnow
about 12 years ago
...so dota2 fans prefer this over fanservice tf2 comics?
I even enjoy reading comics you made that feature games I never played!
I can see you have passion for ALL games and that makes you a true gamer.
As for the "x vs y" sutuation ... I encourage TF2 players to try out Dota and viceversa.
about 12 years ago
I mean a DOTA2 beta key.
about 12 years ago
meltmail dot com
Respect the caps just to be sure.
Sum Gai
about 12 years ago
Taking into account the description for this comic, I have decided to post the follow thoughtful and eloquent argument for possible future comment. *Ahem*
"The game [Pokemon X] sucks! Draw more of [Pokemon Y]!"
I found your comics on the official PlayDota forums. A lot of people there simply LOVE your comics and many use them as signatures! (that's how I found you)
It was ncie to find out you make a large variery of comics(TF2, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Minecraft etc.) and I enjoy reading ALL of them.
The Easy Reader
about 12 years ago
I've yet to hear a joke that needed to be explained that was funny. Draw what you want, most of your DOTA comics are more or less inside jokes though. I've never played TF2 yet can get the TF2 comics because most of the jokes in them are things that most any gamer will know.
about 12 years ago
I have moved on from tf2 a year ago and started to play dota2 recently, never played dota or lol and enjoyed all comics :3
about 12 years ago
X game sucks! Draw more of Y!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249162]@Littlekiraneko[/url] not all of us are being fanboys. Some of us aren't enjoying the comic because Jo writes about games that are not only unfamiliar, but harder for outsiders to understand than his usual subject matter.
Actually both X and Y game sucks you should draw game Z :3
about 12 years ago
In facts most of flaming comments wroten by a dumpbass who think that all is for them. So just ignore them, Jo and do your best.
about 12 years ago
Y game sucks, draw more of X!
about 12 years ago
Y game sucks, draw more X!
about 12 years ago
How about you compromise between the trolls and just do ponies instead? Trolls love ponies.
about 12 years ago
I just got DOTA 2 and I dont know much about it so I wont get any of these DOTA2 comics.
But Jo, I want 40k comics! Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeee :D :D :D
about 12 years ago
Well, one thing is certain: Jo really stirred the hornet's nest this time!
Except for those strips with lots of fanservice, you never get this many comments.
about 12 years ago
Jo's going to be actually moderating the comments section!?
Truly, times are tough.
about 12 years ago
Y game sucks, draw more of X
about 12 years ago
"and delete any comment which can be summed has "X game sucks, draw more of Y""
Wtf are we going to comment now?
It's a fine day we are having.
X game sucks, draw more of Y
about 12 years ago
X game sucks, draw more of Y
DOTA Explaination
about 12 years ago
In DOTA, the hero Kunkka (left) has a skill called Tidebringer, which is a passive cleave that causes splash damage around the primary target. In the comic, the hero Tide Hunter (right) is giving Kunkka a piece of cake. When he tries to cut it, his cleave activates and splatters the cake everywhere.
about 12 years ago
I enjoy the comic either way............this one I don't even know what game it's from. But the Art is still good and it's still funny.
Why waste time arguing which game suck and which does not like a bunch of Cod fan boy?
Just enjoy the comic
about 12 years ago
Also I agree with "games suck, draw more fanservice" ;)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249132]@Din182[/url] : DOTA2 is free to play. There are literally people sitting on tons of invites. I've got twelve clogging up my inventory alone. I saw some guy asking for help to clear out 25 invites.
Fact is at this point there is no monetary excuse for not trying it. Ask around, you'll get a key.
Healthy Compromise
about 12 years ago
The obvious solution is to draw DOTA comics with TF2 characters.
about 12 years ago
Dear lord. This is why I have no love for the TF2 community.
about 12 years ago
this is why league sucks.
about 12 years ago
Tell people to stop posting X sucks draw Y comments
People post double the amount.
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
I think you REALLY fucked up on that one jo :D now then EHEM
Online Multiplayer sucks! Draw more local Multiplayer!
about 12 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: :You assume people who never played TF2 will understand the spy is disguised as an Engineer. It not obvious a paper-mask is a full cover unless you played the game.:
But people (72+ yr old non-gamers) could get it! comic/902 Dota Comic. And the same group of oldies got it too!
about 12 years ago
Atari sucks. Draw more Commodore 64!
about 12 years ago
Xylophones rocks Draw less of Yak
That One Guy
about 12 years ago
Either draw more Pyro or draw more Broodmother.
Search your feelings, you know this to be just.
about 12 years ago
Minesweeper sucks, draw more Solitaire.
about 12 years ago
Hooray for passive cleave!
about 12 years ago
... Starcraft, but the jokes about it were still understandable and easy to get. I understand how to play MOBAs, but I still don't get any of the DOTA2 jokes.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249112]@Scow2[/url]: The thing is, I am not going to pay to play a game just so I can get the jokes of a comic strip. And most of the other games are entrenched in pop gaming culture. Plus, the jokes were easy to get without knowing everything about the game. Not so with the Dota 2 comics. I have never played...
about 12 years ago
More Minesweeper comics or I never read again!!!11!eleven!!
RAGE!!! (Hey, that was a cool game... Primal Rage...)
about 12 years ago
... and he'll have an even more permanent loss of readership than he got from arcs, because arc haters knew they were temporary but people who don't like the DOTA 2 focus can't be sure whether or not it's permanent.
about 12 years ago
[*unintended subtext]
... so I'm going to pretend I never care about reader reactions". I feel like he's being a hypocrite AND sabotaging himself, because eventually I bet a lot of people will decide the odds of a non-DOTA 2 comic aren't good enough to justify coming back to the site...
about 12 years ago
... in a genre that's still relatively unknown to non-players, which makes them even harder to understand based on intuition or experience in other games. There's a (hopefully intended) subtext of "I'm bending to reader pressure on something that makes me unique but you can't predict DOTA2 comics...
about 12 years ago
@Grey Spy: I'm personally just bitter that Jo abandoned arcs (which I thought were a great mix of video game humor and character-based storytelling) because of reader reactions but played the artistic integrity card for DOTA 2 comics, which are just one-shot gags about a game not all of us play...
about 12 years ago
Y-chromosones suck, draw more of X.
I think everyone will agree with me.
about 12 years ago
Dota x TF2 sounds like an awesome theme by itself! Valve should something WAR!ish again anyway :D
von Boomslang
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249112]@Scow2[/url] Because they required inside knowledge of games very well entrenched in popular culture (TF2, Star Craft), and did not require intimate knowledge of the game's dozens of possible heroes that somehow act as a punchline.
about 12 years ago
And if that doesn't work, draw more pony
about 12 years ago
As popular as it is, I'm surprised I haven't seen any LoL comics on here.
about 12 years ago
If you don't get the joke, maybe you should play the game? I don't see why his sense of humor needs to be curtailed or restricted just because some of his audience don't play games. The early comics required just as much "inside knowledge."
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249101]@Nobody[/url]: This is the most offensive thing I've ever read on this site.
about 12 years ago
Draw your comic Jo. Do what makes you happy. If people bitch too hard they weren't really much of fans to begin with.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
NerfNao sucks, draw more Garfield
about 12 years ago
Glad to here you are going to start moderating the comments. While your at it how about deleting the photo notes claiming the naughty parts of all the female characters.
It is time to move past elementary school humor
Grey Spy
about 12 years ago
(continued) Really, I don't understand why people have to get all butthurt over comics being made about a franchise they don't play. It's not that big a deal, and Jo'll eventually do comics that you do get later on down the line.
Seriously, people need to learn to relax.
Grey Spy
about 12 years ago
Eh, I've made peace with the facts that:
1) I'm never going to understand these DOTA2 comics;
2) Jo's not going to stop drawing them.
So I've basically reached the point where if it's a DOTA 2 comic, I'll read it, shrug, then move on to the next webcomic in my list of bookmarks. (continued)
As a player of both TF2 and Dota 2, they are both good games in their own respect. If Jo wants more Dota 2 comics, make him draw them. He's just attempting to please the crowd.
Mister Pink
about 12 years ago
Uh oh, I think you made Jo mad!
about 12 years ago
Well I personally believe X is a better game but Y makes funnier comics. I would also like to see Z the most. Of course a Story arc of W you be good. Or some random comics about V would be awesome. But still U has been your strong suit. Then again so has T has also had some good comics....
not a troll
about 12 years ago
took a while before i realized kunkka's tidebringer sword splashed the cake on tide. xD
about 12 years ago
Y looks a lot more promising than X. Have you seen Yveltal? Badass.
not a troll
about 12 years ago
I am not familiar with tf2 yet i dont mind an occasional tf2 comic. i simply wait for dota's turn. :p
about 12 years ago
I think is time to DOTA 2 arc story.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Not that I'd stop reading unless the jokes themselves get worse, but I'm a lot more patient than most of the Internet. I think Jo's taking a risk and the contradiction between "I can't do X because I lose readers" and "I'll do Y even if a lot of people hate it" isn't helping him any.
about 12 years ago
I think X's point is important- too much DOTA2 could cost Jo readers, and he's already said he doesn't do arcs because of the readership drop. It would be a little hypocritical to take a stand about one-shot game mechanics jokes after dropping good storytelling for the sake of page views.
about 12 years ago
On a majority of the Dota comics I find the photo notes more amusing than the actual comic :/ Well, I'l just check in regulary in gopes that you found a new game that holds your attention. Though I did like your two most recent TF2 comics xP
about 12 years ago
Pokemon sucks, draw more Zelda.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249059]@bill[/url]: I realize you're probably just a troll, but the point was that I shouldn't have to be a DOTA2 pro to get half the comics Jo posts. Your comment is kind of the subtext I get trying to read some of the more obscure DOTA jokes.
about 12 years ago
...characters! And except for the antelope girl and some mage chicks, everybody else seems bland and boring for the non-dota player.
Anyway, I can always rely in someone explaining the joke. But even then, it's not the same.
Keep up drawing whatever jokes you like, Jo!
about 12 years ago
[cont] and I think a lot of people (like me) don't really know MOBAs as well as other types of games so we can't guess DOTA-specific references based on similar games. Don't stop doing your thing, but I think DOTA2 comics would work better with more context and less about game mechanics.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249058]@George[/url]: I'm amazed at how good Jo is at respresenting videogame characters. In fact, that's the only reason I got interested in TF2 (a game otherwide, I'd never play).
The main problem is that unlike TF2 (which has only a few and distinctive characters) DOTA literally has a massive number of...
about 12 years ago
quit being a noob at dota 2 then george, you ginormous dunceball of a nerd
about 12 years ago
I don't care what games you use, but I think DOTA2 is less intuitive for non-players than TF2. With TF2 you used your own characters and the mechanics weren't hard to figure out because most people are familiar with FPS games. With DOTA2, you seem to expect us to know the characters, [cont]
about 12 years ago
Draw X
about 12 years ago
Lol you actually read the comment section its a hive of scum and villainy in almost every site, and you created it so people can specifically troll, like I feel for every artist draw whatever you like and most people will enjoy it and appreciate you for doing it.
about 12 years ago
If you keep making comics like this that can only really be understood if you know Dota 2, I'm not going to keep reading for very long. I can't even learn the characters through the comic since there's like a hundred of them. At the very least make an RSS feed without Dota comics.
Double A
about 12 years ago
Dicks suck, draw more boobs.
about 12 years ago
Was that a balloon in the cake?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249046]@Tridus[/url]: What about the TF2 comics that some people may not understand?
Just as people take TF2 as granted, so is DOTA2 nowadays
about 12 years ago
Just please, Jo, no more obsession with painful things. A request, not a demand, I'll read anyway.
about 12 years ago
Fuck the individual games. They were meant for fun, so considering fun as your priority is the best you can do for yourself, and others. Especially since it's more universal than any game you can possibly come up with.
about 12 years ago
Games suck, draw more ponies
about 12 years ago
And the problem is pretty clear based on how many times with these comics someone has to come in and explain the joke. Unless you know who that guy is (by playing DOTA2), this strip makes no sense at all. It's a common flaw in all your DOTA2 stuff, which is why people hate it so much.
about 12 years ago
X game sucks, draw more of Y, unless you go for Z or H, or T ......
about 12 years ago
I liked this comic a lot more back when it was funny, and not DOTA2 insider.
about 12 years ago
TF2 is easier to understand for outsiders than DOTA.
about 12 years ago
I don't come here for Game X. I come here for Nerf Now!!.
about 12 years ago
X game sucks, draw more of Y
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
about 12 years ago
Pokemon X sucks, draw more Pokemon Y.
about 12 years ago
DOTA sucks, draw more whatever you want.
Game Y sucks
about 12 years ago
draw more x please.
about 12 years ago
do whatever you want is more funny that way hahaha
a true fan
about 12 years ago
i am glad joe. i been a fan of this site since comic 1 day 1 hour 1. and i dont prefer one game over any other. all the comics are awesome. keep it up!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_249019]@rqm[/url]: No, Dota is Castle/Hero Defense.
about 12 years ago
I don't like DOTA or TF2.
I still enjoy most all of your comics, no matter what game they're related to (maybe it's the fanservice?). Keep it up!
about 12 years ago
I feel bad for Tide... :(
Trolling Nerd
about 12 years ago
X game sucks, draw more of Y.
about 12 years ago
Well Joe you do have that button that says "Troll NOW!!".
Oh and DOTA2 is a "tower defense" game. That's what I call them.
More x or i'll never read again
about 12 years ago
More counter strike or i'll never read again
about 12 years ago
DOTA and TF2 suck. I demand more Pokemon and Skylanders. Grump grump growl rage! Never reading this comic again (until tomorrow).
Or just draw what you want, Jo. That works too.
about 12 years ago
MOBA nothing, its an AoS
about 12 years ago
All games suck, draw more.
about 12 years ago
Besides, the Mask joke has been done in variations so many times that everyone knows how it works now.
about 12 years ago
Even a child gets that a mask resembling someone is a disguise (however poor), and as cartoons have thought millions of kids, even the most laughable disguises can work in cartoon logic-verse.
A lot of the Team Fortress humor has been like this which is why most people get most jokes.
about 12 years ago
there can be only one "Tide" and it is Tide fucking Bringer!
about 12 years ago
I play a lot of different games from MOBAs to RPGs, FPSs, RTS and grand strategy games.
I did not get this joke, and many other DOTA2 jokes have entirely went over my head. Many of them have required in-depth information about this specific game to be grasped whereas the TF2 jokes have not.
about 12 years ago
I don't care where the comics flow from,only that they do.
about 12 years ago
I am a deployed soldier. I don't know about every one else but I think what you do is fantastic and I look foreward to your comics and I check for them almost 3-4 times a day :)
Godspeed friend!
about 12 years ago
All games suck, draw more fanservice
Z is teh best
about 12 years ago
X and Y game sucks, draw more Z!
about 12 years ago
OK let's settle the TF2 vs DOTA2 argument once and for all.
Just draw more My Little Pony!
about 12 years ago
the joke is about that kunka(the human guy) has a splash attack,so when he touched the cake it splashed on tidehunter the green guy,so Jo why don't you try the showdown effect
about 12 years ago
If you think something would be funny, I don't see a reason to restrict that in any way =3
about 12 years ago
The problem is some people dont get the jokes.
I mean, this started mostly as TF2 comics, there are more TF2 than DOTA fans.
Avid Gamer :D
about 12 years ago
Although i understand TF2 more than DOTA i still find both your TF & DOTA comics great. You don't tell people how to do their jobs so why should they tell you how to do yours.
Although, If you do,
Shame, Shame on you Jo.
about 12 years ago
TF2 and DOTA suck, more WoW.
J/K, draw whatever you like, I'll still enjoy them!
Avid Gamer :D
about 12 years ago
Although i understand TF2 more than DOTA i still find both your TF & DOTA comics great. You don't tell people how to do their jobs so why should they tell you how to do yours.
Although, If you do,
Shame, Shame on you Jo.
about 12 years ago
Obviously you need a crossover comic, TF2 girls in DOTA2, and DOTA2 girls in TF2.
Either that, or multiple comics a day.
X is best pony
about 12 years ago
Y game sucks, draw more X!
about 12 years ago
Oh darn, Jo just had to go and ruin the fun. Guess I won't be eating any more popcorn any time soon.
about 12 years ago
Otherwise it wouldn't be Nerfnow anymore :)
about 12 years ago
Y drawings suck, game more of X!
about 12 years ago
Huzzah :D
Well said Jo:)
I've been reading your comics since they were barely in the triple digits, and hope to read them when they are well in their fourth. I've seen you do comics on games I knew, and some I didn't, and followed them everyday. So draw what you want to draw
My Name
about 12 years ago
@My Name: No one is going to stop Jo from making Dota2 comics but it is unfortunate that some (regular) readers wont get the joke because they simply havnt played Dota2.
about 12 years ago
Dota 2 it seems like the heroes in the game have lots of character to them, with all the lore, tons of rivalry/ally chat, and 4 unique abilities each. That gives you a ton of material to build comics with. TF2 has a ton of character sure, but you really have to dig for it after a certain point.
My Name
about 12 years ago
@My Name: That is why people are bitching about X comics being better than Y comics, TF2 and SC where a lot more mainstream games so people will get more references.
I for one didnt understand the joke and had to look it up in the comment section, this is unfortunate
about 12 years ago
Always draw what you want. I'm not going to hate you any more or less because you're drawing games I don't like to play.
My Name
about 12 years ago
The difference between Dota 2 and TF2 is that most people reading this comic have played TF2 at one point and will get the jokes about that.
Most people, it seems, have not played Dota2 enough to get the joke.
about 12 years ago
I don't play MOBA games, what is the joke?
Hauptmann Frank Jaeger
about 12 years ago
Thanks for the action taken, Jo. No matter what the game, even if we understand it or not, as long as it's NerfNow, I'm fine with it. You could some help though.
We shall not fall.
-ECA Hero Unit
about 12 years ago
:D *does have a B-Day today and is feeling like crap, this has made everything right in the world*
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_248926]@Frelus[/url]: Flame War 2: Electric Boogaloo
Or you could just disable the comment section. The chance of something worthwhile being said in it is like 1/100000000000000.
about 12 years ago
But I'd advise you against deleting comments here and there, it'll take your precious time with no result at all (when you're done, there will always be more to delete the next day). Just leave these dumbasses be.
about 12 years ago
There are significantly better web comics out there for you to enjoy. If you don't like DOTA 2, you can always stop wasting your time here.
about 12 years ago
A suggestion:
Put a "spoiler" section where you explain the joke to the dumbasses. Either that or let them flame. I know it ticks off, I've been an admin to a forum and trolls/flamers ran rampant there. I lost count on how many I banhammered away, but they'll just keep coming.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
I respect your disition...now draw some more of ... !!! XD
about 12 years ago
Good decision Jo. Regardless of the subject, you've got a great style and sense of humor. Even when I don't understand the specifics of the comic, I usually find them to be worth reading and very entertaining.
about 12 years ago
As long as you don't do any comics that require some special knowledge of the game (like some of DOTA 2s have) I have no problem.
about 12 years ago
Game X sucks, draw more Y!
about 12 years ago
Good decision, Jo - Finally no more flame wars.
Or is it only the beginning of a newer, greater one - Flame war II?
about 12 years ago
Why are people arguing over games X and Y? Z RULES!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_248890]@Bleachisback[/url]: Thanks for the explanation, pal! For us who don't play Dota, this really helps!
And Jo, just draw anything that your heart desires, buddy... just please be sure to include generous amounts of fanservice. You can never have too much fanservice. =D
about 12 years ago
Fight on my brothers! We are on the verge of winning this flame war. One final push and vicotry will be ours.
Keep it up and whatever side we are on will be triumphant.
about 12 years ago
The comment section might get a bit barren when the delete wagon rolls around and frankly I welcome it. Maybe I'm biased because I have a webcomic but troll comments hurt. Like ouch.
about 12 years ago
I don't mind what is drawn Jo, I enjoy your art either way. Although it is nice when I get the reference.
about 12 years ago
nice :D
about 12 years ago
Hey! I get this one! I just played as Kunkka last night in my first bot game of dota2 that I didn't lose.
LoL ruined my dota skills. :(
about 12 years ago
X sucks, draw more Zero.
Obvious Troll
about 12 years ago
Y game sucks, draw more of X.
Obvious Troll
about 12 years ago
X game sucks, draw more of Y.
about 12 years ago
Well I just finished reading every strip from last to first. I haven't played TF2 for ages now and I think it's had its day. Dota 2 is on the rise though.
about 12 years ago
Jo, you're REALLY gonna be in trouble when the new Pokemans comes out. X sucks. Draw more of Y.
about 12 years ago
Good Comic, though ^^
about 12 years ago
How about a "Kerbal Space Program"-Comic? Do you know that game, Jo?
about 12 years ago
Draw whatever you want Jo, I'll read regardless
about 12 years ago
Imo you need to make more comics relating to either obscure or so little known games possible people will not get the reference :)
about 12 years ago
@Why Hello there: One of kunkka's abilities (tidebringer) is an uncontrollable ability that let's him splash damage every few second with his sword.
Hope that explains it!
about 12 years ago
Keep up the good work Jo! I don't really play TF2 or Dota 2, but I kinda love your comics.
Why Hello there
about 12 years ago
I don't get this one.. is the cake rigged by Tide or is Kunkka being an asshole?
about 12 years ago
Make constant Sonic and Pony comics until everyone agrees to stop arguing.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_248883]@Pimmeh[/url]: thx to understand my meaning i glad somebody know that without spoilling the other readers mood (the guy that already played it may mad )
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_248873]@Vorpal[/url]: Exactly. I picked up on the joke and I don't play Dota 2...
[url=#user_comment_248871]@Software2[/url]: You assume people who never played TF2 will understand the spy is disguised as an Engineer. It not obvious a paper-mask is a full cover unless you played the game.
about 12 years ago
We didn't start the flamewar, peeps were hating on it before I left my comment.
(obvious ref: http://goo.gl/VpLxS)
about 12 years ago
I don't play TF2 at all and yet I still enjoy your tf2 comics, IDK what's wrong with people who don't play dota 2 and dislike the comics. I guess they need some context, but thats what the comments are for!
about 12 years ago
And one thing ALL FLAME WARS come from Troll NOW!!!! button ok i have to admit it will make some intentionaly troll to post a Malicious comment (Meant no offense) also dont bother troller Jo
about 12 years ago
@Some guy: Take the last TF2 comics, for example though. There were two panels dedicated to the explanation of what teleporters were. Thus, people that don't play TF2 can understand it. The joke is also independent of the game: nekkid guys is horrifying. This comic is: cakes explode.
[url=#user_comment_248859]@Software2[/url]: I have a real life of mine, he is an old school gamer and he never got most of TF2 joke, not even the "obvious" one.
about 12 years ago
*like comics of both of the games, rather. I shouldn't type when I'm tired.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_248859]@Software2[/url]: uhh i get it he has an attack the been dubbed as splash attack when he hit something with his blade it will splash some of the damage to nearby guys execpt him
about 12 years ago
Draw whatever you want, Jo. I comics of both of the games.
Some guy
about 12 years ago
You guys didn't complain about there being issues understanding the joke when it was tf2 or starcraft.
about 12 years ago
X game? That sucks, draw more of Y!
about 12 years ago
I understand you have to make what makes you more money. We just want the jokes to be accessible is all.
X game sucks, draw more of Y
about 12 years ago
Jo flame wars will start whatever you draw.
about 12 years ago
I think the big problem a lot of us have is that these jokes don't make any sense unless you've played the game. Like this one... Why is it funny that when he went to cut the cake it exploded? Knives don't do that normally, and there is nothing in the comic to indicate why that happened.
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