What people are saying about "WTB"
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about 12 years ago
The funny thing is, I found a shield with those exact stats around 3 hours ago and sold it for a substantial pile of orbs.
about 12 years ago
So the only good thing about D3 was the real money action house... who knew?
about 12 years ago
I became aware of "Path of Exile" by your comics, and i thank you for that. (:
about 12 years ago
So to get the better deals may require a day of shopping around checking prices, only to find the cheap stall is gone and you have to track it down. Or worse, they logged and jack up the price to the most expensive the next day and then the search continues
about 12 years ago
Stall and AH can work together fairly well, but there is issues with that as well. People may have the stuff that you need in a stall, but you may have to search for it. And the prices are somewhat random, what may sell for 10k at the AH may sell for 100k at a stall, or vice versa...
about 12 years ago
Without the real money aspect, of course.
about 12 years ago
... Runescape's Grand Exchange?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252592]@Alex[/url]: The problem with RMAH in Diablo 3 is that pretty much every single detail and design decision was made to accommodate that.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252594]@Geary[/url] I don't think I said that, at least It wasn't my intention. "People can still buy gear/gold in PoE/D2 with real money." That's what I meant.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252580]@IV[/url] So, in other words, it's not people using out-of-game advantages that's the problem, it's me NOT using out-of-game advantages that's the problem? [url=#user_comment_252593] @B[/url] That's luck of the draw. I have just as much chance as the other guy does, but he might have more money that I do IRL.
about 12 years ago
It doesn't matter how skilled you are if some other guy just found better gear doing the same stuff in the same places you did, does it?
about 12 years ago
"Seriously... People harsh on D3, but can't find a real, logical, reason why"
If the developers get a cut from every real money AH transaction, they'll inevitably find ways to make you use it. I'd rather they wouldn't spend time on making the game not fun unless you pay up.
about 12 years ago
With so many ARPGs in development/comming out I'm kinda of glad that Blizz tried something new, even if it failed for some people.
I mean what chance would TL2/ POE have if D3 was the new Holy Grail of its genre?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252561]@Geary[/url] But can't you barter for better gear? A.k.a. pay? You could also try trading between games. Selling "X the OP item" for "ZZ" Steam game.
about 12 years ago
First, I've personally never had a problem finding good items. Sure, sometimes I have to use orbs, but, usually, patience nets me the items I want. Second, AH ruin the competitive aspect of ARPGs. It doesn't matter how skilled you are if some other guy just bought better gear than you.
about 12 years ago
@brood summoner
The thing with not having a currency: not a single gold spammer! ^____^

It might me a bit cumbersome but I have no problem with it.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252525]@TJ[/url]: The issue is that the game is balanced such that it takes unreasonable amount of grinding to get anything that isn't shit, in other words you need to spend real money or suck
about 12 years ago
Searchable database of all the items on the forums. Problem solved.
Old Man Jack
about 12 years ago
Damn kids with their mine photonotes.. sounds like a bunch of seagulls with 'Mine mine mine mine' IN my days Mine was used with holes in the ground and dwarves. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!
about 12 years ago
Seriously... People harsh on D3, but can't find a real, logical, reason why.

Don't like AH? Don't use it, it's not as if RM gear buying didn't happen in D2.

Plus, why do people WANT to have to re-grind the same character class to try a different spec, it just seems stupid.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
And Engie Orenji wins the Trollympics for another year!
about 12 years ago
The AH wasn't really an issue for me. Don't like it? Don't use it. Easy as that. Like you couldn't buy strong stuff in D2 via tradechats, ebay and other stuff if you wanted.
about 12 years ago
@brood summoner

Is bartering really so fucking confusing?
about 12 years ago
Not sure if magic missiles or reaper invasion.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252501]@EKHawkman[/url]: its wrong
about 12 years ago
@acidic tiger party
True, however I didn't immediately realise that Path of Exile was like Diablo 3, so I still initially missed the point. Not that it matters regardless, I'm not going to be that guy who starts complaining of seeing a reference I don't get^^
brood summoner
about 12 years ago
Before an auction PoE need to release a game CURRENCY.

BTW, it's really hard to find even 4 linked random color slots, nothing to say about 5-6.
about 12 years ago
I like trollgineer. She amuses me.
about 12 years ago
Actually it's funny, there isn't necessarily anything wrong with a Real Money Auction House, the problem with D3 was just that the itemization was shit, there weren't really any meaningful item choices, and a lot of times items were so random that they had no coherence within themselves.
acidic tiger party
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252493]@Thatguy[/url] Because you don't need to know PoE to get the joke. You just need to know about the auction house drama of Diablo 3.
about 12 years ago
I really don't understand though, why is no one complaining about "not knowing that game" when it's Path of Exile. I'm sure there are some (like me) who don't play Path of Exile, who only half got the joke, and yet, not a peep out of them...
about 12 years ago
Go to bed, Jay.
Nobody wants a fucking auction house except the instant gratification kiddies.
about 12 years ago
Oh come on, its really simple.
auction house = good
real money auction house = bad
about 12 years ago
1000 times this instead of RMAH.
More x or i'll never read again
about 12 years ago
More super mario RPG - legend of the seven stars or i'll never read again
about 12 years ago
Pick your poison, really. In this case it's frustrating that it's hard to get such an item, but when you do managed to get it, the effort makes it satisfying.

That was the flaw in Diablo 3. There's no long term satisfaction in finding things when you can just stick in a credit card and bypass it.
about 12 years ago
Funny thing, you just need to know what auction houses in MMOs are, and Diablo3 in particular, to understand this comic.
about 12 years ago
@Metal C0Mmander: That's right, pal! I got the same thought after watching her. Though if I recall correctly, long-haired seems to break the 4th wall most of the times!
No, your name!
about 12 years ago
Uhm, there is a trade chat in-game. And there are a lot of trade topics on the PoE forum.
An Onymous
about 12 years ago
That orange-Engie shirt...
about 12 years ago
And, basic currency exchange ratios - which most people usually accept http://www.poeex.info/#
about 12 years ago
Here is a search engine for the goods that are being listed on the PoE trade forums; http://poe.xyz.is/
about 12 years ago
Poe is fun
about 12 years ago
Screw shields. Dual wield.

Can't say I've needed specific items yet, and even then, +drop +rarity items should rake in something you can barter to someone of similar level but opposing class. Or orb trade.

AH just spawns gold farmers.
about 12 years ago
(cont.) potions or other stuff you got from higher lvl maps when selling to lower lvl ppl (as long they could use that potions). At same time it means though that you might end up with 20-30 stalls blocking safe areas around NPCs and causing lag(Ragnarok Online 2 was a good example of that)
wtf is this?
about 12 years ago
I dont understand this!
about 12 years ago
I think it's funny, I generally see many "stall" vs. "AH" fights at game forums. AH is more convenient, but the easy comparing of items makes prices drop on the other hand ppl get easier geared up and waste less time looking for item x. Stalls are positive for prices since you can overprice
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252374]@OrbsAreHelpful[/url]: Or wait for a shield with three sockets, then color them, then link them
about 12 years ago
You're a bloody jack ass if you think PoE should have the auction house system which murdered what little there was of diablo 3.
about 12 years ago
Although I should note, the one item I found that's actually decent and that I'm using at the moment...

...is a triple-link shield with +fire/spell damage.

The irony.
about 12 years ago
Wow Engee is so mad her rage is casting 9th level spells.
about 12 years ago
There are people who find equipment that are actually relevant to their build? All the gear I'm using are things I've received from friends, because all the stuff I'm finding is crap, crap, and more crap.
about 12 years ago
yeah jo, if you can't find it, make it. i get a shit-ton of those orbs on lvl17 or something already, i'd imagine you're higher up
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252414]@zeruf[/url]: Yeah, to actually tank physical damage you need to stack Endurance Charges.
about 12 years ago
unfortunately Path of exile has an inherent problem, the way their armor mechanics work is tah it makes no difference if you haev 1000 armor or 100000 armor, you still get two shot at endgame
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
and once a non TF2 or Dota 2 comic is posted everyone forgets both... awesome never played this game or Diablo 3 to know this joke, i laughed.
about 12 years ago
Quit yer bellyachin', grab an aoe skill and go farm Terrace.
about 12 years ago
cannot unseen :
bum biddy biddy biddy bum bum
about 12 years ago
Coincidentally, i started playing diablo 3 again when this comic pops up. I think Jo is stalking me.
about 12 years ago
Trolololo lololololololo, trolololo loooooool....
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252374]@OrbsAreHelpful[/url]: I have neither luck or resources for this. :P
about 12 years ago
Crafting 101:

- Find white shield of correct type (iLvl 30+)
- Orb of Transmutation into Magic Item
- Orb of Alteration until Properties Desired
- If wanted: Use Regal Orb to turn into Rare
- Jeweler's Orbs until 3 Socket
- Orb of Fusing until 2 Link
- Chromatic Orbs until correct colors.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252360]@rqm[/url]: Diablo + FF7 + FF 10. ARPG loot drop with materia system with sphere grid.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252371]@2033[/url]: It's a quest reward for the Witch. You get one before lvl 5.
about 12 years ago
oh, I'd like to have your problems. I cant even find any firestorm spells anymore...
Benny Tops
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252360]@rqm[/url]: From what I have garnered, that is spot on. Barring that I THINK, they can have more links, not really sure of it though. Contain + Added Affect THIS! See you at the Tops.
Deo Fayte
about 12 years ago
It wasn't that Diablo 3 had an auction house. It's that they altered the drop mechanics to accommodate an auction house that was the problem.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252323]@Acalia[/url] Equipment with linked sockets for magic orbs? So it's the materia system?
Flame Bait
about 12 years ago
If they add an auction house in the game, suddenly people will start whining you have to buy all your items and you can't get it yourself.
(Note that this doesn't mean that you can get it yourself right now)
about 12 years ago
@Metal C0Mmander: Glad I'm not the only one who picked up on that. Orange engi in panel 1 is really weird.
about 12 years ago
Normally she'd be worried about the rain of fire, but she knows blue engi lacks a decent shield with +fire damage.
Metal C0Mmander
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252350]@Ninj77[/url]: Personnally I'm more troubled by the fact that she's looking directly at the screen in pannel 1 for appenrently no reason. I mean WTF. Is she suposed to scare me, did she see something interesting or is she trying to be sly in some kind of way.
about 12 years ago
I do enjoy seeing seeing the Engies in different outfits. These look good on them.
about 12 years ago
Mmmh... is it me or the long haired Engie is a bit petite than the other one? I mean, the second panel show such a cute and small blossom. ;D
about 12 years ago
nice outlining
poe player
about 12 years ago
Who buys shield on fire caster? you buy staff of searing touch unique ilvl 55+ with 5l.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252323]@Acalia[/url] Thanks for explaining. I got some of that from context, but it's good to know the actual title. Also, goddamnit Diablo 3. Why did you have to be so...old feeling?
about 12 years ago
Don't be so sad, engie. Just be glad you don't have Kripparian's luck.

1 Thorns roll all day baby.
about 12 years ago
This is why I like dicks
about 12 years ago
(cont.) The joke in the second frame is a hint at Diablo III's auction house. Since Path of Exile is widely considered as a more proper Diablo III, it's a bit laughable that Diablo III has something that Path of Exile really needs.
about 12 years ago
To anyone who has no clue what's going on: This is about Path of Exile, almost every armor in the game has "sockets" which can be Red Green or Blue which hold your spells. Having linked sockets allows you to use powerful support gems with the spell, so linked sockets are almost ALWAYS necessary.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252316]@Geary[/url]: and they give you RANDOM effect.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252310]@mutan[/url]: There are orbs for linking sockets. They're actually not that hard to get, around the second half of Act II.
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
"Or you could, you know, just use orbs. "

Enjoy burning through two stacks and settling for a worse effect at the end.
about 12 years ago
Finally! A game that I play!

And the Barter system is awesome, and it fits within the setting.
about 12 years ago
I don't get it. More Dota 2 and TF2 comics!
about 12 years ago
5links are a myth
about 12 years ago
Or you could, you know, just use orbs.

Cause, you know, it's kinda what they're there for.
about 12 years ago
A structure where we could perhaps auction our items. An "auction house" as it were.
about 12 years ago
Engi goes trolololo!