What people are saying about "Wardmancer"
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about 12 years ago
What a hypocrate, Jo!
You were overlooking so much our cuddly Veno!
Bst supp evr GG pwnr

(actually i'm a gank paranoid so i like to ward fo my safety)

@I LUV DOTA: Exactly
about 12 years ago
Jo, could you explain some of these dota jokes on the description ? Sometimes even on the comments i can't find the explanation on these :s
about 12 years ago
Yeah, so Veno builds Agility (=damage) rather well and can be played as a carry by outleveling the other team (support/semicarry-->carry). Soft carry Veno is actually the favored comp Veno build by far.

Also, free kills from wards on noobs. teehee
about 12 years ago
Keep Posting these funny comics :)
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
In short, I am in the "Let Nerf Now be Nerf Now" camp.

How many of you posting all the nasty childishness about "make more comics about x and less about x or I'll leave" have ever clicked through to Jo's advertisers once or supported him in any meaningful way?
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
@von Boomslang: And yet, because I don't play Team Fortress or care about it, I don't get half the jokes.

Do you know why I don't complain? Because 1) this is Jo's comic and not mine, and 2) I know how hard it is to DO a webcomic and put it up for free five days a week.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252361]@Dri[/url] (the second one): Are you saying drawing comics for monetary interests is bad? Because that's silly. Even so, I'm pretty sure the point was "Jo doesn't owe you anything, and more people play DotA 2 anything, so drawing DotA comics is fine."
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252280]@Dri[/url] It's not hilarious, in fact your suggestion is downright offensive, you're suggesting Jo draws DOTA2 comics for monetary interests. I just think he has been playing it more than TF2 recently, also he might have just run out of TF2 jokes for the moment.
about 12 years ago
Wardmancer: ability to make all follow the spiritual liege, Rowboat Girlyman.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252280]@dri[/url] i have to agree let him draw what he wants, besides he can't draw anything unless he has inspiration to draw it... btw i wonder if jo knows the mecha-engie was added to MVM in one of the latest updates?
about 12 years ago
It is hilarious to watch people whine about DOTA2 and then to see on Steam that it is the most played game by a ratio of 5:1 against the second most played game, TF2.

Warms my heart to finally realize the trolls are trying to compensate for something.

Let Jo draw whatever Jo wants, assholes.
about 12 years ago
where is meepoward ?
The Wealthy Hobo
about 12 years ago
I'm getting Nemo-Gulls outta those things.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252251]@Waffl3x[/url]: Not better than Crystal + Jugg at all.
about 12 years ago
>Warding pre-10
It's like you WANT to give them free money
about 12 years ago
this is why dota 2 suck....
about 12 years ago
Jugg + Veno BFF

Favorite combo honestly, so hilarious to get those level 1 first bloods.
about 12 years ago
Actually got this one first try. All you really need to know for the joke is that a ward is a thingy you can place.
Expectation->Lots of fighting other players
Reality->Lots of doing something that most certainly isn't fighting other players, and looks tedious.
A++ Diamond Tier GodofDota
about 12 years ago
All these bronze "carry" venomancers are so funny hohoho
about 12 years ago
this is why league sucks.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252005]@arhiDavid[/url]: IKR? what people don't think dem wards are smexy, Every hard carry on my team owes his kills to MY wards.
about 12 years ago
> People complaining about DotA2 comics when Jo already made several LoL comics.
about 12 years ago
Reminds me of the first time I played Necrolyte and was told he was a support. I then proceeded to become hard-carry and become unkillable unless my team was completely absent and I was focused down by everybody on the enemy team, which only worked twice before they found the tactic no long worked.
about 12 years ago
Here's an amazing concept - play Dota2 *AND* TF2 :O :O :O and now stop your bitching. Awesome comic Jo!
about 12 years ago
One additional problem is that TF2 classes are really intuitive (sniper snipies, engineer leaves machines, etc), Dota2's ? Not so much.
Stilll, Joe seems to like making DOTA2 comics, EVEN if it alienize a big part of it's audience, and he will not change it.
von Boomslang
about 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall:

The initial comics required a passing knowledge of nine classes. The DotA ones require intimate knowledge of the metagame and the abilities of... how many characters?
Sad Venomancer
about 12 years ago
T-T is true!!!
about 12 years ago
...reminds me of the day I realized that Veno is a support when I kept carrying as him in almost every game I played.
about 12 years ago
@Viking ZX: BRO
Viking ZX
about 12 years ago
Funnily enough, its the other way around for me. Panel 3 is what people expect from my Veno. Panel 2 is what they get. The finale is, provided my team can focus and play, a victory. Nothing says "Fear me" like a 27-10-20 Veno who's pentakilling. Skip the wards, they're worthless. Veno is a nuke.
Troll Master
about 12 years ago
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252145]@Cyriel[/url]: Ya, rly? Go back and read the initial comics again. I suspect what you mean to say is "I have the extensive background knowledge required to analyze Team Fortress comics and laugh hilariously at them, but I don't like MOBAs or comics about them so now I'm going to start whining."
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
about 12 years ago
I remember a time when people came here and saw funny comics that didn't require extensive background knowledge.
Homewrecker Pybro
about 12 years ago
Wait until techies got released. Good techies will use remote mines for... more wards. (Since it last for about 8 minutes and have farther sight than Lanaya's trap.)

Beastmaster's maphawk still the best for scouting hands down.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Jesus, instead of complaining so much, you could easily just leave, people.
about 12 years ago
And that's why I don't play ARTS.
DOTA Explaination
about 12 years ago
Venomancer is usually played as a 'Support' hero, which means it's his job to help other heroes get gold. The implication is that the player wants to play offensively, but ends up getting Plague Wards (Venomancer skill) because putting down wards is a very important job for Support.
about 12 years ago
Screw dota/lol
about 12 years ago
Veno has 2 of the best level 1 abilities in the game. His passive gives a DoT and a slow for chasing, while the venom gale is a ridiculously powerful level 1 slow. If you get laned against melee heroes without stuns like bloodseeker, you've won the lane. Bonus points of you're with rubick or ursa.
about 12 years ago
Venomancer midwars... Oh the wards... =3
about 12 years ago
Quick ass venom.
about 12 years ago

It is a complete and utter beast in low-lvl games before people have any idea who the Omni is.

Gale+rune=First blood for sure.
And after a few kills, someone leaves and you've won the game... at least in low-lvl games.
about 12 years ago
depends on what skill lvl you are playing i actually played a few carry veno games and i got fed onoly problem was that their team was better than my team....
about 12 years ago
Dude, that is EXACTLY what happened to me when I first played DotA2 for the first time! Picked the Venomancer because of poison, and got a not-so effective hero.
I suck at the game anyway, but that was the icing on the cake.
about 12 years ago
Hey Jo, just wanted to say I just watched the Fails of the week, and they did a small gag that looked familiar if you know what I mean :)
Apparently someone from Dotacinema read NerfNow :D
about 12 years ago
Venomacer is a offvencive champiogn that got a minion summon skill on of of it 4skill (i'm no dota player, so can be wrong).
So he probably will spam minion to us as ward.
about 12 years ago
Seriously Jo? What about Gale and Poison freakin' Nova?!
about 12 years ago
For the absolute no moba fans:
most of people see support player should put wards (totem that give limited sight for a temperary time, in a fog of war combat).
about 12 years ago
Sorry, this comic site is great, but lately I just come to read the comments. Now THAT's comedy gold ;3
about 12 years ago
@no understand: When people play that hero they expect to play as carry, but end playing as support because of one of his skills which can be used for warding.
about 12 years ago
is a ward
no understand
about 12 years ago
explain this comic please
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_252036]@bery[/url]: cut the "I never" part, I just woke up >.> .
about 12 years ago
Screw that, I never you're oh so much potent with the gale+passive while actually buying wards.
about 12 years ago
I remember baiting a blood seeker with my wards once. While he was busy trying to kill my ward, our Pudge hooked him between us and we ate him for breakfast.
about 12 years ago
"another comic of that game that still is not released and nobody plays"

nobody plays... ok .. most played game on steam.


And every player has 10+ invites they can send out. So it is availible to everyone who cares enough to search for a key.
about 12 years ago
I prefer Keeper.
about 12 years ago
yay! another comic of that game that still is not released and nobody plays! i don't get any of the jokes but im sure they are soooooooooooo funny!
about 12 years ago
Wardmancer! Mancing up some wards!
about 12 years ago
he's moe.
Screw That!
about 12 years ago
Carrymancer all-the-way!
about 12 years ago
Not a single "mine" was photo noted this day... I hope...
Nice comic btw. Good tactics against venomancers wards is just destroing them. It also gives you money.
about 12 years ago
wardb__ches unite!
about 12 years ago
AAAAAAAAAAAnd I dont get it.
about 12 years ago
Those warding things are oddly cute.