What people are saying about "Blame The Game Not The Player"
Blame The Game Not The Player
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over 11 years ago
Support Sven is actually okay.
Anon E Mouse (Nerd Rage)
over 11 years ago
Holy balls, guys, why are all of you (that's hyperbole) idiots? Jo is listing builds which a newbie would think is weird, but are common (or, at least, used to be common) on the pro-scene. He did not say "All these builds are bad. Please tell me I am shit at Dota because me no understand de meta."
over 11 years ago
I have seen some unique methods, but the type I hate is the shouters. The ones that constantly shout at you when their the ones screwing up. The ones where if you do ask what they "want" they just go back and b*tch at you instead of giving any adivce and then use you as the "reason" for their loss.
over 11 years ago
Support Sven is common, though.
over 11 years ago
AA played a support sven
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257931]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: other heroes can get those as well and benefit more from them, so statement stays.
over 11 years ago
I know the feel, especially when you call mid before the game starts and a jungler goes mid after you've already taken up residence, then he later wonders why I'm not fed like I'm supposed to be. :I
a guy
over 11 years ago
I honestly can't get that into dota. I don't like LoL any better really. Yeah I'm bad, and I know it, but hell it's just not fun "getting good" at the game.
over 11 years ago
I find the most effective way to stay happy in these situations is to ask why a teammate is doing something you think is weird rather than berating them for it. If they know something you don't, you get to learn something that day. If they're just doing random shit, you get to fix that and win.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258012]@mags[/url] Thank you.
over 11 years ago
Both mid necro and support sven are good options. Also, enchantress can be a lane support in some certain picks.
over 11 years ago
well put
over 11 years ago
necrolyte mid is viable. support sven was the standard before he got buffed, he was a stunbitch back then, getting arcane and wards.

jo you are shit at dota, period.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257782]@MMer[/url]: The MMR isn't transparent, although it is defiantly not based on solely on KDR or Win%.
over 11 years ago
You have to remember, people can also see their skill bracket if they're in high and very high due to replay searches; a guy in very high and 300+ games has no business doing completely retarded things.
over 11 years ago
dota never gets better you liar
Unusual Submissive Hat
over 11 years ago
My first game was with clockwerk. I won. Now all of my opponents are hard as balls.
Also: Any chance of a Sang-Froid comic? Probably not, sorry for asking.
over 11 years ago
Treant is cannabis

In all seriousness I BLAME Y.O.U

Treant OP
over 11 years ago
Quelling Blade? Tangoes? TREANT IS A CANNABALIST!
over 11 years ago
It's totally legit. Check out some pro matches, will ya? Highest. Base. Damage. Ever.
over 11 years ago
Unlike League, which just stays shit xD
Froggy G
over 11 years ago
Don't hate the game, hate the player!
over 11 years ago
i am never played DOTA but, is it not possible to leveling killing small creatures (jellys)?
Elo hell is real
over 11 years ago
The first ring is for unprepared newbies
Then come the people with no build
Then the ragers
and so on.

The inner ring has a multi-headed moba satan constantly consuming some guy named x420jooLawrd69Xx and the pope.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257928]@Syzygy[/url]: I have more losses than wins and lots of those losses were simply because someone left or went afk.
over 11 years ago
Your mistakes are only your fault when you can't find someone/thing other than you to blame them on.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257971]@JackDesert[/url]: Oh, yes. I remember that! Though I kinda wanted a new one with both Engies now. ;D
OMG a comic I get...
over 11 years ago


over 11 years ago
necrolyte mid is viable. support sven was the standard before he got buffed, he was a stunbitch back then, getting arcane and wards.

jo you are shit at dota, period.
over 11 years ago
yay more dota 2 do a LoL and maybe a hon comic next

over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257889]@Ninj77[/url]: THe hot lesbian scene was a few back, Tentacle Jo interrupted it to put them in costumes.
over 11 years ago
this is why league sucks
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257908]@Spyper[/url] you can have a lot of those at rule34
don't mind me
over 11 years ago
That's why you play DotA-likes with your friends. You expect them to suck, so you can't blame them. It's easy.
over 11 years ago
I can't agree with the joke behind this comic. Several people have shown they can get a brand new account into "Very High" matches whilst their main is stuck in normal. It genuinely appears that the matchmaking is messed up in that respect; and a long time in normal will mean you NEVER progress.
over 11 years ago
I don't care about people playing badly. I just hate when people starts calling everyone trash just because things didn't go their way.
over 11 years ago
Another reason NOT to play DOTA2
over 11 years ago
dota 2 matchmaking, the awful thing which its awful than get own by overpowered hero. Riot pls fix.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257928]@Syzygy[/url]: you got 8/0 because enemy gankers are busy ganking your teammates. sure your teammates might be feeding and are bad, but that means the heat isn't on you, that's why you got 8/0.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257920]@Frelus[/url][url=#user_comment_257929] @2[/url] Deal with it.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257914]@dealwithit[/url]: u sucks
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257926]@Syzygy[/url]: You might say that I'm just a bad player and sure, I lose my lanes too - but when every lane get's stomped in 70% of the games then there's something wrong with matchmaking. But it's even more frustrating if you end your lane 8/0 and then still lose because of the rest of the team.
over 11 years ago
As a LoL player I feel like I get matched with worse players than our enemy team constantly in ranked... and I have the stats to back it up, I've lost considerably more ranked games than I have won.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257914]@Dealwithit[/url]: So, bad players should be matched with good players to have a bad experience by being dominated constantly AND ruin the better players' game? Yeah, right. Also, HoN and LoL are exactly the same with their matchmaking systems.
over 11 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
over 11 years ago
fuck Dota. and ponies.
over 11 years ago
I may not play DOTA, but I know exactly how she feels.
over 11 years ago
Wow, I started playing Dota 2 about a week ago, I got it from a friend's free game code and never installed it for about 4 months
over 11 years ago
Weelllll...I have to admit that Jo did really came out with a comic involving both Engies.

But where's the hot lesbian scene?

And why is everybody looking at me funny for not commenting on Jo's comment?
totes dotes
over 11 years ago
I think you guys are missing the point of Jo's comment...
over 11 years ago
I really can't play games like this where there is set rules for what certain characters are good at (as in can't do anything else without losing horribly). Maybe I'm just too casual of a gamer.
over 11 years ago
Terrible players are the ones that have a bad attitude and don't learn from mistakes and just keep doing worse and worse as the game progresses. A carry that picks a support role is valid if there's no other support doing it, a 'support' picking the carry role is valid as long as he does the damage.
over 11 years ago
DotA is meant to be a game where flexibility has strong presence. Saying you can only play Sven as a carry or Necro as a support is a totally dumb thing. I've carried several games with Necro and Sven but that doesn't mean I won't support with them if situation calls for it (on a clan war or such).
over 11 years ago
Support Sven and mid Necro are valid strategies.. Lane enchantress, not so much.
over 11 years ago
You should play WoT some time if you want to see bone headed players.
over 11 years ago
of another normal players, who dont understand game so much, and then you make more people believe in these things. i dont say you dont understand nothing in dota, but please prove verity of your facts before you made comics. it sometimes really annoys me when i reading false things about dota.
over 11 years ago
i dont like some of your comics about dota mechanics, because you are just ordinary player. i dont think be normal player is bad, but you dont understand dota so much, so your comics are sometimes about things you hear many people say, so you believe it is true. but it isnt, because they are opinion
over 11 years ago

also check any Sven hero profile in good dota sites and you will see: support. yes, his main role is ganker/carry but he can be good intiator or support too and there is not problem with that.

over 11 years ago
support sven...

ok, that really show me you really dont understand dota so much, like when you said Meepo is unbalanced.

so here it is:

best playdota guide consider Sven as support: http://www.playdota.com/guides/clich-is-clich

second-best guide in dotafire too:
over 11 years ago
You call support Sven a weird build?

How about carry Veno? Support Huskar? Shadowblade on every hero?

Also, pro games have in the past ran: Solo mid wisp. Dual mid. Even TRIPLE JUNGLE (two solo lanes with one lane completely unoccupied) (it was Mouzsports using Doom, and they won).
over 11 years ago
Just saying, Necrolyte mid is actually good. :P
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257841]@mindfaQ[/url]: implying there are no items to increas attack speed. mom, armlet, even treads might do at least something.
over 11 years ago
Players with weird builds tend to either know something funny about mechanics/bugs or be idiots too lazy to even check out wiki. This comes from wow, but I bet other games are just the same in this case
over 11 years ago
Um...Necrolyte is just fine mid Jo...so is Support Sven (This was quite popular back in the day due to his high damage nuke, long, guaranteed stun, and in aoe, he was played as a roamer/initiator in the ilk of Sand King).
over 11 years ago
I remember when support Sven was the go-to build, and if you happened to get really good early game you could semicarry.
wobbly H
over 11 years ago
It's funny because laning Enchantress, mid Necrolyte and support Sven are all perfectly viable strategies (and in the case of Necro probably the optimal one).
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257733]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: he also has the worst BAT (means he will attack more slowly than any other hero with the same items) and no steroid skill.
over 11 years ago
Interestingly enough, this also applies to any other game with an online matchmaking system.
over 11 years ago
apparently carry treant used to be a strong choice for his build before all the nerfs
over 11 years ago
Oh boy, I'm so interested in this. I don't even know what DOTA actually means.

I don't know why I can't look away from this comic, given that I understand 1/10 of the jokes, and that 1/10 is usually cheap fanservice... o.o
over 11 years ago
Say what you want, but I will never try to justify a Phantom assassin that managed to buy ARCANE BOOTS and half of MEK in 35minutes... There is no "secret" strategy in this decision - it's flat out lack of BASIC Dota knowledge (yes - we had supports in our team. 2 of them to be exact.)
over 11 years ago
Can we stop having comics about bad games and get some Starcraft 2 comics up in this hizzhouse?
over 11 years ago
Funnily enough Support Sven is an example of people playing bad stuff, even tough he was universally played as a support until a month before DreamHack
over 11 years ago
Maybe not that weird, one time I laned against an enchantress in lane, she was solo and we were two, and she kicked our behinds (very hard to kill with her regen) and starting lvl 6 she hit like a truck too. Then again, I was really sucky back then^^
over 11 years ago
Bronze, Bronze scum everywhere.
over 11 years ago
I'm sure you can tell by all the comments by people who are basically judging you in the same way you mention that some of your 'weird' examples aren't all that weird. Especially Necrolyte, with farm and levels long fights will almost always favour the walking healing ward. Lane chanty is weird tho
over 11 years ago
Well why not Trent carry? :D He have the biggest attack at the start
over 11 years ago
Does matchmaking actually pair you measuring your skill? What does it measure? Win%, KDR? As a support I'm full of 2-5-10 impeccable matches. Yesterday I won a game by overpushing with Nature's Prophet yet ended up 5-9-3...is that a bad game?

Is there a way to know in which bracket you are?
your mom
over 11 years ago
Necrolyte mid is the best way to play Necrolyte you fucking baddie.
This is, mildly acceptable.
over 11 years ago
Though I dislike your DOTA comics this one features your TF2 characters and humor that I understand and find amusing. You get a B- for this comic Jo. +More TF2 plox
over 11 years ago
Does the art style seem a little bit off to anyone? Specifically in the last 2 frames?
over 11 years ago
Support Sven is the ONLY viable build until he got insane buffs to his ulti and cleave, maybe to balance him along with 4.2 and +40 agi lvl 6.

Icefrog must be smoking crack lately.
This is a name
over 11 years ago
Necro is a fine mid though. He is more reliant on levels than farm, has a way to contest runes without losing farm with the nuke/heal (in fact, may make them lose farm if they try to go since your creeps heal through their nukes). But he doesn't deal great damage - you kinda want a right click carry
over 11 years ago
I kinda would like to play a game with you if you werent so far away that either one would have horrible ping.
This is a name
over 11 years ago
Lane enchantress is surprisingly strong in a 1v1 situation. In a team game however, its a troll build.

And how else would you play necro? He is TERRIBLE as a support - a high costing nuke/heal with short range, and needs last hits and kills so that he can actually cast it.
over 11 years ago
@This is a name: Ideally, Necro wants to take a solo safe lane.
This is a name
over 11 years ago
Lane enchantress is surprisingly strong in a 1v1 situation. In a team game however, its a troll build.

And how else would you play necro? He is TERRIBLE as a support - a high costing nuke/heal with short range, and needs last hits and kills so that he can actually cast it.
over 11 years ago
That there is a defeatist attitude. ALL random pub teams are terrible, because there is no good teamwork, no communication and no awareness. It's not just your team, it's everyone. Only way to rise above is speak openly and carry hard - and pray the team has enough stuns.
This is a name
over 11 years ago
Support Sven was how he was played for quite a while. His stun is strong at level 1, making him a strong roamer, as well as doing reasonable damage without many items. He got some buffs which geared him more towards a carry role, but he is still viable as support (and is played as low farm often).
over 11 years ago
Support Sven is the optimal build. I'm not joking, go watch some pros. He deals lots of damage with little items and has two useful semi-spammable skills.
over 11 years ago
Is this secretly a post about WoT?
over 11 years ago
@Dota Fanboy: feel free to indulge yourself in your false victory, while I go watch Last Exile for the meantime.
over 11 years ago
@Dota Fanboy: to me it looks like you're the one who can't provide some arguments and just proceed to spread how "knowledgeable" you are.
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257730]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: I'm not talking about your idea with Carry Treant, even though you don't seem to know how Carry Treant works either. There's no excuse with the current balancing to lane with enchantress (or chen for that matter).
over 11 years ago
@Dota Fanboy: trust me, i used my years of experience where we play carry treant. sure times changed but the possibility is still there.
over 11 years ago
cont. source of income wouldn't that be that hard. implying he can't last hit with his insane base damage.

plus as str he can be durable and have high damage. he has escape and a very good disable.
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257727]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url] Feel free to have your opinion. You clearly don't base it on a lot of experience, but I would like to refer you to todays strip.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257719]@Anon[/url]: carry treant is actually nice, since aside from overgrowth, and probably some meka(if play him as support), you'd be wasting his potential if you treat him as just cannon fodder. if you lane him properly though, using leech seed to kill with a good lane partner, then your source..cont.
over 11 years ago
@Dota Fanboy: she got slow, heal and is untouchable.

hmmm, bad laning indeed. oh, you're ranged in case you say "she gets two shotted by spells"
over 11 years ago
DotA has matchmaking, it's just hidden, and it apparently does prioritize stacks versus stacks.

I'm not sure if it was the intent or not, but support sven, mid necro, and lane enchantress (dat aspd slow) are all actually viable to some extent. Carry Treant, however, is less so.
over 11 years ago
I still prefer HoN matchmaking with MMR to DotA's "oh damn, its random vs stack again" system.
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
@Dunkmaster Flex:

Look, I get that Dota isn't super stringent on how to play a hero, but Enchantress laning?

I mean Jesus fuggen Christ..
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
>implying Sven isn't viable support

As Socrates once said "The gods favor me most of all, for I know that I know nothing."

You probably don't know why a hero would be good at anything yet, and although following guidelines is good for new players, don't scold people who don't.
Dunkmaster Flex
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257701]@Actually[/url]: And Enchantress can lane, and necrolyte can mid in pub games, I think that was the point. At first you're a nooby who thinks hero can play only one certain way. As it goes on you realize how big of a fool you once were
over 11 years ago
A commendable comic!
over 11 years ago
Maybe due to using non constructive words like baddies about other players who actually play for fun - and the game allows said classes to buy other items without "teaching" each how to supposedly play the game.
over 11 years ago
Jo got it right, instead of trying to figure out why one guy did this or that, most players just flames/bashes rather than providing/accepting a good explanation.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257701]@Actually[/url]: Sven is almost always support in team fight oriented matches and most tournaments. He's usually a carry on pubs. That's what I have observed anyway.
over 11 years ago
Support Sven is not a terrible way to play him, especially with the buff to his warcry spell - it's now incredible for pushing towers. Although it is uncommon, it isn't unheard of for competitive games to feature a Sven as position 3 in farm priority - he has solid push, stun, and gearless damage.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_257697]@Xeno[/url]: well, right now, the game is played like how dota was played years ago, no guides, just from experience. and every game, you seek to learn. unfortunately too many people think they're "pros" and don't think their knowledge is already enough.
over 11 years ago
Necrolyte mid is actually pretty good ;P
over 11 years ago
in classic dota I used to build tree as carry... >.<
over 11 years ago
The sad thing is despite everyone "knowing" how to play the game and the secrete things you are magically expected to know, no one can point to a video link or web page the TELLS you exactly how certain rolls are expect to be played. You're just stuck playing 50 games figuring this shit out yourself
over 11 years ago
should've put a rapier instead. because rapier=rape. it's in the name.
over 11 years ago
I've seen a Crystal Maiden bought Yasha before :/