[url=#user_comment_261171]@Skweeji[/url]: To be fair, if I pay for a cake, and the baker hands me a locked box and says 'You can't eat this cake without being connected to the server. Also, you may not be able to eat it if others are trying to eat their's at the same time' I might be a bit upset. I will just stick to simcity 4...
about 12 years ago
PoE: Races/Partying. Both not single-player.
Even if they included offline single-player, you would have to be removed from the online economy (no trading) since no-one can verify your awesome loot drops anymore.
Multiplayer is core to PoE.
Game critics SUCKS
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261245]@Anonymous[/url]: He says it 9/11 fault??? You - Americans are so egocentric.. Journalists have been dishonest since this profession was created. And you could try to pay them, but they will lie to you anyway.
about 12 years ago
Well, of course there's a line.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261190]@Anonymous[/url]: Here's another good one (well, pair)
about 12 years ago
Needs more Nailbat! What IS that unadorned club Engie's brandishing? Where's the SCIENCE?!
about 12 years ago
cont... where the site went from an average of about 6 for the one company's games with no ads from them to 9 and all of a sudden they were almost exclusively the company's ads on the site.
about 12 years ago
cont... they won't even refund money for digitally bought copies of the game. Polygon has even reduced the score of the game a 2nd time to a 4. That's less than half of the original score(9.5) because they keep changing the playing experience. That's honesty. I've also seen reviews before (cont)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261171]@Skweeji[/url]: Yes, some game critics are quite dishonest, but like all things there is a range. It is not needlessly whining because they were promised something on that day in exchange for money which they were not given. Now they are even reducing what they gave the players. To top that off (cont)
about 12 years ago
Actually, I continue to be amazed at all of these companies that utterly fail to prepare for the huge onslaught of customers that are going to want to play on Day 1.
It's like they assume that they might have one, maybe two players on Day 1. It is utterly amazing.
Not Bindal
about 12 years ago
Welcome Bindal, now please get over yourself and go away.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261117]@Bindal[/url]: ur a fag
about 12 years ago
Reviewers are tearing it apart on Amazon. I think I'll dig up my old copy of SimCity 3000. Now that one was fun.
about 12 years ago
Since we're having such a great debate about games journalism and how broken it is, I thought you all might be happy to know that's all our fault (but not in the way you think)
Game critics SUCKS
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261171]@Skweeji[/url]: I don't judge game. I don't even blame it. But then i see this 2 scores.. Something is wrong. Games must bring fun to customers, and user score isn't funny at all. Game has some difficulties right now, you can't score 100/100 - it means game is perfect and everybody happy.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261165]@Zacsi[/url]: you guys know there's gonna be a BF2143 most likely?there's even an easter egg in BF3 which may give it away. http://intoxgaming.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=30135
BF2142 got me into FPS
about 12 years ago
@Game critics SUCKS: I'm not sure if the game critics are dishonest so much as the players are needlessly whining because they can't get their cake at just this moment.
Most of these player reviews are giving a 0 only because they can't log in right now - they haven't even played it yet.
about 12 years ago
Oh man bf2142 was such a cool game.
They should remake that. It would be my last and final chance I give to EA.
But yeah the carrier not moving sucked for commanders. And cloacked snipers where even easier to spot because of the distortion effect.
But man those mechs were bawler.
about 12 years ago
People actually say the game is good and fun, but the issues with the login and otherwise online design choices are doomed to failure.
about 12 years ago
Aside of SimCity topic, do anyone here play World of Tanks? I would LOVE a comic about them :D
Game critics SUCKS
about 12 years ago
Critics are so honest..
about 12 years ago
I still am crumpy they stopped the carrier from moving in bf2142 when the shield was destroyed because their collissionsystem WAS STILL AS SHITY AS IT WAS IN 1943
about 12 years ago
from here: 6 hours waiting time
about 12 years ago
Which begs the question:
Why are you here then?
Do you deprive somekind of sick enjoyment from forcing your homophobic beliefs on others?
Whatever the case the answer ultimately lies in you fucking off.
EA damage controll. Never admit your wrong instead put in bullshit fixes that make it WORSE.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261096]@Sure[/url]: wasn't free in closed beta
Path of Exile fan.
about 12 years ago
Can I, please, have one FUCKING Path of EXILE COMIC????
about 12 years ago
can't wait till tuesday .. we'll get some starcraft 2 comics. that means MOAR ZERGTAN!!! she's so kawaii!!!
about 12 years ago
Server launch problems aside, it actually is a good game. No teraforming doesn't really matter to me cause the regions are a thousand times better made than any I could make myself. Fun game, smoother launch then some I've went through and stuck with. Real shame EA didn't do a real stress test.
about 12 years ago
I heard you can't do any terraforming in this version either.
I mean, really? I have to deal with it, if the land is too shit to build on? Fuck that noise.
about 12 years ago
Finaly comic I understand. All these dota things, nightmare.
about 12 years ago
"She took a Louisville slugger to both headlights...."
about 12 years ago
@Do not like pay for always online: But PS4 version of D3 will be good. No online-DRM, 4 player coop if you have 4 gamepads, no RMAH. Sounds like Diablo 3 I wanted to play.
about 12 years ago
This comic, with a Sim City ad next to it.
Do not like pay for always online
about 12 years ago
Unfortunately I bought Diablo 3 and Settlers 7 too and now I do not even play them :(
about 12 years ago
@Do not like pay for always online:
That's why I never bought those games, but as a huge fan of SimCity, I shall give this DRM a chance. Sorry for being a SimCity sucker.
That does not change the fact that I hate EA, but well, Maxis makes such fun games ...
Do not like pay for always online
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261080]@truth[/url]: As I remember correctly path of exile was for free. I do not want always online for stuff I pay money. Thats why I do not particularly like Diablo 3 and settlers 7
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261080]@truth[/url]: it's F2P so it's ok.
about 12 years ago
Path of exile is singleplayer always online...
Just A Guest
about 12 years ago
The game was gonna be all fine,But no,They have to put the FUCKING always online bullshit.
Thanks EA,Now i can play Diabl...I mean SimCity while the servers keep going down
about 12 years ago
Dont worry, soon the pirates will reveal magical hax to make the game open and free from alwaysonline.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
I feel sorry for all the developers who wasted so much work into this new SC game.
Seeing a public reaction like this can be a trully bad experiance.
about 12 years ago
I want to bash it too
about 12 years ago
Oh don't worry, Joe. You just need to wait 20 minutes for another chance to bash Sim City.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261009]@Shader[/url]: That's me exactly. I saw it last night, was curious for moment, read the details, then remembered why I never buy anything from that company anymore.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Are you going to make a comic about Mouz vs EG?
about 12 years ago
@haha-: That's a good question, indeed. I also had to use cheats to success in my cities in previous SimCity games. How can people play this online?
about 12 years ago
You're hoping that EA will do something good, ever? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
about 12 years ago
As soon as I saw Always Online DRM, I just said 'nope'.
I don't care how good your game is.
about 12 years ago
It's a very slow game. Don't put water and roads everywhere, it's not that needed.
You need to have a positive balance sheet at all times. If you don't, wait for your city to grow to have more population (i.e. more taxes), raise taxes or create more zones.
about 12 years ago
@C'mon...: Unfortunately, the most gorgeous graphics are not worth anything if you can't actually play the game because some company thinks a single-player game needs to be always connected to overloaded servers
about 12 years ago
We are talking about SC2013. Dumbass.
about 12 years ago
I played Sim City 4 and never got to have a flourishing city without cheats. How the heck do you play this thing.
about 12 years ago
Simcity 2013 isn't that bad. The 3d graphics are gorgeous, th road system is a good idea ! Ok, the maps are really small, but i think (and hope) EA will make something about it.