Plop Vu Tower
Raze all Police Stations
Now you do
That Voodoo
that you do
Great Biotic Wind
about 12 years ago
Doucheburg is actually pretty cool name ... sounds similar to Duisburg.
about 12 years ago
How can someone be trolled in this game?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_261376]@Marads[/url] Anything that's not dota2 is good comic
about 12 years ago
Yeah, I always played with disasters turned off too. Y'know, you build up an epic city, save it, and THEN set the giant robot loose on it. More and more Sim City 5 or "Sim City" is sounding like a game I don't wanna play.
about 12 years ago
Yeah. I absolutely love having a tornado, zombie invasion, tornado back to back. That was fun. Also when an earthquake destroyed my industry crippling my budget (lost about $500k from repairs and possible sales).
Trying to keep a balanced budget is tough once the city goes up to high density.
about 12 years ago
when jo started making dota 2 comics the amount of fags here trippled
about 12 years ago
It's interesting that disasters aren't necessarily completely negative. The giant trash-eating lizard, for instance, will clear out your garbage dumps. Sure, he might break a few houses on the way in, but no more trash piles. Or the meteors have a chance to bring ore to your city.
about 12 years ago
"I always found the odd earthquake or alien invasion just too random since these are not common where I live, specially the alien invasions."
There's an XCOM joke in there somewhere
about 12 years ago
No, its because this joke is easily understandable even if you don't play simcity (like me).
about 12 years ago
Maybe natural disasters are not common in Brazil but the human element is. Enjoy everything costing 10x more because 90% of the money goes to some douche pocket
about 12 years ago
Alien invasions are uncommon in Jo's area because there's no ass to probe.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
I approve of this strip so so much.
In other news - Jo, you should do a strip about Civitas! Apparently a group of fed-up devs want to show EA what a modern city builder free of corporate fuckduggery looks like.
A dirty trick I read about: Make lots of power plant/nuclear plants. Starts seeling energy. Turn off power plants. Watch neighbor cities shutting down.
about 12 years ago
This is the reason why simcity sucks...
about 12 years ago
Well there's your problem. The horse shoe is upside down.
All the luck drained out of it.
[url=#user_comment_261332]@Growl[/url]: Ok, this is one awesome idea. :)
about 12 years ago
third stirp about Simcity, I guess Jo bought this game no matter what.
And now he whines about it.
about 12 years ago
About disaster
We build simcity, we build simcity on rock and roll.
about 12 years ago
Sim City 4 is still the best. The only automatic disaster was fire, and that was fair.
about 12 years ago
I would have gone for "Los Engieles" myself.
about 12 years ago
Well it could be worse, like "visiting" and leaving a desaster XD But yeah, I'd go with private regions to avoid ghost towns and trolls.
about 12 years ago
what, trolling? in a multi-player game from EA? I'm just waiting for all the penis shaped city layouts to start popping up on the internet.
about 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure you can, if the winds are blowing in a certain direction (I.E your city)
Atleast I think you can; I know for certain that it can happen in your specific city..
about 12 years ago
@T.chicken: Looking at the picture i think you can troll with pollution too
about 12 years ago
I'd buy the game just to troll people xD
Loads of fun. Maybe then so many would rage they would understand Sim City was never meant to jump the "multiplayer" bandwagon.
about 12 years ago
"THAT can happen," Jo.
about 12 years ago
"THAT can happen," Jo.
about 12 years ago
"THAT can happen," Jo.
about 12 years ago
Nah, I also play with them off since SC2000. Then when I've had enough, I invite them all.
about 12 years ago
You can turn them off if you play in Sandbox mode.
about 12 years ago
Well... Time to demolish and start over somewhere more private :I