This comic is analogous to the current state of marijuana in the United States. It's illegal so that the DEA can stay employed and prisons can stay occupied.
almost 12 years ago
Starship Troopers reference? Nice! :)
almost 12 years ago
now medics are in PVP
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_266860]@Jum[/url]: I see your Metzen, and raise you a Matt Ward. Also, a Mike Mearls and a Monte Cook.
almost 12 years ago
Damit now I have to go to the army...
almost 12 years ago
"Would you like to know more?"
Yes. Yes I would.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_266237]@Mel[/url]: Metzen fucks up every story he touches. There is no worse writer in the world who still somehow manages to stay employed.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_266506]@Sal[/url]: Sweet home Alabama.
[url=#user_comment_266506]@Sal[/url]: Combine this with leaning US Prison towards rehab system would be a good idea (Still if easy brainwashing (Like starcraft) was invented, would it be moral?).
[Attention civilian: You are now under arrest. Please report to your nearest recruitment centre for community service. Service guarantees citizenship.]
In Alabama private prisons are allowed to let their prisoners work on farms.
Also note that private prisons can donate money to politicians who determine what is/isn't legal.
Psh, I bet Miss Officer was just looking for an excuse to post nude pictures of herself on the space-internet.
almost 12 years ago
So, where is the uncensored version of this, Jo? Your ratings would easily go up if you posted a separate naughty version somewhere else! :D
almost 12 years ago
@Terran Marine: Terran armor isn't too effective against acid maybe?
almost 12 years ago
Dear Santa. I don't usually ask for much so you should understand how important it is for me to ask you for this one thing. Please release an un-pixelated version of that picture in panel 3.
almost 12 years ago
OH HEELLL NO...Jim raynor....we're do I sign
almost 12 years ago
No! no I do NOT!
Also the book it is biased off of is kinda fascist, ironically they got that right in the movie.
Terran Marine
almost 12 years ago
I wonder why the medivacs always leave full and return empty...
almost 12 years ago
There is only one rational response to such a thing.
Down with Mengsk!
almost 12 years ago
So is owning that paper reason enough to be arrested?
That'd be cunning.
almost 12 years ago
Ironically this might actually increase the intelligence of the average marine grunt given the original's movie portrayals.
Anon E Mouse (Sarcastic)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_266313]@jso[/url]: Yes, only males watch or read porn.
almost 12 years ago
lol starship troopers reference
Ah ma gawd
almost 12 years ago
Starcraft 2, real-life headlines pararell AND a reference to Starship Troopers. So much win!
almost 12 years ago
ripped from the headlines. space europe to ban male sexuality I mean uh porn.
Marine Soldier
almost 12 years ago
Worth it.
almost 12 years ago
@Roary Swann mechs need pilots.
Rory Swann
almost 12 years ago
No need for that, all Terran armies are mostly mech in HotS
almost 12 years ago
Nice blending of a relevant political event (EU vote to ban all porn) with a new video game release in a coherent manner.
So this means that everyone who read the newspaper is now a criminal and everyone must be recruited?
also the officer is hot
almost 12 years ago
it reminds me more of ringworld then starshiptroopers
almost 12 years ago
In the name of all my fellow perverts.... er, I mean "fans" of Nerf NOW, we the people DEMAND an unpixelated version of the last panel!!!!
Come on guys! Let out voices be heard!!!!
almost 12 years ago
SC2 is a horrible game and it's sad how you can see Metzen completely fucking up the story. ActiBlizz only cares about wringing money out of the esports scene, aggressively refusing to put in LAN despite EVERYONE complaining about it so they can charge tournaments for hosting their precious game.
almost 12 years ago
Anyways, the last photo is EXTRA HERETICAL!.
almost 12 years ago
Starcraft 2 is f**cking derailed.
I know that Dominion is anything but good people but... sheesh, bad decision that some people took:
-to declare independency during a Zerg raid. For example, "x" planet declare the independency, and days later, it is buttraped by the zergs.
-kill kerrygan
Nando Rock
almost 12 years ago
Make sense...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_266215]@Quin[/url]: If you're talking about during the campaign the Firebats were still used, just by the Dominion forces primarily. WoL multiplayer never had Firebats to begin with.
almost 12 years ago
Come on Jo, this is not soviet Japan. Uncencor this.
almost 12 years ago
And now you know how we get marines. It also explains why we lost firebats in HOTS for terran.
almost 12 years ago
Well I guess it would be appropriate to call that jailbait.
almost 12 years ago
Lol that's more like Korea in nutshell. Porn became illegal in korea and at first i couldn't understand why Korean government blocked all porn sites, but now i get it
almost 12 years ago
I bet, the uncensored version are exist.
almost 12 years ago
Europe in a nutshell
almost 12 years ago
And there you have it, the death of paper print.
almost 12 years ago
Eh, that propaganda was the only good thing about the Starship Troopers film, really.
almost 12 years ago
was the comment at the end a reference to the infamous propaganda in Starship Troopers?
almost 12 years ago
Genious plan, Miss Officer, GG.
almost 12 years ago
jo.. you have no idea how much i love you right now for that starship troopers reference.
almost 12 years ago
Well, look on the bright side, we already established it's safer to be in the war than helping out gathering minerals.
almost 12 years ago
The softest of softcore fan service. I'll take it.
almost 12 years ago
So her private pics are considered porn? The future is pretty softcore.
Space Perv Marine
almost 12 years ago
Internet is for pr0n.
almost 12 years ago
I see what you did there :D #StarshipTroopers
almost 12 years ago
Someone with money should commission Jo to do 34 of Miss Officer
almost 12 years ago
Welp, looks like I'm a marine now.
almost 12 years ago
Oh damn, I should log in to claim the "private pics" mine!