What people are saying about "Meaningful Death"
Meaningful Death
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almost 12 years ago
You can't really complain about cut scenes. Story and game play are often different. You don't complain in a fighting game about someone surviving an exploding sun just to get knocked out by a blow to the head in a cut scene. The deaths were fine and made it so you didn't want to die. that's it
almost 12 years ago
feminists please be quiet and/or kill yourselves
almost 12 years ago

The new Tomb Raider is entirely about glorifying the abuse of women by making it seem like a point of self-empowerment. Case in point, Lara now gets the shit beat out of her constantly and only grows stronger for it.

almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_266377]@Robofish[/url]: who isn't next? who's left to fit that role anymore?
almost 12 years ago
But I guess video game companies disagree, because now they always have to be 'sympathetic' and 'vulnerable'. After Samus, Lara and Kerrigan, who's next?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265956]@MeowMix[/url]: "A Tomb Raider game where Lara Croft is an amoral psychopathic serial killer with a slutty body? -Alright!" I know you're joking, but honestly, who doesn't prefer this? I like my video game women to be slutty psychopathic serial killers. See also, the previous comic about Kerrigan.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_266085]@censuur[/url]: Hit the nail on the head. I don't mind a weak female protagonist if they're at least consistent about it. If she lacked experience or her emotions inhibited her, they should've paid attention to it, not just make her all over the place (figuratively and literally).
almost 12 years ago
I wouldn't go so far as to call it guro (it's never sexualized or glorified death) but it does fit the category of ryona, watching a heroine suffer for entertainment. The difference between this and dramatic storytelling is inconsistency, how lara can kill a small army and fail against a lesser
almost 12 years ago
The game is constantly saying "oh look, lara got hurt, lets take a closer look, oh my that looks uncomfortable lara, now lets watch as she gets thrown about some more!" It's the disjunction between them trying to make a realistic lara and lara getting unrealistically wounded time and time again
almost 12 years ago
It isn't about the fact that she gets constantly and graphicly injured, beat and thrown around, it's the focus and exaggerated intensity, her constant crying out in pain (and only her, the mooks are remarkably silent as they are fatally injured, impaled by arrows etc)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265956]@MeowMix[/url]: Congratulations, you dumbed it down so much it looks utterly stupid Now try not interpreting things like an utter moron and instead try to be sensible about it Small hint: it's not about the fact that she gets "the living tar beaten out of her" it's the inconsistency and frequency of it
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265956]@MeowMix[/url]: nobody cares about your feminazi crap in games. You wackos should have undrstood this a long time ago. Games are like art, you don't like it, you move the fuck along you don't force the artist to change his vision. God damn moral police everywhere these days <.<
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265956]@MeowMix[/url]: On top of this, she escapes from these mooks almost IMMEDIATELY afterwards (literally in the next scene, but no sign of subterfuge on her part), so it wasn't a matter of being UNABLE to beat them, she just, for some indiscernable reason, couldn't beat them in the previous cutscene.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265956]@MeowMix[/url]: It's not so much that I mind the 'getting the living tar beaten out of her often' bit, it's that there's no continuity with it. She can kill hundreds of mooks with a bow at any distance, but then suddenly when called upon to shoot two mooks who approach her, she can't kill them dead on.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_266032]@SiEgE[/url] Nah, I think it'll be a "boy who cried wolf" type of thing. One day there will be an actual mine, but people will ignore the warnings because they've seen them too much. Incidentally, Jo should start a regular comic about Minekeeper. That's clearly what people want.
almost 12 years ago
Engie's face is kinda priceless. xD
almost 12 years ago
that isnt paint, he scrubbed too much
almost 12 years ago
Everytime you type "Mine!" at the picture, there will be an actual mine in there.. so.. are you sure you wana make it to blow you? (apart) :3
you also is
almost 12 years ago
wearing an armor suit
almost 12 years ago
A Tomb Raider game where Lara Croft is an amoral psychopathic serial killer with a slutty body?


A Tomb Raider game where Lara Croft is a normal proportioned girl who is a afraid and gets the living tar beaten out of her often?

-Torture porn and misogyny?! You fucking sicko!
almost 12 years ago
Why is he just carrying a can of red stuff to splash in Engie's face like that?
almost 12 years ago
The first time I died to spikes, I was shocked. I did not expect the spikes to hit hear head, but just her chest/belly.
almost 12 years ago



But don't forget Path of Exile. Show me putting my totem in the Hunter! Bang!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265874]@Angry[/url]: Oh yeah not to mention that she can ignore being beat around for half the game and THEN a previous injury gets to her.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265873]@Angry[/url]: head. Diabolus ex machina still makes her fail. Coincidentally, men exclusively save her in all of these scenes. She barely manages to save herself, either, and seems to have moments of weakness in the most crucial situations.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265771]@censuur[/url]: Unless it's important to the cutscene that she be weak and useless. This Lara is weak and useless throughout the entire game in every single cutscene, fails to save any of her friends, and only manages to actually take action to save someone when she puts a gun to a helicopter pilot's-
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265835]@Dominic[/url]: but TR1 magic wasn't about being likeable, but shooting endangered/extinct animals, and cone tits.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265692]@nagi[/url] Actually, you're right. I do mean Welcome the U.S. as I've never been to the E.U. And actually finding graphic depictions of death, particularly those of women, disturbing is a reasonable sign that the viewer has a healthy "soul". Being desensitized is overrated.
almost 12 years ago
I thought the nasty death scenes where a fairly clever penalty for a game where otherwise death is meaningless. Frankly, the game is easy to the point where you will only see a few deaths.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265721]@Guybrush20X6[/url] Oh yeah, that Midas hand death animation was really memorable. I was about to pitch in about those original death animations, but then I noticed you already did so.
almost 12 years ago
Lara's very likeable in this one. She's younger and kind of clumsy and nerds out at all the awesome treasures like an archaeology student. The game captures the TR1 magic. I can't wait to see a sequel.
almost 12 years ago
So the new Tomb Raider is Guro porn now?
almost 12 years ago
There is a huge difference between dying in most games and gore and graphic death. Some of these commenters don't seem to get that distinction. This is at a realism level that normal well adjusted people are not comfortable with, at a frequency that causes people to stop playing.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265690]@Sighter[/url]: I've never played any of the Tomb Raider games. I just saw a video titled "35 ways to die in the new Tomb Raider" and got much more than I expected.
almost 12 years ago
This (and the $60 price) is what's keeping me away from Tomb Raider. For comparison, I played RE4. I like Leon, he's a cool guy. I really have no issues seeing him die horribly though. But seeing a young woman who is, honestly, pretty damn attractive, getting skewered isn't as easy to watch...
Poncturated bystander
almost 12 years ago
A reflexion on a game not bashing it? Good commic Jo
almost 12 years ago
would never actually survive through, the number and severity of injuries and punishment she takes over the course of the game are ludicrous, yet she always gets up and goes on mere moments after them being inflicted.
almost 12 years ago
The new tomb raider can be attributed in a category known as Ryona, characterized by the main (female) character suffering through constant abuse, usually in a highly sexualized manner (as is the case in the latest tomb raider as well)

The abuse of Lara is so frequent and damaging that she...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265692]@nagi[/url]: It's too bad that you're contributing to the EU's "hypocrite prude" count.
almost 12 years ago
Yeah, I know "21" years old. lolz. Still, even good ol' tentacle Jo has to take cold showers after playing an "often" covered in mud heroine.

So hence the traumatic death scenes. Geezz, even Isaac in Dead Space had a full helmet so you never get to see his suffering. But poor lil' Lara....
almost 12 years ago
Great game, though I never played old Tomb Raider series so I can't compare.
Lara is also 21 and her breast+shirt combo still gives me a boner. Oversized boobs don't give me boners.
That Guy
almost 12 years ago
lol[url=#user_comment_265720] @Ninj77[/url]. Jailbait? shes like 20+. Boner kill? I don't know about you but i don't play action games to be horny.
almost 12 years ago
The original Tomb Raider had similar stuff like Laura getting slowly turned to a statue if you stepped on curedd gold but I gotta had creds the the new devs for giving us a reason to avoid deaths. It's not MK levels but enough to shock you and unnerve you.
almost 12 years ago
Guys, come on! All those "gruesome" death scenes are just "bone killers". Sure, she's a very sexy appetizing jailbait, sooooo what's the best way to kill the mood? Mmhmmm, you got it: get her impaled and show how she squirms before dying.

Seriously, pals.... those deaths are sick! 0_O!
almost 12 years ago
And now Engi is scarred for life
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265683]@Beretta[/url]: you mean "Welcome to the USA." It is a bit different in the EU, much less hypocrite prudes.
almost 12 years ago
TR2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzMwk-TsY58
TR3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98npSU_2U1s
Anniversary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AK6FOl34M8
almost 12 years ago
Here, just to elaborate on my point this goes back longer than I'm sure some posters here have been alive.

almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265674]@Lien[/url] Welcome to the West. Sex is bad, death is good, now let's go fucking kill something! But not do some killer fucking.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265674]@Lien[/url] Except go back and watch the death scenes for literally all other tomb raider games. She gets eaten by sharks, downs, turns to gold, in smashed, broken, etc. The deaths aren't objectification. If lara was a man, nobody would bat an eye at this; IE Dead Space. Know your gaming history.
almost 12 years ago
*How the the pitch for the tomb raider reboot went*
Dev 1: Ok... we need to stop objectifying Lara with huge knockers and make her more reliable to people. Ideas?
Dev 2: OH! Let's chop her up at every moment in the game, zoom in to her gaping wounds and exaggerate her death scream!
Dev 1: SOLD!
almost 12 years ago
This is the reason why Tomb Raider sucks...
almost 12 years ago
@Kenpachi RAMASAMA

Aw, look at you taking some moral high ground. Its actually cute considering you seem to have completely forgotten that Lara drowned very graphically in #1, got impaled by spikes, crushed, ripped apart, etc in all the originals.

Its a staple of the series. Grow up.
Dem shiny Polygons
almost 12 years ago
Oooh yah well Lara definitely looked pretty in this one... not Lara squarepants anymore.
Although... she's crying and whining all the time now.

*sob sob*
almost 12 years ago
Of course, some of us played the games just to watch her suffer.
almost 12 years ago
This game is hand holding generic TPS interactive movie bullshit. But one thing they did right is deaths.
almost 12 years ago
The worst is getting impaled from the bottom of the chin through the top of the head or getting her legs crushed by several tons of rock.

Especially how she feebly paws at whatever has just killed her.

This is why I will not be playing the new Tomb Raider.
almost 12 years ago
@Not yours: But then I can't hug Lara anymore... You're a meanie. :(
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
the new tomb raider really makes you feel pain for Lara, which is amazing.
Not yours
almost 12 years ago
I declare this comic MINE free!