What people are saying about "Breaking Bad Habits"
Breaking Bad Habits
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Poncturated bystander
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268249]@mindfaQ[/url] : I'd say only those who don't play LoL don,t realise that the system isn't some oppressive socio-stalini-capitalism-thingy and that you can play the game decently without paying a single dollars. But whatever man.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268017]@Sigh[/url]: Only those who only play LoL have those pink glasses on that makes them ignore the fact that the champion unlock and rune system is very player unfriendly.
Poncturated bystander
almost 12 years ago
I mean, yeah you need a couple of champs, but you're better to know your champ than having the counter. And most current good picks are below 6k. it IS P2W. But a very costumer friendly P2W
Poncturated bystander
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268023]@Syr[/url] : maybe at really high ELO, but I think people overesetimate counterpicks. And by the time you actually get there. You have the time to get all your important champions as well as the runes you need.
almost 12 years ago
I play LoL and I don't attempt to defend its model as "not pay2win". Because it is. Unless you play at a very low level(or not even ranked), having all the top tier champions is quite important. "No I can't pick X for you because I don't have him" means you're going to miss a few hundred Elo.
almost 12 years ago
Only those who don't play LoL still insist to this day it's P2W, it's so adorable.
Poncturated bystander
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267927]@Mel[/url] : in lol's defense, their model is surprisingly easy for a P2W. You can buy advantage, or you can grind for it in less than a day if you play enough (which is surprisingly not that much compared to other games *cough*AnyKoreanMMO*cough*).
almost 12 years ago
Looks like shit, they're using the same P2W model as LoL where they attempt a pathetic justification by also saying you can 'grind2win'.
almost 12 years ago
Would still rather see Android: Netrunner or Thunderstone then a digital CCG. I can't really trust digital CCGs. With hard copy I get to keep the cards forever, with digital they go away when the service goes away. Both the above do deck building but without the hassle of a bogus RNG.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267703]@Walt[/url]: AAALLRIGHT,MISTER WHITE!
almost 12 years ago
It seems interesting enough, and can't really go too wrong with a free trial of a free game. Might give it a spin
almost 12 years ago
JESSE! We need to COOK!
almost 12 years ago
Web-Based card games are semi-interesting, I picked up magic that way and enjoyed it. The problem was once you got into the bigger world where money equaled power it was pointless. That's why tourneys became fresh decks only. I wish it success but it won't get my dollars.
Barack Obama
almost 12 years ago
I like to stick my thick, hairy penis into the mouth of young asian girls. Then, I penetrate their vaginas with the severed dick of their twin brothers (that I beat to death with MY dick), and rape her to death. I eat her breasts straight off her body, and piss on her. If she's lucky, I let her see.
almost 12 years ago
Dude, make atleast one comic about MTG :)
almost 12 years ago
Those pushers should peddle something more ethical, like crack.
almost 12 years ago
I enjoy playing with real cards (this includes TCGs), not so much with digital cards (although I enjoyed YGO and PKMN TCGs back when I was a kid)
almost 12 years ago
I really miss the time when card games were all physical. Yeah, it cost a lot of money and a lot of time there were jerks and trader-sharks, but I still miss it. I thought web-based cardgaming was going to change that but all the social aspect is lost now and that was the charm in it for me.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267341]@Hater[/url]: Potato.
almost 12 years ago
Duela is pretty awful. Any deck based game where you can't actually create you're own deck is auto lose.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267383]@Anern[/url] Nostalgia much?
almost 12 years ago
Yet another card game that will not hold my interest. I play Magic: The Gathering in a ludicrously open, casual environment with anywhere from 6 to 10 people per game, lasting 20 minutes to several hours. Hell, we allow the Un-cards and THAT alone can make it worth it. So fun!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267243]@Zera[/url]: I don't really see at as that because I'm getting new cards for every game I play. Only thing you actually need to pay for is to make your cards all rainbow colored and shit which I don't need. At the end of the day it's a hell of lot cheaper then the real game and thats all I want.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267193]@Bindal[/url]: You take that back faggot, the Warcraft RTS games were great.
almost 12 years ago
Aren't you missing an 'of' there?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267076]@Lakart[/url]: Its not a lobster you ignorant fuck, its a calamari.
almost 12 years ago
See I used like the Duels of Planes walkers games. My argument was that the deck building was toned down in flexibility so it was like everyone had tournament decks. The restriction kept you from spiraling into "buy all the cards" behavior. It also prevented unwinnable combos. 2013 is unbalanced IMO
Gary Oak
almost 12 years ago
I was really skeptical when I saw the reveal at the PAX panel. Today me and my buddy had some free time so we hopped in the line to play it. Much to my surprise it was actually a lot of fun!
almost 12 years ago
MtG can be cheap if you are playing with mates for a laugh, its when you want to play a competitive deck that the price skyrockets and you have to update your deck with every new release.
almost 12 years ago
@ Hearthstone: It may suck, but it may not. Judging on the official comments you will get a full BOOSTER PACK everyt ime you win against another player by MatchMaking. And a full booster is a lot of cards
almost 12 years ago
@ the Duels of the planeswalker ppl: That game SUX so badly for every MTG player. Limited amount of cards, Pay-to-win just to get more then the standard decks, no way to freely create a deck. is not MTG.
almost 12 years ago
Pay to win comes to mind.
almost 12 years ago
Jo what the fuck are you doing buying into the fucking Blizzard hype again?
Why not just play the 2013 Magic game instead?
But whatever man its your loss.
almost 12 years ago
it will suck. like every blizzard game
almost 12 years ago
eh part of Magic was the Deckbuilding for me. Or it's cause I got a copy of Yu Gi Oh for the GBA and used cheat sheets to get me all the good cards.
not Jace
almost 12 years ago
Jo, why won't you play Duel of the Planeswalkers if you want Magic?
almost 12 years ago
As long as it's not like Sword Girls.
Where you have to grind a lot to get 1 or 2 cards.
Unless you pay.

Bad design for a business from all perspectives but companies loves easy moneys.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267131]@Robofish[/url]: That card game's still going, but they've never done a digital version. This seems to be loosely based on that, but with less complicated rules.
almost 12 years ago
Isn't there already a WoW CCG? At least there used to be, I played it for a while a few years ago. Probably still have my cards somewhere. Rules were very similar to Magic, but with added Hero cards.
almost 12 years ago
I get the feeling this will be like Tyrant on Kongregate or Facebook. You can get points by doing fight and spend that on packs, but you can also buy it with real money. Mark my word.
almost 12 years ago
Or, for Magic, you could play in limited formats for like $20, or with your friends where you play commons and uncommons which you could buy the whole set of for really cheap.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
If you liked magic and one of the things really holding you back was the money you need to sink in to make a competitive deck, you could try Battleforge. It's a pretty decent online CCG kind of crossed with an RTS.
almost 12 years ago
As a famous space-lobster admiral once said: "It's a trap!!!"

Oh, what the hell! Let's not kid ourselves pals, as long as it's "free" we will try.... and of course, probably get hooked.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_267066]@hentaidude[/url]: Your fanservice is under the coat below the comic.
almost 12 years ago
Need more fanservice!