What people are saying about "Broken Heart"
Broken Heart
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almost 12 years ago
@@Seddit 4 life: That's it fox
A Gray Phantom
almost 12 years ago
Don't you need two TV's and two X-boxes to play co-op in RE6?
@Seddit 4 life
almost 12 years ago
@Alpha Male: Hell yeah, bro! If it wasn't for PUA I'd never get laid! You gotta get in there and neg that girl down until she doesn't think she's worth anything then push through that LMR of her saying "No" until she finally says that one "Yes" that means you get to put your penis in her like a boss
almost 12 years ago
Go home Jo, you're the 3rd wheel!! =P
almost 12 years ago
Yeah let's go play Bioshock! :D
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268426]@pwned[/url]: Let me guessed, you licked the semen off your screen?
Kydrou Kair
almost 12 years ago
so you bought the game with a giraffe in the logo?
almost 12 years ago
This needs to be an arc
almost 12 years ago
Jo, your tears are delicious to me.
Alpha Male
almost 12 years ago
The irony is, those people bashing PUA don't have much success in their love lives.

almost 12 years ago
Duke Nukem Forever = DNF
almost 12 years ago
DNF = did not finish?
almost 12 years ago
Aw, you haven't been replaced, she's sparing you the horribleness that is RE6.
almost 12 years ago
@Alpha Male ...Any particular reason you're putting out the recipe for Forever Alone, there? Cause frankly if you're waiting for them to call you back...you've got a longer wait than we had for DNF.
almost 12 years ago
Well, Jo, that's your own fault for getting RE instead of something that allows threesomes...
almost 12 years ago
An all too easy "That's not Jo's eyes crying" joke over there.
Alpha Male
almost 12 years ago
@XKCD pwns PUA: lolvirgin
almost 12 years ago
But, i tought you could play up to 4 people in some points of the game.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268254]@zzzz[/url] too bad that she is called Josue...
Trolling Nerd
almost 12 years ago
I thought you would say something about everyone saying it's such a bad game. I personally want it though.
almost 12 years ago
Lol that Catherine reference.
almost 12 years ago
Sorry Jo ol' pal. Tentacles aren't popular anymore. Now all the rage is yuri!.
almost 12 years ago
we've got proof now that "engie" is a real person.
almost 12 years ago
you should get back at her by releasing some of her #34!
almost 12 years ago
@Alpha Male: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, are really that full of shit or are just a troll.

Good job, I guess? Unless of course you believe that in which case.... BWA HA HA HA HA HA!
Ze spy
almost 12 years ago
I hope thic becomes a chain about red engey and Jo fighting for enge's love
almost 12 years ago
Mmmmhmmmm. Cheeseburger.
Alpha Male
almost 12 years ago
Women are hypergamous whores. You have to be H2G and live your own life. Call them on their bullcrap, fill their holes with semen, then leave them there until they call you back.

Once you do so, you'll be happy.
almost 12 years ago
@Jo you have failed: So lesbian tentacle rape best rape?
almost 12 years ago
What is with guys and monogamy. They lie and cheat and then can't handle the concept of an open relationship. It's like they want to be miserable.
almost 12 years ago
@ Wolfzoon

I don't think he's talking about the game anymore...
Jo you have failed
almost 12 years ago
lesbian rape > tentacle rape
almost 12 years ago
But RE6 is two players max, what are you talking about?
almost 12 years ago
inb4 engie-tans get replaced by a DOTA-tan
almost 12 years ago
Jo sees "replacement" but I see "threesome".
almost 12 years ago
can't help but to think that jo has IRL love problems...
almost 12 years ago
I always feel replaced ( T_T) gaming friends move on so fast :3
almost 12 years ago

I just noticed that!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268044]@Zamzoph[/url] I found RE6 pretty fun to play, specially the combat system since this one allows a lot of meelee, something that always bothered me "why don't they just kick those zombies?" Now they do.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268044]@Zamzoph[/url] I found RE6 pretty fun to play, specially the combat system since this one allows a lot of meelee, something that always bothered me "why don't they just kick those zombies?" Now they do.
almost 12 years ago
Game is old after release Jo.
almost 12 years ago
I usually get jo's jokes easily, but i cant really get the point in this one. Is there a reason for the "replacement", some kind of in-game situation like that? Or jo is just being a drama queen?
almost 12 years ago
an unusual is a rare hat in TF2
almost 12 years ago
they swapped outfits. they did something before playing
know-it felix jr.
almost 12 years ago
an unusual is a rare item, (most likely in diablo)
almost 12 years ago
Giraffe blowjob!
almost 12 years ago
What's an unusual?
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
I had fun playing RE5 co-op with my brother. Is RE6 really suppose to be even worse?
almost 12 years ago
someone please explain this
almost 12 years ago
Tentacle should play together with both of them.