What people are saying about "Scout Pay Day"
Scout Pay Day
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almost 12 years ago
If my fellow from Boston watched my show, he would know this is not how it works.
almost 12 years ago
Yay more scout,i'm a happy person
almost 12 years ago
If engie-girl comics first edition are worth a fortune then i must find out how much my toho godzilla first edition comic is worth and speaking of that, you should make a toho (not touhou) related comic of monsters destroying tokyo and godzilla and mothra try to save tokyo
almost 12 years ago
No future in paradise
Dr Worm
almost 12 years ago
I'd invest in that
almost 12 years ago
I demand Engie-Girl mini arc naow.
almost 12 years ago
I have a shit tone of 2000AD comics just sitting there, wonder if they will be worth something someday
almost 12 years ago
I even purchased The Dead of Superman because all the media claimed that, in a near future, this comic will cost a fortune. They lied.
almost 12 years ago
At least until Engie sues you for all you own due to using her image without permission.
almost 12 years ago
Miss Engie,I think you're trying to seduce me to get to my sweet,delicious cash. It's working.
almost 12 years ago
I think I've still got an X-Force #1 in poly bag with the team card. Or at least my brother has possession of it.
almost 12 years ago
Yeah suuuure. Good investment if you wanna leave it to your grandchildren.... assuming "if" comic collectors "ever" have children.
almost 12 years ago
And now you know. Tune in when neftnow makes a comment about Youngblood's disease to learn about Image comics, the greatest independent comics maker...and the worst offender of the 90's!
almost 12 years ago
When you add all that to the quickly unpopular "Dark Age" of comics, and its little wonder as to why there was the big crash of the 90's, with Marvel filing for bankruptcy being the lowest point of a series of lows!
almost 12 years ago
If there are many copies of Spawn #1, then the comic isn't as rare as, say, Detective Comics #1, so it'll fetch less price. And if its a comic no-one actually LIKED, then all you've done is lose money AND keep a whirlpool of money draining to continue!
almost 12 years ago
Thus, people started buying first editions of EVERYTHING because "Hey, if Superman #1 can fetch up to $1,000,000, sure the same could be said of YOUNGBLOOD #1 as well in 50 years, eh?!". And there is you problem!
almost 12 years ago
The main problem with the Speculator boom was that of future rarity and actual fame. Comics like Superman #1 and Amazing Fantasy #15 were worth so much because they were rare copies of famous comic characters beginnings!
almost 12 years ago
I would buy that.
almost 12 years ago
I think that THAT kind of mind set was one of the main reason why Comic market got marginalized.
almost 12 years ago
But scout is still a virgin. Not like his mother.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268493]@Baine[/url] reminds me of a little ditty. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoF_a0-7xVQ [url=#user_comment_268550] @Raven[/url] well if they're all the first issue, Batman #1 suddenly becomes 12 copies less valuable by rarity. The demand at the top is very important to price. The value isn't what the highest is willing to pay, but #12.
almost 12 years ago
I finally figured out how crap the market was when they printed 10 different sets per company, all overprinted. Then tossed out one or two premium sets with super rare cards that you had to get super lucky to get the jackpot. Haven't bought a card in more than a decade now.
almost 12 years ago
Unfortunately I got into baseball cards at just the right time. Through the early '90's, everything was highly printed, so only the best quality set had enough demand later on. Only 1 set per sport, per year ended up worth anything.
almost 12 years ago
Heh, the 90's comic speculator boom. That Engie Girl probably has a number of first issues, all with many alternate covers.
almost 12 years ago
Did that with Puzzle Bobble DS.
almost 12 years ago
Yaknow, if you REALLY wanted to make an investment... Try old video-game CDs.
The ones GoG have are useless, of course, but there might be games that slip through the cracks.
Ones where the original company fell apart and no one bothered to keep any of the games around.
That'll be the equivalent.
I'm not a troll, I swear.
almost 12 years ago
Wait comic books are valuable, I inherited a bunch of them from father but I just burned them. Oh well, probably nothing was loss.
almost 12 years ago
bet it's a hentai, with a conservative cover.
almost 12 years ago
she's a little too heavily dressed for my tastes.
almost 12 years ago
A problem with old comics is part of the reason they are so expensive is they are generally pretty rare. What would happen if someone brought out say a dozen of the first batman comics that they bought over the early years when it first started to get valuable?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268538]@Bob[/url] That depends. A lot of them sell at auction, so it could sell really well, or rather poorly. And great investment is hard to say when it's out of reach of like 95% of the population.
almost 12 years ago
50 years later, when Engie-Girl is enjoying a reboot of her movies, and the comic is in full swing, scout sells his old comic book for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Just in time to pay off all those debts to Mann Co.
almost 12 years ago
i'd like to point out that buying a comic book that is ALREADY worth a lot of money is actually a great investment. npr had a program talking about it a while back that the comics that were worth multi thousands of dollars raised in value at a pace of AT WORSE ten times better than stocks.
almost 12 years ago
Your "frend"
almost 12 years ago
Enge in panel one. I'd back stab that. If you know what I mean
almost 12 years ago
Nerf scout's riches
almost 12 years ago
Is it just me, or are her bewbs smaller in her "super" form? I thought the Most Common Superpower worked the other way around...
almost 12 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: MovieBob is a film critic that work at The Escapist, apart from movie reviews he has another video series called "The Big Picture" where he talks about whatever random thing he wants. this month has been 90's month.The lase episode was about comics and how they could make you rich.
almost 12 years ago
Jo can you make some more mvm comics? Peetay please with a sapper on top?
almost 12 years ago
Couple text hiccups in the final panel:
"In few years..." <- add an A
"I'm gonna be rich" <- add an exclamation point
almost 12 years ago
Thanks to the glasses her identity is safe!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268514]@SOUP[/url]: "Simpsons did it first"
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268504]@Tohron[/url]: Nope. Should I google it?
almost 12 years ago
Couple decades late for this joke to be relevant.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268504]@Tohron[/url]: Damn, beat me to it.
almost 12 years ago
i think this gag has showed up in calvin and hobbes. but it is a good gag anyway.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268504]@Tohron[/url]: I was actually thinking the same thing when I saw this.
almost 12 years ago
That or porn. But porn is less artsy.
almost 12 years ago
You wouldn't happen to watch MovieBob now, would you Jo?
almost 12 years ago
I don't get this, at all. But in all honesty, I usually don't get Nerf Now. I only "read" it for the fanservice.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268494]@Rawshaw[/url]: hahahahahhahahah she's a whore.
almost 12 years ago
change the words on the first panel and you get something very suggestive
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_268471]@John[/url]: Aaah, Seroquel. I remember the psychiatric hospital. They offered us Seroquel to calm us the fuck down and help us sleep - for free - without any reason for them to do so. Of course I declined, because I WAS NOT SICK MY PARENTS WERE AND THEY SENT ME THERE
almost 12 years ago
Yeah, comics are a terrible investment.
almost 12 years ago
Well nice talking to you, but can I have that speculation bubble back?
almost 12 years ago
Investments. You're doing it wrong.
almost 12 years ago
I've got a part-time job http://www.cloudpeakenergy.com/about-us seroquel mg Current Drug Therapy related problems, determine determine data, recognize drug determine
almost 12 years ago
We need an Engie-Girl arc, stat.
almost 12 years ago
Oooh, money!
almost 12 years ago
Oh Dude, this needs a kickstarter.
almost 12 years ago
It's about Engie, it will be worth a lot because others will be ruined due to.......things.
almost 12 years ago
Good luck to you Scout.
almost 12 years ago
Good luck buddy. Its a lot harder to keep them in prime condition. What is worse is that they are not worth that much until much much latter on. (When your hairs are gray then you might have a shot)
almost 12 years ago