What people are saying about "Bet"
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almost 12 years ago
Items are child's play, there are sites that take real money bets.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277979]@Fanboi[/url]: actually its not 2 to go, the comics dont start at 1
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278006]@Blurgas[/url]: It surprise SOME people. People think legalizing gambling will lessen the "problems" carried by gambling. Sadly they aren't.
almost 12 years ago
Why don't they use LAN only connection and show the live feed video of the tourney? or this is just a small time tournament?

But gambling in any sports will always end in tears. I can imagine there will be e-gangsters or e-mafia in the future.
almost 12 years ago
Hm, people betting on e-sport matches actively trying to influence the outcome...
This surprises people?
almost 12 years ago
which website did you go?
almost 12 years ago
Hey, Jo, where do you go to watch your, DOTA?
almost 12 years ago

2 to go!

I expect a drunk tentacle-kun abusing a fully nude engie-tan!
almost 12 years ago
Whether haters or betters, they're cunts all the same. Hope they can find ways to prepare for and protect against this kind of thing (don't use Skype for starters).
almost 12 years ago
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
I really don't get e-"sports."
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277895]@kirbyeatsbomberman[/url]: Either way, I wish they would shut up about it already. Nerf now has DotA 2 comics, don't come to nerf now upset about it...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277895]@kirbyeatsbomberman[/url]: I find it annoying, because I don't play DotA but get almost ALL the Dota jokes (except some character related ones), just because of around a hour of LoL gameplay with friends... Just think that these people are either butthurt LoL fanboys, or stupid...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277882]@Obby[/url]: good to know, actually getting your internet cut off sounds like a hard punishment.
almost 12 years ago
All these poor kids crying about dota 2 comics, just because you don't play the game it doesn't mean it is bad.
Perfect micro skills
almost 12 years ago
Reply this comment if you think Jo should do an AMA for the 1000th comic
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277840]@RVN[/url] it actually is a crime and those participating are apt to get either jailtime (if you can legally prove it) or their internet services revoked (if you can prove it to their ISP).
almost 12 years ago
Sigh. Dota-dota-dota-dota-one good comic about games-dota-dota-dota.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277818]@BobisOnlyBob[/url]: You got that right, pal! Everyone is counting on this one.
rocket solly
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277840]@RVN[/url]: rocking the comment section again, are we?
almost 12 years ago
@O-(-'.'Q) that guy with the decapitated muppet heads on his shoulders broke the other guys hands. Doing that to a Dota player is as bad as breaking a pianist's fingers.
almost 12 years ago
Wait, is that the worst? Because I have a gun. I'm not really going to be intimidated by a guy with a baseball bat in the middle of the street even if he's wearing decapitated muppet heads on his shoulders (which is admittedly crazy of him).
almost 12 years ago
And I was looking forward to Qpand vs Dignitas. Well at least I got to hear GodZ read Harry Potter.
almost 12 years ago
This is like those people aiming lasers at the goal keeper's eyes during a football match, everyone being caught doing this kind of shit should be punished.
almost 12 years ago
Only 1 more comic in between rape! YES!!!
almost 12 years ago
We already know that 1000 is gonna be cheesecake. He promised it here: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/500
Oh my god
almost 12 years ago

You know why.
almost 12 years ago
A zip zop zoobedy understandable comic joke bop
Oh my god
almost 12 years ago
you people demanding, you know that ?

I bet half of you will bitch about the 1000th anyway no matter what.

And stop fucking making suggestions only to complain afterwards: *Oh no ! It's a dota comic ! Where's TF2 or other stuff ?* *Oh no ! It's a TF2 comic ! Draw more dota!* MEH !
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277740]@Tue[/url]: That doesn't solve anything at all. You can bet and cancel the bets when you're going to lose by DDOSing. It's not as good a reward (since you won't earn anything), but it's A LOT more reliable (since even if the DDOS doesn't change the outcome, the bets will be cancelled).
almost 12 years ago
Comic 1004 will be the actual 1000th comic, since Jo started his comic at 4, not 0.

We have a few more to go, guys.
almost 12 years ago
A friendly reminder, pals: just 1 more strip for the glorious 1000th anniversary strip!!!!

Don't forget Jo, you DID make us a promise. And we know you're a tentacle of honor.
almost 12 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: You should totally check out Warframe. Cool ninja-space co-op.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277779]@Magnus[/url]: Interesting, I was thinking on another game (a space one)
almost 12 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: here you have the link to the steam page

almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277771]@Geary[/url]: I have yet to see it. Link?
almost 12 years ago
(continued) ...deathmatch/koth mode, which let them make solid gameplay within relatively simple game objectives. Now they've gotten funding for their PvE/PvP 'Adventure' mode, and I was wondering if you'd look into it and give an opinion. It's certainly a game to play with four friends.
almost 12 years ago
In other news, Jo, what's your opinion on Guns of Icarus: Online? It's a team-based steampunk airship combat simulator, and they're taking a two-stage approach to getting Kickstarter funding for their game.

In the first stage, they just make 'Skirmish' mode, which was their general...
almost 12 years ago
NOooooo not Dendi!
almost 12 years ago
Also, huh.
Gambling. Why not?
almost 12 years ago
Matches aren't being DDOS'd for items, its far more likely one douche being a douche because douchebags will douche
almost 12 years ago
huh... didn't think things would go THAT deep , considering DOTA is stressful enough itself...
almost 12 years ago
Simple solution - any match where a participant get attacked like that will be invalid for bets.
almost 12 years ago
Y First comment after 1 minute sign up XD ,
is that dendi? XDXDXDXD