What people are saying about "Lion"
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almost 12 years ago
Is... is that Arin Hanson?
almost 12 years ago
well lions used to be a pure and righteous human once, so pure and righteous fits Lion, then he got corrupted and shit happened
almost 12 years ago
Did you hear the Nova? He thinks his a lion!
almost 12 years ago
Wake up guys, Lion isn't a support: he is a nuker.
Anon E Mouse
almost 12 years ago
Am I a lion? I don't think of myself as a lion. You might as well though, I have a mighty roar. LIONIZE ME!
almost 12 years ago
Lion is an OK support. SD/Lina/KotL/Nyx/Rubick are outright better than he is, and all of those/WD/Veno/CM/SS/Bane are all better dual-tri-laners.
almost 12 years ago
Picolo is that you?
Giant Hat
almost 12 years ago
Lion's appearance is a matter of pride to him. You can bet that hair is a beast to straighten, though.
There are more puns in the large cat lexicon than 'lion', people!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278492]@4tran[/url]: We are not sure what happened to them. And even Jo himself tease us about it: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/595 Darn you, mysterious tentacle!
almost 12 years ago
Did you hear that Nova? He thought he was a lion!
almost 12 years ago
You want to play a Lion, try Rengar.
almost 12 years ago
That's a lion alright.
almost 12 years ago
Well, it's not a real lion. But still, get in the car!
almost 12 years ago
Ugly characters that everybody want to pick:
Golden Axe : The dwarf.
Captain Commando = Mummy Commando.
Cadillac & Dinosaur = Mustapha Cairo
almost 12 years ago
Also, I've been waiting for this ever since the 500'th comic. Jo, you hear me, Jo?
It's inevitable Jo.
almost 12 years ago
Imminent Fanservice
You better not make some stupid excuse to avoid it, Jo.
almost 12 years ago
I wonder what is Jo going to do for the 1000 comic page.
almost 12 years ago
Lion is so ugly that he is awesome again. I like him actually, although he looks a bit like he is going to waylay little kids in the dark.
almost 12 years ago
See these last couple of MOBA comics have been fine! The joke requires literally ZERO knowledge of the games to understand. The last one was about online gambling, which could have been in any game. And today's is about expectations, which is a 100% visual thing and completely represented here.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278431]@Ninj77[/url] I can't remember what happened to the 1st 3. Did they never exist, or were they redacted for quality reasons, counting bug...?
almost 12 years ago
So people dislike Lions Model but don't care about Medusa?... It's half bad if they make a ugly looking hero into an even uglier looking hero, but making Gorgon the pretty much opposite of the fapping material people are used to in online games made my heart hurt :(
almost 12 years ago
Lion's feet are the worst.
almost 12 years ago
You should play LoL! Even the ugly things are cute there!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278417]@Colonel[/url]: Lion actually got a model remake once.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278409]@waffl3x[/url]: Actually, we are all counting on this one http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/500 rather than the first 3 missing ones.
almost 12 years ago
Lion still needs a new model. Vengeful Spirit already got one, so it's time for Lion to get a new look that isn't terrible.
almost 12 years ago
Agreed on lion looks...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278386]@Ninj77[/url]: Actually no, the 1000 comic is not the next one, the comics dont start at 1.
almost 12 years ago
for some reason lion reminds me of wario
almost 12 years ago
He always looked like an Orc warlock so his name never made sense. Probably some dumb reference

That said the Dota 2 model looks uglier than any Orc I've seen
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
Well, finally tonite we will know the answer: will Jo honor his promise and deliver full fan-service for the 1000th strip as promised?

Or will he choose the easy and cheap escape and troll his fans?

Just a few more hours pals! Make your bets!
almost 12 years ago
Actually it was because of his demonplasty, not because he went to hell.
almost 12 years ago
His lore says his form got ugly because he went to hell.
almost 12 years ago
He looks like a sea lion to me...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278344]@nomoardota[/url]: Coming from the guy with the username "nomoardota". You're probably one of those league of legends players that spend thousands of dollars for an in-game advantage.
almost 12 years ago
DotA2 is 4 nubz
almost 12 years ago
This is your typical dota2 player. They never played dota 1.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278192]@pervert[/url]: Well considering 1000 has three zeros, which reperesent 3 holes. she'd get it in all three holes sir.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278301]@RVN[/url]: shut up fag, why are you even famous?
almost 12 years ago
I actually like Lion's looks.
The Wealthy Hobo
almost 12 years ago
That face reminds me of that "The Critic" cartoon.
It's even more disturbing.
Guilherme D'ravem
almost 12 years ago
Not sure if it's only me but the glove made me rememebr Lion-O, but never seen the original DOTA2 character first time here.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278192]@pervert[/url] indeed, she will drink a shake whil poking her nose
almost 12 years ago
To all the ones asking for fanservice:

Y'know, Jo already posted something new in Paheal some time ago...unless you've already seen it and want something new.
almost 12 years ago
you do realize Jo won't stop the dota comics until he has portrayed every hero, right?
Random Satanist
almost 12 years ago
OMG This is Satan's strip!!! You see, if you take 999 and turn it around, it's 666!!! That's why we have Lion the demon bitch himself in the comic.
almost 12 years ago
Back in DotA, Lion carries a shield, which depending on your team colour could carry a lion symbol.
Not even trolling.
almost 12 years ago
Because they're lion about how awesome he looks! clearly!
almost 12 years ago
You know if I was Jo I'd totally troll you with a naked 'Lion' for the 1000th strip and call that fanservice.

For all the bitching.

1-2 days later I'd replace that picture with the real one just to troll some more.
cuz wy not
almost 12 years ago
He called him "Lion" because he is f*ckin' badass.
almost 12 years ago
''Lionize ME ! '' ....I am sure that is not what he meant...
almost 12 years ago
Gonna hit quadruple digits! Awesome!

inb4 fanservice
almost 12 years ago
Lion was once a proud defender of good. But it was tempted and betrayed by the forces of demonic witchcraft. Lion is now the only living practitioner of this ancient discipline and intended to remain so.

"When the demon betrayed me, I took its very arm. Imagine what I'll do to a mere hero."
almost 12 years ago
His voice lines are awesome. I dun care about nothing else.
almost 12 years ago
Well he did look "Slightly" more like a lion before his remodeling
almost 12 years ago
Oh Sh** its Comic 999!!
almost 12 years ago
comic 999, so tomorrow engie gets it in both holes right?
almost 12 years ago
I have been to hell and back and back to hell and back.

Best quote ever.
Lion The Demon Witch
almost 12 years ago
What's that you say? "Lion's got a face only a Broodmother could love?" "Lion's so ugly he has to tie a pork chop to his face to get Ursa to play with him?" "Lion's so ugly he turned Medusa to stone?"

Strange, because all I heard was: "Please turn me inside out."

My mistake.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_278169]@Faelivri[/url]: He got that face body when he took the hand off a demon in hell and grafted it on his own body, corrupting him in the process. So, I kind of think that it is his fault ;)
Chief Masamune
almost 12 years ago
Engie's vision of Lion reminds me of Solstice from HoN.
almost 12 years ago
I know why he is called lion. The smell.
Just... don't ask.
almost 12 years ago
Well, he's Oglodi and he back from hell (literally), so that's not his fault he have face like this, right? Check his old model if you think this is ugly.
almost 12 years ago
Give us something on paheal! if you know what i mean jo!
almost 12 years ago
i thought hed look like this B)
almost 12 years ago
@Gamestop Guy: Throws blue shell
almost 12 years ago
More like LIAR, amirite?
almost 12 years ago
Tomorrow is comic 1000. This best be made up with engie fanservice.
almost 12 years ago
He was a "lion" on dota 1, and they don't want to call him "demon witch", who fits better.
almost 12 years ago
Arin Hanson?
almost 12 years ago


a man of great strength, courage, etc.
a person of great importance, influence, charm, etc., who is much admired as a celebrity: a literary lion. q
almost 12 years ago
lion lion looks like aslan.
Poncturated bystander
almost 12 years ago
^@haha- I think it's more about Lion looking like an burned out zombie.
almost 12 years ago
@N.L.: I don't mind ugly. I like Bane and even Medusa, but Lion is a different kind of ugly.
Poncturated bystander
almost 12 years ago
Looking at dota allstar. Lion was dubbed the demon witch and used a fell orc warlock model. Guess it's just a coincidence he's called lion and dota2 lion just mirrors that. Kinda disappointing, but it's just that.
almost 12 years ago
Of course. It's not League of Legends where every humanoid champion is a candidate for Miss Universe.
almost 12 years ago
Engie Tits?
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
almost 12 years ago
No idea about his name but his appearance is totally understandable from his biography "he followed the demon back to hell and slew it taking its demonic hand for his own. Lion was transfigured by the process, his body transformed into something unrecognizable". Not all heroes should be pretty
almost 12 years ago
Same exact feeling I have about lion, awesome set of skills but fugly as hell.
almost 12 years ago
Funnily enough it looks like some sort of hideous troll like creature.
almost 12 years ago
And then you have Spirit Breaker who actually looks like a lion....
almost 12 years ago
Gamestop Guy
almost 12 years ago