What people are saying about "5 Stars"
5 Stars
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almost 12 years ago
This new girl is pretty cute
almost 12 years ago
I actually make a point of not voting based on winning or losing but on how competitive the game was, how well everyone preformed overall, stuff like that. A 60 minute game that is even in kills and ends with a climactic base race should be more likely to get a high rating regardless of who wins.
almost 12 years ago
сука крыса!
Poop mcCunt
almost 12 years ago
I think it's more of a way to see how losing can be more fun, seeing how certain heroes dominate games, and seeing how winning can be unenjoyable
John Palmer
almost 12 years ago
Captain Obvious alert!
almost 12 years ago
I've had more fun in the Moba's i've played when i lose on occasion. It depends on how close the game is. Oh and if the other team chooses to "smack talk" when the game is 5 on 3... thats always fun...
Adeptus Sylvilagus
almost 12 years ago
I rate games based on the number of rapiers flying around. Can't have fun until the hard support starts one-shotting people.
almost 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure they get stats like what characters are used the most in 5 star rated games and which ones are in the most 1 star rated games and nerf certain characters accordingly.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_280132]@Dota[/url] it is all about expectations. Bad players expect their team to be better than the adversary and to always win. It is normal an average of 50% win rate. If you can't enjoy a chalenging game that you have a good chance of losing you probably shouldn't play the game.
almost 12 years ago
This is exactly why I dislike DOTA (or any moba), its not fun when you lose, ever, at all, not even a little fun. When I play TF2 and lose, sometimes it can be no fun but it isnt ALWAYS no fun when you lose, which is good.
almost 12 years ago
And once again... I'm having a blast just reading the photo notes!! XD
almost 12 years ago
Actually its not about russians and brazilians but about people who dont speak english. When you see someone swearing in english you think "thats another asshole",when you see someone not speaking english (even when not swearing...though its rare) you think "god fucking shit annoying phat momma boy"
Anon E Mouse
almost 12 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: Yeah, I usually like close matches the most as well. Even when we lose, there's usually some impressive play. The most fun, however, is when my team does stupid things (everybody rush a Blade Mail and Heart, for instance) and we still end up winning.
almost 12 years ago
Now if only I knew what cyka and hue meant. Well, aside from some Russian word and colors x_x
almost 12 years ago
@never gonna happen:

When you americans and chineses and russians stop playing on ours!

Yep Yep
almost 12 years ago
I actually usually rate my matches somewhere between and 4. A 5 is very rare, and a 1 is usually a match where my team called me a faggot, newb, feeder, etc.
almost 12 years ago
Hope that research wasn't backed by taxpayer money.
Blu Soldier
almost 12 years ago
Hey, you know gotta, um, gotta, um, sword, your head has a, um, ah never mind.
Gimme back my TU!
almost 12 years ago
cont: I was talking about WoW, of course.
Gimme back my TU!
almost 12 years ago
@never gonna happen: Not like it will help. After Russians were isolated in a number of Russian-specific realms (this happened even before the total separation that is now in place) on Russian-almost-free servers Czech became new Russians — annoying and a target of public hate.
almost 12 years ago
it's funny what i found reading older comics http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/560 XD
never gonna happen
almost 12 years ago
when will russians and brazilians play on their own server
Mr. Al
almost 12 years ago
Valve needs to remove the penalty system. I've lsot count how many times I've had to leave a game because there are some kind of bloke (or several!) that jus tplain ruinins the expierence. Sucks so badly getting punished because I don't enjoy any kind of abuse >_>
to win
almost 12 years ago
use mass dagon.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 12 years ago
Yeah i do love very close games the most, one of the most memorable was my first clan match in Combat arms, we were trailing by 3-4 kills the whole match and as the game was about to be a loss we pull off a lucky ass win with a 4 kill grenade, 100-99 and it was an amazing game...
intelligent heavy
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why LoLDota sucks
Trolling Nerd
almost 12 years ago
Well that's a stupid system.
almost 12 years ago
I play dota and lol and well the best friends i meet were in close matches i lost, loosing isn't always bad
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_279611]@Ninj77[/url] same here
almost 12 years ago
Ok, something weird just happened..did anybody else was blocked from the site? Was it hacked or attacked?
almost 12 years ago
b-but I love my Russkie friends
almost 12 years ago
I love the fact that 'hue' is a letter off from yet another Russian piece of swearing.
almost 12 years ago
I don't play Moba's but in RTS or team shooters, if it is a really close match it is enjoyable all around win or lose.
Dat Forehead
almost 12 years ago
Crystal Maiden has developed one hell of a forehead. Wonder if that buffs any of her stats?
almost 12 years ago
Doesn't he mean an 'Enigma' rating?
almost 12 years ago
The progression is "Out of 10", "Out of 5 Stars", "Thumbs Up/Down", and lastly just a "Thumbs Up/Like/+1".
TF2 forever
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why DotaLoL sucks
almost 12 years ago
she just had a pedicure by Dr Burke
almost 12 years ago
Oh hey, isn't that the intern girl who had to clean the floor when she said she wouldn't do fanservice? Good to see her again.
almost 12 years ago
I kinda giggled when I first saw the star-rating. Went into MM for the first time in months, and Found that generally yeah, you 5 start when you win, you 1 star if you lose. Except then there's the games that are exceedingly back and forth, that deserve a 4/5 star anyways.
Its useless all-the-same.
almost 12 years ago
I tend to rate games based on how balanced they were although question asks about enjoyment ;x

Still, i don't think it matters, imo its just a button for people to click so they feel like they give feedback and change something so they rage less on dev forums... :D
almost 12 years ago
and chat rooms, which they filled the obscene words, in the hope that they will find there a Faithful Disciple of the way of the Present Communist in the heart, and the Red Army again come back, ready to bear the freedom of the proletarians of the whole world!
almost 12 years ago
rn soldiers mighty and invincible red Army.
After the Restructuring in Russia is too little, loyal Leninists, therefore, this way of replenishment of the soldiers stopped working. The Russians were forced to postpone plans to build communism in 2000, and sent their agents in online games
almost 12 years ago
In the USSR there was no sex. So the people had to multiply verbally. Every time, when two Russians met, he began to be expressed bad words, from the reaction of the annihilation of whom the way of the Present Communist, stored deep in the heart of every faithful Disciple, in the light of the new bo
almost 12 years ago
I agree
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
almost 12 years ago
I actually rate by actual enjoyment, I've had to rate wins as 1 star before, NP with a spirit breaker Naix combo is the worst shit ever, we still won because we played properly.
almost 12 years ago
I don't play as much these days due to my sh*tty laptop getting worse each day, but I had some fun matches in the past that were really enjoyable despite the outcome. Comebacks are especially fun which I never experience in LoL for example.
almost 12 years ago
Good, drawn-out, back-and-forth even games get 5s (or 4s if someone was particularly distasteful on either team), stomps where I'm on the winning side get 3s or 2s, receiving end of stomps, especially with the enemy team camping the spawn instead of hitting the ancient, get 1s.
5 Stars Comment
almost 12 years ago
I've had 5 star games where I lost. Had one yesterday, was some intense 70 minutes battle.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
It's always 1 star. I hate this game.
almost 12 years ago
"You got a knive stuck in your head!"
"Meeeh, dont fuss over it"
almost 12 years ago
Poor Crystal Maiden. Exploited, abused, spanked, peeped on... XD
And seems some people ignore Jo's nationality.
almost 12 years ago
I don't get it, I haven't seen a single Russian or BR in months, I think god finally erased them.
almost 12 years ago
Nice to see those top paying dollars going into research... are finally paying off!
almost 12 years ago
Very few matches ca feel fair when loosing.Most of the times I just feel cheated.Wining is what makes most of us feel achieved,even if it is just a dumb match on a game.Losing,eeh,once or twice it's acceptable,but if you have a bad day and have a full loosing steak,yeah I can see why you wold rate 1
almost 12 years ago
I reckon Valve should release the stats on game enjoyment, so I could confirm that every game against a PL gets 1 star from everyone.
almost 12 years ago
even a great, lost round can be fun.
just as a shallow victory can be boring.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_279343]@Von[/url]: Yup ill put 5 stars even if i lose but the game was fun/close/even/with skilled players. Also it will be otherwise if i meat dumb/rude people even if i win.
almost 12 years ago
I'm not a bad russian, honestly. The deal is I dont speak russian in online games, especially when I see someone speaking russian because "oh, russian! Ill annoy him talking in russian or Ill call him cyka because Im the only cool guy here".
almost 12 years ago
It's funny, but I remember putting 5 stars in a match a lost once or twice. Some loses seem more satisfying than some victories tbh.
almost 12 years ago
It depends on the situation. Games where the other team completely snowballs just aren't fun, because Dota isn't designed for it to be fun for the losing team, which is the reason I'm not a fan of it.
almost 12 years ago
There should be a option for zero stars and asking them, 'What the fuck do you think? Losing is a negative experience, you failed sociology major!'
Leaving this here
almost 12 years ago
I rate by pure enjoyment. If it's a boring steamroll game for either team, I rate it 1-2. If it's a fun, REALLY close game with no cancer picks (randoms are okay), I rate it 4-5 regardless of winning or losing. You just need to be a bit unbiased. Abusive teammates do take from the rating.
almost 12 years ago
Well depends, I mostly vote for quality of matchmaking (even games) and/or nice team mates.
almost 12 years ago
Линвистическая экспансия ёпта блядь нахуй!
almost 12 years ago
Lose: 1-3 star. Win: 3-5 star.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_279225]@Reav[/url]: so true
almost 12 years ago
Actually buggers are annoying no matter where they are from.
almost 12 years ago
Chou, same here. Good game deserves to be given 4 stars even if we lost.
almost 12 years ago
5 star if I lose 1 star if I win

I don't enjoy winning
almost 12 years ago
I usually give 4 stars if we lost but at least had a good fight. 3 stars if we made stupid mistakes and lost or if the victory was too easy. 1 star if the team was complete fucktards, no matter who won.
almost 12 years ago
ebat vy pidary ebanie gamburgery
Typical teammate
almost 12 years ago
idi nahui pizdec
almost 12 years ago
They are probably testing if people enjoy their matchmaking system, and if they could improve it.
almost 12 years ago
well so far I rated my enjoyment of my play and at worse I gave couple of 2s at defeats other than leavers after 1-2 deaths... ( OMG , I died..GG This game is stupid ) bu mostly 3-4-5s as I enjoy it.

I hardly doubt these ''ratings'' will effect much however.What are they gonna rate-match people?
almost 12 years ago
"cyka" are actually pseudocyrillic for "сука" wich reads like "suka"
almost 12 years ago
Last TF2 comic: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/985
almost 12 years ago
The victory is not all that gives the enjoyment. If that were the case, matches against 5 passive bots would have been very popular. It's the trill of the match. You may lose because everyone on your team sucked or because the other team was better. Same goes for winning.
almost 12 years ago
Hururur, Russians are annoying even for Russians. =)
almost 12 years ago
I base my rating on enjoyment. Hell, the match I've enjoyed the most in my time of dota ended in a loss, yet it was enjoyable because I had a team which had an idea of what they were doing, didn't just rush in and die in stupid ways, and could communicate. T'was a joy to play with them.
almost 12 years ago
Not all Russian so bad.
almost 12 years ago
Anything longer than 30-40 min is automatically 3 tops, unless it's a spectacular turnaround. I've had 4 star losses and 1 star wins. But if I was to generalise for humour, yeah, this.
almost 12 years ago
HYI is better represents th word
almost 12 years ago
Any game where a Kunkka crits on Tidebringer and oneshots the entire enemy team is an automatic 5-star.
almost 12 years ago
OBJECTION makes a good point. I also rate the matches based on my actual enjoyment, not whether I lost. Of course, most times when I lose, it's because of stupid team mates and/or leavers, so that's not very enjoying. Then again, winning can also only rate 3 stars if the other team really sucked.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
The charts don't like folks
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
Sometimes the teams are very balanced in terms of player skill and heroes, so it becomes a tidal battle that goes around 70 minutes before either team gets the divine rapier and tries to break the stalemate.

Those are 5 star games even if you lose.