What people are saying about "Virtual Reality"
Virtual Reality
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over 11 years ago
So far mouse+keyboard have the biggest bandwidth of input, so they will probably stay for a while, till maybe thinking what you want to do makes the program do what you want.
Frag'd Bastard
over 11 years ago
that thing on enggie's face make her look like a bdsm character... I LIKE IT
over 11 years ago
Nerve Gear 0.01.
over 11 years ago
Personally, I can't wait until this is combined with NeuroSky products. I also can't wait until ArmA III VR comes out.
over 11 years ago
Just dropping some TF2 stuff some may like:
Blu Soldier
over 11 years ago
I've been really interested in this, especially in games like skyrim for the immersion.
over 11 years ago
@Mr. Niko
Already in development since the statement that the Oculus was going to be released.
Mister Pink
over 11 years ago
@Mr. Niko: thats so 1999
Mr. Niko
over 11 years ago
I have the best use for this.
Get ready for it...
Virtual. Reality. PORN
over 11 years ago
@Gary F.ing Oak: Nah...they'd have to get past the paramedics that had to be called when you tripped over your furniture due to not being able to see where you're going.
I do wonder, though, if they're going to add the kind of webcams that the DS and Vita have, and include AR features with the VR.
over 11 years ago
You can mimic the feeling of wearing an oculus on Youtube! Just find one of the videos, and stare at the center between the two images until a third one appears in the center. You have to do it like you would staring at one of those optical illusion books.
over 11 years ago
Valve leading the way for PC gaming as usual.

In Gabe We Trust.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_280604]@2033[/url]: So how does he jump (in-game)?
over 11 years ago
rift + treadmill:
over 11 years ago
Actually, the rift kind of sucks.
pixels too big, and a large black void around the video.
immersion is something else.

But the actual idea, bundled with an omnidirectional treadmill, would give me a real reason to start working out.
over 11 years ago
Eventually all gaming will just be playing pretend! Using the brains of game developers as network hubs D8
over 11 years ago
Can't wait for a commercial version.
Still not ready to dish out 300 $ for a dev kit though.
But the first time it hits the market I'm in.
Liro Raeriyo
over 11 years ago
As engrossed in this as i am, im still gonna be 100% mouse and keyboard for any normal play.
Mini sentrys are kawaii
over 11 years ago
But Jo, you don't aim with the Oculus, you can rocket jump without looking down. It's actually better than vannila.
over 11 years ago
So given time and better ergonomic models... I guess everybody will be using these new gizmos.

Ouch! I feel old already. X(
over 11 years ago
Trust me pals, eventually, we will all learn to adapt.

I will never forget how hard was for me to change from using a controller to playing with a keyboard. Hell! I was convinced I wouldn't ever get comfortable at all gaming with a keyboard.

Now, I rarely touch a controller.
over 11 years ago
Issues: Weight, comfort, compatibility, price, wire runs, power. Wearing glasses also falls under comfort.

We have seen this before, Movie/TV 3D -> Personal VR. Each cycle has been fairly failure for various reasons. I wonder what the Oculus's crippling problem will be.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_280459]@AckAckAck[/url]: Sony already had a 3D headset for some time already, it is not bulky or heavy. I was just waiting someone there put some accelerometers and gyroscopes on that thing and release it. But seem like they derped hard and missed this opportunity...
big smelly willy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_280455]@RVN[/url]: you are like 6 months later to its funeral
A Gray Phantom
over 11 years ago
Oculus reminds me of the headsets they have in .hack
over 11 years ago
Anyone seen this yet?
This is true VR in TF2. Unfortunately, dude never rocket jumps.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_280310]@Tkun[/url]: The problem is the old techs are still too heavy and bulky so it's pretty inefficient for prolonged use. Since the invention of lightweight ribbon like screen it help reduce a lot of weight. Sony and MS still done something though. MS made Kinect (yeah, it's crap) and Sony made 360o TV!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_280390]@Epicolor[/url]: TrackIR has existed for a decade already, and is very popular in flight sims.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
I can only imagine the horrible horrible sickness of trying to play Descent with a VR headset :P
In the Description
over 11 years ago
Oculus Rift*
over 11 years ago
Airplane games like Warthunder would work great with this.

You would be able look around with it while controlling the plane with Joystick.
over 11 years ago
Actualy, thinking about Oculus Rift + wiimote while playing SW Force Unleashed makes me drooll
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_280311]@Canucka[/url]: Wait for the consumer version, or you'll regret it.
Grammar Nazi
over 11 years ago
First panel: "Oculus" (with a single "C")
Second panel: "Is it hard to use?" or "Isn't it hard to use?"
over 11 years ago
I actually got my Rift dev kit yesterday. Played a bit of TF2 VR with it and it's quite amazing, definitely not gimmicky like waggling a wii-mote. There's still plenty of reasons to wait for the consumer version though, the dev kit's pixel density is pretty bad.
over 11 years ago
YES!!! Aww yes!!! I finally have worked for $300 FOR ONE! Yes! But should I wait for the consumer version? (It's supposed to be cheaper with higher graphics.) What should I do?
over 11 years ago
I'm amazed that the big companies weren't working on this already. The technology needed already exist for years (accelerometers, and 3D video googles, etc) all they were waiting was to someone put them together. Personally I was expecting Sony or Microsoft to relase one of those in the the next gen
over 11 years ago
i waggle my wiimote at your comic

now im off to recharge my batteries
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_280250]@Frohman[/url], they already have them, Google "peregrine glove".
over 11 years ago
Now we just need a direct neural plug for gaming.
Gary F.ing Oak
over 11 years ago
I can imagine people getting their houses robbed while using this and headphones...
Fresh new comic
over 11 years ago
o boi i lov cumentin on new camics
over 11 years ago
I will stay forever faithful to my trusty peripherals!
over 11 years ago
I'm going to have to make a game that utilizes the Oculus Rift with the Leap Motion sensor... once I get my hands on both of them.
over 11 years ago
@????: yeah, like Nintyuk said... its basically what the name says: using, in a game, an explosive weapon at your feet, in order to jump higher due to the explosion's knockback effect
over 11 years ago
@????: It's a manouver in certain games were you use the knock back from a rocket explosion when jumping to gain increased hight and distance for a small damage penalty. In tf2 it's a built in mechanic with many weapons pandering to that style of play.
over 11 years ago
Now we just need Gloves for gaming.
over 11 years ago
What is a Rocket Jump? Can someone explain this to me?
over 11 years ago
As for the Occulus Rift; you can take my life and my freedom, but you'll never take Mousey!!!!
over 11 years ago
Goodness, 2nd place! NOW I CAN DIE HAP-*bang*
over 11 years ago
First to comment, last to mine :,(