What people are saying about "The Price Of Pride"
The Price Of Pride
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over 11 years ago
If you used it to purchase your Xbox live suboiriptcsn then you can't remove it on your Xbox without changing it to a different payment option. Then you can go to Account/manage payment options/ remove payment option If you are looking to fully remove any payment options without adding another then
over 11 years ago
@generic fanboy:
Titan Fall: Coming to PC as well
Ryse: Quick Time Event the game
Crimson Dragons: Actually something to care about missing
Killer Instinct: Have fun with only getting 1 fighter. The rest are all DLC
over 11 years ago
of course both are for plebs, PC master race for life!
over 11 years ago
it is worth nothing that PS4 is not only cheaper.
But the hardware is near identical with PS4 just having more/faster. Making it objectively better.
generic fanboy
over 11 years ago
Or titan fall, ryse, crimson dragons, killer instinct, with access to metal gear, kingdom hearts, and all other non exlusives. Yup no reason to buy it. I mean always online! THE THOUGHT OF IT... i mean my system totally hasn't been always online for the past 5 years... oh wait...
over 11 years ago
Not to mention that there is a kick-ass new MMO RPG Real-time-persistent-singleshard-universe Shooter called DUST514, and it is for free... I don't think that microsoft have any free AAA content! See how kick-ass is the trailer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_LlH2c5dyA
Andy E
over 11 years ago
Not to mention the PS4 is faster
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
You can keep Xbone-Tan.

Me? I'll take Playstation-Tan. She remembers who made her great <3
over 11 years ago
@Heavy Weapons Guy: NOT big surprise.
over 11 years ago
I refuse to pay more than $200 for any console due to the fact that I can't do homework on it, access steam, do game or graphics design, or browse forums efficiently or play mmos...in general there is no console really worth more than $200 of my money IMHO.
over 11 years ago
Sorry Xbone-tan. You are too high maintenance.
that other guy
over 11 years ago
to be fair Thatguy every one of nintedo's good titles where just continuations of the same games, like smash bros, mario kart, zelda, and pikmin. at least sony and microsoft are trying to IPs. Nintendo just cant get past its only few good games.
Heavy Weapons Guy
over 11 years ago
Xbone is ded. No big surprise
over 11 years ago
PS: I had kinda stopped fanboying Nintendo, but man they so won that E3.
over 11 years ago
F*** XboxOne and their Tv watched on Tv, f*** playstation 4 copying everyone else, go Wii U, AND SUPER SMASH, BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTHERS! (now with Megaman and Wii fit trainer xD)
Plus Mario kart, pikmin 3, etc.
over 11 years ago

Get this item pre-buying HL2 Epi3.

Do you believe it? Tomorrow we have 2 "Secret Conferences". Maybe the day has come... Are we prepared to the end of the world we know, A.K.A the release of EPI3?
over 11 years ago
I have never liked 360. Hated halo, but have always been neutral on the XB vs PS fight (I belong to the PC MASTER RACE)

But after THAT E3, damn, Xbox is SO going down. Btw, did you heard about that "dota2-Ep3" leak? One new dota 2 item that have not been implemented have the followig description:
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_307091]@Vulpis[/url] its kh3 dude. But yeah, its better to stick with steam.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_307102]@2[/url] I'm convinced console gamers suffer from stockholm syndrome.
over 11 years ago
Xbox one is screwed. to bad. alot of Exclusives are Xbox one only. hopefully They will eventully be ported to PC or Xbox 360 or something like that.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
And yep, the choice is clear--Wii U and Steam! The one actually has games (though KH 4 and FF15 look good), the other...has nearly all the games the other two are going to have anyway.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_307058]@Kath[/url]: Gamespot is the review site, Gamestop is the store chain that merged with Electronic Boutique. Yeah, it's confusing.
over 11 years ago
Is it Gamespot or Gamestop? I can never remember :\
over 11 years ago
PC :)
We You
over 11 years ago
On another note, Mega Man is on Super Smash Bros!

Happy Fan
over 11 years ago
I came for bad jokes and drawings. As always, never dissapointed!
over 11 years ago
@Dun dun dunnnn
It would be pretty clever if she were a trap

"It is not like this always online device with a camera and mic on your house won't be used for evil"
over 11 years ago
And to those still picking on Jo's English.... I dare you to translate all that to Brazil Portuguese. Lets see how you do.
over 11 years ago
to all the Mine photonotes on the Sexbox Ichi-chan... YOURS... I dont' want her snooping around my house.
over 11 years ago
If thats a 500 GB Hard Drive Booty I would love to see the 1 TB upgraded one.

Still the PS4 meats the crap out of her.

Looking at the Peasant wars is actually fun.

It's a good day for the PC Master race.
over 11 years ago
Since Bill Gates left Microsoft, everything went to hell

I'm moving to linux
Dun dun dunnnn
over 11 years ago
It's a trap! Why do you think her name has bone in it?
over 11 years ago
Hey Jo! I still remember your Steam-tan and Origin-tan and now that you did the same with X1 I'd love to see you using these concepts more frequently.
over 11 years ago
what about reusing games and always online bullshit? I can see a lot of you arguing with "I'm a richfag, I dont need to rely on buying used games, also my internets are so damn good, I'm basically never online", well if that would be true, get both consoles and dont give a shit about this war.
Rooster with a DICK
over 11 years ago
Everyone claiming mine: You can have it.
A Gray Phantom
over 11 years ago
OR you could be a PC gamer, like me, and ALWAYS have backwards compatibility, get Steam for free, buy games for up to 90% off, and sometimes get games gifted to you for free.
over 11 years ago
Seriously, I cannot wait and see PS4-tan to make her appearance on NerfNOW!
over 11 years ago
stop buying crap consoles
over 11 years ago
Jo, a small grammar mistake.

It's "and AN established playerbase"

Great Biotic Wind
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306923]@Dudeman211[/url]: Speaking about Xbox One or its games makes you so not cool on the Internet.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306923]@Dudeman211[/url]: Spunkgargleweewee games called, They want their filter back from Dead Rising 3. Also Dead Rising 2 called, he wants to disown his bastard son for lack of wackiness. But in all thruth. Gameplay > Graphics. I'd prefer to walk in toddler superhero outfit and ride on a kid's bicycle.
over 11 years ago
Sorry XBox, you only looked interesting when you first arrived, never tried to get with you cause I didn't have the cash to afford spending time with you. Even when I did, I'm Sorry... PS4, though, Your like your older sister, PS2, I think I in love...
over 11 years ago
@Take a Third Option It has a pretty different type of games. PS4 and Xbox One basically fight over the same player base.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306923]@dudeman211[/url] Sales of it will suffer due to being on an unpopular platform
over 11 years ago
What about deadrising 3? it looks good and is xbox exclusive.
That guy you all love
over 11 years ago
It's watching you.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306898]@Foolish[/url] Dreamcast was a good console and deserved console heaven Xboxone was a bad greedy arrogant console and deserves console hell. Let's hope those rwo never meet.
over 11 years ago
When you're dead Xbox, please tell Dreamcast "Hello."
over 11 years ago
Gaben, glorious leader of PC gamer “master race” is bringing salvation to unwashed console peasants.
Great Biotic Wind
over 11 years ago
@Take a Third Option: I guess no one really cares.
over 11 years ago
599 US Dollars
Take a Third Option
over 11 years ago
What about a Wii U?
over 11 years ago
@Great Biotic Wind:
I didn't like PhysX it added uneeded stuff, or things that I failed to notice, unless someone pointed out in a video comparison.
Meanwhile at Microsoft
over 11 years ago
They'll love metro. It'll be on everyone's phone in a few years!
We just need to shoehorn it into the xbox so we can sell ads
They'll stop complaining when we shove it down the throats of desktop users so we can try and force control of third party apps
Alright, but the xbone will...
Great Biotic Wind
over 11 years ago
@Grey Acumen: Making such technology optional pretty much kills it. Just look at PhysX.
over 11 years ago
Sony are the biggest bastards for having giving birth to SecuROM and using rootkits, but I gotta hand it to 'em for this one over MS. Not that I'll be buying either console.
over 11 years ago
People actually doing standing ovation when Sony announce there will be no online console DRM and the price point. Also there's a video where Sony literally troll MS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWSIFh8ICaA
over 11 years ago
Nintendo just won E3 anyway, nice try Microshit!
over 11 years ago
New Nerf Now character:XButt One
There is no war in Ba Sing Se
over 11 years ago
Repeat after me:
There is nothing to fear, Xbox will still profit in the end. It is the superior choice.

over 11 years ago
its good to see anthro-consoles back.
over 11 years ago
Wow wait.
THAT XBoxOne only for 599$ all the time?
I would be a little distracted by the Kinect on her head and a little disturbed that somebody is watching me "play" with her - but DAMN that is really cheap. :D
But wait...I don't know yet what PS4-tan looks like...
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306652]@TheOnlyFuller[/url] Every shooter game is, essentially, just games where you point your cross hair at a target and holding the fire button until the target dies.
over 11 years ago
Wouldn't be GameSTOP instead of GameSPOT?
over 11 years ago
Hello 911?

This is 911, what is your emergency?

I need to report a murder, Xbox One is dead. The Ps4 just Killed it!

We're sending an ambulance now.

WiiU WiiU WiiU WiiU!

gotta love dem jokes.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306781]@mags[/url]: I agree pal. Glad to see more meat...er, I mean more "talent" added to the cast! ;D +1 for sexy Xbox-tan
over 11 years ago
+1 for Xbone-tan
over 11 years ago
Xbox DOne
over 11 years ago
@Anton. E. Moose: You get a hell of a lot more use out of a gaming PC, better graphics, more convenient, mouse and keyboard for shooters, much better web browsing obviously, and a muuuuuch bigger library of games made available.
Oh yeah, and backwards compatibility (to an extent, anyway)
over 11 years ago
Is that green man jerking off?
Grey Acumen
over 11 years ago
I love the idea that MS has for using the online to support remote video processing to further enhance games, it would be a great OPTION for users with a constant connection. Making online connection required for your system to work is suicidal, both for them and their theoretical consumers.
Fredrick Lemmon
over 11 years ago
This isn't 10 years ago where you need to drop two grand for a gaming PC anymore. The price of the Xbox One plus a few games could get you a PC that can handle just about any game and last you for at least a few years if you shop smart.
over 11 years ago
Destiny looks better than Halo. Yeah.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306638]@hoboss[/url]: well f*ck this sh*t, americans pay less than EU but it seems PS4 is everything that Xbox isnt
over 11 years ago
This is the world we live in.
microsoft will have to #dealwithit
Anton. E. Moose
over 11 years ago
At least even the Xbox is cheaper than a decent gaming PC
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306673]@2033[/url]: Buh? The PS3 and PS Vita (and PSP) don't have any region locking. PS2 does, but that's not super relevant.
over 11 years ago
nice tits
That reminds me
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Learn to speak english already you little fuckwit.

over 11 years ago
Still choose PC))
over 11 years ago
Does she have Google Hair?
over 11 years ago
Master Race is not interested in these petty ''wars'' ..

but yea , Sony won big time O.o
over 11 years ago
She may need a good XBone after this one.
over 11 years ago
it get's worse for the xbone, KI is a f2p where you only start with one character and you have to buy the rest
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_306638]@hoboss[/url]: yup, it's an additional 33% (100€)It really depends if there is any last minute preorder candy or bundle sale taht would give a discount, else it might be better to wait (didn't check which games are gonna release at launch yet)
over 11 years ago
i will make a shop named gameSTAPH just for teh lulz, we won't even sell games, we'll sell... cupcakes, or churros
over 11 years ago
At the moment, I'm a PC gamer. I'm contemplating getting a console so I can play with friends/have more access to fighting games, but even then with Warhammer trying to steal all my money, the idea of buying a console seems a little excessive.

If I do buy anything though, it's a PS4.
over 11 years ago
Jo , it's gamestop! and you know our parents will go shop at Americanas or Ponto Frio...
Microsoft Employee
over 11 years ago
A-a-atleast we got H-Halo!

...w-what do you mean Sony is in a long term partnership with Bungie!?
over 11 years ago
No Steve, we will go to Gamespot to buy our PS4, and we will go to Gamestop to read reviews of games.
over 11 years ago
I just read sony is dropping region locks, so no more need to wire up mod chips or 3rd party boot loaders as before. that seems the best new info about these.
over 11 years ago
Not trying to be a jerk. I have made this minor mistake before. Gamespot is a website. Gamestop is a store. The P and T are in the opposite spaces.
over 11 years ago
Do we have an indie-game-tan yet? Because PS4-tan should totally be infatuated with her now, and vice-versa.
over 11 years ago
I´ll be able to live without Halo when the alternative is messing with that box.
over 11 years ago
I don't mind for missing out on Copy+Paste Shooter 4..(or is it 5/6?) by not buying the piece of worthless over-priced plastic and wiring. I am a PC gamer, but if I am to ever purchase a new generation console, I would rather stick to PC or purchase the PS4.
over 11 years ago
PS4 also has a better GPU, so it's better for, you know, playing games instead of watching sports...

Not that I care I play on PC.
Console peasants.
Cyrex Bokius Onesimus
over 11 years ago
"...appeal of paying a little more to be able to play games like Dance Central." Really? That statement makes sense Jo?
over 11 years ago
What strikes me as bad is, $399 are not 399€...
Delta Echo
over 11 years ago
There is nothing to fear, Citizen. Now go back to your Halo.