What people are saying about "Nerfnow Presents Dead or Alive"
Nerfnow Presents Dead or Alive
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Jim Smith
almost 11 years ago
A crappy fanservice comic with shallow humor making fun of a crappy fanservice game with a shallow plot? Irony.
almost 11 years ago
DoA5U has a solid training mode, Jo. Try that, and Mila or Hayabusa for getting down the fundamentals. Do punch lots!
Also, zomg NAYA! That name has Revengeance to me~!
Also also Ninja Morgan is win. Ty.
almost 11 years ago
All I remember from DoA2 was getting my butt kicked by Leifang in that black dress <3
All I remember about the other DoA games was............... Sorry my mind went blank. What was I saying?
almost 11 years ago
Ah, I loves me some good plot!
almost 11 years ago
There is no wonder I felt the story was too complex for me. With so much plot it would be difficult for anyone to keep track on it all.
almost 11 years ago
Oh snap, Morgan is a spy. Conniver's Kunai is a powerful weapon after all.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343913]@Atomisk99[/url]: Well, we didn't know as much about her back then. I voted for the lady then known as "Heavy Weapons Gal" (because I'm nonconformist like that), but if I knew back then what I know now, I would have voted for... ...you know what, I'd have voted for Morgan, actually.
almost 11 years ago
I still can't believe that Jane DIDN"T win the fan vote...
almost 11 years ago
@Xavier Chen: Have you seen the black character in DOA? (and I'm not talking about Lisa)
almost 11 years ago
mmmm "plot" XD
almost 11 years ago
Where is Red-Engie-tan?
almost 11 years ago
When Engie-tans will return?
almost 11 years ago
This is brilliant. Wit and boobs, what more can you ask for?
almost 11 years ago
Jane's boobs are too small. Reported. <3
almost 11 years ago
Instant Revengeance: just add robot dog with chainsaws and METAL GEAR.
almost 11 years ago
You forgot the revengeance.

Food for thought, DOA was the only series that was part of the Queen's Gate bookline not to be put into the Queen's Gate : Spiral Chaos video game, along with chars like Dizzy and Mai Shiranui. DOA missed out on joining a game that was mostly fanservice.
almost 11 years ago
Hue hue. In French, "pelotter" is a slang for "to fondle" and "plotte" is a slang for the feminine genitalia. So, when I see "plot"... hue hue...
almost 11 years ago
I fail to see the fan service here.
almost 11 years ago
its called TechnicolorNinjas
almost 11 years ago
So is Morgan being the stereotypical black black ninja instead of actual fan service ninja in DOA racist?
almost 11 years ago
Eu tento compreender o primeiro quadro, olho pra ele fixamente. Muito fluxo de informação para mim.
#2DEEP4ME ._.
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Does that mean that the "Information Overload" strip wasn't accurate?

(Or is it more that Engie just sucks even WORSE at fighting games?)

Ancel De Lambert
almost 11 years ago
Hitomi Jane?! I approve.
almost 11 years ago
Shouldn't that be 'Suddenly .... Ninja Gaiden!'
almost 11 years ago
A+, 5 stars, 10/10!

Such amazing plot in this comic.
almost 11 years ago
If we accept LuftrauserS we can also accept NinjaS
almost 11 years ago
The Plural of Ninja is Ninja... 1 Ninja, 2 Ninja, 3 Ninja, 10 Ninja, 42 Ninja, there's no plural "S" behind...
almost 11 years ago
Something's wrong in the third panel. Female ninjas doesn't need to hide their faces, they use other "skills" for make the enemy forget everything.


Masks, scarfs, etc. are tools for male ninjas.
almost 11 years ago
Surprised it isn't a veritable mine field yet. Especially the melons.
Perfect summation of DoA there, Jo, considering you can't/didn't do an animated gif to encapsulate the ever-important contribution DoA made for jiggle physics.
almost 11 years ago
Oh no, the dam will not hold! The flood of "MINE!" will rush in soon!
almost 11 years ago
So, Jo what games do you play besides the ones you've made comics about?
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Well you could always give DOA5U Core Fighters a go since it's free on PS3 (that's provided that you have a PS3). Though DOA5U is a rather difficult fighter to get in to with there weird mechanics it has, one of which being the huge emphasis on critical stuns and counter holds.
almost 11 years ago
Best Comic Ever!!!
almost 11 years ago
Best landlord simulator.
almost 11 years ago
I'm confused,
the second panel had to many plotpoints
for me to understand what it was all about.
almost 11 years ago
Just mash buttons then? Seems to work fairly often.
Also, dat plot! And cute ninja sheep!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343849]@Isuka[/url]: Saw boobies, wanted to draw DOA. I'm terrible at fighting games though so I hardly enjoy playing them.
almost 11 years ago
Nice work Jo, but why the interest in DOA all of a sudden? Thinking of playing DOA5U?
almost 11 years ago
i ussually make big intellectual posts. but that last panel is DAMN FINE.
almost 11 years ago
that pic lacks plot. MLP fanbase ruined me
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343835]@ArteAlen[/url]: Glad you enjoyed it, this one was hard to do, but very fun.
almost 11 years ago
Thank you Jo for your hard work to make us all happy :) And i love melons Btw.