if an FPS rooted enginner makes its own game you pretty much end up with some titanic mecha shooter...........great scott, its already happening, isn't it?
Has anybody else noticed she looks like Kallen from Code Geass? Anyways continuing on from my other earlier comment with some others that came afterwards. Continue the cruelty, we need this dark arc to occur. Would make for an interesting arc and development for engie.
[url=#user_comment_344299]@T[/url]: The likelihood of an indie Engie game being made is rather remote. Unless we're talking about a game by Zone, that is.
So, is this arc taking so long because Jo is waiting for a real Engie indie game in the making? Is he waiting the game to be released to let Engie return?
[url=#user_comment_344296]@Elyseon[/url] I bet that she would be very pleased. In fact, she would be pleased from all sides!
almost 11 years ago
You should have in the end Engie does become a star in a game (but she created it)and becomes very successful and returns all the douchebaggery to Jo.
(like in sonic for hire when tails gets super rich)
[url=#user_comment_344288]@Azulmagia[/url] You've pretty much summed my thoughts.Having 4 new diverse characters with constant personalities is so much better.Sure, before we had 2 Engies but their opinions had to often be complete opposites for the sake of the joke.4 slightly different opinions are better than 2 strict opposites.
Not to say that there isn't comedic potential in having Jo act like a dick, and it isn't like Engie has never been a jerk herself. But still, after a certain point it just gets to be a little much, at least for me.
I don't feel as strongly about this as some of the other people who've left comments, but I do feel sorry for her. And IMHO, the more she suffers in the future the less funny it'll be; I'll just feel even more sorry for her.
almost 11 years ago
I miss engie :(
almost 11 years ago
Putting Engie on a bus may has been the best it has happen to this comic. Engie was like a robot with three settings, "Off", "Fanservice" and "Change personality to adapt to punchline". Now having more characters with constant personalities make then more likeable. But still that cruel/funny.
almost 11 years ago
Now this is just cruel.
@Brennon Austin: As someone who writes mildly, you have to dislike your characters enough to put them through hell for your entertainment.
Why do creators always insist on being cruel to their own characters? Just because you can decide her fate doesn't mean you should run her through the mud for no reason. Is this for character development or do you just not care about the character that you created?
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Breaking News fifteen women were found in @XavierChen's torture dungeon. Authorities report this Sociopathic Sadist regularly abused and terrified his captives. He did not survive his ensuing firefight with the authorities.
almost 11 years ago
meh the new girls are alright but i always liked engie more..
Keep it up Jo, I want to see Engineer at her lowest point and fall to utter desperation. I want to see that face of her when she has lost all hope and knows there is nobody coming to save her. I want her to show me that face of utter defeat and burst in tears, showing her destroyed spirit.
almost 11 years ago
Actually, I do miss her, and like her better than the replacements. come back engie!!!
almost 11 years ago
Engie looks like she hasn't showered in weeks in that first panel.
almost 11 years ago
Hey, I don't mind Engie staying out, but don't be so harsh on her. It's because of her parting that we got our 2 nice girls (and sexy Morgan and Anne).
At least send the other Engie-tan to visit her (I find it amazing how I still remember the other one).
Even though it's April fools day, that's pretty fucking cold.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344264]@Max[/url]: Actually the portuguese pronunciation of the J is more close to the english than to the spanish. The spanish pronunciation of J sound more like a portuguese R. I'm brazilian btw.
You know, you can always find a sugar daddy to help finance you. Sure it seems wrong, but some girls are actually smart enough to use anything to claw to the top.
@Soph Senkai: Sure, the TF2 members are skilled. But they are also insane. I don't think any reasonable employer want to hire an insane engineer. Also engineering =/= coding skills.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
@SophSenkai I suspect the Teams in Team Fortress aren't a legitimate organization. Plus noone is giving her references so Mercing is off the table. Engie doesn't have an engineering degree from an accredited university and her style is hitting things till they work. Neither is resume worthy
Soph Senkai
almost 11 years ago
I may have missed someone say it before, but why is Engie struggling? I mean she is an Engineer after all; not to mention a mercenary, at least one of these professions pay well.
almost 11 years ago
But I miss Engie.. :(
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
All things considered Engie's doing pretty well. Sure it's probably a roach infested 1B in a rundown building and with no AC she has to strip to her undies to code. But she's got a computer and she's got food. Engie is living the life of the average first time on their own adult. Good Job Emgie!