What people are saying about "A Day In New Tristam"
A Day In New Tristam
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almost 11 years ago
Can't touch this!
almost 11 years ago
hey Jo, vote for this arcana:
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344218]@AckAckAck[/url]: "listen mister, I have this sword of deamon killing that keeps me save while I'm alone in the middle of this deamon infested nightmare. you better pay me a mountain of gold if you want me to give it away"
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344212]@noname[/url]: You forget the part where they keep charging us with exorbitant amount of money for weapons we need to kill monsters "Oh, you're the chosen one who's going to safe us all from certain doom? 10,000 GOLDS FOR THIS SWORD!"
almost 11 years ago
Cought: resident evil 4.

Hello stranger!
Citric Thoughts
almost 11 years ago
Any time this subject comes up I inevitably think of Recettear.
almost 11 years ago
or kinda like in jrpgs when you get a quest to go get a npc and he/she is behind a whole buttload of really power monster AND a boss and you think to yourself what is the kid a god or something
almost 11 years ago
He has seen shit...

And no longer gives a fuck about it.
almost 11 years ago
I think it's like what Yahtzee said during his Dark Souls review.

"It's kind of liberating when you know that the world is 100% fucked it cant become 110% fucked based on ANYTHING you do."

So these guys are like "Were doomed sooner or later, might as well just keep doing the job."
almost 11 years ago
this happen so much that he probably knows the undead, demons and the few heroes by name.
almost 11 years ago
Merchant NPC's confirmed for ultimate shield/cloak equipment.
almost 11 years ago
At least it made sense in Skyrim! *tear shirt off and charge a dragon*
almost 11 years ago
Meh, it's a living.

Also, first. :P