What people are saying about "My Fight"
My Fight
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almost 11 years ago
Someone's a fan of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345056]@dealwithit[/url] Obviously he has.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Why is this the only webcomic that doesnt regularly change my link's preview image? I always see the last questionable content or akward zombie or modest medusa comic on the preview screen for the bookmarks on the xbox ie app. But i'm stuck with Nerfnow's image being Cyka getting slapped.
almost 11 years ago
Welp, let me just say...
CAllllllllllled it.
AM with heart can survive a faceless if he hasn't farmed enough, your MoM ain't gonna cut it ^^
almost 11 years ago
Teamfight time- Void references off-panel teammates and Magina has Slar and Venge waiting in the wings.

Either that or it's a 5v1 where AM pops manta, whales on an Int (Rubick or QoP) and murders them all with a Mana Void.
almost 11 years ago
Dammit, they beat me to the JoJo joke.
almost 11 years ago
Either Void owns nothing but Power Treads, Mask of Madness and the Aegis or Anti Mage suddenly has some incredible defense. He doesn't need +armor as he gets a lot of that naturally. So I'd guess Heaven's Halberd, Heart or he's just levels ahead of Void. Or Maybe Vanguard. *shrug*
almost 11 years ago
Mask of MADness. Lol.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345049]@dealwithit[/url]: this is the reason why you are still virgin
almost 11 years ago
Wow that's some nasty acid rain.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345037]@Bromide[/url] Toki o tomare* MUDAHMUDAHMUDAHMUDAHMUDAH WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Soshite toki ga ugoki desu
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345025]@Kiasmato[/url]: its not butterfly , maybe he have HoT because on last panel he look got hit on his body
almost 11 years ago
I'm loving the mask of madness with the bad and mad thing :)
almost 11 years ago
6 Items is better than 3
almost 11 years ago
Magina probably has Heart of Torrasque, remember that he was excellent farmer.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345022]@Somebody[/url]: Actually chronoshphere negates all evasion, so while in chronosphere, if antimage had a butterfly, it wouldn't give him any evasion
almost 11 years ago
LOL no Monkey King Bar on Void
almost 11 years ago
i was here third!