@Kilgore Trout : I know this is a month late but re your comment on Void getting terrorized and squashed...AM sent his team on to keep pushing...so he's effectively soloing all three enemy carries at the same time.
Only thing I can say is http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/f/fd/Dlc_bastion_announcer_event_firstnight_nightstalker01.mp3
almost 11 years ago
Honestly, even with the bug, I wasn't all that impressed at frozen orb. Sure the trash cleared faster, but it was hell on AP and you alway needed to regain arcane power on elites. Even before the nerf, i've liked arcane torrent more, it's still what i'm using until i get some of the legendaries ne
[url=#user_comment_345088]@Somebody[/url] - HoT gives you 1060 hp. 25 lvl Manta HoT Abyssal AM has 2882 hp. Which Butterfly he has 22 armor - 57% dmg reduction + 35% evasion. You need whooping 9026 physical dmg (6686+evasion) to kill him, or 4683 magic dmg. So, yeah, good luck with that.
eh, any time you break the game you find it fun, because you ruin the work of others. Than the "Fun Police" come by and fix it and they get all pissy that their hard work at breaking shit got reverted. Bitchers will get over it or leave, either way fixing the problem called "them".
@Imagine Breaker in the photo notes: Fifth on AM's team is Nightstalker. In the first strip when he was still a little kid he said that he wanted to go gank mid with Nightstalker instead of worrying about creeps.
I just thought of something. If AM is carrying Manta Style and he summons two illusions of himself, will FV's Diffusal Blade work on those? And if so, is he actually not so dumb to have bought it after all?
Also, Void getting hit by Wave of Terror/Slithereen Crush in 3, 2, 1....
Notice how AM has boots of travel, meaning he's going to be 6 slotted already.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
I think the Mass Effect 2 latest Patch {if you havent played your copy since 2012 or so go ahead an boot it up youll see] Nerfed Slam. I used to pick that bonus power just for the Lair of the Shadow Broker mission where it sent the enemies flying off when they bounced into the air but now they dont.