With his BoT, I guess AM can safely tp to his team and finish that big ol' throne. Btw, I hope there will be a great reunion between AM and CM. Or a thanks. Or something. CM worked hard for this win too.
Ancel De Lambert
almost 11 years ago
This arc was making me want to play DOTA again, and then the report jokes started coming, and I remembered why I stopped.
[url=#user_comment_345169]@Kiasmato[/url]: Those 3 are only strong due to their niches and having good escape mechanisms on top of that. If they nerf their ults a bit then they won't be able to just escape whenever they want constantly and they can keep doing what they do in the meta. This will make them not just be pressed "4"
[url=#user_comment_345170]@Serialkillerwhale[/url]: You mean for push, his wolves, necros and if another unit with summons are used in conjunction with howl, towers melt fast.
Lycan isn't overpowered as much as people don't know how to shut him down.
Lycan literally only does physical damage, abuse that, DK for one can laugh him off for the most part.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345155]@Serialkillerwhale[/url]: Not to forget Slardar and Venge are going to help
almost 11 years ago
I wouldn't say TOTALLY balanced, three incredibly strong heroes right now are Naga siren, Ember spirit and Lycan, they all need some tweaks and maybe a small nerf.
Once the Enemy Barracks is destroyed, your side starts spawning "Super Creeps" that do more damage and have higher health, meaning the lanes will push by themselves, not to mention give less farm than normal creeps.
If Nightstalker manages to make multiple racks while Faceless was busy.
Nightstalker as his name implies, is much more dangerous in the night, gaining a major Attackspeed and movespeed boost, it is doubtful that Rubick and Windrunner could stop him, and outright impossible if he's farmed enough.
He's likely going in for the Faceless team's Barracks right now.
Preemptive explanation!
Antimage was merely the distraction.
Remember, we've already noted that Nightstalker's one of the heroes on AM's team, note how the day just turned to night in the last page.
That's Nightstalker's Ultimate, "Darkness", which forces the in-game clock to switch to night.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Meanwhile Cyka is going to take this oppertunity to leave Void to his suffering maybe grab some lunch with some people who won't slap her around like say her mortal enemies. {they'd just try to kill her]