Haha! Just had to say that this was great! Boarding crews are the best until your teleporter gets hacked or you run into one of those unmanned drones. But you can always use Lanius crew for them :)
over 10 years ago
Could be worse, at least it wasn't a Lanius ship :p
Oh dear god... This would make for one hell of a short story based horror film... So long as they get good enough actors (or artists) to show the actual moment where her crew comes into contact with all those rabid Mantises and see the utter "... oh crap..." moment in perfect clarity.
I still have to beat the game on Hard.
Mantis <3 <3 <3
Although it seems Lanius are better boarders after all :<
Bomb weapons aimed at Boss Shield system work wonders for your las0r-based ship. Cloak is a necessity though, can't argue:<
There should be pikes on which to mount the skulls of defeated foes, to stop those pesky shipmates from interfering with my acquiring their ships for scrap.
Really, every single other captain in that universe deserves to die.
over 10 years ago
Look at that baguette raping the Jump button, that is some nice fanservice!