What people are saying about "Copyrighted Content"
Copyrighted Content
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almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
Because of those dumb copyright laws, there should be more streaming services that is not based in 'murica.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349482]@Frost[/url]: People "abandoned" JustinTV because they made a new site called Twitch for streaming your games.
almost 10 years ago
Twitch aren't doing this because they want to (it's also worth noting that they aren't using Google's Content ID system), they're doing it because of dumb laws.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349484]@Anonymous[/url]: And once that happens, it will go the exact same route. Because once you start getting big, then people who own copyrights will start noticing when their shit is used.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349481]@AsteriskCGY[/url]: hitbox.tv is what you meant, and it's getting there. Good quality streams, which is all anybody really wants out of their broadcasts. All it takes is for people to catch onto it, and it'll be just as strong as Twitch.
almost 10 years ago
It is correct to use the word "has" in second panel rather than "have", because the word "Audio" is collective singular. Similar to words such as "money"
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349476]@SteventheSlayer[/url]: There are no better alternatives. Why do you think gaming streams abandoned Ustream and JustinTV?
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
when I heard twitch was being bought out by google, I had thought they had learned their lesson from fucking with youtube, guess I was wrong, in the worst possible way.
almost 10 years ago
It's not like Twitch was all that good to begin with, nor is there no reasonable and better alternatives. Please, for the love of all things good, use something other than twitch.
almost 10 years ago
I really hate this change. I am subbed to multiple people just so that i can view their VODs, since their streaming times are late in the night. it really sucks when i see a new vod, click on it and see that the first 45 minutes are muted. This is the start of Twitch's downfall.
almost 10 years ago
Games themselves are copyrighted content, all the video player needs is a tweak in the code and everyone can stream the same dreaded "copyright violation" page. The site will hit it's peak of popularity when that gets added in definitely.
almost 10 years ago
The same thing happened with Youtube and within a month people stopped caring.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349446]@Snadzies[/url]: This has nothing to do with ad money (yet), what's happening is Twitch is taking its VODs (recordings of previous livestreams) and are muting sections of them that get a content match with Google's ContentID database.
almost 10 years ago
Streamers pay to use twitch.

Most streams SPEND money to stream, don't win nothing.

And some censored VODS are charitable marathons (Necrothon, Vinesauce Pediatric Cancer run). Or even from the official channels of some games (dota 2 TI VODS) which had only game music.

Sure, not bad
almost 10 years ago
The long term issue is not the ContentID systems, but how they are being abused. Instead of creating a system to bring IP holders and possible customers together, IP holders are slapping people in the face and creating resentment. ContentID should be help to work out Revenue sharing, not full takes.
almost 10 years ago
Right now Jo's saying "It can be this bad", which means he's agreeing with Anne. Makes more sense for him to say "It can't be this bad".
almost 10 years ago
It's funny cuz internet rage is a mix of people true opinions mixed with arrogant jerks and a bit politics. Probably why it is often disregarded.
almost 10 years ago
Haven't gone to Twitch singe the news broke that Google was going to buy Twitch.
Saw it coming a mile away and there was no way in hell I was going to let them make any ad money from me.