What people are saying about "In The Bag"
In The Bag
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over 10 years ago
@lolis r the best: silly people, why would they buy bishops if old cheap pawns outperform them?
over 10 years ago
@lolis r the best: Inaccurate comparison. Not having champs in League doesn't eliminate in-game resources.
lolis r the best
over 10 years ago
The special version of Chess where you get no bishops is not pay 2 win. I played for 4 months with no bishops against other players who had paid for bishops, and now I have bishops without paying for them. See!
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352781]@Killerhunt[/url]: It never was pay2win. It's really easy to earn in-game currency and the only things you need money for are skins. There's a reason why you only need two or three games to unlock the easy champs permanently.
over 10 years ago
Actually, since ranked now has an alternate order for picks, it's possible to know who will go where. Of course, someone may ignore all of this and compete for a given lane, but it's uncommon.
over 10 years ago
Yet another Dota comic that requires knowing things from the game to actually understand the joke. Yaaaaaaaay.

I'm sorry, last I checked, this was a general game comic, not a Dota circlejerk.
Chilling Farts
over 10 years ago
"Mid or feed", as said on Cyka 2.

And reports are useless, intentional AFK is not included. Valve even awards you instead (insert Tano Pasman meme here)
over 10 years ago
Plus, even accounting for the usual toxicness of MOBA games, people who required effort to "unlock" their accounts to play for free would be more likely to be wary of getting banned now, would they?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352781]@Killerhunt[/url]: As a player who unlocked a (small) selection of the champs he wanted in 4 months, and grinded three rune pages in the next 4 months... pay to win? Srsly?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352781]@Killerhunt[/url]: As a person who got the heroes he desired in 4 months, grinded a default runepage in the next 4, and got "almost all the rest" champs afterwards, all without spending a single cent... I really wonder just WHY "pay to win" can be used as an insult to LOL in the first place...
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352773]@Geary[/url]: cool! , and what about the champions? are they all made available or is it still pay to win?....thought so
over 10 years ago
Once I saw someone in the enemy team with a 32-streak. But I suppose he used a glitch or something to avoid breaking the streak....
over 10 years ago
This is why you premade!
over 10 years ago
@Gas Bandit: You might be happy to know the LoL now has a Team Builder so you can choose your role, lane, and champ and get matched up with a team based on that.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352768]@dealwithit[/url]: Amen.
over 10 years ago
IMO the victory prediction thing is kind of useless, since it's basically impossible to accurately predict who will win based on nothing but the hero picks. I guess maybe if you took Rosh or got First Blood before the 0 minute mark you might have some idea of how the game will go.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352759]@Nekomimi[/url]: QOP is the hero being played. (Queen Of Pain)
over 10 years ago
This is one of the reasons I stopped playing League of Legends. Assholes during selection saying "Solo mid or feed." (Translation - I get the middle lane, on my own, or I'm going to sabotage us over and over by letting the enemy kill me and level up fast)
over 10 years ago
My longest winning streak is 9 :P
over 10 years ago
I got 22 winning bet strikes however it doesn't match with winning streak. I bet only when I go my best counterpicking midders or carries :)
Also the game when my streak ended was first day of 6.82 patch when new PL smashed out our team and we were throwing dusts on him lol. I was SF
over 10 years ago
Report QOP?

I thought your nick ingame is NerfNow?
over 10 years ago
Link to Steam group discussion for today's comic:

over 10 years ago
I think that the highest prediction streak I ever had going was five. At this point I don't predict a win unless it looks like a REALLY sure thing, like if my team has a PA and a Void and the other team had somebody AFK during the picking phase who lost most of their gold or something.
over 10 years ago
oh my god no !
i'm exactly at 9 prediction !
and i see this ?? ><
over 10 years ago
I've gotten 8 win streak playing only techies before. :s
over 10 years ago
Focussing on a single hero and lane will rather sooner than later end every win streak, because this only works if nobody else on your team does the same.
The new "All Hero Challenge" makes things even worse if you play All Pick.
Your best bet for playing to win is to be as flexible as possible.
over 10 years ago
I feel you Jo. Just the day before yesterday I achieved 6 victories in a row. But as[url=#user_comment_352743][url=#user_comment_352743] @Eldaln[/url][/url] said, it's way, way easier (and more entertaining) if you play with people you know. Playing on your local server helps a lot too. Lag is hard.
over 10 years ago
I don't know for you Jo, but I exclusively play with people I know, with sometimes one or two pick-ups if needed, but never more. That doesn't guarantee you a win, but at least you'll have fun, and even if your teammates fuck up, you know you can reason with them and elaborate true strategies
over 10 years ago
I achieve higher winstreaks by dodging toxic lobbies. :>

If I see so much as one person dodging the chat filter to say "nagger", "bech", or "f4gt" in lobby, I joyously dodge and leave that loss to some other unlucky soul.
over 10 years ago
My highest (and first) streak was 7 in a row. The trick is to speak a lot on picking phase to get if you're with good or stupid teammates.