What people are saying about "Soulless Corporation"
Soulless Corporation
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 10 years ago
I'm seeing the fixed version on the front page. Try deleting your browser's cache and reloading the page.
over 10 years ago
I just noticed something. When Jo fixes a typo in a comic, fixed version of that comic appears only in the comments section, while the, um, "front" version remains the original one with the typo. I assume that's not intended?
over 10 years ago
And remember when you could expect to get a single rare from opening a chest? Hmm.... Be grateful X3
over 10 years ago
Thank god for that Hazama, I'd though everyone went insane desperately searching for depth in a 3 panel comedy, we really don't need fiction/opinions about a comic to try and get internet cred.
over 10 years ago
In response to all these people discussing the depth of characters in a video game comedy comic...

Hehe, there was boobs and jokes...
over 10 years ago
Oh, I have not yet begun to sound pretentious. Count yourself lucky there's a character limit.

I also seem to recall Jo specifically looking for more feedback on the comic in a recent post of his.
over 10 years ago
I hope you realize just how horrendously pretentious that sounded...

Or perhaps this works better: Cool story bro.
over 10 years ago
I'd say engie was a (slightly) deeper character, but only because she was a mouthpiece of the author and inheirited that depth from him. Of course that also meant the moment TentaJo appeared in the comic as his own character, she started to become redundant.
over 10 years ago
The new characters are varied, but they're all pretty one-dimensional on an individual basis. The real value in them is derived from their interactions with each other. While they are entertaining, they still play out in a fairly predictable manner most of the time.
over 10 years ago
Sad? Progress is sad? Eugh, that mentality bloody disgusts me, it's what keeps the status quo in Hollywood series the same across several seasons because "oh no, some people can't cope with change!"

Learn to deal with change better than you're doing so far, or you'll run into trouble.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352905]@ToxicAtom[/url]: Sad? Progress is sad? Eugh, that mentality bloody disgusts me, it's what keeps the status quo in Hollywood series the same across several seasons because "oh no, some people can't cope with change!" Learn to deal with change better than you're doing so far, or you'll run into trouble.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352905]@ToxicAtom[/url]: Sad? Progress is sad? Eugh, that mentality bloody disgusts me, it's what keeps the status quo in Hollywood series the same across several seasons because "oh no, some people can't cope with change!" Learn to deal with change better than you're doing so far, or you'll run into trouble.
over 10 years ago
@Alvaro Augusto Peixoto Junior: It's sad that in the year-or-so run the new girls had, they've had more character development than Engie did her entire run. Maybe "Sad" isn't the correct term. I feel "Bittersweet" fits better. It's great to see that Jo is expanding his writing talent, but for what?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352888]@ravensshade[/url] The question for the meaning of life is a trap. Living beings give things a meaning. Life gives life a meaning. So life is the meaning of life because else no one would care. If that answer was not satisfying for you take "42" as answer instead. Also: GIVE DIRETIDE ! ... soon.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352888]@ravensshade[/url] The question for the meaning of life is a trap. Living beings give things a meaning. Life gives life a meaning. So life is the meaning of life because else no one would care. If that answer was not satisfying for you take "42" as answer instead. Also: GIVE DIRETIDE ! ... soon.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352888]@ravensshade[/url] The question for the meaning of life is a trap. Living beings give things a meaning. Life gives life a meaning. So life is the meaning of life because else no one would care. If that answer was not satisfying for you take "42" instead. Also: GIVE DIRETIDE ! ... soon™
Serial Killer Seniors
over 10 years ago
Hey Jo you should make a comic about Earth Spirit.
Johnny Whoa
over 10 years ago
Whoops, it only just occurred to me this was about DOTA 2, not TF2. Okay yeah, shut up whiner-Anne on that one xD
Johnny Whoa
over 10 years ago
This is a nice way to look at it for newer players, but I, and probably a large portion of their player audience, did buy the game, so it feels like getting cheated a bit. Granted, I don't personally play much anymore, but it's very frustrating to come back after months away and get just crates.
over 10 years ago
No, they're basically hitler because they're doing their best to suck as much money as possible from the consumers yet pass on as little of that profit as possible to the actual developers. Who gives one FUCK about their stupid pixellated hats?
over 10 years ago
Man, this comment section sure is full of a lot of dumb. People who are mad because the comic is about DOTA2, people who are mad because the comic is not about TF2, people who are racist, bigoted, or otherwise small minded... Oh wait, right, this is that excellent gamer culture we have been keeping.
over 10 years ago
I got 2 hat drops in 2 days... I like this new drop system
over 10 years ago
and completely forgetting that they released a major balance patch as well as being promised more content.

only ones complaining are the jews since they wont be able to $$$ this month.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352883]@Type99[/url]: but what if they find out that the meaning of life is complaining about life?
over 10 years ago
Morgan is easily becoming my favorite character of the bunch. Sorry, Engie.
over 10 years ago
Thread with my thoughts is here:

over 10 years ago
Well, it's all about setting expectations. When a firm has a free to play game, they set certain expectations about how that game will be run. They're "psychological contracts." When the firm realizes, "oh crap, this isn't sustainable" they have to do something about it but-<continue rant>
over 10 years ago
ded gaem
over 10 years ago
Pretty sure it'll be easier for humanity to discover the meaning of life compared to stopping the internet from complaining.
over 10 years ago
She looks fine in the third panel, though.
over 10 years ago
I'm going to be that asshole that drops unsolicited artistic critique on your doorstep:

Anne-Marie's proportions look very strange (off-model?) in panel two. Her head is unusually large compared to the rest of her body, and her arms appear to be different lengths.
over 10 years ago
Valve: The best company with the worst fanbase. Gagen must have the biggest patience in the world to put up with this...
over 10 years ago
Godwins Law!

Discussion over.
over 10 years ago
*googling "Diretide"*
*looks at results*

Why should we even care about it? It's DOTA2 stuff.

More TF2, please?
over 10 years ago
People who keep demanding more free stuff when they already received a lot of free stuff are an ungrateful bunch.
over 10 years ago
I think they should at least make all weapons [aside from reskins] drop.
over 10 years ago
Anne-Marie has hard time spelling. 'Than' instead of 'then', 'exacly' instead of 'exactly', 'terrible' instead of 'awesome'...
over 10 years ago
If anything the items have spiraled out of control, at least for tf2. There seriously needs to be either a mass pruning of either all the past community non-weapon items, or more scrutiny when releasing particularly silly shit
over 10 years ago
In the 2nd panel, "than" should be "then"