What people are saying about "Power Is The Only Beauty"
Power Is The Only Beauty
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over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353115]@Elyseon[/url] for him to cheat he would have to be in an affective relationship with Zone. He is a rape victim, not a lover.
over 10 years ago
You're cheating on Zone now? Baaaaad tentacle!
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353111]@Frost[/url]: Entire script of Shrek: Shrek is love, Shrek is life. There, done.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353102]@Redthirst[/url]: It's there so I can't post the entire script of Shrek.
over 10 years ago
(continues) but many carries, like sven, slardar, clinkz, tony, etc need less supporting for either survival or getting kills, and can come fully online when dusa is only either tanky (ignore her) or a glass cannon (just burst her), but before she's both tanky and hitting hard.
Oh, and Stampede :D
over 10 years ago
@Jo if you have a teamfight-oriented lineup and Sone Gaze is killing your tfs, it's time to go back to bots :3
Thing about dusa lane is that she has to be babysat. No escape, no lockdown. She can't kill something, and a 2-man rotation easily kills her. She's a strong laner compared to Spectre or AM
over 10 years ago
nah i still prefer windranger, she is forever me waifu...<3<3
over 10 years ago
All hail the meta for truly hard carries.... and Omniknights.
over 10 years ago
CM is my most played hero, I love her to death. I was apocalypticly upset when she lost her 1st round in the arcana vote.
over 10 years ago
Why is there even a character limit? Anyways, in mid-late game, if you can use you Frostbite+Nova you already contributed. Also, you need to think differently about dying on support. If the enemy team focuses you down first, that's great, because they blow some spells and their time on you.
over 10 years ago
Well, with CM(and other supports as well) you score doesn't matter. You can go 0-10 and contribute a lot by warding everything. Plus, she's really strong in early game. So with right lane partner, you can dominate the lane. Or you can push the enemy out of XP range by spamming novas.
over 10 years ago
I, on the other hand, can only play sup. Everytime I go carry, bad things happen, XD. And whenever I want to win, Jakiro is what I pick.

over 10 years ago
Dusa fanservice plx! ;)
over 10 years ago
Dusa is as "good in all phases of the game" as riki.
Untick russian servers pls.
over 10 years ago
Best cm can do is like go farm jungle since frostbite last long on creeps and try get a midas buuuuuuuuuuuuuut
Even then you probaly will fall behind since cm is made of paper
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353084]@blueriver[/url]: I think Stone Gaze and Mystic Snake are a pain in a teamfight. She is definitely a strong laner compared with other carries, and can farm well with splitshot at mid game. We all know she is strong late. This is why I say she is strong at all phases.
over 10 years ago
Jo, dusa isn't strong on early-mid game. Yes, she has some control, but until late game she can mostly be ignored in teamfights (though not farm-wise). She depends on your team either making space for her so she can come online early or hanging on to the match so that she actually reaches late game.
over 10 years ago
You follow the right path. Keep it up.