So, Morgan turn-on is theorycrafting. Alex's is crushing enemies. Jane's is achievement whoring. Judging by previous comic, what is Mary-Ann's turn on?
I find it exceedingly difficult to get excited about new Hearthstone cards. With a game like Magic, I know that I'll be able to buy and trade for the cards directly. With Hearthstone, I know I won't get most of the cards for a long time (unless I pay $300+), so theory crafting is pointless.
@Mr.Lemon - It actually got its advantages and disavantages. For one you can browse porn freely and say youre looking for "references of the female anatomy"... on the other hand you end drawing so much porn you kinda become numb to it <.> i know from experience
[url=#user_comment_354555]@Anonymous[/url]: It's a gag based on how lots of things like to censor Cigarettes by making them Lollipops.
Ancel De Lambert
over 10 years ago
I tried playing Hearthstone. It really only taught me two things. Blizzard still sucks ass and their DRM can blow me, and I still hate card games and they still reward those with the money to buy more cards.
I really dislike those new cards. There's one effect sticking out of most of them, it's "random" which isn't good. There's always some part of RNG in card games, but making game deciding cards have RNG elements isn't good, imho. "Flip a coin, heads you win." That's what they seem to me.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354555]@Anonymous[/url]: I think it's meant to be a reference to Bayonetta, I remember her quite liking Lollipops too.
@Klint Izwudd: There is mana cost attached to each card. You get 1 mana crystal each turn. That means that, based on mana cost of particular card, you can see which cards can be used when.