What people are saying about "Achievement Whore"
Achievement Whore
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over 10 years ago
So would the YouPorn team be made of literal achievement whores? :P
over 10 years ago
...In other news, Jo has not gotten laid in the last week. d;
over 10 years ago
YouPorn is sponsoring an E-Sport team? I can see it now, Team YouPorn vs Team KKK in the Finals for League of Legends's Banned from MLG Invitational.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354609]@Narf[/url]: OMG we have to read titles now to get the joke. This comic is so bad, I don't want to have to read titles to get the joke :( /sarcasm
over 10 years ago
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person who does not care about achievements at all.
over 10 years ago
...geeze. This is making me feel bad for not going after all the achievements in a game. Thanks a bunch, Jo. >.>
over 10 years ago
Maybe YouPorn thought thought that the e stood for erotic or sports was short for watersports.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354601]@Lien[/url]: The title of the strip might be a teeny-tiny hint...
over 10 years ago
Yes, Achievements Whores are actually Saints from the perspective of backlog games. If you gotta catch'em all (the achievments), then all those abandoned games still have a chance of redemption.

I only go achievement whore-mode when I really like a game.
over 10 years ago
I don't... get it? Is this a joke about achievement whore or something? If it is it's kinda of a stretch...

Maybe have the last panel say the word achievement before whore?
over 10 years ago
So that's what you do with your effigy...
over 10 years ago
I always assume steam achievement manager comes into play when a friend suddenly clears a game they haven't played in years.
over 10 years ago
Wild DLC achievements appeared! Video game violently pulled down from heaven!
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354593]@Rockman[/url] Youporn sponsor them because they are fucked by the big ones?
over 10 years ago
Aww, for a sec I though Engie has finished her game :(
over 10 years ago
that team is supposedly C or D tier aka tier 3 or 4 or b grade or whatever.

Basically mostly mid-low level team. you won't likely see them in the high profile tournaments unless they get better. they'll probably be forgotten about in a month or so.
over 10 years ago
Yes, this Youporn thing is actually true. If you do a bit of searching on r/Dota2smut, you'll find a Youporn link to the video the team had to do as part of their deal with YP.
over 10 years ago
I don't know about the youporn team but we may have a fakku team in the future.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354577]@Zippy[/url]: Or a trophy whore.
over 10 years ago
Ever hear of the term "Achievement Whore"?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354577]@Zippy[/url]: Achievement whore. :)
over 10 years ago
2 Things why is she a whore to the games?

Also damn it, if games didn't have crap multiplayer achievements then I could save them too!